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On the Road - All Time Low


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I request jack gets worse and then Alex decides to hide how bad he feels so they can focus on jack and then once jack is a little better Alex passes out in Zack's arms and ends up waking up in the hospital with over a 104 degree fever.

Holy crap! are you trying to kill All Time Low!?!

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no I'm not trying to kill them if they died the story would be angst not illness they make it to the hospital and make a full recovery if that's any consolation.

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Um... I'm sorry I probably won't be doing anything that extreme... I'm actually trying to round this off and find a good place to finish it! But if it's any consolation I do have more misery planned for Jack. Thanks for all the comments though, it's nice to know people are still reading this even though I've been horrible with the updating cause life just keeps getting in the way :D So without further ado:

Part 7

Forty minutes later the two of them were seated with Rian, Matt, Jeff, and Danny at the small table, each with some variation on takeout.

“So what’s the plan for tomorrow?” Rian asked.

“Well there’s the interview that Alex and Jack were meant to do, think you and Zack can do it instead though?” Matt frowned as he looked over the two sick members of the band.


“I cand go!” Alex cut in over their drummer.

“But you’re not going to.” Matt told him firmly. “And there’s the signing that we’ve still gotta make a decision on whether we need to cancel or postpone it.” Although Alex was putting up a fight about being left out of everything which suggested that maybe he was well enough to do some of it, Jack seemed not to be paying any attention to the conversation, instead just sitting there listlessly stirring at his dinner and occasionally muffling coughs or sneezes into his jumper.

“If you guys aren’t up to it then it’s better to skip it or at least wait a couple of days.” That was Jeff talking although Danny quickly took over.

“Yeah, better than having to cancel a show ‘cause you can’t do it.”

“We’re ndot cancelling andythi’g,” Alex protested with a scowl, looking like he was ready to continue until he was cut off by a set of wet sneezes. Matt just rolled his eyes. Generally being their manager was great, they were always eager to do things and everything went pretty smoothly most of the time. Of course that all seemed to go out the window when they got sick and he was suddenly trying to manage a couple of little kids…

“You’re not doing the interview and we’ll make a call on the signing tomorrow, okay? Jack have you eaten anything?” Matt asked. The guitarist looked up at the sound of his name and after a moment’s processing nodded slowly, raising the spoon to his mouth. If he actually had that was news to Matt, so far the tour manager hadn’t seen anything else actually enter Jack’s mouth but if reminding him would get him to eat something then that would have do.

“Heh’mptchh! Im’fft!” Danny silently handed over a few tissues and Jack lowered his sleeve from his face, taking them and gently blowing his nose before speaking. “We cad do stuff Batt.” The tour manager just ignored him, finishing off his dinner and getting up.

Pulling out his phone he quickly dialled and held it to his ear, figuring it was better to confirm that Rian and Zack were doing the interview instead now rather than in the morning when he might have two of them putting up a fight about it.

When Jack woke up the next morning he was alone, or at least Alex wasn’t in bed with him and he couldn’t hear anyone else nearby. He had foggy memories of Rian carrying him to bed after he dozed through a movie but couldn’t really remember too much of the previous night and so couldn’t remember if everyone had gone somewhere or if they were all just being really quiet.

Heh…. Ishh’uh!” He sniffled and registered that his face was leaking disgustingly. This was, what, day four? Shouldn’t he be starting to feel less like he was dying by now? But nope, he felt just as terrible as the day before. With far too much effort he managed to shove himself so he was sitting and fumbled around in the semi-dark for a few tissues which he used to somewhat clean up his face before shoving open the curtain and wincing in the bright light.

He had been right, there didn’t seem to be anyone else in the bunk area. As he stood up he shot a hand out to hold onto the bunk above his until the world stopped spinning around him before slowly rummaging through their ‘junk bunk’ to find cleanish jeans and a jacket. No matter how crappy he felt it was past time for a shower. He shuffled down the hall, hearing voices in the front lounge/kitchen thing, and stumbling a few times. Something was really up with his balance today…

Nevertheless he made it to the bathroom and managed to shower without too much trouble, only suffering through one coughing fit that hurt like hell but managed to remove a little of the crap from his lungs and a few tired sneezes before he was finished. Feeling slightly more human he left the bathroom twenty minutes later and went to check where everyone else was.

“Hey! Thought I heard you get up.” Alex grinned from where he was sitting at the table with a steaming mug. His nose was still red and his hair was sticking up and tangled but he had some colour back and his voice sounded slightly better than it had the day before.


“You finally made it up. How’re you doing?” Matt asked as he looked round sharply from where he was sitting facing Alex. Jack just shrugged, sniffing and sliding in to sit next to Alex.

“You better?” He asked softly, trying to avoid hurting anything more than it already was.

“Gettigg there, you stihh… ih’shoo! Still dond’t look so good. Up for today? Zack a’d Ri already left for the indterview.”

“Yup.” Jack mumbled in response, accepting the glass of juice Matt shoved across to him but shaking his head at the offer of cereal.

“Alex maybe you’re feeling up to signing stuff for hours but he seriously doesn’t look like it.”

“I cad do it. ‘s just sitti’g writi’g Batt.” The manager rolled his eyes and got up, returning a minute later with the thermometer and some variation on the drugs they’d been feeding him for days that really didn’t seem to be doing a hell of a lot.

“Okay, same deal I made with Alex. Under 100 and it’s up to you, over and you’re staying here.”

Jack quickly gauged how feverish he was feeling. Not like right after the last show where he could barely stand and couldn’t stop shaking, but still like his skin was hot and sensitive so probably over Matt’s threshold. “Hu’dred a’d ode.”

Matt reached over and handed Alex the instrument to stick in Jack’s ear. “Compromise, hundred point five and you’re staying.” Jack just scowled; while he thought his fever was probably under 101 he wasn’t sure how much under and didn’t really want to agree to something that might end up with him having to sit out.

They sat in silence until the thermometer beeped and Alex pulled it out.

“100.4.” He read with a smile. “So that’s sorted thend.”

“Jack you’re not actually feeling up to going are you? You look like shit.”

“I’b feeli’g… ah’ehshoo! Fide.” Jack lied stubbornly, finishing his juice and standing to let Alex past. Their tour manager just gave them both a frustrated look but disappeared back to the bunk area, presumably reading or something until it was time to leave. Alex also left but reappeared a moment later with his straightener and a bottle of hairspray, plugging the iron in and trying to fix his hair, swearing when he sneezed and burned his finger.

“You probably wandda do sombethingg with your hair too. At least wear a hat.” Alex looked in the mirror, laughing as Jack came over to look at his own reflection and made a face when he saw his hair sticking up all over the place and looking like he hadn’t brushed or straightened it in days.

“Cad I borrow your straighteder?”

“Use your ownd, we’ve gotta leave ind twendty.” Alex answered quickly. Jack sighed but retrieved his own stuff from his bunk, trying to ignore the disapproval he could feel emanating from Matt as he walked past.


So there you go, hope you enjoyed it! :) As always please comment and let me know what you thought!

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Hey! :) I have a bit more if people still want to read more of this so i'll try round it off a little better if you guys want? Thanks for the comments and letting me know you're still reading!

Part 8

A few hours later the four band members were seated at a long table with an unbelievable line of people queuing to get them to sign CDs, pictures, notebooks, and a variety of other things. For some reason Jack had ended up in the middle of Alex and Rian with Zack on their drummer’s other side and while it was useful ‘cause he and Alex just dumped a box of tissues on the table between them and a bin under it, Rian kept shooting him worried looks every time he coughed or sniffled.

Hht’shoo! K’shhh!” Apologising quietly to the girl standing in front of him, Jack grabbed a tissue, turning around and giving his nose a gurgling blow and hoping it didn’t sound as revolting to everyone else as it did to him. As he turned back around he saw worried glance number three hundred and something from his left. He sighed and smiled in what he hoped was an attractive way to the girl in front of him as she stammered out her name and he scribbled a quick message on the shirt in front of him. “Ri, stop it. Ndot dyi’g.” The drummer rolled his eyes but returned his attention to his own line. “Hep’tschhuh!”

“Ble-Heh-kish’uh! Bless you.” Alex laughed from his other side.

“Excuse me.” Jack heard Rian say softly from his left, followed almost immediately by chair legs scraping against the floor and a hand tugging on his jacket. He really didn’t want to get up. Despite the fact his whole body was feeling pretty shaky and he wasn’t entirely sure he was going to be able to stand without embarrassing himself considering how shit his balance had been all day, any form of movement was sure to send cold air against his skin and end up with him shivering pathetically like he had when he’d gone to get a bottle of water from Matt. “Jack! I need to talk to you.”

“Busy.” The guitarist caught the death glare coming from behind him and noticed Zack smirking his head off from a little way down the table. “Fide.” He grumbled, quickly excusing himself from the fan in front of him and following Rian out of earshot of the table.

“Jack go back to the bus.” Rian ordered.


“I’ve been listening to you try not to die for the last hour and a half. Well done, you did a whole bunch of autographs, now go.”

“I’b stayi’g. Pehh… Hi’kisshh! People cobe frob ages away to see us, I cad badage for a while lo’ger.” He sniffed and coughed lightly, rubbing his hands up his arms to try to generate some more warmth. Rian looked over at the lines and back at his friend, nodding sharply and slipping off his hoodie which was considerably warmer, if less cool looking, than Jack’s light jacket.

“You’re shaking.”

“Tha’ks.” The guitarist mumbled, taking it and slipping it on as they went back to their seats.

“Just please don’t get snot on it.”

As the afternoon wore on Jack was even more grateful for Rian’s jumper. It was getting cooler and he was definitely feeling more shivery than earlier. Thankfully they were nearly at the end of the lines, Zack was already done. He was pretty sure that there were a few fans who had made their way through all four lines and some had even asked Matt and Danny who were standing off to the side to sign various things too. He coughed wetly into his shoulder, bringing on concerned look number over five hundred from Rian, and was rewarded by Zack pressing a water bottle into his hand. Twisting off the cap, he gulped down a third of it without even bothering to breathe, setting the bottle next to him as he turned back to his own line. Somehow his seemed even longer than Alex’s although he might have just been working slower.

Eventually though, he reached the last fan.

“T-thank you!” She was smiling so hard he thought her face might actually split and with a quick glance at her notebook he confirmed that she’d really done the rounds that afternoon, already having Alex, Rian, and Zack’s signatures as well as Matt’s scribbled autograph. Jack gave her a tired smile and wished her a good day, sighing in relief as she left. Almost immediately a hand was pressed to his forehead.

“You’re an idiot.” Rian commented, raising an eyebrow at the heat and leaning back to half-sit on the table.

“Told you I could fidish.” Jack gave a weak smile at Rian’s incredulous expression.

“Don’t bother, I’m starting to think he actually doesn’t understand how to take it easy.” Matt’s voice drifted across as he came towards them. “Let’s just get back to the bus.”

The next three days passed much the same, Alex gradually improving until only a slight cough reminded them he'd been sick. Jack on the other hand, didn't seem to be getting any better. He was making it through shows, somehow summoning his usual energy while on stage, but crashing pretty much as soon as they got off, leaving the others to wave goodbye to fans and once even having to be carried back to the bus after he fell asleep on the couch backstage.

Wednesday afternoon found him sitting in bed playing cards with Alex and Zack.

Hh… ptschh! Fuck!” Jack moaned softly, rubbing his fingers gently over his face as he did so.

“Really not shaking this thing are you? What’s it been, a week now?” Zack frowned and reached his fingers over to feel Jack’s forehead. He’d been running a pretty consistent lowish fever for the last few days although it still tended to go up at night, worse on the two that they’d had concerts. “I give up, I’m gonna go check out what’s round here.” He put down his cards, giving up on the game after being thoroughly beaten in the last two and this one going no better. “Try get some rest before the show tonight, kay?” Jack nodded. Alex picked up Zack’s cards and began to shuffle them back into the deck along with his own. Holding out his hand for Jack’s he put the deck back in its case and chucked it up onto their ‘junk bunk.’


“Can’t play with two, besides you should take a nap or something, you’ve been yawning for the last hour.” Alex shuffled up to the top of the bed and bullied Jack into lying down, pulling the blankets over the both of them. He gently ran his fingers across the dark shadows under his friend’s eyes although withdrew his hand sharply when the slight pressure caused Jack to wince in pain. Instead he lay down too, curling his arm over Jack’s chest.

“Sleepi’g too mbuch andyway. Don’dt ndeed mbore.” The guitarist coughed roughly and from his position pressed close to him Alex could hear the junk still clogging up his chest. Not as bad as it had been a couple of days ago but still worse than it should be after an entire week.

“Don’t be an idiot and just take a damn nap already. We’re meant to be talking to someone or other before the show tonight and they wanted all of us if you’re up to it.” Alex did make sense, even if it wasn’t what his friend wanted to hear. Jack sighed and nodded, closing his eyes and curling up with his head pressed into Alex’s neck. Between the cough that wouldn’t go away, not being able to breathe through his nose, and the pain through his face, he really wasn’t sleeping very well at night which left him pretty much ready to take a nap whenever it was practical. After a few minutes though he was still fidgeting uncomfortably. “What’s up?”

“K’ishoo! Engschhh! Hurts…” Jack whimpered softly and in response Alex shuffled down so he was at eye level with his friend. Jack looked so absolutely miserable he was willing to try just about anything to try to get him to feel better. After a minute’s thought something occurred to him.

“Hang on for a sec, kay? I’ll be right back.” He carefully slipped out of bed, quickly heading for the bathroom and returning a few minutes later with a warm damp facecloth. Sitting back down, he folded the material before placing it carefully across the top of his friend’s face. “Might help, you’re not due for more meds for at least an hour.”

Jack just nodded sleepily, cuddling up to Alex as he climbed back under the covers and pulled the curtain shut to darken the small area.


There you go :) hope you're still enjoying it and as always please let me know what you thought!

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I'm really enjoying this! I love the scenario of people, especially musicians/actors/etc., having to push through their illness (and getting worse because of it), and all the caretaking afterward. I'm looking forward to reading however much more you decide to write!

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Haha thanks for the encouragement everyone :D And happy holidays! There's probably one more part after this to round it all off. Hope you like it :)

Part 9

“That’s it; he’s going to a doctor tomorrow.” Matt sighed when he pulled open the curtain enough to see his guitarist curled up against his singer, the cloth still resting over Jack’s face. “Is his fever back up?”

“Nah, well no higher than it's been all day. I thought it might help with his sinuses, they’re really playing up.” Alex answered quietly, his fingers absentmindedly playing with his friend’s hair.

“Yeah, he’s probably got some kind of infection and performing won’t have been helping.”

“Probably not…” Alex agreed with a frown. “But there’s no way he’d agree to stay off or let us cancel a show if he can possibly get on stage.”

“I know. I’ll go call a doctor and sort out a time to take him in. For now just keep him resting until it’s time to leave will you?”

“Can do.”

“Hey… dude wake up…” Alex’s voice dragged Jack out of sleep. Sniffling and whining as he began to wake up, he buried his face into his Alex’s neck. “Hey… wha’ssup?”

“I’b tired of bei’g sick…” Jack whispered, voice sounding close to tears. Alex carefully wrapped his arms around his best friend, pulling him into a gentle hug.

“Just gotta make it through one more night.” He murmured into Jack’s hair. “We’re taking you to the doctor tomorrow.” It was a testament to how miserable he was that Jack just nodded unhappily. He generally hated doctors, even more so after they started touring, something about not wanting to be recognised as the gross sick person while advertising or anything. That was probably just an excuse though; he distinctly remembered Jack hating medical professionals even before the band had taken off.

“Hey, are you two getting- what’s up?” Rian carefully sat down next to the lump of musicians and blankets.

“Jack’s feeling pretty bad.”

“Shit, how bad? I’ve got drugs if you want them…” Rian frowned, remembering the medicine he had brought. A hand stuck out from under the blanket and he pressed the pills into it. “Water too?” Jack slowly raised his head and took the glass, swallowing the pills and sipping at his water slowly. “We’re meant to be leaving pretty soon…” their drummer told them hesitantly, looking at his watch.

“Oh, right. Can you do it Jack? You can crash on a couch or something when we get there if you want.”

“Yeah, just give be a bidute?” He rubbed his eyes and yawned, sitting up to look at his friends. “I’b oka- ih’kishh!”

“No you’re not.” Rian gave him a sympathetic smile and got up, reluctantly followed by Alex. Jack slowly pushed himself out of bed, attempting not to set off another round of pounding in his head in doing so, and quickly found clean jeans and a shirt.

A few minutes later Jack left the bunk room only to be intercepted by Zack sticking a thermometer in his ear as soon as he reached the front room. “Still pretty much the same.” The bassist informed the others when he removed it and dumped it on the table. “Ri said you’re feeling pretty rough. You gonna be good to go on tonight?” Jack nodded half-heartedly and pinched his nose to stifle two sneezes.

“Stop fussi’g guys, let’s just go.”

“Ptchoo! Kishh’uh!” Jack nodded gratefully as Danny handed him a couple of tissues but didn’t comment, instead just continuing to hum as he tuned their guitars. They’d been sat like this for the better part of twenty minutes after Jack had given up on trying to talk to the interviewer, leaving it to the rest of the band after he kept sneezing and interrupting whoever was talking and slumping on a chair next to their guitar technician. Thankfully Danny hadn’t commented and had settled for passing water and tissues as needed and tuning their instruments before the show.

They stayed like that until all their gear was ready and Danny went off to talk to Matt and Jeff while the first of the fans began to arrive. The opening band was gathered in a small knot off to the side of the stage talking amongst themselves and Jack wasn’t really sure where the rest of his band were. He sniffed thickly and gave a few coughs which attracted a sympathetic glance from the drummer who he didn’t actually really know. None of them said anything though, and he was left in peace until Matt came through rounding up the members of All Time Low to get them on stage.

“Woah, I got ya.” Zack smiled slightly as he reached over to steady their guitarist and stop him going crashing to the stage. “Alex!” The singer looked over from where he was standing in front of his microphone and swore when he saw Jack being held up by their bassist.

“Hang on a minute.” Alex said quickly to the fans, heading over to the other two.

“Heh’kishh! I’b okay.” Jack was mumbling faintly as he pulled away from Zack’s hands. Ignoring him, Alex reached a hand over and brushed it across his friend’s cheek, scowling at the warmth there.

“Do you need to go off?” Jack frowned and shook his head, trying to walk back across the stage and making it about two steps before he stumbled and the world started whirling around again and the stage floor rushed up to meet him. He was vaguely aware of Zack catching him and holding him up and Alex making his way back over to a microphone.

“So guys, a bit of a change of plan here. Danny?” The guitar technician quickly jogged on stage and slipped his arm around Jack’s waist to support him, walking him carefully off to the side and behind the curtains. “Jack’s been a bit under the weather for a couple of days so Danny’s just gonna take him and get him drugged up and sitting down for a couple of minutes so he doesn’t pass out on stage.”

“Is he okay?” He heard someone yell from the audience and laughed trying to sound unconcerned.

“Yeah, he’s good. Just acts like a bit of a baby when he gets a cold.” He looked over to the side where he could see Matt sticking a thermometer in his friend’s ear and Danny holding out a bottle of water. “So… Zack, Rian, maybe slow it down now and give Jack a while to pull it together?” Zack nodded and Rian stood up from behind his drums, the two of them waving at the crowd as they headed over to the side of the stage and Danny appeared to trade guitars with the singer. “Thanks, get Jack sorted out, okay?” The technician nodded and headed back to the side where there was now a small knot of crew gathered around their lead guitarist. “Okay guys, this one’s called Therapy.”

As Alex began to play their slower song for the set Matt concentrated on checking over their guitarist. He was definitely running a worse fever than before but that was probably due to the running around he always did on stage, even if he had been more restrained tonight. They managed to get him to finish a bottle of water and down as much medication as he could take in the hope it would get him through the rest of the show. By the time Alex finished the song Jack was slumped on his seat coughing painfully.

“Are you gonna be okay to go back on?” Jack nodded tensely.

“Go… back od… I’ll catch up… id a bidute.” He wheezed out. “Ehshhh!”

Zack nodded and grabbed Rian’s arm, the two of them heading back on stage.

“Alex we need to stall for another minute or two till Jack gets himself together.”

“Can do!” Alex laughed and began to ramble about something completely nonsensical to the crowd, much to their excitement. A couple more minutes passed before screams and cheering informed him that Jack had made it back on. “Hey, you good?” He ditched the microphone and went over, pulling his friend into a hug to talk to him.

“Yup, ndow go, we’ve got a set to fidish.” Jack quickly turned around, blowing his nose and making a face as he was forced to jog back to the side to chuck the tissue away before returning to his place. “Sorry about that! Back to the show!”


Hope everyone enjoyed it, as always please let me know :D Last part will hopefully be up in a few days so everyone have a great holiday until then!

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I love Jack's adorableness <3 I love this story !. Agh too much perfection <3 . Add a little more Jalex and ill die c:. Yesss continue, can't wait to read the last part !. :D

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You I read this so early in the morning, that I wasn't quite awake to take all of the awesomeness in and I could have sworn I was thinking about it all day, thinking, I had a really weird dream that I was sick or something and my friends were really concerned----then I realized I was thinking about this story all day. :) just wanted to say good job again and love the Jalex parts!

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Thanks so much guys for sticking with this and for being so wonderful and whenever I log on there are always amazing comments on here :) So here's the final part, Jalex galore because seriously that's really what we all want :D

Part 10

“Yeah, in his bunk. He’s pretty miserable though, Danny’s keeping an eye on him.” Matt said without looking up from his laptop.

“Kay, I’m gonna go through and say hi.” Alex answered quickly. Matt nodded as the singer headed through to their mass bedroom. “Hey dude, how’re you doing?” He carefully sat down on the edge of his friend’s bed. Jack wasn’t sleeping, his eyes were open, but he was just lying on top of the covers with his knees pulled up to his chest and hugging one of Matt’s Mickey Mouse toys in his arms. “Matt says you’ve got a pretty bad infection.” Jack just nodded, not bothering to say anything. “What, you’re not talking to me now?”

“He’s been like this all afternoon, don’t take it personally. Don’t think he’s said five words to anyone since he got back.” Danny’s voice drifted back from his bunk.

“Ishhh!” Jack swore under his breath as sneezing sent pain through his head.

“What’s up?” Alex ran his fingers over Jack’s cheek but found that it wasn’t any hotter than he had been for the last week or so. When Jack didn’t answer he sighed and began pulling on his friend’s arm until he uncurled and turned onto his back so Alex could properly look at him. He looked pretty okay, or at least no worse than he had earlier, but a hell of a lot unhappier. “Come on… talk to me. What happened?”

“Go away.” Was the only reply that came from the guitarist. Alex frowned. Jack liked company, he pretty much never outright told someone to leave him alone and certainly not when he wasn’t feeling well.

“Maybe, after you tell me what happened.”

“I’b dot allowed to perforb.” Jack mumbled.

“How long for? We’ve got two days before our next show.”

“Till it does’t hhh… ihxxt! hurt so buch a’d I stop getti’g dizzy. Batt told be to go to bed a’d stay here.” Honestly those sounded like pretty reasonable conditions but of course Jack was gonna get upset over being banned from stage, even temporarily, and essentially confined to bed, even if he had been spending most of his time in one of their bunks anyway.

“Keep taking your meds and maybe you’ll be good to go soon.” Alex tried to sound encouraging but evidently it didn’t work as well as he’d hoped. Instead of being comforted Jack just shrugged and curled back up. “Okay come.”

“Supposed to stay here.”

“Don’t care, we’re gonna go kick Jeff and Grieco and whoever out of the back lounge and we’re watching Home Alone. Danny got it for you a couple of days ago.” Alex was starting to get really worried but if there was one thing that was almost guaranteed to cheer his best friend up it was watching his favourite movie, even if doing so did require kicking half their crew out of the lounge. They’d just have to understand.

“Dod’t have-”

“I know, but you’re pathetic and that’s the only idea I’ve got, so get up.” With a small smile Jack nodded and sat up, holding out a hand for Alex to help him to stand and lead him through to the back lounge.

“Hey, thought you were on bed rest.” Jeff looked up at the two, hitting pause on their game as he did so.

“Yup but I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone get that depressed over being told to do nothing so can we have the TV for a while? I’m thinking Home Alone might cheer him up a bit.” Alex explained quickly. Seriously he expected an objection but Jack must’ve looked miserable enough that Jeff just nodded, looking over at the rest of the crew members before grabbing the remote and switching the TV to the DVD player.

“Go ahead.” A couple of the guys got up to leave but Evan, Jeff, and Vinny stayed where they were, shifting over to make room on the couches for Alex to sit down and Jack to curl up against him.

“’Kshh! Ihshoo!”

“Seriously? What’ve you got against my shirts?”

“They’re ugly.” Jack sniffed and blew his nose gently as Jeff clicked on the movie.

By the end of the movie Jack had dozed off again cuddled between Alex and Danny who’d come to join them about ten minutes in. Although they could all tell he was still upset, he was at least talking now and seemed less pathetic although after he’d fallen asleep the others had agreed that they would probably be cancelling the next show. Matt had been not-quite-impressed when he’d walked in on their movie afternoon but had eventually agreed that Jack was still resting and probably would be happier watching movies and dozing on the couch than he would be in bed. It was dinnertime before any of them actually bothered to wake him.

“Jack, wake up or I’ll water you.” Alex laughed as his friend’s eyes shot open. “So you can wake up quickly.”

“Whed… thrihsshoo! threate’d.”

“You ready to eat? Matt’s said he’ll get you spaghetti if you’ll actually eat it.” Alex smiled when Jack paused, evidently torn between having to eat and the worry over throwing up again (although he was mostly able to keep stuff down again) and getting his favourite food. Eventually he nodded. “Good cause Matt already left.” The singer laughed and ran his fingers through Jack’s hair as he curled closer. “Hey… don’t fall asleep again…”

“Ndot godda.”

“Really? Open your eyes then.”

Jack dragged them open so he was staring sleepily into his best friend’s chest. “Happy?”

“Very.” Alex smiled. With any luck in a couple of days Jack would be up and about again and they would be able to get back to life on the road as usual but, honestly, he could think of worse ways to spend the next few days than cuddling on the couch watching movies.


So there you go and thankyou again to everyone who's been following this and especially to those of you who've been commenting so wonderfully :) I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I liked writing this!

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How can it be over ? ;-; no the Jalex feels ;-;. I think I died a little. Jack : *sneezes on Alex's shirt twice" Alex : "Seriously what ya got against my shirts?" Jack: They're ugly. I legit just laughed for a while xD hahaha. Uhm anyways this part is perfection <3 please tell me someone else will write an All Time Low fic, I cannot be deprived of them ;-;. Okay thanks ! :)

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Great ending! Loved the Jalex parts!

please tell me someone else will write an All Time Low fic, I cannot be deprived of them ;-;. Okay thanks ! smile.png

I'm thinking about writing a realy quick one about Alex and Lisa. Yesterday Alex tweeted that he was feeling run down "Tis the season for colds!" That gave me an idea!! So I think I'm gonna get started on it, and it may be up later tonight or tomorrow. :)

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Great ending! Loved the Jalex parts!

please tell me someone else will write an All Time Low fic, I cannot be deprived of them ;-;. Okay thanks ! smile.png

I'm thinking about writing a realy quick one about Alex and Lisa. Yesterday Alex tweeted that he was feeling run down "Tis the season for colds!" That gave me an idea!! So I think I'm gonna get started on it, and it may be up later tonight or tomorrow. :)

Alec and Lisa?????? Who's Lisa ??? I refuse to live in a reality where Alex has a gf... Awesome the guys sick ! Maybe we can get a sneeze or two for us :) . But poor cutie ;c . Uh yeh get writing please :)
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Great ending! Loved the Jalex parts!

please tell me someone else will write an All Time Low fic, I cannot be deprived of them ;-;. Okay thanks ! smile.png

I'm thinking about writing a realy quick one about Alex and Lisa. Yesterday Alex tweeted that he was feeling run down "Tis the season for colds!" That gave me an idea!! So I think I'm gonna get started on it, and it may be up later tonight or tomorrow. smile.png

Alec and Lisa?????? Who's Lisa ??? I refuse to live in a reality where Alex has a gf... Awesome the guys sick ! Maybe we can get a sneeze or two for us smile.png . But poor cutie ;c . Uh yeh get writing please smile.png

Yeah Alex is dating Lisa Ruocco...I have no idea who she is.. but they've been dating for a while.. I feel like they were high school friends or sweethearts, but I'm not sure.

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Great ending! Loved the Jalex parts!

please tell me someone else will write an All Time Low fic, I cannot be deprived of them ;-;. Okay thanks ! smile.png

I'm thinking about writing a realy quick one about Alex and Lisa. Yesterday Alex tweeted that he was feeling run down "Tis the season for colds!" That gave me an idea!! So I think I'm gonna get started on it, and it may be up later tonight or tomorrow. smile.png

Alec and Lisa?????? Who's Lisa ??? I refuse to live in a reality where Alex has a gf... Awesome the guys sick ! Maybe we can get a sneeze or two for us smile.png . But poor cutie ;c . Uh yeh get writing please smile.png

Yeah Alex is dating Lisa Ruocco...I have no idea who she is.. but they've been dating for a while.. I feel like they were high school friends or sweethearts, but I'm not sure.

. Yeh okay I'm gunna just pretend I never knew that. I do not live in a reality were bandmembers are taken, I refuse. But Lights+Beau and Hannah+ Oli are pretty damn cute. Anyways yeh, when you gunna start writing?
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Sounds like a good idea! biggrin.png The more ATL fics on here the better

Great ending! Loved the Jalex parts!

please tell me someone else will write an All Time Low fic, I cannot be deprived of them ;-;. Okay thanks ! smile.png

I'm thinking about writing a realy quick one about Alex and Lisa. Yesterday Alex tweeted that he was feeling run down "Tis the season for colds!" That gave me an idea!! So I think I'm gonna get started on it, and it may be up later tonight or tomorrow. smile.png

Alec and Lisa?????? Who's Lisa ??? I refuse to live in a reality where Alex has a gf... Awesome the guys sick ! Maybe we can get a sneeze or two for us smile.png . But poor cutie ;c . Uh yeh get writing please smile.png

Yeah Alex is dating Lisa Ruocco...I have no idea who she is.. but they've been dating for a while.. I feel like they were high school friends or sweethearts, but I'm not sure.

. Yeh okay I'm gunna just pretend I never knew that. I do not live in a reality were bandmembers are taken, I refuse. But Lights+Beau and Hannah+ Oli are pretty damn cute. Anyways yeh, when you gunna start writing?

I have the first part done. I'll put it up now.

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