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You sick, baby girl Morgan/Garcia-Criminal Minds Fanfic


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Hey guys, I know I already have another story in progress for one direction, but I couldn't get this out of my mind! :) I'll update soon!

Garcia's p.o.v.

I woke up to the annoying alarm as usual, but my head was pounding along with it. "Heh...hetchoo!" I sneezed forcefully into my cupped handsome before grabbing my teal glasses checking the clock again;it was 5:10 am, ten minuets had already passed by. I needed to be at work at six thirty, and I had a half hour drive. I also would probably get a call from Derek on the way. I dragged myself out of bed and reluctantly got dressed in a pair of plain purple shirt with a matching top; I didn't care much about my appearance today. As I started to head out after getting all ready, I realized I still had my teal glasses on, Great. As my phone rang I immediately picked up, sitting in a pool of traffic.

"M-morning Angel." I said trying to steady my voice

"Hey Baby Girl, we still on for tonight?"

"Tonight?!" I had been so frazzled I forgot I was supposed to go to the fair with Morgan tonight. "Uh, of course!"

"You ok baby girl? You seem a little... Off."

"Of course I'm ok, I mean, like, kff kff, why wouldn't I be ok?"

"How long 'till you get to the office?"

"I, h-hold on.." I pulled the phone receiver away from my face as I sneezed a quick double "HaahChoo! Choo!" I knew Morgan now was guessing I was sick, and once I got to the office it wouldn't be too hard to figure out"Listen Penelope, you don't have to come in today if you..."

"Itchoo! I'm fine, Derek."

"Alright, well, I guess I'll see you when you get here?" He asked unsure

"Kff, yea." I coughed trying not to get into a fit

"Drive safe baby girl." He whispered hanging up

Morgan's p.o.v.

I hadn't seen Penelope yet today, Emily had said she was in the elevator briefly with her today. I mean, it was normal, because she has her own office, but, I don't know, maybe it was just me, but needless to say, when I got called into Hotch's office, a perfectly normal occurrence, I was kinda worried.

"You wanted to see me, Hotch?" I asked stepping into the office worriedly

"I need you to take a couple days off, take care of Garcia. The rest of the teams' flying out to Tennessee to work on a case and I want you here to make sure she isn't trying to overexert herself by coming into the office."

"Sure, Hotch, I'll help." I said trying not to be to sound to excited in front of my boss "Do you want me to get her now?"

"Go and tell her I wanted to see her."

"I don't think,"

"Go." He nodded, knowing as well as I would that Garcia would put up a fight about leaving, never mind 'stealing' me from a case. I boarded the elevator with Preintiss, she seemed to be a true elevator veteran today.

"Hotch sending Garcia home?"

"Yup." I nodded as she got out on her floor, the doors quickly shutting

"Tell her I hope she feels better." She called looking back at me before giving me a smile as the doors clasped together. I waited, and finally reached Garcia's floor a minute later. I walked quietly to her office, listening to what Rossi was saying.

"All I'm trying to say is that it's in your best interest to go home, before you get worse." I stood in the doorway, unnoticed by The quarreling two. Penelope, she looked like a ghost, her nose was chapped,her hair frizzy, she was definitely sick.

"I'm fine, ha-heh-itchoo!"She sneezed before erupting in a coughing fit

"Well if that's 'fine' I'd like to see what you think isn't fine." He insisted

"But, it's true!"

"ahem."I cleared my throat after a few minuets of this "Hotch wants to see you,baby girl."

"Oh, ok." She quickly stood up from her spinning chair much to fast, her knees immediately buckling, sending her to the floor. I ran to her side as did Rossi, but she still put up a valiant effort to be independent. She used her desk to balance herself, swaying slightly as she walked to the elevator, where we ran into Reid.

"Garcia?" He asked, taking in her appearance, then glancing questionably at me "You look terrible." I mentally slapped a hand to my head, but couldn't because I was holding Garcia up, she stared at him weakly

"You know,If I didn't see three of you I would totally kick your a** right now."

"Easy Angel, easy." I hugged her and rubbed her back, giving Reid 'the look'.

"Is she ok?" He mouthed, I felt her burning arms around my neck, I shook my head, if Hotch was taking me off a case to take care of someone else, then that person had to be in pretty bad shape. Not that Aron was a bad boss, in fact, he was the complete opposite, but still, he wouldn't put someone on leave for no reason. As Reid left the elevator, I heard Garcia mutter something about being fine

"I know it stinks, but your sick, baby girl."


"Morgan, make sure she doesn't get on her computer until she has a fever of 100 or less." Hotch instructed me after giving Penelope as Long as she needed to recover.

"What is it that gave me away?" She questioned hugging me tighter then before

"Garcia, your as pale as a sheet, take some time off to recover."

"M'Kay." She mumbled closing her eyes and starting to fall asleep, me fully supporting her.

"I think you should get her home, she's already almost asleep." Hotch smiled glancing down at the sleeping blonde, I turned to leave "I'll have Reid come over to check her out tonight before we go." He added

"Hotch, thanks." I said great-fully as I half walked Penelope out to my car, strapping her in the passenger seat and adjusting it so she was laying back.

"Morgan?" She asked trying to sit up

"Easy, baby girl, it's gonna be ok." I lightly ran my hand over her forehead, worried about how high her fever was.

Ok guys this is the first part! Should I do more? Did I do an ok job with the characters? Your feedback is everything :)

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Yay!! I love criminal minds and was hoping another fic would be written!! Thank You so much! :D

Your welcome! I'm glad you like it! :D I'm truthfully like, obsessed with the show.

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Hey guys, I updated!:D Thanks for the positive feedback on this!

Derek Morgan's p.o.v.

When I pulled up in her driveway, I glanced at the sleeping blonde.

"Baby girl, we're here, your home." I whispered softly, lightly shaking her pale,fragile body.

"Morgan?" She asked squinting her eyes open

"Come on my girl." I said opening the car door, hearing the six 'o clock bells chime from the tower,dinner time, wow we had been at the office for a while! I helped her stumble to the doorstep, using my key to get us in. "You hungry at all?"

"Heh-hetchoo! Ugh, I just wanna sleeeeeep."

"And sleep you will, where's the cold and flu medicine here?" I asked digging through the kitchen cabinets

"Kff, None,kff here."

"Cough syrup?" I questioned


"Well, I'll have Reid bring some over later, your gonna need it."

"Morgan?" She asked as she lay down on the couch, covered in a blanket

"Yeah, baby girl?"

"I'm sorry it's, eh-etchoo! It's my fault!" Tears started rushing down her face uncontrollably, I didn't understand it.

"What? The fair? No, woman you didn't do anything!" I tried to assure her

"N-no." She sobbed hugging a pillow, I still couldn't figure out what was wrong as the door bell rang. Checking who it was out the peephole, then letting Reid in.

"Reid, I didn't expect you to be coming so quick."

"I figured we needed to leave in about two hours, before the unsub strikes again. Where's Garcia?"

"Oh! Uh, she's on the couch, no matter what I say she won't stop crying."

"Can I talk to her?"

"Yeah, right in there." I pointed And waited in the hallway, not knowing what else to do.

Spencer Reid's p.o.v.


"Garcia, how're you feeling?" I asked walking towards the couch

"It's my fault Reid!"

"It's ok, you didn't do anything, nothing happened." I tried to soothe her

"My fault." She repeated

"What? What's wrong?" I tried

"My f-fault! I kept him here!"

"Shh, kept who Penelope?"

"Kept Morgan!" Now I realized what she was crying about, she didn't want to keep Derek away from work.

"No no no no no no no! You don't understand, Derek wanted to be with you, and Hotch knew it was a good idea!"

"It's all my fault for getting sick!"

"Garcia, everyone gets sick. The average human actually gets sick about five times per year, and it's not their fault. You didn't try to get sick, in fact you tried to prevent the matter. Ok?" When she nodded I went on "Now, what seems to be wrong with you?"

"I'm cold, tired, coughing, and, itchew! Well, that." I felt her forehead and was dissatisfied that she had a medium grade fever.

"I'm gonna go get Morgan, ok?"

"Itchoo! Sure, ." She murmured settling under the covers I had placed atop if her, I went to go see Morgan, who stood up from the stairs as soon as he heard me coming

"Did you calm her down?"

"Yes, well,"

"Why did she keep crying?"


"Tell me,Reid please tell me."

"She felt was holding the team back."

"But she couldn't help!"

"Shh, she's falling asleep." I disrupted him then went on "We both know she couldn't help it, but again, how would we feel if it was us? And I can easily tell you she has a fever, I can't tell how high yet though, at least 101."

"What do you think it is she has?"

"Judging by the fever,the cough, and the cold symptoms,its acute bronchitis. Now I want you to watch her for a higher fever, that may indicate pneumonia. Otherwise treat you can treat it at home by just waiting it out and using home remedies, OTC pain relievers, and cough drops. The most common cause and that it came on so quickly, I think it's more Likely it's a combination of a cold and bronchitis."

"So it's a good chance she'll be out for a week?" Morgan raised an eyebrow, not wanting to see the girl he loved so dearly sick for that long

"Hard to tell how long, probably a week and a half, but she can't push it."

"Yeah," he sighed as he started to pace the hallway "and Hotch doesn't even want her near her computer until her fever drops to at least 100."

"I say that's not happening for at least four days."

"So we're not doing the case?"

"I'll have to call Hotch and say we can't,to much of a risk to long.."

"What do you?" Morgan paused mid-question, hearing a loud crash in the next room. Running over there, we saw Garcia being held at gunpoint by a man in black sweats and a matching sweat shirt, covered with a bullet proof vest and a black ski mask.

"Get away from her!" Morgan ordered, and out of habit tried to pull his own gun off his belt, but he wasn't wearing it.

"Oh, Agent Morgan!" The man chuckled "What a treat! Your girlfriend and I were just about to leave, we've got work to do." At that Second Morgan tried to charge the man, but he gave a warning that stopped him in his tracks."Ah ah ah! Wouldn't want little missy here to get hurt, now would we?"

"You little son of a,"

"Morgan, I'm, Itchoo! I'b gonda be albright." Penelope interrupted, her voice uneven

"Yes, you will be alright. Agents, I will return her in one days time to a location of my choice." He gave a venomous smile "That is, if you all cooperate. Meaning, don't, and I mean DON'T try and make up one of your little cases about this. And when you pick her up, I want fifty thousand, cash.

"Don't have to," Came the voice of none other that the Italian voice of agent Rossi,who was holding a gun pointed right at his head from behind him, along with Aron Hotchner

"You don't want me to have to hurt her!" The man blurted holding the gun ought against her head

"Drop, the, weapon." The coward threw the firearm to the ground, letting go of Garcia. While she dizzily made her way to Morgan, Hotch handcuffed him and stuffed him into the police car that was just arriving

"How did you know to Come here?" Morgan asked Rossi as Garcia settled back onto the couch, placing her head on the agents lap, still shaking from fear

"We were chasing that guy ever since he tried to get in the BAU with the gun, demanding to see Penelope Garcia. We knew once he got away that spelled trouble."

"Dave,Thank you, I wouldn't have know what to do with myself if.."

"Hey," I interrupted placing a hand on his shoulder "It's ok now." I got up and stared at the gun "idiot." I murmured

"What?" Rossi asked, thinking I was talking about one of my teammates

"The idiot one of those plastic guns you can get fro the dollar store, doesn't even have a push able trigger."

Garcia's p.o.v.

"Derek?" I asked weakly after the team had gone, I closed my eyes, trying not to see the room spinning

"Yeah baby?"

"The rooms still spinning."

"Shh, Reid should be back with the stuff soon, it'll help."

"I'm tired."

"Then go to sleep." He wore a protective smile "It's safe here."



"Thank you, for everything."

TBC :)

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