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An Amazing Spiderman Story! (M)


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Well first time posting a story here! Kinda nervous, but mostly excited, about it! I have always loved Spiderman (and Andrew Garfield wubsmiley.gif ) so I thought why not make my first story on here about Spidey!

Part 1

Peter Parker woke abruptly to the sound of his alarm clock. The constant beeping allowed an already existing headache to become worse as Peter slowly moved his hand to silence his clock. He groaned as he laid his head back down on his pillow. “I knew last night was a bad idea.”

He was walking home from Gwen’s house when he herd some one screaming help from the ally beside her house. Sure enough someone was getting mugged, and right as it was starting to rain too. I didn’t take Peter long to hurt the guys enough to send them scrambling away and return the victim back to safety. By then it was pouring rain and it took him longer to get home due to the fact that he was pretty tired from the fight.

Peter sighs as he slowly sits up and rubs his already runny nose with the sleeve of the sweatshirt that he fell asleep in last night. He checks his clock only to find that he only has 10 minuets until school starts. He hurries out of bed and throws on some jeans, an old shirt and an oversized sweatshirt. He runs down the stairs, stoping mid way to cough harshly into his fist. He hopes that Aunt May isn’t the kitchen. He loves her very much, but he doesn’t want her to catch him and make him stay home. But unfortunately, she is sitting at the kitchen table when he arrives in the kitchen.

“Peter, I’ve never seen you up so late. I thought you had already gone to school.” She says siting at the kitchen table.

“Oh, well, I guess I was pretty tired last dight.” Peter says, his voice sounding rough and scratchy.

“Are you ok Peter?” Aunt May says standing up and looking worriedly at Peter.

“I’m fide, but...uh...there was a...a football gabe last night and I was cheering pretty loud.” Peter says with a fake smile, trying as hard as possible to hide his congested voice. “Hey, uh, I’m late so I godda get goid’ but I’ll see you later tonight.” Peter says giving Aunt May a kiss on the cheek and quickly making it out the door. Once out side Peter thought about swinging all the way to school, just so he would make it in time, but then thought it would take way to much energy when he was already falling asleep by just standing there. He decided to just skate there, like usual.

He made it to his first class just in time, the bell ringing right as he sat in his chair. He sighs in relief as he lays his head down in his folded arms on his desk. He can feel the heat coming from his body and he sighs, realizing that he has a pretty high fever. All of a sudden, he feels something being thrown at the top of his head. He looks up to see Gwen throwing little balls of paper at him and giggling. He smiles at her and throws a little piece back. But just as he does two sneezes quickly sneak up on him. “Eh-KISHO...Hetxch. “You okay?” Gwen whispers.”I’b fide.” Peter whispers back smileing softly. Class then starts and Gwen winks at Peter and turns and faces the front of the class. Peter only makes it to the middle of class before his eyes start slowly drooping. He tries to keep him self awake by doing simple equations on a piece of paper but it only makes him dizzy. He looks at the clock. Its only eight fifty but to Peter it feels like it has been hours.

Class is finally over and Peter walks quickly out of the class room. His next period is study hall and all he can think about is going to the back of the library and falling asleep. Wile he is at his locker he feels someone tap on his shoulder. He closes his locker to find Gwen, smiling and holding her books has she looks up at him.

“Hey there, stranger. Haven't seen you in forever.” She jokes as she elbows him playfully in the side. He chuckles at her.

“Your so hilarious Gwed Stacey.” He says sarcastically with a smile in his rough raspy voice.

Her wide smile fades and she notices how tired he looks. “Peter you sound horrible.”

“I know, I know. I was...up all dight playing a video gabe...you know how boys really get into it, with all the yelling and stuff.” Peter lies, putting his hands in his pockets and looking around nonchalantly.

“I didn’t know you played video games.” Gwen says putting her arm around Peter’s and walking towards her next class room.

“Dot all the tibe, I guess sobetibes I just...j-eh eh ehKISHoo ehKISHOO.” Peter says, stoping mid-sentence to sneeze into his hands.

“I knew it! Your sick!” Gwen says.

“Do. I’m dot, I swear. It’s...it’s...something else.” Peter had run out of lies. He knew he couldn’t out smart Gwen too. He sighed when he saw that Gwen wasn’t buying it.

“Peter, why did you even come to school today?” Gwen asks looking up at Peter, who’s eyes usually looked bright but where now dull and tired.

“I don’t know. But its school, I cad’t just biss it.” Peter says

“You can if your sick! Come on Peter you need sleep.” Gwen says smiling sweetly at him. “I’ll bring you your homework after school, just go home and get some rest.” She kissed his forehead.

“Peter!” She says noticing how high of a temperature he has.

“I know its bad but-”

“Home now Peter Parker.” Gwen says stoping Peter in the middle of his excuse and pointing to the school’s front doors. Peter nods and starts his journey back home.

Well thats Part 1 i will update as soon as possible if you guys like it (but i also have finals this week thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif and lets just say im not doing so great in history...) But anyways TBC if you guys like!

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Mutant, welcome to this side of the forum~! Thank you for contributing, ne~! And with such a great fandom and well-written piece too >w<~

It's really cute so far! I love how authoritative Gwen is, haha~ I would love to see more when you have time~

(and I know what you mean about finals =w=.. Good luck!)

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Aw wow this is lovely! It's great for a first story and welcome to the forum smile.png

Aww thank you! wubsmiley.gif

Mutant, welcome to this side of the forum~! Thank you for contributing, ne~! And with such a great fandom and well-written piece too >w<~

It's really cute so far! I love how authoritative Gwen is, haha~ I would love to see more when you have time~

(and I know what you mean about finals =w=.. Good luck!)

Thanks! And finals are totally gonna wipe me out this weekwackosmiley.gif

Alright I found a time for a quick break from studying to post Part 2!

Here we go!

It wasn’t a long walk from the school to Peters house, but to Peter it felt like forever. When he finally did arrive home, he was exhausted. He dropped his backpack on the floor and sat down at the kitchen table and rested his head in his hands. He was planning on walking to his room be he honestly felt like he would have just passed out before he made it up the stairs. He was almost asleep when he herd Aunt May.

“Peter?” With the sound of his name Peter is woken from his nap and his head jolts up. A sharp pain strikes his head with the sudden movement and he winces. Next thing he knows Aunt May’s hand is on his forehead, feeling his temperature. “Peter you are burning up! I knew something was wrong with you this morning! Why did you go to school? You could have just told me!”

“I know, it was really stupid of be, I don’t know why I did it.” Peter says sniffing and trying to unblock his nose. He feels a tickle in the back of his nose. He tries to keep it in. Aunt May notices and hands him a tissue box. He quickly takes it in time to sneeze twice into a tissue. “Ehh...EH KISHOOO Eh KISHOO!” Aunt May wraps him into a hug with her hands on his head since he is sitting. Her hands feel cool and nice on Peter’s burning forehead. “Now go on up to bed.” Aunt May says helping Peter stand. He smiles weekly and nods. He walks slowly up the stairs and into his room where he kicks off his shoes, puts on a pair of sweat pants, and collapses into his bed and its only seconds before he is sound asleep.

Gwen Stacey knocks on Peter’s house’s front door on the same day after school. Aunt May opens the door and smiles when she sees Gwen.

“Hello there Gwen.” Aunt May says opening the door and inviting Gwen to come inside.

“I brought Peter his homework.” Gwen says getting some books out of her backpack.

“You can go up there and take them to him if you want. I can’t tell if he’s awake though.” Aunt May says going back to cooking something on the stove. Gwen says thank you and makes her way up stairs. She opens Peter’s door slowly, peaking in to see if he is asleep. She sees him tangled up in blankets, softly snoring, but fast asleep. She giggles at him and sits on the other side of his bed. She notices that his hair is plastered to his forehead and his nose and cheeks were bright red. She brushes his hair off of his face with her hands and that causes him to stir and turn on his side in Gwen’s direction. He rubs his eyes and slowly opens them. The first thing he sees is Gwen and he smiles.

“Hey there sleeping beauty.” Gwen says still running her fingers through his hair.

“How long was I out?” He says, his voice still rough, scratchy, and congested.

“About 10 hours, considering the fact that you probably came home and fell asleep as soon as possible.” Gwen says raising her eyebrows in surprise.

“Wow, I’b pretty good at this.” Peter jokes. He feels an annoying tickle in his nose. He quickly reaches for the tissue box that is conveniently next to his bed. “Ehhh..EHKISHOO Ehhh...hhhii...” “Damn it, its stuck.” He thinks as the sneeze builds up. Gwen notices and laughs.

“You alright there?” Gwen says.


“Here does this help?” Gwen kisses him softly on the tip of his nose. That seemed to work. “Ehhh...EHKISHOO....EHKISHOO...EHKISHOO!” Peter blows his nose and throws the tissue away.

“You done?” Gwen chuckles.

Peter clears his throat. “Yah...I hope so.”

Gwen gets off of the bed and goes into Peters bathroom. “Where are you going?”

“Just wait.” Gwen says opening Peter’s cabinets and grabbing a bottle.

Peter notices and groans. “But Gwen.” He whines.

“Ah ah ah, no buts. Its not going to kill you to take a little cold medicine.” She says pouring the purple liquid into the little cup. She looks at Peter, he has his mouth closed shut and his arms are crossed. “Peter, do you want to be a grown up and take this like you should or are you gonna be a little five year old and act like a little pest.”

Peter sighs. He could try to argue but he knows that he would lose. He takes the cup and drinks it as fast as he can. He swallows it and it burns his already aching throat. He scrunches up his nose in disgust and gives Gwen a look that says, wow, thanks a lot for that.

“Come on Peter, It was not that bad.” Gwen says rolling her eyes at Peter’s childishness.

“It tasted like death.” Peter whines.

“Oh, your fine.” Gwen says sitting back on the bed next to Peter. He lays his head down on he shoulder. “You still feel really warm Peter.” She says worriedly. “You should probably take off your sweatshirt, I don’t want your fever getting any higher.”

“But I’b so cold.” Peter says nuzzling his face into her neck. “If I do it will you keep be warm?” He says unzipping his sweatshirt and throwing it on the floor.

“What do you mean keep you warm?”

“Hold me?” Peter says, quite childishly. Gwen was about to laugh, thinking it was just Peter being Peter, but then she saw the look on his face and the way he was shivering with goosebumps running up his arms.

“Of course Peter.” She says. Peter lays his head down on her chest and wraps his arms around her like she is a teddy bear. She lifts the back of his shirt and starts rubbing his back. He smiles.

A few seconds later, three police cars speed past Peter’s house and Peter takes immediate notice.

Gwen notices. “Peter, not now. Just let the Police handle it.”

“What if its sombthing important?” Peter says nervously.

“Then they’ll call the swat team or something! Spiderman can take a break for at least a day or two.”


“With a fever like your’s Peter, I wouldn’t be surprised.”

He sighs and lays his head back down on her chest. He feels his eyes getting heavier and heavier.

“Hey Gwed, is that medicide supposed to bake you tired?” Peter says with a yawn.

“I don’t know? You tell me.” Gwen says with a sly look.

“You’re crazy.” He says half asleep.

“Yah, I know.” Gwen says watching him as he slowly falls asleep.

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looking forward to more of this!

This story is so very AMAZING.

Awe . A true masterpiece c: I smiled reading this. Can't wait for more smile.png

Literally I cannot stop smiling!!! Thank you guys so much!! I feel so welcome in this forum!wubsmiley.gif

Ok...I need help! I have no clue how to go on with the story!! I want to have at least 3 more parts but for some reason I am totally clueless on how to continue! Please bring on the request!! Give me anything!!

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Finally after hours of brain storming I have defeated my writers block! I guess it helps that finals are over too! Yay for progress! Ok! Let's do this! Part 3!

When Peter had next woke it only seemed to be a few hours later. He noticed that Gwen was gone and he could hear voices coming from downstairs. He built up the strength to get out of bed, wrapped a blanket tightly around his body and make his way down stairs. He first herd Gwen’s voice which seemed to be coming from the living room, he herd Aunt May’s voice too along with another voice which sounded familiar but yet he was still too delirious too make out who or what anyone was saying. He slowly made it to the living room and was surprised to see Gwen, her mom, and Aunt May, sitting on the couch and laughing. There wasn’t really anything wrong with that, Peter just wasn’t expecting it.

“What’s goidg od?” Peter asked sniffling thickly after.

“Hey there sleepy head! How ya feeling?” Gwen says getting up and helping Peter to the couch.

“I’b ok.” Peter says, his statement soon turns false as a wave of harsh coughs attack his lungs.

“Yah, because that just sounds great.” Gwen says sarcastically.

Peter smiles shyly. “So whats everyonde doindg here?”

“Well Gwen was already over so I thought I would invite her mother over for dinner as well. Gwen does such a good job of taking care of you! I don’t know how she puts up with it! He can be such a baby when he’s sick!” Aunt May says with a laugh.

“Oh you don’t even know the half of it!” Gwen says laughing along.

“Still sitting right here guys.” Peter says raising his eyebrows.

“Oh you know we’re joking Peter...well...sorta, I did just spend an hour up there holding you.”

“But you where the onde that bade be freeze to death.” Peter says sniffling and wiping his nose on his sleeve.

“Peter you where burning up!” She placed the back of her hand on Peter’s forehead. “God Peter, you still are!”

“That reminds me,” Gwen’s mom says standing up form the couch. “When Gwen mentioned you where sick I stopped by the drug store and picked up a few things.” She reaches for her purse and pulls out a plastic sack.

“Oh Hellen you didn’t have to do that!” Aunt May says.

“May, it’s no trouble! Its just some stuff that I pick up for my boys when they get sick! Just some simple cold and flu stuff.” Gwen’s mom hands the meds to Peter.

“Oh, wow, thank you so buch Mrs. Stacey. I-I dondt kndow what to say.” Peter says with a smile.

“Oh don’t worry about it!” Mrs. Stacey replies happily.

All of a sudden a loud beep comes from the kitchen. “Oh thats dinner!” Aunt May says, getting up from the couch. “I’ll be right back!”

Mrs. Stacey follows Aunt May into the kitchen. “Oh and before I forget Peter there is soup in the kitchen if you want some!”

“That sounds great, i’ll cobe and grab sobe.” Peter says beginning to stand.

“Oh no I’ll get it! You just sit.” Mrs. Stacey says walking into the kitchen.

Peter turns back to Gwen. “Wow, your mom is extrebely nice.”

“Yah, she’s weird like that, she is super caring when it comes to sick people. She literally smothers my brothers if they get sick.” Gwen says rolling her eyes.

“Dow, I see where you get it frob.” Peter chuckles.

“Blow your knows you freak, I can barley understand you.” Gwen jokes, handing a tissue box to Peter. He takes one and begins clearing his nose.

He feels another itch in the back of his nose. He quickly takes more tissues. “hiiIIKISTCHhhu...heh KISTCHhh...iihh...hehTISTCHu...ugh.” Peter catches his breath and sniffles thickly. He hears Aunt May and Mrs. Stacey say bless you in unison from the kitchen. “Thandks.” Peter croaks back, his throat now sore from the fit. He groans and lays his head down on Gwen’s shoulder. He brings his fingers up to his forehead and massages it gently.

“Headache?” Gwen whispers, hoping not to cause to pain to worsen.

“Uh huh.” Peter says closing his eyes.

“You wanna take some of this stuff now? It will probably knock you right out but you’ll feel great.” Gwen says grabbing one of the bottles.

“Do, *sniff* I should probably eat first.” Peter says. Right as he says so, Aunt May and Mrs. Stacey walk back into the living room. They hand Peter and Gwen their dinners and then begin to eat. Peter doesn’t have much of an appetite but he eats as much as he can. After a few bites he puts the bowl back down on the coffee table and lays his head back down on Gwen’s shoulder.

“You done?” She asks setting her now empty plate on the table as well. Peter nods. “Great,” Gwen grabs the medicine bottle from the table and pours some into the cup. “Oh yeah, this stuff is gonna knock you out cold.” Gwen laughs. “Alright Peter, down the hatch.” She says handing the cup to Peter.

He quickly drinks it and follows it with some water. Aunt May and Mrs. Stacey grab the empty plates and bowls to take to the kitchen. “I’ll come help with the dishes.” Gwen says.

“Its fine Gwen you stay with Peter.” Aunt May says.

“We’ll take care of it!” Mrs. Stacey proclaims continuing to the kitchen.

“Wanna watch a movie?” Gwen says reaching for the remote.

“Sure” Peter answers weakly. Gwen can tell the medicine is kicking is pretty fast.

They settle on a movie and Gwen dims the lights in the living room. Peter curls up at Gwen’s side as he tries to focus on the movie. Gwen sees him struggle to keep his eyes open. “Don’t fight the meds dude. Just get some sleep.” Gwen says combing her fingers through Peter’s hair. Only seconds later she hears Peter’s breathing even out as the rest of his weight slumps against Gwen’s side. She looks down at him. He is snoring quietly and his mouth is slightly open. She chuckles at him and turns her eyes back to the the movie.

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Writers block has again been beaten! For some reason I get there weird creative boost after watching anime and I guess thats what happened tonight! Thank you guys for all of the extremely sweet replies and I hope you like this new part!

Peter’s eyes fluttered open the next time he woke. He immediately regretted doing that and shut his eyes tightly as the light shinning through the window caused his headache to worsen. He turned his body away from the window, his body aching with every small movement, and opened his eyes again. He noticed that he had somehow been moved from the couch to his room. He also noticed a little note on his bedside table. Peter, went home after you fell asleep. I’ll be back tomorrow a little after 12, Gwen.

Peter looked at the clock. It was about 1:45 so Gwen must be here by now. He sat up a little bit and placed the card back on the table. As he did, the light from the window shown right in his eyes, making his nose itch. “HehTICHHhu...ehh...ehHTICHu...ihhh...ehh...ehKITSHEw!”

He winced and closed his eyes again. He herd footsteps coming up the stairs and was happy to see Gwen open the door. “Hey mister sneezy head is awake!” She says playfully, sitting no the edge of his bed. Gwen then notices how much worse Peter looks. His eyes are dull and foggy with the fever that obviously got worse over night. His nose is unhealthily chapped and running more than ever. He seems happy though, probably because Gwen is with him.

“How ya feeling?” Gwen asks, pretending not to know the answer.

“Worse thand ever. But you beindg here bakes that a whole lot better.” He says, almost inaudibly as his throat too had become even more raw and scratchy. He sits up and gets that horrible tickle in his nose again. “Ehhh...hehTISHhu...ehKISHHhhu...heTISHHhu!” He sneezes wetly in his hands. Gwen hands him a tissue and smiles sympathetically. Gwen quickly figures out that the light coming from his window is probably making his sinuses a living hell right now. She walks to the window and pulls the shades down.

“Better?” She asks.

Peter sighs in relief before letting out his last two sneezes. “heh...ehhHHKISHHuu...ehhhh...hhHEESHTu...” He sighs again, but this time its more relaxed. “A lot better, thangks.” He says sniffling.

Gwen lays him back down and feels his forehead. “Fevers still not down.” Peter murmurs a small ‘oh’ and Gwen walks to the bathroom, grabbing a small wash cloth and running it under cold water. She brings it back and places it carefully on Peters forehead. The cold feels somewhat nice despite the freezing body and somehow makes the gut wrenching migraine subside. He moans softly and closes his eyes leaning into the cloth. “You ok?” Gwen asks, not exactly knowing the reason he moaned.

“Yeah, finde. This just feels great.” He says sniffling wetly again. Gwen sits next to him and runs her fingers through his hair. She gets a sense of deja vu as she feels as though this is the same way yesterday played out. They sit like this for a few hours, having small conversations every so often. Peter slips in and out of sleep, occasionally coughing or sneezing himself awake.

He is almost back to sleep once more when he hears the faint sound of sirens run through the city. His spidey senses go insane causing the fading headache to spike back up again, but this time much more intense the last. Peter winces and grabs his head, pursing his lips to try and muffle a scream.

“Peter?” Gwen says when she sees him curled in a ball almost in tears. “Peter whats going on?”

“M-My head I-It j-just hurts!” Peter says shaking.

“Peter you just have to breathe, I know it hurts but if you just breathe it will get better I swear.” In all honesty Gwen doesn’t know if it will work at all. She has no clue if this is normal or if it has something to do with the radioactive crap running through his body, all she knows is if he keeps hyperventilating with his mind running at a million thoughts per second, what ever it is it will never go away. Peter tries his best to calm his breathing and finally his spidey senses weaken and his breathing slows to a more calm yet shaking breath.

“Peter what just happened.” Gwen asked looking worriedly at Peter and stroking his cheek.

“I-I can’t tell. It felt like my spidey senses but it just hurt so bad.” Peter says quietly.

Gwen frowns and looks down at Peter. He looks totally delirious and could probably pass out any second. She grabs the medicine bottle from his bedside table and quickly makes him take some. When he lays back down his breathing instantly evens out and Gwen, knowing that he is fast asleep, kisses him on the cheek and lays down next to him.

Kinda a short part but I hoped you liked it!

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Yay new part!! I made this one pretty log to make up for that last short one so here we go!

Before Peter even opens his eyes he can hear the police sirens coming from the city and the same headache that plagued him before enter his head again. He slowly opens his eyes and doesn’t move an inch as his body is aching like never before. He waits a few seconds before turning his head to see Gwen fast asleep. Closes his eyes tightly to try and and stop the headache but it does nothing. He knows the only way its gonna stop is if the sirens stop, and the only way thats gonna happen is if someone stops what ever is happening in the city. And the only one that can do that is Spiderman.

Peter lies there, debating weather or not he should do this. He thinks about the pros. Yes he could stop the crime, and yes that would probably end this headache for good. But its the middle of September and Peter knows that doing this will only make him worse also he feels like he cant move. Peter tries to think but those damn sirens still run in the background, making him feel unable to even think. He has to stop this. He slowly gets up and goes to his closet, finding his suit under a pile of clothes.

He puts them on as fast as he can. He feels a tickle in his nose creeping up again. He knows if he sneezes it will surely wake up Gwen and she will be super pissed. His breath starts hitching and he quickly makes it outside and onto his roof. “Heeh-ntxxt nxxt nxxt...ihh ihhhh isht isht isht isht...oh by god.” The freezing cold air really didn’t help his ticklish nose and stifling his sneezes didn’t either. He takes a minuet before shooting a web to another building and taking of on his stupidly dangerous journey. As he gets closer his headache gets worse. He finally makes it to the scene of the crime.

A little store is being robbed at gunpoint by at least 11 guys and the police have the area surrounded. Peter lands on the roof of a nearby building and waits and watches. Just as he expects the robbers burst out of the store. Some shoot the police officers down and some police officers shoot them down but three guys get away and they all run in the same direction down an alley. Peter figures that this is where he comes in. He swings in there direction and waits until they reach a dead end in a nearby alley and then drops in.

“Oh god really?” One robber says. “This idiot?”

“I’b the idiot?” Peter asks them. “Deed I rebind you that you just robbed sobeone? Not really the smartest idea.” Peter quickly shoots a web and takes all of their guns in the blink of an eye.

“Hey what the hell you little punk! Give ‘em back!” One of them says.

“Right, of course i’b just gonna give a robber his gun back, go rob some more, please!” Peter says sarcastically.

“What make you think the only thing I need to rob is a gun?” He says pulling a knife out of a holder on his ankle. He lunges at Peter but Peter dodges the attack. He punches the robber right in the jaw. Next thing he knows the other two are right net to him. Its goes all out fist fight. Peter knocks two of them out and they fall unconscious on the floor. The third one catches Peter pushes him to the wall. He holds a knife to Peters throat, and at the worst time possible the tickle comes back to Peters nose. Come on not now! Peter thinks as he scrunches up his nose only to have that worsen the tickle.

“Say goodnight spidey.” The robber says smiling.

Peter cant keep the sneeze in any longer. “ehhh ehhhhh ehhKISHHUuu! KISHOO!” An extremely wet sneeze escapes peters nose and some spray escapes his mask landing right on the robbers face.

“Oh what the hell!” The robber says backing away, wiping spray off of his face. Peter takes this time to kick the robber in the stomach and upper cut him with his left hand sending the robber crashing unconsciously to the floor. A police officer finds them seconds before Peter can leave. The officer handcuffs the robbers and thanks Peter.

“These guys have been hitting almost every store on this block,” The officer explains. “ thanks for helping us get the last of them.”

“Do problem sir.” Peter says sniffling trying to clean his runny nose without taking off his mask.

“You alright kid?” The officer asks, questioning Peters sniffing.

“I’b fide, just a little c-coehhh...ehhhh...ehhHHISHOoo...hhHHESHUu...excuse be, I just got a little cold sir.”

“Well get on home, you shouldn’t be out here in this temperature, but thanks again.” The officer says tipping his hat and walking back to his car.

Peter quickly swings home. When he lands on his roof he falls to his knees. He must have forgotten about his burning throat and aching muscles with all that adrenaline running through his body during the fight, but it was all coming back to him now. He takes a minuet before climbing over to his window. He peaks inside, only to see Gwen sitting on his bed crying. Crap. Peter opens his unlocked window and Gwen’s head snaps over in that direction.

“Peter what the hell!” She whispers. Probably trying not to wake up aunt may. Peter slowly steps into his room. Gwen wraps her arms around him. “I don’t know where the hell you where or what you where doing but I swear Peter don’t you ever try and do that again!”

Peter hugs back. “I know, i’m sorry. I just had to get the sirens to stop.”

Gwen sighs and sits Peter down on his bed and pulls off his mask. She sees his horribly runny nose and hands him the tissue box. He takes a few and wipes his noes while Gwen looks for the thermometer in his bathroom. He blows his nose at least 3 times before its clear and then starts taking off his suit. Once its off he places it back under the clothes, grabs a pair of sweatpants and sits back down on his bed. Gwen comes back in with the thermometer and places it in his mouth. When it beeps she takes it out and reads it.

“103.6. Why the hell did you think going outside was a good idea?” Gwen says sitting sitting next to Peter, petting his hair back with her hands. His skin feels like its on fire.

Peter sniffs. “I just couldn't take my spidey senses bessing with by head like that. I had to stop what ever was happening.”

Gwen stands back up and gets another cloth from his bathroom, wets it and starts wiping the sweat off of Peter’s forehead. “Do you feel any worse?” Gwen asks. She waits for an answer but never gets one. She looks at Peter and he has a strange look on his face. His breath starts hitching and then Gwen understands. She hands him a tissue he sneezes wetly into it. “ehhh iISHOO...ehh ehhKISHuu!”

“Come on Peter lay down, you need some more sleep. We can talk more tomorrow.” Gwen says.

Peter crawls under his covers and curls into the fetal position and soon begins snoring softly.

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