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Equestria Girls: The Apple Family Reunion


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I didn't write it. The original can be found here.

“Kaaachooo!” Applejack awoke with a sneeze. Her eyelids fluttered and she raised a hand to catch a second sneeze. “Huhhh... huhh-uuuh... Huhhh! Whoooo...”

The sneeze slipped away from her. Applejack noticed that the sun was already up. She looked at the clock. “8:37? How in tarnation did Ah sleep so long? Ah'd better get a move on.”

She got out of bed. It was a rather clumsy motion, as her limbs suddenly felt weak. Oh no. She swallowed, and felt a pain in her throat. This was bad. She must have caught the cold which Applebloom brought home from school this week. Applejack couldn't afford to be sick today, though. Today was too important. Today was the day of the Apple family reunion.

She had spent all of the past week preparing for today. The entire household had worked hard, getting ready. It didn't help that Applebloom was bedridden for almost two straight days. No, today was too important for Applejack to be sick. She would just have to get over it.

She put on a blue tank top, still feeling weak. She then stepped into a pair of black shorts. It was late spring, and as the days grew warmer, Applejack chose the clothing which would make her the most comfortable. These shorts happened to be the shortest pair she owned. Applejack struggled a bit to pull the shorts over her hips. She muttered to herself. “They fit fine last summer.”

Before she could finish getting dressed, she was overcome by the sudden urge to sneeze. Her hand flew to her nose, and she held a finger underneath it. But it was too late, she couldn't stop herself. “Huuuhh-huuuuhh... Huuuhh.. Kaaahhhrrraaaachhoooo!”

Applejack sneezed so hard she bent double. She could hear the elastic waistband on her shorts creaking a bit from the sudden motion. She yanked, and managed to pull them on the rest of the way, just before another sneeze burst out of her. “Aaahhhchoooiieee!”

Applejack donned her hat and walked downstairs, hoping that her family hadn't heard her sneezes, or noticed the time. If they found out she was sick, she would never hear the end of it. They might even try to call off the reunion!

As she entered the kitchen, Applejack felt her nose begin to tickle again. She brought a finger to the underside of her nose and rubbed, quelling the itch slightly.

“Slept in a bit today, dearie?” Granny Smith asked.

“Ah.. Aaaah... Ahh...” Applejack half hitched, and half stuttered. She was really hoping Granny Smith wouldn't notice. And she really had to sneeze! If it wasn't for her finger pressed against her nostrils, she would have lost it by now.

“That's okay, you deserve it. Hard as you been workin'.” Granny Smith added, without waiting for a reply.

Applejack sat in silence, trying desperately not to sneeze, while Granny Smith served her. Applejack's nose was crawling. Her eyelashes fluttered. She moaned, quietly. “uuuhhhh...”

That was it. She was done for. She just had to. The tickle was too bad to resist. Applejack's breath caught in her throat and she began gasping for air. “Huuuh-uhhh... Huuuuh!” “HUUH-HUUUUH! HaaaaahhhCHOOOOO!” With the final, massive hitching breath, Applejack's breasts jiggled in her tank top. Her finger stayed beneath her nose, following her head as it jerked downwards, almost level with the chair she was sitting on.

“Bless you!” Granny Smith said. She finished serving Applejack's breakfast, and began talking about something or other. Applejack wasn't paying much attention. She was busy struggling with another sneeze. She could tell she was fighting a losing battle, but if she sneezed again, Granny Smith would know something was up. She had to think of an excuse to leave the room. But her head was getting cloudy as the sneeze grew stronger.

An excuse to leave the room... or... That's it! Applejack grabbed the pepper shaker and began applying it to her food. Then, she 'accidentally' knocked it over towards herself. Just in time, too, as the sneeze burst out of her. “AaaaahhhSSHHOOO!”

The pepper shaker went spinning away from the force of her sneeze, and a cloud of pepper hit her in the face. “Hiiiyaaatchooo! HATCHOO! Huuh.. HATCHOO-ACHOO!”

The sudden onslaught to her sinuses caused Applejack to sneeze quickly and violently. She stood up, to escape the pepper filled air, but as soon as she straightened her back, another sneeze ripped out of her, bending her double. “Huuh... NYYyyaaaaaaaaahCHOOOO!”

“Ahh.. Ah don't think I'm huuh-huhhh-hungry aahfterall.. AaaaatttCHOOO!” Applejack said, and darted out of the room.


It was mid afternoon, and the family had finally all gathered. Applejack's sneezing had calmed down a bit after the morning's fit, but she was still feeling weak and groggy. She hated to admit it to herself, but she was sick, and she couldn't wait until her family was all gone so she could sleep.

The family had come from far and wide, and they were weary from their travels. Food had been laid out, prepared the previous night. Applejack did a quick check to make sure everyone was present, then she whistled through her fingers, drawing everyone's attention.

“Ah'd like to thank ya'll for comin' out here today, fer this day of family, and fuhh...” Applejack had to sneeze again. She was pretty sure she could make it through the speech, though. She continued. “Fun, and food. The joy of... ehhh..”

Applejack pressed a finger to the underside of her nose. “huhh... Togeth.. Huuh.. Togethehh.. Huuuhh!”

Applejack came within a hair's breadth of going over the edge, and exploding, but she saved herself. She would finish the sentence, and that would be all. She could manage that much, at least.

“Eh.. Excuse me. Together.. Huhh..” No, no, no! She was not going to sneeze! “Huhhh!”

Her breasts jiggled, and a small amount of pepper flew up from her cleavage, leftover from the morning's shenanigans. An allergic tear ran down Applejack's cheek, and she rubbed her nose harder than ever, trying together delay the inevitable.

“TogethhEHH! Ahhaahh...! UHHH! TOGETHUURRAAAACHHHOOOOOOOO!!” Applejack sneezed, and bent over so far that her hat fell off of her head.

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