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Nothing Normal (for Amberlight24)


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Title: Nothing Normal

Fandom: Criminal Minds

about: JJ comes into work and finds something pretty peculiar, I don’t own Criminal Minds. The only thing I own is the plot. This is my first attempt at writing CM so please be nice, and yes this is for you Amberlight because I know you really love this show and the main person in this story. I hope you like it, and yes I am starting Secret Santa already, I hope it’s not too early. I hope you like it!!

Chapter 1

“Huh’psh’iew!” A sneeze echoed from the bullpen as JJ walked towards it. She came upon a sight that was foreign to her eyes. Spencer Reid had an intense pre-sneeze face on, mouth halfway open, eye lids fluttering, and was accompanied by hitching breaths.

“Huh’psh’iew!” Another identical sneeze ripped out of him.

“Bless you, Spence.” She said as she eyed him suspiciously, it wasn’t normal for him to sneeze. In fact, she thought for a moment and came to the conclusion that she’d never seen him sneeze or even having a cold in the whole time that she has known him. He didn’t have any allergies so that was crossed off her list.

“Thanks,” He replied while sniffling quietly.

“You feel okay?” JJ asked concerned.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He only answered.

Truth is that he woke up feeling foggy but dismissed it thinking it was a lack of sleep from the longer, more time consuming cases that they had recently dealt with. Hours later a slight ache had settled in his head, then congestion. It was all just a puzzle, every piece fitting in a different space to form a picture. The added stress to catch serial killers didn’t help.

“We have to go; they’re waiting for us in the conference room.”

“Okay, you can go, I’ll be there in a minute, I need to check something.” Reid said.

“I can wait here for you.” JJ offered.

“No, no, it’s okay, you can go without me. I’m capable of being alone.” He insisted.

“Fine…” she gave in and walked away.

“Why is he insisting that I leave, he almost never does that.” JJ thought to herself.


Edited by Sophie83540
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Awesome !. I'd love to get a secret Santa (well then it wouldn't be a secret oh my bad) but it's my first holiday season on the forum :) so Yeh. This fic is amazing & cute ! :3

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Belieber! I really can't thank you enough! This was such a sweet gesture and I LOVE it so very much! The sneezes are PERFECT for him! I never had anyone do something like this for me before, it's such an honor and means so much! I hope you continue it! I like JJ and Spencer the best too! You really made my night, I love it!!!!!!

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Thank you so much for the nice comments! They mean so much to me. Also a little question for Amberlight or if others want to answer too you can. Question: Did you know that Thomas Gibson (Hotch) can fake sneeze pretty well? Also if you could get your perfect sickness episode what would be in it? This might be because I’ll probably write a fanfic about it.

Chapter 2

After JJ left the room, Spencer checked to make sure no one else was lurking around. He knew that this would be his chance to try and relieve his nasal passages from all congestion for at least a little while. Everyone was in the conference room which was too far away for them to hear anything. He picked up three tissues and started to blow his nose wetly, but softly into them. He threw the tissues out and was happy that he was about to breathe somewhat better. Having his nasal passages clear would help him hide his symptoms from his cold for at least a little while. He couldn’t let any of his symptoms show; all his friends were profilers and would be able to spot something wrong from a mile away. He really didn’t like the attention that their concern would bring.

Reid walked into the conference room and sat down in his usual spot. He could feel their stares burning through his skin. He understood why though, he was the last one to come in. But what he didn’t understand is when someone else would come in last no one stared at them suspiciously, but of course they did it for him. Spencer looked up and saw Hotch staring at him with a blank, unreadable expression plastered on his face.

“Ok,” Garcia started her presentation, “twenty-one year old Jessica Hayes was found dead in a ditch by a lake in Maryland. A couple of kids were fooling around, playing truth or dare and one of the dares involved the lake somehow and when they got there they found her there in the ditch.”

“Why do they need us there if there’s only one murder?” Hotch asked.

“There’s more, twenty- seven year old Tyler Jenkins and twenty-four year old Lydia Hansen.” Garcia explained; a somber expression on her face.

“What was the cause of death?” Morgan asked.

“The autopsies showed that they were all injected with obscene amounts of anesthesia and were then choked to death.” Garcia clarified.

“The UnSub probably wanted to relax the victims so they wouldn’t think anything was wrong or so that they wouldn’t be able to fight back and the UnSub could just be able to choke them because it would be very easy.” Reid explained, rubbing his nose discreetly.

“The UnSub wanted to feel power over the victims and he had to have an easy way to complete his task.” Blake added.

“Huh’PSH’iew!!” “Huh’PSH’ iew!!” Reid sneezed harshly into cupped hands. Everyone’s eyes made their way over to him, surprised. Reid had lost the battle; the tickle in his nose was too intense to be dismissed.

“Bless you,” they all said, though he got an added concerned look from JJ and a suspicious look from Hotch. A deep blush came over his face.

“Excuse me,” Reid replied quietly, his head down.

“We need to find this killer before he strikes again, wheels up in thirty.” Hotch ordered.

Everyone proceeded to leave the room, though Reid wasn’t that fortunate, he got called to the side by Hotch.

“Are you feeling okay, Reid?”

“I’m fine, just a little tired.” Spencer insisted.

Hotch only nodded although he still wanted to question Reid. He made his way over to JJ and called her name.

“Yes?” she asked.

“I want you to keep an eye on Reid, he seems like he’s hiding something from us, particularly sickness.” Hotch informed.

“I will. He seemed a little off when I first saw him.”

“Okay, thank you.” He thanked her, he rarely did that but when it came to one of his agents he cared for them, even though he didn’t really show it.

TBC? If you want to request something to happen next you can and I’ll see what I can do.

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This is AMAZING! I had no idea about Hotch! How did you find out???? Hotch is quite handsome too... Well hmmmm....I always wanted to see Reid maybe needing comfort and love from being sick on the plane...I also getting maternal attention that he never had with his own mother...and you have his sneezes just perfect!!!! Belieber, you are amazing!!! I also imagine about him saving a child from drowning and getting sick from it, or times when he may be slightly injured and sick but they can't get him to the hospital for some reason and the team has to watch over him....I'd love ANYTHING you'd right though! I'm going to try to write my own soon-ish too! If you have any ideas please tell me! You are amazing!

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This is AMAZING! I had no idea about Hotch! How did you find out???? Hotch is quite handsome too... Well hmmmm....I always wanted to see Reid maybe needing comfort and love from being sick on the plane...I also getting maternal attention that he never had with his own mother...and you have his sneezes just perfect!!!! Belieber, you are amazing!!! I also imagine about him saving a child from drowning and getting sick from it, or times when he may be slightly injured and sick but they can't get him to the hospital for some reason and the team has to watch over him....I'd love ANYTHING you'd right though! I'm going to try to write my own soon-ish too! If you have any ideas please tell me! You are amazing!

Thank you so much!! I didn't think I was writing on point. Also this is the link for the thing that you were asking about http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=52132 thumbup1.gifclapping.gif

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Thank you so much for the nice comments! I just needed to write another chapter right away because I just couldn’t hold off. Warning: Get prepared to be aww-ing.

Chapter 3

Reid sat in almost complete silence on the jet. This was something very unusual for him; he was usually contributing to the conversations and giving his thoughts and opinions to certain topics. JJ was taking Hotch’s orders and keeping an eye on him. Reid was sitting in the back of the jet reading a book and listening to his friends’ conversations. He just couldn’t put himself to read, the pounding of his head was too extreme.

An overwhelming tickle irritated his sinuses, and small hitching breaths consumed his lungs. Spencer pinched his nose and stifled two sneezes.

“Hgnxt!” “Huh’ngxt!”

The itch didn’t subside though, it only got more desperate. Reid put his fist under his nose to try and get rid of the sneeze… only to fail.

“Huh’PSH’iew!!” “Huh’PSH’iew!!” “Huh’PSH’iew!!” “Huh’PSH’iew!!” “HUH’PSH’iew!!” A fit of five sneezes erupted from him.

“Geez, you okay man?” Morgan asked, shocked that those sneezes came from Reid.

“Umm… I’m sorry,” Reid apologized, his face a deep scarlet.

Hotch made eye contact with JJ and she knew that was a sign to take action.

“Oh, Spence,” she said sadly as she sat down next to him.

She pulled out a couple tissues from her jeans pocket; she knew they would come in handy.

“Here, blow your nose.” She told him.

He took the tissues and blew his nose softly, almost not even blowing his nose, he was embarrassed. He didn’t want to have to do it in front of her.

“Blow your nose properly,” JJ ordered, “I don’t care; I’m not going to judge you. Everyone gets sick.” She ensured.

“But I’m not sick!” Reid protested.

“Blow.” JJ ordered sternly.

He tried to protest again but saw the look on her face and knew that she was serious. Spencer just settled to blowing his nose like she told him to.

Hotch looked at JJ with grateful eyes.

“Spencer, you know that I’m not trying to be mean, I only want what’s best for you.” JJ admitted.

“I know,” Reid replied.

“How about you take a nap, I know you’re tired. You can sleep for the rest of the flight if you want to. I’ll get the rest of the team to not disturb you.” JJ offered.

“Okay,” Reid gave in.

JJ patted her lap, signaling that she wanted him to put his head on her lap.

“No, I don’t want to bother you.”

“Spence, it’s fine.” JJ insisted.

Reid layed down and rested his head on her lap. She ran her fingers through his hair and lulled him to sleep.

JJ look over at Hotch and gave him a thumbs up, he nodded in response.

When they arrived at their destination JJ knew she had to wake Reid up even though she didn’t want to because he looked so peaceful. She shook his shoulder lightly to wake him up.

“Spence, wake up.” She cooed quietly.

He opened his eyes and was immediately overcome with the need to sneeze.

“Huh’PSH’iew!” He sneezed uncovered, spraying a bit of JJ’s arm.

He realized that he had sprayed her and apologized.

“I’m so sorry.” He panicked.

“Bless you, it’s fine, I have a child. I’m used to it.”

Reid still had a sad look in his eyes; he was upset that he couldn’t control his sinuses.

“Really, it’s fine,” JJ ensured, “come on, we’re here.”

The team made their way off the jet and to the hotel to drop off their stuff. When they got there Hotch pulled JJ off to the side.

“How is he doing?” Hotch asked.

“Umm… he’s doing all right I guess.”

“Okay, I’m going to let you room with him, I know he would be more comfortable with you than with me. Also please try and get him to not come to the police station with us, I don’t want him overworking himself.” Hotch told her.

“I’ll try, I’m not sure if he’ll listen though, you know he love his job.”

“Yes, I do. I’m giving you permission to even handcuff him if it gets to the point where you need to.”

“I can’t promise that anything will stop him but I’ll still try, Hotch.”

TBC?? Feel free to tell me if you want something specific to happen in this story and I’l see what I can do.

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Belieber I'm blown away. You are so thoughtful to continue this: it is perfect! You write so well. Thank you JJ was so sweet to him...maybe him having a high fever causing nightmares and need of comfort from the team? I honestly don't mind where you go with this: I will love anything you write! I feel rather evil to want Reid to suffer so much, but then again I've always wanted him to be given more love from the team so I don't feel TOO guilty ;) on another note is there something you'd want written? I don't know how well I'd do but for you I would give it a try....just keep in mind :P

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Oh my lord, I am so sorry for the wait, between school and emotional issues I have been so busy. To make up for it this chapter is a bit longer and involves more things.

Chapter 4

JJ walked over to Reid and informed him on the recent changes.

“We’re going to be roommates,” she told him.

“Why?” Reid asked.

“Oh, the stupid people who hear that we need multiple rooms but still give one room for two people.” JJ lied, “Reid, let me ask you something and I want you to be completely honest with me. How do you feel?” JJ figured she might get a confession.

“I feel fine.” Reid lied right through his teeth.

“You sure?”

“Yes, why are you randomly asking me this?”

“I don’t know, you seem a little off.” JJ admitted, this was not how she planned the outcome.

“I swear; I feel fine.” Just as he said those words a sneeze snuck up on him.


“Bless you,”

“Huh-Huh’PSH’iew!” “Huh’PSH’iew!”

“Bless you,” JJ said, she felt sympathy for him.

“Thanks,” he mumbled quietly, he knew that he was going to have to come clean sometime, but he didn’t want to seem like the weakling.

“Do you really want to work on this case?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Why do you keep asking me if I’m ok? I’m not glass, I won’t break!” Reid’s voice rose as he got irritated, it took a lot to get him annoyed.

“You’re pale, sneezing often; you never sneeze. Your voice is congested and I know you’re hiding it because you don’t want Hotch to see you weak and think you’re incapable of working.” JJ profiled.

Reid gulped and looked down; she was on key with everything.

“Fine, I don’t feel well. Please don’t tell Hotch.” Reid begged.

“He’s already suspicious, he asked me to look over you.” JJ confessed.

“I don’t need you to. I’m not a little kid.” Reid stressed.

“We’re only trying to look after you, a lot has happened to you and we only want what’s best for you.”

“I can handle on my own.” Reid walked into the room and sat down on the bed with his head in his hands. He was starting to get dizzy, and fast.

“Spence, what’s wrong?”

“I’m fine… just a little dizzy.”

JJ walked up to Reid and put her palm on his forehead, it was stifling hot.

“Spencer, you’re burning up. Lay down please.” JJ said and Reid obeyed.

JJ went into the bathroom, wet a washcloth and put it on his forehead.

‘I want you to rest because I don’t want you to pass out and make us all panic. Also, in this case resting means sleeping.”

“What about the case?” Reid asked.

“Everyone will be able to manage, they are capable of using their brains too even though they might not want to.” Your health is more important.” JJ ensured, “now got to sleep Reid.”

Reid closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep. JJ made sure he was asleep then went to go tell Hotch that Reid wasn’t going to work on the case. JJ knocked on the door and he answered almost immediately.

“Reid won’t be working on the case.” JJ told Hotch.

“You got him to confess?”

“He almost passed out on me because he programmed himself to hide his sickness. He thought you’d think he was incapable of working on the case.”

“Why would I think that?” Hotch asked.

“I don’t know, I’m assuming that he doesn’t want to look like he’s fragile.”

“He does know that I care about his wellbeing, does he?”

“I can’t count on that.” JJ answered while biting her lip.

“I’ll handle this later, JJ go look after Reid as of right now.”

“Ok, Hotch.” JJ replied.

JJ went back to her hotel room and found that Reid was still sound asleep. She suddenly saw his back begin to stiffen, his breath caught and he took a deep breath in.

“Huh’PSH’iew!” “Huh’PSH’iew!!” Spencer sneezed uncovered wetly.

“Bless you,” JJ said.

Reid sat up and grabbed two tissues from the tissue box.

“Huh’PSH’iew!!” “Huh’PSSH’iew!!” he sneezed twice more into the tissues.

“Bless you,” JJ repeated.

“Thanks,” Reid replied after blowing his nose lightly.

“Hey, how do you feel?”

“Terrible.” Reid murmured.

“I’m sorry.” JJ had sympathy laced within her words.

“It’s not your fault.”

“I know, but I still feel bad that you don’t feel well.”

“Do they need us yet?” Reid asked.

“Not yet and you’re not leaving this bed mister.” JJ told him.

“I can still go.” He protested.

“You almost passed out before.”

“I can still go. I just won’t go to catch the UnSub.”

“Do you want me to go get Hotch? Do you want him to tell you why you can’t go?”

Reid crossed his arms over his chest and sat there. “But I’m not incapable of going, I can still do things.”

JJ picked up her phone and called Hotch.

“Hotch, I need you to come here for a second, ok, thanks.”

A couple minutes later Hotch was in their room.

“Ok, Reid over here is trying to convince me that he can come help with the case when he almost passed out a while ago from a high fever.” JJ explained.

“Reid,” Hotch assessed his youngest agent with a stern tone, “JJ’s right, if you have a high enough fever to where you’re at the point of fainting then you cannot come because stress will put you at a higher risk of being admitted to a hospital.”

“Fine,” Reid sulked.

“Thank you, Hotch.”

Hotch nodded in response and went back to his room.

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wubsmiley.gif Belieber thank you! I can't tell you how lovely your writing is! I hope you are doing ok with things...I know its hard to write if one doesn't feel "balanced", you know- physically and of course emotionally...

Thank you for adding this lovely part! Reid is such a fighter...and JJ is perfect. It's all perfect.

Perfect. perfect. perfect.

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