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Sneeze Fetish Forum

SPN: Castiel's first cold.

Lace Butterfly

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I love you. This is one of the best fics i've ever had the pleasure to read. Please do continue~ :)

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hey guys, here's the next part. hope you like.

Dean slowed the car to a stop as they reached a motel, Lacey was complaining of feminine needs, whatever she meant by that, women and their needing to go to the bathroom every ten seconds he expected. Sam and Lacey were already getting rooms; he turned to Castiel who was asleep in the front seat asleep. It hadn’t been a particularly long drive but Dean guessed that Castiel’s cold had really taken out of the poor guy; Dean stared to gently shake him awake.

“Cas, Cas wake up,” Dean said in a medium low tone, Castiel moaned and sniffled. “Cas get up, you can sleep the motel.” Castiel began to open his eyes and scrubbed at his flushed face. Dean was worried now, he hadn’t thought of sleeping arrangements, usually it was Sam and him, sometimes Castiel would come on a hunt with them but he was an angel then, and angel’s didn’t sleep. Dean was now worried that Lacey would try something with Castiel, and it wasn’t his place to judge, he and the former angel were like brothers after all and he would never try to stop Sam from getting laid but Castiel was different, softer, he just didn’t want to see him get hurt. Castiel and Dean got out of the Impala and closed the doors behind them with identical thunks.

Hah-Ptchewww! HihSsshheew!” Castiel sneezed as he and Dean walked next to each other.

“Bless you,” Dean said through clenched teeth as some of the warm spray had landed on his neck.

“Thank you,” Castiel replied tiredly. “Dean?” the former angel asked with his innocent stare.

“Yeah Cas?” Dean answered.

“What would you normally do if you wanted a woman to fornicate with you?” Castiel asked, his innocent eyes still staring, making the question that much more uncomfortable for Dean.

“Uh, I don’t know, what you mean Lacey?” Dean asked, word around the hunters wire was that Lacey was a bit of a, well slut, she slept with every hunter she could, it was her thing and Dean knew for a fact that she’d slept with Sam when he’d had no soul and the only reason Dean had never slept with her was because when he looked at her all her could see was a young Ellen.

Castiel coughed as he replied, “Yes, Lacey, she makes me feel…” he paused searching for the word, but Dean didn’t want to hear it.

“Look Cas, if you wanna sleep with her that’s your business but we’re on a hunt here and I hate to say it, but you look like crap as it is, let’s just keep things professional today,” Dean said, his usual quick thinking making more sense to his ears than he thought it would. They were just about to get into the reception to see which rooms Lacey and Sam had checked into when Castiel grabbed Dean’s arm forcefully.

“What is it Cas?” Dean asked, staring at Castiel, he had that look on his face that said he sensed something.

“The rogue angel, I can hear her,” he said. That’s right; Dean had forgotten that Castiel could still pick up radio waves.

“You can hear her on your angel radio? Where is she?” Dean asked as he pulled out his cell phone to call Sam.

“She’s in the alley way, Dean we have to hurry she’s killing someone!” Castiel said urgently. That was all Dean needed to hear, they raced outside to get to the alley way and Dean called Sam to hurry to their location. Castiel was wheezing as he ran but Dean had to give him credit he didn’t look like he was going to stop any time soon.

They reached the alley way and Dean took out two angel blades; he’d told Sam to get the holy oil from the trunk so that they could trap her. The angel came into view and Castiel stopped running, he wheezed and coughed trying to get his lungs working again and the angel stopped killing what looked like a disgusting pimp to look at Dean and the former angel. Her eyes stayed on the Castiel as he coughed and the angel looked at him confused.

“Castiel, is that you?” she asked.

Castiel nodded. “Yes, Helena it’s me,” he replied trying to fight of the urge to sneeze, Dean had thought the angel was someone called Reiyna but he guessed that there was more than one crazy angel killing people out there.

“Your vessel is broken Castiel,” she stated simply and Castiel got an embarrassed flush on his face.

Hisshh! It’s not broken, Heshhiiew! I’m not an angel anymore,” he told her between sneezes, “my grace is not the issue here though Helena, you have to stop killing people! Heshiiieww!” Castiel’s voice was very demanding, even if it was pretty congested and gravelly.

“I’m sorry Castiel but these sinners deserve to die, and this is your entire fault anyway Castiel, Reiyna was killed in the fall so now it’s my job to kill these sinners in her memory!” Uh oh, Dean didn’t like where this was heading, this Helena chick was getting crazy, well crazier.

“I’m sorry,” Castiel said with a sniffle, and he really was sorry about the fall but there was nothing he could do now.

“Sorry isn’t good enough!” she yelled and charged toward the young hunter and the graceless angel with blue eyes, intent on killing them both.

Sorry it's so short guys and that their isn't much sneezing but let me know if you want me to add more, probably only a couple of segments left. :)

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I love this story :D I love Dean's though process :)

“Bless you,” Dean said through clenched teeth as some of the warm spray had landed on his neck.

*Melt* Hinting at some possible contagion? ;)

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Contagion<3 yes get Dean sick please. Omg sick Castiel ;o cute. Really really well written :)

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Hey guys, sorry there's no sneezing in this part but bare with me 'cause i'll attach the next part soon.

“Ah crap!” Dean muttered hastily before dodging Helena’s attack, “Cas, catch!” Dean yelled as he threw one of the angel blades Castiel’s way. Castiel caught it in his left hand and began to run toward Helena, blade pointed outward. Helena attacked with her own blade and Castiel narrowly missed a killing blow, damn he was slow, his cold had caused his reflexes to become slowed and his attacks sloppy, if he made it out of this alive it would be a miracle.

Dean managed to slash the revenge-filled angel through the torso and she staggered back with a scream, her grace slightly shining through the cut along with her vessel’s blood. The wound only filled her anger and she held the hunter by the throat as she threw him across the alley way and he hit the wall with an all mighty crack. Castiel heard it even without his celestial hearing and he knew that his friend would now have a broken rib or two.

“That’s enough Helena, the killing has to stop!” the angel yelled as he rushed toward her with all the energy he could muster. Castiel stabbed Helena through the chest, her eyes and mouth glowing a bright blue with grace as she screamed and died. Castiel didn’t look at her a second time, his blue eyes flew straight to the injured hunter. He was breathing quite heavily, the adrenaline was beginning to wear off and he could feel it all, all the aches and pains, plus the exhaustion caused by his illness, he hobbled over to Dean and knelt down beside him. Sam and Lacey finally rushed out of the motel.

“Cas, what the hell happened?” Sam yelled as he ran over to Dean, Castiel tried to answer but all that came out of his mouth was a series of wracking coughs.

“Whoa!” Lacey yelled as Castiel began to lose his balance as he stood up and fell to the floor.

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Awwwww Hurt Dean on top of an even sicker Cas? You are pushing some serious buttons here Kaida dear :D Love heart.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, sorry there's no sneezing in this part but bare with me 'cause i'll attach the next part soon.

And when is this 'soon' you were talking about, Kaida? ;-)

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Haha yeah sorry, I don't have Internet at my house and most public places block the forum but as soon as Im not acessing this forum on my phone and am using an actual secure connection I can post what I have left. Once again, sorry for taking so long.

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When Dean woke up, he felt terrible, his chest and back ached. Damn it, broken ribs, he thought wearily. He took a breath and coughed, causing him to wince at the pain in his chest. He saw a figure sitting by his bed in the motel.

“Cas,” Dean said in a whisper, “is that you?”

“Hello Dean, how do you feel?” Cas replied. Dean thought about the question for a moment, but the answer was obvious when he felt a tickle in his nose.

“HihhEishhuu!” Dean sneezed and then groaned as the action caused his body to jerk forward and hurt his ribs. “Ugh, damn it. I’m feeling crappy Cas, my ribs and back are killing me, same as my head and I think I probably caught your cold too,” the hunter replied with a sniffle.

Castiel bowed his head, “I’m sorry Dean,” the former angel said sadly.

“What, for getting me sick?” Dean asked and Castiel nodded, “Don’t sweat it it’s only a sniffle, where’s Sam?” Dean asked, ignoring the guilty expression on Castiel’s face, he would have to learn that being human was about more than life and death, in Dean’s experience it was also about not letting the little things get to him.

At that moment a door opened in the side of the room and Sam walked in, Dean was a little relieved that his younger brother had been smart enough to adjoining motel rooms.

Hhh H’Ktcshhhuu!” The sneeze had caught Dean off guard and he sucked in air to relieve the pain it had caused.

“Seriously, you’re sick?” Sam said with a hint of annoyance as he walked up to Dean’s bed.

“It’s nothing, you guys better have ganked that bitch? ‘Cause I sure as hell didn’t get all banged up for nothing,” Dean said brushing over Sam’s question.

“Yeah, actually it was Cas,” Sam replied, handing a tissue to Dean as he saw the older Winchester’s face contort into a pre-sneeze expression.

Hhh… Heh-KSSSHhhhieww!” Dean blew his nose tiredly; this cold was coming on quickly. “Oh yeah that reminds me, where the hell were you and Lacey when I was getting my ass kicked?” Dean asked.

“The elevator broke, we had to run down seven flights of stairs and when we finally got to you Cas was passed out and you were on the ground all messed up, we had to get us moved down to the first floor,” Sam explained, Dean nodded, glad that while things hadn’t gone exactly to plan, at least the angel was dead and he, along with Castiel, Sam and Lacey were still alive.

“Anyway, I’m going on a supply run, I guess I can add twice the amount of Tylenol and Kleenex to the list,” Sam said.

Sam said. Dean gave a sniffle in agreement. When Sam left the room the adjoining door opened again.

“How are you guys feeling?” Lacey asked with a smile.

“Could be better,” Dean replied truthfully. Lacey pulled Castiel out of the armchair he was sitting in and dragged him toward her.

“How about you room with me tonight Castiel?” Lacey suggested with sin in her eyes, but Castiel shook his head.

“I believe to reduce the chances of contagion I will sleep in Dean’s room tonight, thank you for the offer though,” Castiel replied as he gave a caring glace over at Dean. Lacey looked disappointed but didn’t argue, when she was gone Castiel sat back in the armchair silently, only punctuating the silence to cough or blow his nose.

“Cas,” Dean said. Castiel looked over at the injured sick hunter slightly shivering with cold.

“Yes Dean, what is it?” the former angel asked quietly.

“Get in here,” Dean said, Castiel was shocked, in all the time he had known the hunter, he had always expressed the need for his personal space but now he was holding up his bed covers and inviting the former angel in with him.

“I-I don’t understand,” Castiel stammered.

“Get in my bed, you look freezing and everyone should know what it feels like to cuddle when they’re sick, this is your first cold after all,” Dean explained. Castiel smiled and snuggled in with Dean in the queen sized bed. “Cas,” said Dean.

“Yes Dean?” the former angel said as he closed his eyes and snuggled deeper into the covers.

“Knowing you, you’ll be an angel again in no time so enjoy this while it lasts,” Dean said softly.

“I always enjoy being with you Dean,” Castiel replied as he drifted off to sleep.

The end.

So that's the end of it, its a little soppy but Castiel and Dean give me all the feels lol so I had to. Hope you guys thought it was alright.

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very good. i want to read all the stories i can. i haven't caught a cold in a long time. but i never seem to have any tissues around when i do catch one. so i improvise by blowing my nose in whatever i have lying around except food of course

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  • 2 months later...

I am so late to find this!

Magnificent writing! Please do continue.

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