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Sneeze Fetish Forum

SPN: Castiel's first cold.

Lace Butterfly

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Hey guys, this is something I just thought of but if you don't want any season 9 spoilers don't read. It's not that there is anything that hasn't been in the show recently but if you haven't watched it then don't read as I'd hate to spoil the new season for anyone. :)

Dean sipped at his coffee in his navy bathrobe, he loved the men of letters headquarters, Sam was getting better, Cas was settling into being human nicely and they had some new information on a case. Yep, things were looking up for Dean, his only problem now was that he had to keep Sam from fining out about Zeke. Dean shuddered at the thought of the fight that conversation would bring. Sam was sitting by his side talking on the phone with another hunter and Cas was sitting at the end of the table drinking his new favourite beverage, coffee.

“Okay great, see you soon Lacey.” Sam sighed as he set down the old fashioned phone.

“Lacey's coming?” Dean asked as he swirled the last of his black coffee.

“Yeah, she said she's got some information about the job we're working here.” Sam stood up and stretched his long legs. “You wanna come along on this one Cas?” Sam asked the graceless angel.

“Yehhh...hhh..HihhShiew.” Castiel sneezed downwardly toward his chest, the Winchester's looked over at him with surprise.

“Bless you Cas.” Dean gave a half smile and slid a box of Kleenex in Castiel's direction. “Was that a yes?” Castiel nodded and gave a small blow into the tissue. “You feelin' okay?” Dean asked as Castiel moaned congestedly after blowing his nose.

“Being human, it's difficult.. how do you deal with urinating everyday?” Castiel stared up at Dean with that clueless look that always made Dean feel bad for him.

“I don't know Cas, but you'll get used to it.” The older Winchester answered the phone as it gave an old fashioned ring.

“Yeah, okay, we'll come pick you up.” Dean hung up the phone and headed for his bedroom to change.

Hhh...HihhShhh.” He looked back at Castiel who had his hands cupped over his nose and mouth.

“You sure you're okay? You sound like you might have a cold.” Dean narrowed his eyes in analysis of Castiel.

“I am fine Dean.” Castiel replied simply.


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Aww, so cute how Dean is all concerned, and how he knows all of the symptoms of colds and everything! And Cas all exasperated and confused! I'd looove to see more.

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Hey Supernatural lovers, I hope you guys like this new part and tell me what you think or if you have any ideas about where this SneezyCasFic could be headed. :) Thanks.

Dean sighed and shook his head, he and Sam never dusted or cleaned their bunker so Castiel's sneezes could have just been from mild allergies, or at least that was what he hoped, the former angel had never been sick before and the last thing that Dean wanted was a miserable and cold ridden companion he had too look after. The Winchester's both walked into their respective rooms and Dean closed his door behind him, he changed into his black T-shirk, green pull over shirt and his dark blue jeans, he paused to look in his mirror for a second or two, messing about with his short and practical hair. Damn I look good. He mused to himself before tying up his biker boots and walking back out to the main hall.

HihhhShhiiew!” Dean looked over to where the high pitched sneeze had come from to find Castiel, not that he was surprised, he had a feeling he'd be hearing more of the unrestrained minor explosions come from the once celestial, blue eyed man.

“Bless you Cas my man, need a Kleenex?” Dean asked with a certain amount of coolness, though he wasn't about to take Castiel's sneezing lightly, if Castiel were coming down sick then Dean wanted to minimize spread of illness as much as possible.

“Uh.. thank you.” Dean nodded and handed Castiel a soft white Kleenex as the blue eyed man sniffed.

“No problem, how long have you been feeling crappy Cas?” Dean just went for it, he knew that Castiel was no wuss when it came horrible gaping wounds and he was sure a mundane head cold would be no different, but Castiel had no idea how mad illness could effect him, not like he knew a gunshot wound or a head injury could.

“I told you I'm fine.” Castiel's pronunciation fuzzed as he said the untrue words.

“Yeah, okay, whatever. Y'know there's no shame in catching cold Cas, everyone gets sick sometimes.. even me.” Dean gave his friend a warm half smile as if to coax out the truth from him.

“I'll admit I've been feeling somewhat more lethargic than I had when I first became human, but it's no cause for- hhh.. for..hhh...HehIsshhiiew! Concern.” Castiel finished with his face half covered in his elbow, Dean guessed out of seeing he or Sam do the same when they sneezed, seeing as he knew that Castiel couldn't possibly be doing it out of habit. “Ugh.. what is the matter with me?.” The graceless angel sniffled.

“Bless you, it's called a cold Cas, it's a virus, okay?” Castiel's eyes flickered with a hint of worry as Dean said the word 'virus' “Don't worry, it's not life threatening, it's just something we humans get when we get too run down, probably from all those nights you spend out in the rain after the fall.” Dean told him, though it was only a guess, he or Sam hadn't been sick for months, well, if you didn't count Sam's trials, but that was a whole other thing.

“Oh, well how do I make it go away?” Castiel asked with a sort of urgency. Dean said nothing for a moment. “Hhh..Hisshhiieww.. ugh.. Dean I must know.” At that moment Sam came into the room, fully clothed. “Hiihhh-Eshoo! Hishoo!”

“Whoa, Cas.. are you- are you sick?” Sam asked with mild surprise, a grin of amusement forming on his face.

“Yeah seems like he's got a case of the sniffles, do you mind going to pick up Lacey? I'm going to make him some tea.” Dean told his younger brother with a dry and somewhat forced smile. Sam began to give a high pitched chuckle.

“What's so funny?” Castiel asked the mountain of a man, the stuffy voice coming from the former angel only making Sam want to laugh more.

“Nothing.” Sam said through his dying down chuckles. “Nothing Cas, feel better and drink plenty of fluids.” The younger Winchester told him with a smile and walked up the stairs to the chilly outside Kansas weather.

“What else would I drink?” Castiel asked Dean quietly, forcing a head shake from the older hunter as he moved to the kitchen to make the sniffling blue eyed man a cup of tea.


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The forum's been hit by an epidemy of SPN fics ;) Not that I'm complaining :D (REJOICE!)

Love the story! Can't wait to see what's gonna happen. Is the former angel of the Lord gonna insist on helping the boys even thou he's starting to feel crummy?

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Is the former angel of the Lord gonna insist on helping the boys even thou he's starting to feel crummy?

Haha. Maybe... :) we'll see.

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Yay more Castiel!! This is awesome. And I love you for writing these things. Just saying. <3

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Hey guys, I just thought since I'm a bit sick right now that it would be the perfect opportunity to post some more of this fic. I hope you guys like it, tell me what you might like to read in some of the upcoming chapters. Ideas are always welcome. Enjoy.

Castiel sniffled and rubbed his nose with his knuckles. Dean listened to the sound of the whistling kettle boil as Castiel came up behind him in the kitchen.

“What is that?” The former angel asked as The older Winchester held a steaming cup of herbal tea under Castiel's nose.

“Good for you, is what.” Dean replied simply as he crossed his arms against his chest and leaned against the 1950's style counter. Castiel took a whiff and even with his stuffy nose he could still smell it, he crinkled his slightly reddened nose at the spicy aroma. Dean rolled his eyes at his mostly clueless friend. “Just drink it Cas, a cold isn't life threatening but you're probably gonna feel like crap for a couple days and drinking stuff like this will help you feel better.” Dean gestured to the steaming mug of tea that Cas was holding hesitantly in his hands. Castiel nodded and sipped at the herbal brew, he bit back the urge to gag, yet another human reflex he wasn't used to, (much like sneezing). Dean now widened his eyes and stepped back as the blue eyed man's eyes watered and he breathed heavily to fight the slight urge to throw up.

“Ugh, that's awful!” Castiel exclaimed. The hunter chuckled and poured himself a coffee from the machine.

“Yeah I know, tastes like ass but it'll help.” Dean gave Castiel a brief sympathetic gaze. The blue eyed man set down his mug of tea with haste as his breath began to hitch and he covered his mouth with both hands.

HihhIisshh...Hiisshhiew, H'Shieww!” Castiel let out a groan of discomfort.

“Bless y' Cas.” Dean patted Castiel on the shoulder as he walked past him to the main entrance hall, he could hear Sam talking as his brother came down the stairs with a young woman. Dean recognized her as Lacey, a fairly new hunter but very capable. She waved an enthusiastic wave in Dean's direction as she stepped lightly down the stairs; despite her steal capped high-heeled boots. Lacey's long brown hair pulled into a pony tail swaying at her leather covered back as she gave a friendly smile to The older Winchester.

“Hey Lacey, good to see you.” Dean smiled back, giving her a warm hug.

“You too Dean, nice bat cave.” Said Lacey, impressed, sticking her thumbs in her jeans pockets.

“Thanks Lace, sit down, Whiskey?” Dean offered politely, Lacey sat down.

“Please.” She replied as Dean poured her a neat Whiskey and slid it over to her. Castiel walked through to the room, sniffling and rubbing his nose as he sat down at the table and sipped his tea. “Uh.. this must be Cas, Hi, I'm Lacey.” Lacey gave Castiel a friendly wave, and smiled.

“Hello Lacey, nice to meet you.” Castiel replied in a weak and congested tone, he gave a wet sniffle as he set his mug down on the table. “Oh..” Lacey mused as she heard the stuffy voiced reply. “I didn't know angels could catch cold.” The room tensed a little, Sam and Dean knew it was painful for Castiel to be directly confronted with the fact that he was no longer a celestial being.

“I'm not an angel, not anymore.” Castiel said flatly and made a moved to get up, taking his tea with him as he strode away.

“Did... I say something wrong?” Lacey asked with a clueless stare, taking a lengthy sip from her alcohol.

“It's fine, so what have you got for us Lace?” Dean asked in reference to their case.

“Well I got something but you're not gonna like it.” The young huntress replied. Dean gave a look that said; please continue. “It's looking more and more like some of these angels are losing control, they're turning into serial killers without someone to guide them.”

“Great, we could really use Cas for this case, where did he get off to?” Sam asked openly as he looked around.

“I think Cas should take a siesta on this one, he's human now, which means he's weaker and on top of that he's off his game with that cold he's got.” Dean replied.

“Dean, just because I'm human doesn't make me an invalid.” Castiel re-entered the room with a Kleenex pressed to his nose.

“I know Cas it's just-” The older hunter began to back-track.

“You said this cold wasn't life threatening... so I'd like to help.” Castiel sniffled, triggering a tickle in his nose. “HiihhShhiieew Hishiew Heh-Shiiieeww! Hishhh! Hihh...hihhh...hih.... HiihHIiisshhhiieew!”

“Bless you.” Dean and Sam both said, more than a little out of compulsion.

“Thanks, now how can I help?” Castiel said with a bleary gaze and a congested tone. Sam and Dean traded looks of uncertainty as they saw the former angel bend forward with a harsh cough.

“Yeah... this looks like it's gonna be a long hunt.” Dean said under his breath as he walked back to the kitchen to fetch himself a top up of his alcohol, a vice that he seemed to be depending more and more on these days.


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Of course TBC! :D

SKA : Serial Killer Angels - sounds like the name of a new TV Show!

Love how Cas offers to help even if he's sick. If he's not used of being a simple human, I bet he's gonna see that being sick complicates matters a bit further ;)

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*Doggy style begging* Oh yes more. Please. Adorable Cas and his sneeziness. LOVE IT

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I haven't seen this until now, but I. AM. LOVING. IT.

Cas has such a sweet personality~ One of my favorites~

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Hey guys, this is my next instalment. Thanks so much for all your comments :) and I hope you guys like it... As always any input is welcomed.

Castiel rubbed at his sore throat as Sam gave him a sideways glance.

“Once we find out which one of the angels is committing these murders, maybe you could talk to him? Y'know, get him to realize that he doesn't have to kill people.” Sam suggested.

“That won't be easy.” Lacey interjected. Sam and Castiel looked at her with curious eyes. “I mean, finding out who the angel is, there are thousands of them.”

“And they're all lost and confused.... or being controlled.” Castiel spoke the words softly, putting the least strain on his voice as possible.

“Well we know one thing.” Dean said with a small smile as he re-entered the room. “The angel had to have been a true blue soldier back in the day, all the victims are sinners... I'm actually kinda surprised that they haven't tried to gank us just yet.” Dean looked over at Castiel with a smile but Castiel turned away as his breath hitched.

Hhh...hihh... HiihhYiisshhhiiieww!

“Bless y-” Dean began to reply.

Hisshh! H'Isshhhiiew Hehhshhiew.. hhh...hhh... HuhP-iishhhiieww!” Castiel pinched his nose in an effort to restrain the last sneeze, though with no such luck, spray exploded from his mouth, leaving him with an embarrassed flush on his face.

“Bless you.” Dean and Lacey said in unison. Lacey who was close to Castiel, laid a hand on his shoulder, the blue eyed man looked at her with confusion.

“Thank you.” He replied, the confusion showing in his tone as well as his eyes.

“You're very welcome hon, why don't I get you another cup of tea.” She said with a kind smile. She walked into the kitchen and Dean followed her.

“What are you doing?” He asked with a note of annoyance.

“What does it look like? I can't get the cute guy a cup of tea?” She replied devilishly.

“No you can't, not with the way you look at him. Now don't get me wrong you're a cool chick and you'd be a great hunter even if you weren't Ellen's niece but, the poor guy's vulnerable at the moment and I don't want you messing with his head when he's just getting back on his feet.” Dean's face flustered a little with the unrehearsed speech. Lacey only smiled more devilishly than she had sounded.

“Relax Dean, it's just a cup of tea.... besides, haven't you heard? Sex cures colds better than Tylenol ever could.” Lacey poured the steaming water into a fresh mug and the smell of Camomile and Ginger filled the room, the young huntress flashed Dean a grin as she moved to bring Castiel his tea, but Dean grabbed a hold of her brown leather jacket's collar.

“Don't hurt him Lace...” He paused. “He's just getting used to being human, I doubt heart-break is something he's eager to experience, or something he would handle well.” She stared at Dean for a moment, her eyes reflecting the notion that, that idea hadn't occurred to her 'til now.

“...I won't.” She said softly and walked out of the kitchen to a waiting Castiel and Sam, Dean following behind her slowly with a worried and apprehensive stare on his angular face. Lacey handed the the tea to the blue eyed man with a smile, though less seductive than before.

“Dean, Sam and I have been talking and I think, by what Sam has told me, that the angel might be Reiyna, she wasn't part of my Garrison but she was on the level below me and she firmly believed that every soul on Earth had to be pure, and if they weren't pure she didn't think they should be allowed to live in the world that God created.” Castiel swiped his runny nose with his wrist. “The only thing is, I have no idea where to find her.”

“That's okay, you leave that to us Cas, why don't you get some sleep.” Dean suggested, though he said it more like an order.

“But I can come with you, I can help.” Castiel replied with a look of desperation, clearly he wanted to be needed. Dean gave an eye roll.

“Okay, but take those with you.” He pointed to the box of facial tissues on the desk by the three hunters and one graceless angel. Castiel nodded and picked them up, shoving them under his right arm as they walked.

“Can I sit in the front seat?” He asked with an innocent and somewhat childish gaze.

“N-” Sam began to say, but received a sharp slap on his arm.

“Sure man, whatever you want.” Dean smiled as they all walked out into the cool breeze of the outside world to Dean's precious Impala.


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Yes yes!!! TBC! I really really love your story :D So many good bits to enjoy :)

“Bless y-” Dean began to reply.

“Hisshh! (...)

Dean interrupting the sneezes interrupting him in his blessing! Priceless :)

“And they're all lost and confused.... or being controlled.” Castiel spoke the words softly, putting the least strain on his voice as possible.

Oh? Is he gonna lose his voice? That would be.... inconvenient ;)

“What does it look like? I can't get the cute guy a cup of tea?” She replied devilishly.

LOL Go Lacey Go! :) I can confirm the myth, Sex indeed can cure a cold :D

“Can I sit in the front seat?” He asked with an innocent and somewhat childish gaze.

“N-” Sam began to say, but received a sharp slap on his arm.

“Sure man, whatever you want.” Dean smiled as they all walked out into the cool breeze of the outside world to Dean's precious Impala.

LOL I wonder, does he leave him the shotgun seat just so he won't sit besides Lacey... Oh Dean! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

EEEE~~! This is the best <3

I can't wait for mooooore!! Sneezy Cas is the most adorable thing >w<

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  • 2 months later...

*whines* No more inspiration?

Hey guys, I'm so sorry for the enormous delay, internet issues and the like but I've finally gotten a chance to post something so I really hope you like it. Here's the next part.

As soon as the cold air hit Castiel’s already irritated nose it began to itch, he gave a groan and Dean gave him a short but sharp glance. Dean was beginning to

think he should have left the former angel behind, they weren’t even in the car yet and he could hear the guy sniffling like crazy, really it made Dean wince, Castiel sounded worse than Sam did come Spring time. Dean sighed, but what else was he supposed to do? Just leave him there to succumb to fever all alone, hardly; he’d just have to keep an eye on him on this one.

Hhh HeehhIshhhew!” Castiel sneezed messily into his coat sleeve as they entered the car.

“Bless y’ Cas,” Dean said to the former angel, Sam leaned toward the front and whispered to his brother.

“You really think he’s gonna be okay Dean, I mean, he’s practically a walking flu virus.” Dean knew it was true but he couldn’t exactly worry about that, and Sam really didn’t have a right to tell Dean to leave Castiel at home, how many times had the younger Winchester pestered Dean to let him hunt when he was the one under the weather? Plenty as far as Dean was concerned, plus Castiel was the only one who could find the rogue angel.

Dean sighed and whispered back, “He’s coming Sam, it’s just a cold, he’ll be fine.” Sam rolled his eyes as if to say that he really didn’t want to ride in the car with someone who could get everyone sick. Castiel started coughing and Dean saw Lacey moved toward the front, she put her hands on t former angel’s shoulders and began to rub. Dean immediately turned on some Led Zeppelin.

“Uh, Lacey that feels amazing,” Castiel said through the congestion, snuffling every once in a while.

“Yeah, my old boyfriend always used to give me a back rub when I had a cold, made me feel way better,” Lacey smiled, okay, so she wasn’t trying to seduce Castiel anymore but that didn’t mean she didn’t have a soft spot for guys who were like little puppy dogs, which is exactly how she thought of Castiel, with his big blue eyes and sweet but vacant expression, and especially with the little snuffles he was doing now.

Castiel didn’t respond, he was too busy trying to head off the oncoming sneezes, but it seemed his nose had other ideas.

HiihhYiisshhhiiieww hhh hhhuh? Heh-Shiiieeww! Hishhh…. Ugh, sorry, I hhh.. can’t.. HehhEshiioo!!stop, ” He couldn’t even finish his sentence, this was torture as far as Castiel was concerned, and what’s more is he hated the fact that he had to be so sick in front of Lacey. Castiel had only recently, well popped his cherry so to speak and he was beginning to like Lacey.

“Sorry, excuse me,” he said as soon as the fit had stopped. He sighed, yep, there were good and bad things about being human, this was definitely one of the bad ones.

More coming real soon guys, sorry for the wait but please let me know what you think. :)

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Castiel sounded worse than Sam did come Spring time.

And that coming from Dean (and in my headcanon anyway) is saying much ;)

“You really think he’s gonna be okay Dean, I mean, he’s practically a walking flu virus.” Dean knew it was true but he couldn’t exactly worry about that, and Sam really didn’t have a right to tell Dean to leave Castiel at home, how many times had the younger Winchester pestered Dean to let him hunt when he was the one under the weather?

Flawless Dean reasoning :D

Sam rolled his eyes as if to say that he really didn’t want to ride in the car with someone who could get everyone sick.

Oh germophobe Sam :) But he's right... a ride with a sneezing, sniffling and coughing former angel could spell trouble for Team Free Will.... Dean catching the bug at the end would be yuuuummy :)

and what’s more is he hated the fact that he had to be so sick in front of Lacey. Castiel had only recently, well popped his cherry so to speak and he was beginning to like Lacey.

Dean's gonna be *singsong voice*Jaaaaalouuuuuus */singsong voice* :D

Ok, now I really really can't wait! Thanks Kaida for reviving this story hug.gif

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