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Tender Love and Care {The New Normal!}


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Hey guys! I felt like writing a little thing between David and Bryan from The New Normal. I'm still in love with Glee, but I feel like I've done a lot of the same thing with them, and that this might be fun to try. Hope you like it! For anyone who doesn't watch TNN, Bryan Collins and David Sawyer are boyfriends, and live with Goldie, their surrogate, and her daughter Shania. Goldie has a crazy grandmother, Jane, who likes to involve herself with everything, and is also not to supportive of gay rights. Bryan works as a TV show director, and his show is supposed to be a spoof of Glee. He has an assistant, Rocky, who's pretty awesome. David works as a gynecologist.

Hope you all enjoy!!


David sniffled and scrunched his face up in distaste as he walked out of the medical building where he worked and went to the parking garage. It wasn't to cold even though it was late November, seeing as it rarely ever got below 50 during the day in California.

Even so, when David walked out, he gently tugged his sweater a bit closer to his body, a shiver wracking his slender frame. Rubbing at his sensitive nose with his wrist, the brunette sighed and waited as cars passed until he could walk once more.

David wasn't to fond of germs. Sure, he went to med-school but that was for gynecology, not a profession dealing with germs that you could catch just inhaling air.

As the short man got into his car, he froze, letting his breath hitch as he sniffled, nose running. The inside of his nose was tickley, and David resisted the urge to rub at it more, something Bryan hated.

"Hehhh.....heh'iTCHH'uhhh! *snnfl* eh'ISHHH!!!"

Catching his sneezes against his hands, David made sure to wash his hands with sanitizer before driving to his and Bryan's house. His head felt stuffy as he pulled into the driveway, pressure building at his sinuses. His nose was blocked, making sniffling only tickle when he felt his nose run. David's throat was sore and his body felt achey.

Turning the knob and entering his house, David let out a small cough and put his jacket up in the closet. He could hear Goldie and Shania in the living room, and knew Bryan was still finishing up work at his office. Walking into the kitchen, he smiled at the girls who were watching some reality show.

"Hey David! How was work?" Goldie asked, pausing the screen and flipping around so she could pay attention. David merely shrugged.

"It was alright. I think I'm going to take a shower and relax for a bit. If Bryan cuhh-comes home can y-you tell uhh...." David broke off to rub at his flaring nostrils, sniffling thickly. "Sorry...can you tell him I'm i-hhhh...hih'ITSCHHH! eh'ISTCH! -ugh"

David blushed deeply as he sneezed constrained stifles into his shoulder, the pressure only building more in his head. He looked up as he heard both girls bless him, nodding.

"Thangk you, egxcuse mbe," David blushed again before starting to walk out. "Justd tell himb I'mb ind our roomb, thangks," he called out as he walked up the stairs.

Once inside and door shut, David grabbed a tissue from the bedside table and blew his nose a few times, only making his nose go from a barely-there pink to a darker shade. Sniffling helplessly, David felt another tickle tease at the the inside of his nostrils, small thin wet trails trickling down to his upper lip as his breath hitched madly.

"hehh....ugh...hehh! huhhh-huh'ISHHH'uhhhh huh'GNXTTT! it'SCHHH!"

Davids head swam as he blew his nose again, wiping at his slick nostrils, thankful the tickle seemed to have died down a bit. The small man took his clothes off and put them in the hamper before stepping in the shower, letting the warm water subside his shivers for a bit. When he heard Bryan shut the front door, David got out, feeling twice as cold as before after putting on some sweatpants and a white shirt. His body was aching more than before as well, and his nose was running like a faucet.

Sniffling as he sat on the bed, David quickly snatched a tissue up and held it tiredly to his nose and mouth.

"huh'TCHH!! ugh-eh'HISHH'uhhh!"

David whimpered slightly and ran a hand down his warm, pale face. Rubbing at his nose, he got under the covers of their bed and allowed his eyes to shut, only opening them when he heard Bryan come in and make a small cooing noise.

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