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I got inspired by Sophie to try writing a 1D fanfic.:D (I am not an amazing writer, so I apologize if it's bad :/)


Harry moaned.

"Lou, let me sleeeeep,"

Louis scoffed.

"NO! I bought us tickets for Six Flags and we're going!"

Harry gave Louis the puppy dog face.

"..but I don't like rollercoast-"

"Too bad!"

Louis grabbed ahold of Harry's hand and dragged him out of bed.


"Stand up or I'll drag you across the house, your call,"

Giving in, Harry stood up slowly.

He stretched out.

"Now go get ready. The park opens in 30 minutes," Louis said as he pushed Harry down the hall and into the bathroom.

Harry walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on.

He put his hand under the water until it felt warm enough.

Harry took his clothes off and stepped in the shower.

The warm water trickling down his body felt amazing.

He took a bar of soap- ocean breeze scented- and rubbed it along his whole body.

Harry then took out his favorite shampoo and squirted some in his hair without measuring it in his hand first.

He fluffed up his hair and made it into all kinds of crazy hair styles.

When he'd decided he had enough fun, Harry washed out his hair and turned the shower off.

He grabbed the towel off the rack and dried his hair first.

He then wrapped it around his waist and walked out of the bathroom.

The coldness hit him like a brick wall.

Harry scrunched up his nose as he breathed in.

The chill tickled his nostrils.

Harry could feel a sneeze coming, but he tried stopping it by squeezing his nose until the feeling subsided.

The trick worked.

Harry walked out of the bathroom and darted into his room.

He closed the door and took his towel off.

Harry walked over to his dresser, and pulled out a clean pair of underwear and slipped them on.

He then went to his closet and took out a shirt and quickly put it on since he was so cold.

He sighed when he felt the warmth and softness of the shirt.

Harry realized he forgot his pants. He walked over to his dresser, only to find himself feeling the need to sneeze again.

He tried to stop the tickle but it grew increasingly stronger.

Harry couldn't handle it any longer.

With one deep breath, Harry started to sneeze.

They started out stifled, but got too powerful too keep it up.


He repeatedly doubled over from the power of the sneezes.

Finally, Harry stopped sneezing, looked around, and sniffled deeply.

He swiped his arm across his nose, and continued his search for pants.

He found a pair of black skinny jeans, and put them on.

Harry then opened his door and walked into the living room to find Louis sitting on the couch browsing Twitter on his phone.

"Hey, I'm ready, let's go,"

Louis looked over to Harry and back at his phone.

"What?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Oh nothing,"

Harry walked over Louis and looked at his phone.

"What are you doing?" Louis pulled his phone away and held it against his chest protectively.

"Hand it over Lou," Harry extended his arm and held out his hand.

"No, w-why would you want it?"

Harry opened his eyes wide and gritted his teeth.

"Louis, give, me, the, phone. "

Louis gave in and handed him the phone.


Louis chuckled nervously.


Harry put his hand over his face and rubbed it.

"I'm sorry, it was just the perfect opportunity, a-and I just thought the fans would like it,"

Harry took his hand off his face and pointed at Louis.

"You're gonna get it Tomlinson. You won't know when, you won't know where, but you're gonna get it,"

Louis scoffed and opened the door. He motioned Harry to come.

"The park opens in five minutes, we need to hurry, let's go,"

To be continued.... (If you want, of course :D)

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YES CONTiNUE. It's not even an option anymore, it's a demand. Uhm please. You can't just leave us hanging like that . Uhm since we always wanted to see Louis sneeze why not have Harry put sneezing powder on Lou while he's sleeping then record it for the fans?. Unless you had another direction you were going :) anyways continue !.

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Uhm since we always wanted to see Louis sneeze why not have Harry put sneezing powder on Lou while he's sleeping then record it for the fans?. Unless you had another direction you were going :) anyways continue !.

Best idea I've heard! I love Louis!

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Okay, so I did have another direction I was going with this, but I'll definitely try to squeeze the sneezing powder in here somewhere. :D


Okay. Part Dos. ;D

Louis and Harry arrived at Six Flags moments later.

"Okay, two minutes until it opens. I say we ride Tatsu first,"

Harry looked worried.

"Lou, I don't know...."

Louis punched his arm playfully.

"Come on! It'll be fun, I swear,"

Harry rubbed his shoulder and hopped out of the car, Louis along with him.

"Race ya to the entrance,"

Harry could barely look up before Louis was already half way there.

Harry slammed the door and started running as fast as he could.

"HEY WAIT UP!" he cried out, but Louis wouldn't stop.

Harry was running as fast as he could, when all of a sudden he saw Louis stop running, and put a fist over his mouth.

Harry ran over to Louis.

"Hey, why'd you stop?" he asked, out of breath.

His question was answered a second later when Louis took a big breath in.

Harry started grinning and searching his pockets for his phone so he could record this moment, but all of them turn up empty.

It hit him, he totally forgot his phone on his nightstand.

He slapped his face while Louis started sneezing.

They were so cute and dainty, like a kitten.


Louis' hands covered his whole face while he tried to muffle the sound.

Harry couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Louis sneezing non-stop.

When the sneezing subsided Louis took a tissue out of his pocket, wiped his nose and sniffed a bit.

"What the hell was that mate?"

Louis pointed up at the sky and sniffed a bit more.

"It's the sun," he said, "If I look at it I start to sneeze,"

Harry nodded his head.

Louis quickly turned his head and squeezed his nose to stifled two sneezes.


"See?" he said while sniffling.

Harry laughed, he looked over to his left to see two girls with their phones out giggling.


An idea hit Harry.

"Sure, of course," Louis told them.

Harry walked over to one of the girls.

"Hey, did you by chance get a video of Lou having that sneeze attack?" he whispered.

The girl nodded her head.

Harry grinned with delight.

"Are you going to put it up on youtube?"

The girl nodded again whilst giggling more.

Harry rubbed his hands together.

He could finally get back at Louis for what he had done.....or could he?

*DUN DUN DUN* *thunder crash*

Okay. Well that's part 2. I have figured out a way to incorporate your request DNO. :D hehe. Stay tuned. ;)

I'm sorry if these are too short. They feel long when I write them, but after I read them over they look short. :/


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Ah . Yes I caught the eye of the writer ! Mission acomplished c:

Thanks mate c:

You do what you can.

I loved both parts <3

continue ! :D

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Okay, so I have been busy, (and by busy I mean I have been too lazy to write anything ;)) but I finally found time (and quietness) to write this thang. Here we gooo! :D

Part Tres (I like speaking Spanish....)

[the boys get back from Six Flags]

"I'm so proud of you Harry! I can't believe you rode all of the rollercoasters!" Louis rubbed Harry's head and messed up his hair.

"Yeah. It was pretty fun I guess." He said whilst fixing his hair.

"Hey, I'm going to go make us some tea," Louis said as he walked in the kitchen.

"Okay! Don't forgot to put in the milk and sugar for me!"

Harry ran into his room quickly to grab his phone. He went onto YouTube and typed in "Louis Tomlinson sneeze" into the search bar.

"Nothing" Harry whispered to himself.

"Maybe the girl just hasn't put it up yet" he thought.

"HARRY YOUR TEA IS READY!" Louis practically screamed.

"Coming!" Harry said as he ran out of his room.

[(spongebob-esque) Four Hours Later]

It was night and Louis and Harry were getting ready for bed.

"Hey Harry, I'm going to go to bed. I had fun today!" Louis said as he yawned.

"Yeah me too! Well, you better get to bed!" Harry said.

"Ummm, okay, goodnight!" Louis walked to his bedroom.

Harry waited until Louis was out of sight, then grabbed his phone and searched the same thing he did before.

Still nothing.

Harry wondered what to do.

Suddenly, the perfect plan popped into his head.

He tiptoed quietly into his room and pulled opened a drawer.

He remembered he had bought a packet of sneezing powder from a store one time. He never got the chance to use it, but now would be the perfect time.

Harry pushed things around until he could see the little yellow colored packet on the bottom of the drawer.

He took it out and read the directions.

"To use, open up packet and dispense on your worst enemy. They'll be sneezing in no time!"

"Perfect" he thought to himself.

Harry quietly tiptoed over to Louis' room. He felt his pocket, making sure the phone was there this time.

He opened the door carefully. Louis was fast asleep and snoring loudly.

Harry carefully opened the packet. He poured the contents onto Louis' hand. He tried to find something to tickle his nose with.

He looked around Louis' room.

Strangely enough, Harry found a feather on top of Louis dresser.

He tiptoed back over to Louis and tickled his nose with the feather. Louis quickly rubbed his hand all over his face, trying to stop the tickle.

Harry waited for the moment to come. He could hear Louis' breath starting to hitch.

He took out his phone and started recording.

In a matter of seconds, Louis was sneezing like crazy. Harry was surprised by how loud they were. Definitely louder than the ones he'd heard at Six Flags.


He kept sneezing like this for at least five minutes, and Harry got every last bit of it.

When his sneezing subsided, Louis looked up and saw Harry on his phone typing something.

"W-what are you doing here?" Louis said while sniffling and wiping his nose like crazy.

"Oh you'll see later," Harry said grinning and walking out the door.

Louis was half asleep and confused.

He fell right back to sleep.

[7:00 a.m.]

"Morning sleepy head...or should I say sneezy head!" Harry laughed at his joke.

Louis rubbed his eye. His hair was all messy.

"What are you talking about?" Louis said while getting his phone out to check his Twitter.

"You'll know in a minute," Harry was cooking breakfast for the two.

Louis was scrolling through Twitter when he say comments that said:




(Side note: that last one would be what I'd say. ;D)

"Harry, why are all these people-" Louis looked up from his phone and gave Harry the death stare.

"You did not." Louis said in disbelief

Harry smiled wide and took a sip of tea.

"Payback" said Harry

Louis went to Harry's Twitter and found the video.

Harry tweeted:

"Put sneezing powder all over Tommo. XD End Result: [insert URL that will probably never exist here]"

Louis clicked the video and watched himself laying in bed sneezing like a maniac.

He instantly started to bang his head off the table.

"Lou, this is 10x better than what you did to me,"

Louis looked over to Harry.

"I guess I should've never done that, I'm sorry,"

Harry laughed.

"Hey, it's alright, and you know what, all the fans LOVE it, so just play along with it,"

Louis smiled and giggled.

"Yeah I guess they do. Maybe we should sneeze more often,"

Harry gave Louis a funny look.

"You mean YOU need to sneeze more often, I've done my fair share,"

Louis nodded.

Then they all lived happily ever after.



I couldn't think of how to exactly end that. Is that ending satisfactory?

Lol. I'm sorry. :P

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Hmm, I wasn't much of a One Direction fan before, but I really like this story biggrin.png Good job.

Oh my gosh. THANK YOU! :o
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Awe that's An amazing ending !. (excuse me I sneezed while typing this. Side note Haha). Anyways uhm yeh it's a really good ending :D and u included my idea, that's sweet mate c: . Louis tho.. Sneeze for us >-->. Damn it. xD

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Awe that's An amazing ending !. (excuse me I sneezed while typing this. Side note Haha). Anyways uhm yeh it's a really good ending biggrin.png and u included my idea, that's sweet mate c: . Louis tho.. Sneeze for us >-->. Damn it. xD

Thanks. (Hehe bless you :D)

I'm starting to get afraid he'll never sneeze. ;__; *cries* I guess we can only hope. :)

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Awe that's An amazing ending !. (excuse me I sneezed while typing this. Side note Haha). Anyways uhm yeh it's a really good ending biggrin.png and u included my idea, that's sweet mate c: . Louis tho.. Sneeze for us >-->. Damn it. xD

Thanks. (Hehe bless you :D)

I'm starting to get afraid he'll never sneeze. ;__; *cries* I guess we can only hope. :)

thanks for the "bless u". No problem cx yeh we can only hope
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Oh I love Six Flags haha and now I guess I love it more

Oh my gosh I love it too. That's actually why I wrote about it. Rollercoasters <3 :P
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