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Crankypants (F/F Glee Faberry, starring Rachel this time!) COMPLETED 12/31/13


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hey guys! so I recently got a request for a faberry fic featuring sick!Rachel; and, at the same time, I ended up jumping into the "old glee" RP on the drabbles page, which reminded me of how long it's been since I've written anything about the beginning of Quinn and Rachel's relationship. So, this story takes place in S1! It's still my version of S1, of course, not canon canon, but it's my faberry canon, which I think a lot of you are already familiar with. (If you're not, I wrote a quick author't note below to give the basic context). Enjoy, dearies!!! wink.png



A Faberry Story for SFF

Starring sick!Rachel and nurse!Quinn

Part 1

A/N: Takes place in mid-S1; Quinn & Rachel are a couple, but they haven't been together very long. Quinn is about 4 months pregnant (so, she is showing, but only a little). Since I am putting this story in my version of S1 canon, Quinn is also living with the Berrys at this point, after being kicked out of her own house (but, again, this all just happened recently). Let's say for argument's sake it's been about a month. On with the show!


“Guys, focus. Your singing at Sectionals was amazing, but your dancing was all over the place. It's not gonna be good enough for Regionals unless we really tighten up our game, okay? Now pay attention and watch Mike and Brittany.” Mr. Schue's instructions were perfectly reasonable, but the way Rachel huffed and rolled her eyes, it was as if he'd just pulled a Sue Sylvester and called them all “sloppy freakshow babies.”

“Everything okay?” Quinn murmured quietly, reaching out and lightly resting her hand on her girlfriend's arm.

“Yes, it's fine,” Rachel snapped, yanking her arm back with unnecessary force. “I'm just tired of being lumped in with the rest of these amateurs every day. I'm not the one who needs to practice more. I've been practicing my routines every day since Kindergarten.” Quinn just stared at her blankly, stung. She'd seen Rachel get cranky and dramatic during glee rehearsals before, of course—they all had—but it was usually about something more specific, an artistic choice of Mr. Schue's that she didn't agree with, or an arrangement of a song she felt could be improved. (Frankly, she was usually right; but that was beside the point). And she usually didn't take out her tempers on Quinn, either.

“Sorry,” the blonde girl murmured under her breath, though in reality she had no idea what she was apologizing for. She just thought it might help wipe the scowl off her little starlet's face.

“Eyes up front, Quinn,” Mr. Schue chastised her gently from the front of the room, and Quinn blushed and nodded sheepishly, with one final glance over at Rachel before she refocused her efforts on perfecting their choreography for Regionals.

Two hours later, the glee kids were sweaty and limping in exhaustion as they dragged themselves out of the choir room to head home for the night. “Oh, Rach, can you hang on a sec? I forgot my French homework, I just have to run back to my locker before we go.” Quinn smiled sweetly, hoping her girlfriend's bad mood was over now that glee was; but instead of her usual thousand-watt gold star smile, all the blonde girl got was a shrug and a grumbled “whatever.”

“Okaaay,” Quinn said slowly, raising an eyebrow at the little diva's sullen expression. “Rach, are you sure nothing's the matter? You really seem like you're pissed about something.”

“I'm not pissed about anything, Quinn! I'm just in a bad mood, all right? Am I allowed to be in a bad mood? God knows you've had plenty of mood swings based on absolutely nothing this year, so you're hardly in a position to judge.” Rachel crossed her arms huffily, glaring daggers at her girlfriend, who just looked hurt and confused.

“Rachel, I'm not judging you! I'm just trying to help. You don't have to be so...so mean.” Quinn rubbed her stomach absently; the way her usually sweet little starlet was glaring at her was making her tummy twist into knots.

“You think I'm being mean? You just stopped calling me Man Hands six weeks ago!” Rachel snapped, with a nasty chuckle. Quinn took a step back, as if Rachel's coldness was physically pushing her away. But the dark-haired girl wasn't wrong. Quinn's knotted stomach was flooded with a hot wave of shame, and she just stared down miserably at her hands.

“I know. ...I...I was a terrible person. Maybe I still am. You should hate me.” Her voice broke over the last few words, and hot tears stung her eyes, though she tried to hold them back. Even if it was after hours, and the halls were mostly empty, Quinn Fabray as a rule did not lose her cool in public, ever.

But, the way she'd just accepted Rachel's anger without fighting back seemed to have taken all the wind out of the shorter girl's sails, and she just sighed, leaning back against the lockers and closing her eyes for a moment. “I don't hate you, Quinn. I love you. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled, I don't know where all that stuff came from...I just feel all...ugh!!” Rachel growled furiously, turning around and kicking the lockers hard. “Why is the whole world so stupid sometimes?!”

“I don't know,” Quinn shrugged, tentatively crossing to where Rachel stood abusing the lockers, and reaching out to brush a few mussed locks of dark hair back from her girlfriend's face. “But it's okay to just be cranky if you need to be cranky, baby. Of course it is.” Rachel looked up at Quinn's sweet smile; and abruptly, the little starlet's expression dissolved into flat-out misery, and she burst into tears, covering her face with both hands.

“Hey, hey, shhh,” Quinn cooed softly, wrapping her arms protectively around her sobbing girlfriend and pulling her close. “It's okay my sweet girl, it's okay...I'm here, Rach. I promise.”

“I d-don't even know why I'm crying,” the dark-haired girl sniffled miserably.

“Well that's okay too,” Quinn hummed soothingly, rubbing Rachel's back in gentle circles until her tears slowed, and her breathing returned to normal. “There now...let's just go home, okay baby? Maybe take a hot shower, and have some of that weird herbal tea you like? I'll even watch Funny Girl again if you want.”

“How is it that you always know exactly what to say?” Rachel sighed, rubbing her teary eyes as she gave Quinn a watery smile.

“Because I know you,” Quinn sighed teasingly, a shy half-grin creeping across her face as their eyes met, and she could see without having to be told that Rachel wasn't mad at her anymore. “Now let's go home, hmm divalicious?”

“But you...*snf!*...you still need to get your French homework...” Rachel mumbled woozily, blinking and wiping her nose on the back of her wrist with a soft, wet sniffle.

“Rach?” Quinn frowned, raising an eyebrow quizzically.

“Uhhh...*snfl*...uh-huh,” Rachel nodded absently, her eyes out of focus and staring absently into space. She raised her hand again, pressing the back of her knuckles under her nose as her eyes narrowed ominously. “Hhuh...” She turned away from Quinn in the hallway as her breath hitched sharply in her chest. “Hhut'chOOoo!!! *Snfl*...ughh, egscuse be,” the little starlet sighed miserably, straightening up woozily and wiping her nose on her hand again with a deep, liquid sniffle.

“Aww, bless you baby,” Quinn cooed, all her knotted-up insides going gooey over the sight of her girlfriend's sniffles. “Poor thing, I think I know why you're feeling cranky now, huh? You're just coming down with a nasty cold.”

“It was one stupid sneeze, Quinn. I dod't...*snfl!*...I don't get sick.” She wiped her nose again hastily, and Quinn had to bite her lip to keep from grinning at her cranky girlfriend's stubbornness. Instead, the blonde girl reached out and lightly pressed the back of her hand to the little starlet's flushed cheek; then her forehead.

“Rachel, you've got a fever,” Quinn said gently.

“Geez, thank you nurse Quinn. Where did you get your medical degree again?”

“Baby, come on,” the blonde girl sighed, cocking her head to the side and giving her grouchy girlfriend her best sideways grin. “Everybody gets sick sometimes. You don't have to be embarrassed. Let's just go home so I can take care of you, okay? I'll give you anything you want.”

“Anything?” Rachel asked, raising one eyebrow thoughtfully.

“Uh-huh,” Quinn nodded, grinning indulgently. Rachel's nose was running now, and she sniffled wetly again; Quinn started rooting around in her purse for a packet of tissues, which she usually kept on hand for makeup touch-ups.

“Ohh...*snfl*...okay,” Rachel nodded vaguely, her dark eyes staring off woozily into space again. Then her eyebrows knit together, and she turned away from Quinn with both hands cupped to her face. “HhhtCHXeww!!! 'TshhOOoo!! *Snfl*...” She straightened up wiping her wet nose on her wrist, the out-of-focus expression of someone who just sneezed, and is about to sneeze again, still plastered to her face. “Aah...*snfl!*...aahESHHiiew!!! *Snf, snfl*...”

“God bless you, Rachie-boo,” Quinn cooed sweetly, holding up the tissues she'd dug out of her purse.

“Thag you,” Rachel grumbled, snatching the tissues and immediately pinching them to her runny nose for a deep, congested blow. “Ughh,” she sighed crankily, rubbing the crumpled tissues absently under her damp nose. Quinn leaned in and dropped a kiss on her girlfriend's feverish forehead. Rachel didn't resist this time, but cuddled up against the blonde girl's warm body, dropping her head limply against Quinn's shoulder.

“I got you, baby girl,” Quinn murmured, running her fingers through her girlfriend's long, dark hair.

“I hate beihg sick,” Rachel grumbled miserably against Quinn's chest.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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I'd forgotten how much I loved your S1 fics!! Of course I'm a little biased, as I love everything you put on here, but this is amazing! Made my night, for sure!

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yay, glad you guys are digging this! Rachel hates getting sick, so it took a long time for her to let me write a story about her, but now that we're here I am really enjoying this. (and thanks to Quinn, Rachel is also enjoying it more than she thought she would). enjoy part 2! wink.png



Part 2


Rachel was quiet in the car; either because she was sulking about being sick, or because she was too spaced out to talk, Quinn wasn't quite sure which. When they got home, the blonde girl went straight into nurse mode, eager to show her girlfriend a little of the TLC she'd been showered with since moving in with the Berrys the month before. “Okay sweetie pie, why don't you go upstairs and change into your PJ's, hmm? I'll make you some tea, and then you can pick a movie and we can veg out 'till dinnertime. Sound good?”

“Uh-huh,” Rachel yawned, rubbing her eyes as she obediently followed her girlfriend's instructions and padded up the stairs without another word. Quinn watched her go with a slight frown, unnerved by this quiet, submissive version of her girlfriend. She'd been expecting sick Rachel to be more like her usual self, if anything—high strung and demanding, like in glee, and maybe a little whiney; and definitely super-opinionated and bossy about the right way to take care of her cold. Maybe she would be that way once she settled in and got comfy. For now, Quinn was happy to anticipate her girlfriend's needs without having to be told; she knew what kind of teas Rachel liked, and how she prepared them (steep for at least 10 minutes to get the full herbal potency, with a spoonful of honey and a lemon wedge for optimal throat health). She just didn't know where Rachel's dads kept their cold meds stashed; but that part would be easy enough, they didn't have nearly as many cabinets to search as Quinn's house. Her old house, that is. This was her house now.

Rachel's stay-at-home dad, Jacob, was already in the kitchen making dinner when Quinn entered. He worked from home as a freelance graphic designer, so he was usually the one who made dinner and did the “housewifely” things while Rachel's other dad, Michael, worked long hours as a surgeon at the county emergency room. Quinn adored both of them, and she didn't have to fake a smile (the way she used to do in her own house) when Jacob looked up and saw her coming in through the swinging kitchen door.

“Hi sweetheart, I'm just getting started on dinner. I was thinking stuffed peppers and toasted almond cous-cous. Sound good?” He wiped his hands off on his apron and came over to kiss the top of her head. Quinn wrapped an arm around his middle and gave him a little squeeze, smiling softly despite her concern over Rachel.

“It sounds good to me, but I dunno what Rachel will be up for. She's getting sick, I just sent her upstairs to put on PJ's and get comfy while I make some tea. What kind do you think she'd like best?” Quinn smiled up at the older man, who sighed and ruffled her hair gently.

“Oh dear, when did this start?” Jacob tutted, already filling the kettle for tea.

“I'm not sure exactly,” Quinn sighed, chewing her lip. “She started sniffling at the end of glee rehearsal, but I'm sure she must've been feeling crappy for a while before then. She burst into tears for basically no reason, and she definitely feels a little feverish. I can't even remember the last time Rachel took a sick day.”

“I can. It was three years ago,” Jacob sighed, shaking his head. “Rachel hates missing school, and luckily she inherited my strong immune system. But as much as she'd like to convince us all otherwise, she's not a superhero. On the rare occasions when she does get sick, she usually ends up running herself into the ground and making it worse. Frankly, I'm shocked you got her to admit she wasn't feeling well so quickly.”

“Well, it wasn't easy,” Quinn admitted, curling up in one of the kitchen chairs and watching Jacob pour tea into two mugs, and adding honey and lemon just the way Rachel liked. “Honestly, I don't even think she realized she was sick at first. She just had an emotional meltdown for no reason, and then when I was hugging her I noticed how hot she felt. And she sneezed, like, ten times in the last hour.”

“Poor kid, she's so up-up-up all the time, she has no idea how to slow down when she needs to,” Jacob tutted, going over to the cabinets beside the kitchen sink and taking out a few bottles of vitamins, and one of cold pills, and shaking his selections out onto a little saucer. He also pulled a thermometer, a bag of herbal cough drops, and a box of tissues from a higher cabinet. Then he put it all on a little tray, along with two cups of tea, and gave it to Quinn with a little smile.

“Here, sweetheart, you can take this stuff up to her, and you two just relax until dinner, all right? No homework, and that's an order. And here's some tea and vitamins for you, too. We don't want you getting Rachel's germs if we can help it, especially not with the baby on board.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and kissed the top of her head. Quinn smiled despite herself, leaning into his arm and allowing herself to melt into the fatherly love being showered on her, so alien after the coldness she'd grown accustomed to from her own parents over the years.

“Thanks,” the blonde girl murmured shyly, leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. Then she took the tray and padded out of the kitchen, eager to get the goodies to her miserable little starlet as soon as possible.

When she got upstairs, she found her girlfriend curled up limply in the middle of her bed, still in her school clothes. Her eyes were closed, but Adele was playing on low volume on her beside stereo, so Quinn was pretty sure she wasn't actually asleep.

“Rach? Honey, are you awake?” Quinn put her tray down on the beside table and sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out a hand and absently stroking her girlfriend's silky dark hair.

“Uh-huh,” Rachel sighed, cracking her eyes open and blinking up at Quinn woozily. “Hi.”

“Hi, baby boo,” Quinn hummed, smiling goofily at the woozy expression on the other girl's face. “I thought you were gonna change into something comfy?”

“Oh...yeah,” Rachel agreed, rubbing the heel of her hand into her eye with a long yawn. “I forgot.” She slowly sat up, sniffling and blinking blearily, and stared off absently into space.

“Do you want me to help you change, baby?” Quinn asked gently, brushing a few strands of hair back from the shorter girl's face. Her cheeks were noticeably flushed now, and Quinn wondered how high her fever was getting, glad they had medicine now, and a thermometer too.

“Yes, please,” Rachel sighed, snuffling softly as she rubbed her knuckles under her nose. “Uhhh...*snfl*...uhht'chshiiew!! *Snghf.*” Her small frame bent double on the bed with the force of her stuffy-nosed sneeze, one hand cupped to her face while the other gripped the mattress for support.

“Bless you Rach,” Quinn cooed sweetly, passing her the box of tissues from the tea tray.

“Uhh, thadk you,” Rachel sighed, tugging a tissue from the box and blowing into it gratefully. Quinn could hear how congested she was from the deep, wet sound, and she rubbed her girlfriend's back sympathetically. Consequently, she could feel the tremble that ran through Rachel's body when she sucked in another deep breath, pinching the wadded tissue firmly to wet nose again. “Hhuh...hhahESHoo!!! *Snfl.*” She sniffled and wiped her wet nose on the soggy remains of the tissue, which was far too soaked now to hold up to another blow.

“Bless you,” Quinn murmured again, leaning in and kissing her girlfriend's warm temple.

“Ughhh. I'mb siiiiick,” Rachel sighed, dropping her forehead down on Quinn's shoulder as her head spun with dizziness and fever.

“I know you are, my poor baby girl,” Quinn hummed soothingly, scooting a little further onto the bed so she could pull Rachel's body more firmly against her, stroking her hair and rocking her gently. “So let's get you feeling a little better, okay? Look, your dad made you some nice tea, and he sent up a bunch of vitamins and cold meds to make you better. Let's just get you changed first, okay?”

“'Kay,” Rachel nodded blearily, rubbing her nose on a fresh tissue. Quinn waited until she was done wiping her nose, and then leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips (it wasn't as if she hadn't been kissing Rachel all day anyway, so she figured there was no point in denying herself now—she was certain to have the germs already). Then she got up and went through her girlfriend's closet, coming out with a soft pair of flannel pajamas patterned with little hearts and stars.

“Good?” Quinn asked, holding up her selections.

“Yuh-huh,” Rachel nodded, smiling sleepily. She fumbled a little with her cropped sweater as she tried to pull it over her head, so Quinn jumped in and helped her, trying not to get nervous or embarrassed about how much of her girlfriend's skin she was seeing right now. Rachel was obviously super out of it, she might not even remember this later; and besides, this wasn't sexy time. It was comfort and cuddles time. Still, Quinn couldn't stop the blush that warmed her cheeks, or the way her heartbeat picked up, as her eyes traveled over the smooth, tanned skin of her girlfriend's nearly-naked body.

“You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life,” Quinn whispered shyly in Rachel's ear as she pulled the soft pajama top down over her sleepy girlfriend's head. “Even with the sniffles.”

“Not me,” Rachel shook her head, a woozy half-smile spreading across her face as she looked up at the adoring expression in the blonde girl's hazel eyes. “You. Sometimes when I look at you, it feels like my heart stops. Like I'm dying. But...*snfl*...like, in a good way.” She sniffled and wiped her nose absently on the crumpled tissue held limply in her hand. Quinn felt her face blush even hotter than when she was looking at almost-naked Rachel.

“Aww, Rach,” the blonde girl sighed, beaming. “You're my sweet angel, but you're really out of it right now, aren't you? Come on, let's finish getting you into your PJ's, and then you can have your goodies, 'kay?” Rachel just nodded, submissively allowing Quinn to help her change, and then dropping back down on the bed like a rock.

“Cuddle me?” She asked shyly, blinking up sleepily at her doting girlfriend. Then her eyes narrowed, and Quinn handed her a fresh tissue, listening to the sound of the dark-haired girl's breath catching in her chest. “Hhut'chOOoo!!! *Snfl*...Aah'CHSHH!!” Rachel sneezed dazedly into the tissues cupped in her hands, shivering from head to toe as she lay limply on top of the sheets and blankets.

“Bless you, sweetie pie,” Quinn cooed, handing her another tissue. “Here, let's get you under the covers where you'll be nice and toasty.”

“You come under the covers with mbe,” Rachel whined, a tiny bit of her usual bossy self peeking back through her daze of feverish confusion.

“I'm gonna, baby. But I just need to go change in my room first, okay? And I wanna take your temp before you drink your tea, too. Let's just get you nice and cozy first, and I'll be right behind you, okay? I promise.”

“Uhh...'kay,” Rachel sighed, obediently letting Quinn pull the covers out from under her, and then tug them back up again so she was tucked snugly into bed.

“There, is that better, hmm sweet girl?” the blonde girl murmured, sitting back down on the edge of the bed and smoothing Rachel's hair back from her flushed face.

“Yeah,” Rachel agreed stuffily, her nose pinched firmly in a fresh tissue as she sniffled and scrunched up her eyes. “Hhuh'AHTCHIEW!!! Uhh...*snfl.*” She pinched her nose more firmly in the damp tissue, blowing and rubbing her nose at the same time in hopes of expelling more of the tickle.

“Bless you,” Quinn murmured, kissing the top of her head.

“Thadks,” Rachel croaked woozily from behind the tissues. “Uhhh...” A little crinkle appeared between her eyes as they fell shut again, and Quinn felt a surge of fierce protectiveness well up in her stomach as she watched her poor baby succumb helplessly to another deep, sneezy gasp of air. “Hhuh...*snfl*...uhhtCHOOoo!!! *Snnnfl.*

“Bless you,” Quinn repeated, moving the tissues closer to Rachel so she wouldn't have to reach as far to grab another one. “Poor baby, you've got such a bad cold. Can I take your temp? Or do you feel like you're gonna sneeze again?”

“I...*snfl*...” Rachel tugged hard on the bottom of her wet nose as she sniffled, effectively answering Quinn's question. “Just a...hhhuh...a little t-tickle...*snfl*...aahISHshew!! ISHHshew!!! *Snfl*...” She gave two hitching, congested sneezes into the crumpled tissues, then ended with another stuffy blow.

“Better?” Quinn asked, stroking her hair back again.

“I...*snghf!*...I thidk so,” Rachel sighed, dropping the soggy tissues to her lap with a weak smile.

“Good. Open up,” Quinn hummed, holding out the thermometer. Rachel opened her mouth without a word, allowing Quinn to slip the thermometer under her tongue. She looked so cute like that, all bundled up in bed in her pajamas with the thermometer sticking sideways out of her mouth, her runny nose still glistening slightly from her last few sneezes. Quinn might have spaced out completely just staring at her girlfriend's adorableness, if not for the beeping of the thermometer, which brought her abruptly back to earth.

“101.4,” the blonde girl sighed regretfully as she read the flashing digital readout. “You're not going anywhere for a few days, huh babycakes?”

“I don't mind staying in bed...if you stay with mbe,” Rachel yawned, blinking up at Quinn beseechingly.

“Okay honey, I know, you're being very patient,” Quinn agreed, leaning in and giving her sweet girl another quick kiss on the lips. “Here, swallow these, okay? And drink some tea, it should be the perfect temperature now. I'm just gonna run across the hall and change into my PJ's, and then I'll come cuddle you all night. Sound good?”

“Uh-huh,” Rachel agreed, sitting up a tiny bit against the headboard and reaching for the saucer of pills, the most proactive thing she'd done all night by herself. “Go change.”

“Yes dear,” Quinn murmured teasingly, kissing the little starlet one more time on top of her head. Then she slipped hurriedly across the hall, pulling off her clothes without bothering to fold them or put them away, and grabbing the first pajamas she saw in her cabinet. She was back in Rachel's room in under a minute, and without a word, she slipped into bed beside her sniffling girlfriend, cuddling up against her back and wrapping an arm protectively over her stomach, tracing little patterns around her bellybutton and nuzzling into her hair.

“Does that feel good?” The blonde girl murmured quietly, feeling Rachel's whole body go limp against her in about three seconds.

“Uh-huh,” the dark-haired girl mumbled unnecessarily, slipping her hand on top of Quinn's to show her how much she liked it there. “Don't...*snfl*...dod't go adywhere...hhet'CHSHH!!! *snfl.*

“Don't worry, I won't,” Quinn promised, leaning forward and dropping a soft kiss on her girlfriend's warm temple. “There's nowhere else on earth I wanna be.”

Edited by wannablessedbe
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aww adorable and fast second part smile.png

i love seeing the strong Rachel weak with fever and quinn taking care of her biggrin.png

My thoughts exactly. This is absolutely PERFECT. Please keep it going!

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hello darlings! sorry for the delay after the last chap, I had my mom visiting from out of town and we were basically running around the city all week having fun, with zero down time. it was great, but also exhausting. anyway, she went home last night, and now I have finally written the update I've been thinking about all week! enjoy.





Part 3


Quinn heard the garage door open a little after 7:30, so she wasn't surprised when Rachel's other dad, Michael, popped his head inside their bedroom door a few minutes later. “Hi,” she murmured quietly as she put her English reading aside, not wanting to wake the sound-asleep girl sprawled across her under the covers.

“Hi, sweetheart,” Michael smiled gently as he came into the room, sitting on the edge of the bed and reaching out to feel his daughter's forehead with the back of his hand. “I heard you girls had a pretty rough day.”

“Not me. Just Rach,” Quinn sighed, an affectionate smile spreading across her face as she ran her fingers through the sleeping girl's hair. “She started feeling sick in the afternoon, but it took a while before we realized how out of it she was. I think she just needed to sleep. She passed out like five minutes after we got home.”

“Our Rachel doesn't go down without a fight,” Michael sighed, feeling her flushed cheeks and smoothing the hair back from her face. “She hates being out of control, or having to slow down. I'm glad you were there to help her take it easy. But maybe you ought to sleep in your own room tonight, Quinnie. I'm sure she's contagious right now, and we don't need you fighting off a fever in your second trimester.”

“I feel fine,” Quinn shook her head slowly, her hazel eyes fixed on the perfectly polished nails of Rachel's left hand, curled around a handful of Quinn's shirt; holding onto her even in sleep. “She needs me.”

“We'll see,” Michael allowed gently, in his deep, rumbling baritone. “Right now it's time for dinner. Let's see if we can wake our leading lady up and get some food into her, all right?” Quinn nodded, leaning down to press a soft kiss to the top of her girlfriend's head while her father rubbed her back and knelt down beside her ear. “Rachel...it's time to wake up now, sweetheart.”

“Ughhhh,” Rachel groaned sleepily, turning and burying her face in Quinn's shirt. “Go away.”

“C'mon pumpkin, it's dinnertime. A little something to eat will make you feel better, I promise. Can you sit up so I can take a look at you, hmm baby girl?” Michael was so patient as he spoke quietly to his cranky daughter, keeping his voice low as he rubbed her back to keep her attention focused. Quinn couldn't even remember the last time her own father had spoken so gently to her.

“Just wanna sleep,” Rachel mumbled, eyes still closed as she snuggled deeper into Quinn's chest. “My head's so heavy...*snghf.*” She sniffled and wiped her nose on Quinn's shirt, which the blonde girl knew she would never have done if she were really awake. It didn't bother her at all, but she still reached for the tissues on the bedside table.

“Here, baby, you need a tissue,” Quinn hummed soothingly, tugging a fresh one from the box and pinching it gently to the damp underside of her girlfriend's runny nose. That seemed to jostle the sleepy little starlet into a slightly more alert state, and she opened her dark eyes, glassy and fever-glazed, with a soft whine of protest.

“Oh...I'mb sorry,” she sighed woozily, taking the tissue from Quinn's hand and wiping her nose with a soft, wet sniffle.

“It's okay, sweet girl,” Quinn cooed softly, helping her spaced-out girlfriend sit up a little against the pillows as she slowly took in her surroundings, finally landing on her father's warm smile.

“Daddy, I'mb sick,” she whined softly, rubbing her eyes blearily with the back of her knuckles, the crumpled tissue still clutched absently in her hand. “Hhuh'ISHHT!! *Snfl.*” She pressed the tissue absently to her damp nose as it ejected another congested sneeze, already turning a light, rosy pink after an afternoon and evening of sneezing and rubbing.

“Bless you, princess,” Michael said soothingly, as Quinn handed Rachel another tissue and kissed the top of her head. “We know you aren't feeling good. Dad made your favorite tea, and a special dinner too. Do you think you can come downstairs and eat with us? Then we can give you some more meds and get you nice and snuggled up for the night.”

“'Kay,” Rachel nodded sleepily, still snuffling into the damp tissue as she rubbed it methodically under her runny nose. She slowly swung her feet around as Quinn pulled the covers back, keeping one arm firmly around the woozy girl in case she got dizzy again. As soon as Rachel's feet touched the floor, she began to shiver; and her pink nostrils trembled as a soft, wheezy sound escaped from the back of her throat. “Hht'chhiew!! AahISHHshew!!! *Snfl.*” She bobbed forward with two more helplessly intense sneezes, gently misting the air in front of her even through the damp tissue pinched to her pink nose.

“Bless you,” Quinn and Michael both said at the same time, as Rachel sniffled again and blew her runny nose softly into the damp tissue.

“Ughh. I'mb c-cold,” Rachel whined, groping absently for another tissue as her nostrils quivered again, pink and glistening, and her puffy eyes narrowed to slits. Quinn pressed a tissue gently into Rachel's hand, and the dark-haired girl sucked in three shallow, wheezy breaths in a row as she held it up woozily in front of her face in anticipation. “Ahht'CHSHH!!! *Snfl.*” Quinn's eyes were drawn to the little crinkle that appeared between Rachel's eyes when she sneezed; it was so cute and helpless, so unlike Rachel to allow such an out-of-control expression to cross her face, it made the blonde girl's heart melt all over again with sympathy and protectiveness for her poor girlfriend.

“Bless you, sweetheart,” Michael said again, gently ruffling her hair as she blew her stuffy nose. “Here, let's get your slippers on, that should help warm you up.” He went and fetched a pair of fluffy pink slippers from Rachel's closet, and knelt down in front of her to slip them on her feet.

“Does that feel better?” Quinn murmured, her hand tracing absent patterns over her girlfriend's shivering back.

“Uh-huh,” Rachel nodded, pinching her nose lightly up and down in a fresh tissue as she blinked sleepily. “A...*snfl*...a little.”

“Come on, robe too,” Michael commanded gently, holding out a thick, fleecy pink polka-dot robe that Quinn had never even seen her girlfriend wear before.

“'Kay,” Rachel agreed absently, standing up woozily with Quinn's arm wrapped firmly around her waist. She basically just stood there while her dad and her girlfriend dressed her, bundling her up cozily in the warm fleece robe and tying it snugly around her waist.

“C'mon, starfish. Let's go downstairs and get a little food in your tummy. Then maybe we'll watch a movie. Sound good?” Quinn kissed Rachel's cheek, one hand still on her back to hold her steady.

“Yuh-huh,” Rachel yawned, rubbing her eyes and blinking woozily at her girlfriend's anxious face. “You're cute whed you're worried about mbe,” she grinned sleepily.

“I just wanna take care of you and make you feel better...the way you always take care of me,” Quinn murmured, leaning in and dropping another soft kiss on Rachel's forehead. They both blushed, grinning shyly.

“All right, enough being adorable, you two. Let's get moving,” Michael chuckled, shepherding them both out of the bedroom and down the stairs. When they finally made it to the dining room, Quinn saw that three of the places had been set with plates of stuffed peppers, cous-cous and sauteed kale, while Rachel's plate held a toasted peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a little side-bowl of applesauce.

“Mm, looks good,” the blonde girl nodded approvingly, suddenly realizing that she was hungry after all.

“Sit. Eat,” Jacob commanded, pulling out Quinn's chair while Michael helped Rachel into hers. “This recipe is actually from the pregnancy cookbook we got last week. It's chock-full of vitamins for you and the baby, and it still tastes like real food, if I do say so myself.” He nodded proudly at his dinner as he pushed Quinn's chair in and filled her glass with lemon water from a pitcher.

“Thanks, it looks great,” Quinn blushed, shy as usual of the extra attention Rachel's dads always showered on her since moving in.

“Make sure you eat too, Rachel,” Jacob fussed as he took in his daughter's feverish pallor. “Your body needs the fuel to fight off this bug so you can get better.”

“Uh-huh...I amb,” Rachel nodded sleepily, picking up the mug of tea sitting by her plate and taking a little sip. “Thadks, Dad.”

“You're welcome, pumpkin,” Jacob smiled affectionately at his fever-dazed little girl, and went around the table to kiss her forehead before taking his own seat beside her. Quinn, Jacob and Michael chatted absently about their day while Rachel sat with her head in her hand, slowly nibbling on her PBJ and sipping her tea without talking. She sniffled continuously, wiping her nose on the crumpled tissue clutched in her hand every few minutes.

“Eat some of your applesauce, sweetheart,” Michael nudged her when it looked like she was falling asleep with her head in her hand. “You need the vitamins.”

“Uhhh...'kay,” Rachel nodded absently, jolting a little as she opened her eyes and picked up her spoon. She took a few little bites of applesauce, then stared off absently into space with the spoon hovering halfway between her mouth and her plate. She took a soft, wheezy breath as her eyes fell shut, and the adorable little crinkle that made Quinn go gooey reappeared between her eyes. “Ehh'CHHIEW!! ...*Snfl,*” Rachel shivered from head to toe as she bent forward and sneezed onto her plate, one arm held absently across her face to shield her family from her germs. “Uhh, 'scuse be,” she sighed miserably, putting her spoon down so she could pinch the soggy tissue to her nose with both hands.

“Bless you, pumpkin,” Jacob said gently, pushing the box of tissues closer to her so she could grab another as she sniffled back her congestion.

“Thadks,” she croaked woozily, pulling a fresh tissue out and holding it absently in front of her face as her eyes narrowed again. “Hhuh...hh-hhih...” Her head dropped back against her chair as her eyes fell shut, and her lower lip actually quivered as her nostrils twitched, pink and glistening and leaking thin trails of snot down her lip. “Uhht'CHSHH!!! 'CHSHT!! *Snfl*...'CHSHXT!!!” Rachel's breath rattled in her chest as she sneezed desperately into her cupped hands, the damp tissue pressing up against her running nostrils as she pitched forward helplessly.

“Bless you!” Everyone said at once, as Rachel groaned woozily behind her hands.

“Ughhh...*snfl*...sorry,” the dark-haired girl sighed miserably, jiggling the underside of her runny nose in little circles through the tissue.

“Honey, you don't have to apologize. You can't help it,” Michael patted her sympathetically on the shoulder.

“I doe...but I'mb...*snghf!*...gettihg mby germbs everyw-w-where...hhuh...hhet'tishSHEWW!!! *Snfl.*” She sneezed desperately into her cupped hands again, snot dribbling through the soaked tissue and running down the inside of her wrists.

“Bless you,” her dads said again, while Quinn squeezed her knee under the table.

“Poor Rachie-boo, you're so sick,” the blonde girl cooed indulgently, as her girlfriend tugged another tissue from the box, and then another, stacking them together before she blew her runny nose long and hard.

“Uhhhh...*snghf*...I'mb dizzy,” the dark-haired girl whined minserably, dropping her head back against the chair again as she pinched and rubbed her pink nose through the damp tissues. “Cad I lie downd ndow? *Snfl.*

“Of course, pumpkin. Come on,” Michael said gently, rising from his seat and wrapping a firm arm around his daughter's body to guide her to the living room couch. Quinn trailed after them, anxious at the thought of being even one room away from her baby when she was so sick and miserable and helpless.

“There, now, is that better?” the blonde girl murmured as she tucked a lock of dark hair back behind her girlfriend's ear, once she was tucked snugly under the afghan.

“Uh-huh,” Rachel yawned softly, opening her eyes again to look up at Quinn's soft smile, her expression of pure devotion. “Thadks for...*snfl*...takihg care of mbe,” she murmured, returning the blonde girl's shy smile.

“You don't have to thank me for that,” Quinn murmured, leaning in and dropping a few gentle kisses all over Rachel's fever-warmed face. “I love you too much to do anything else.”

“Love you too,” Rachel beamed, blushing a little even through her fever. Then her expression dissolved again, and Quinn saw a thin, watery dribble of snot slipping sluggishly from one pink nostril. Hastily, the dark-haired girl pressed the crumpled tissue in her hand back to the glistening underside of her nose, eyes falling shut as a shallow, wheezy gasp filled her lungs. “Hhuh'TSHH!! Hhh...*snfl*...'TCHSHT!!! *Snfl.*” Her tired body jerked forward slightly with the force of her congested, sickly sneezes, and she kept the tissues clamped firmly to her face in an attempt to protect Quinn from any more of her germs.

“Bless you, angel,” Quinn hummed, leaning down and kissing Rachel's forehead again as she blew her nose.

“Thag you,” Rachel sighed sleepily, giving her nose one final squeeze through the damp tissues before dropping her hands back to the blankets. “Ndow go fiddish your food before it gets cold. The baby wod't be happy if you start skippihg out od mbeals 'cause of mbe. *Snghf.*

“Yes, dear,” Quinn murmured teasingly, handing Rachel the remote so she could watch TV while she rested. “I'll be back as soon as we're done with dinner, okay?” Then she gave her sniffling girl one more kiss on the cheek before rising to return to the dining room.

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Is this going to continue?

totally, yes, I am continuing!! sorry for the delay, I've been caught up in holiday stuff. but later tonight or tomorrow, I will have an update ;)

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Okay dearies, here's your update! I made it a little longer to make up for the long wait. Hope it was worth it! wink.png




Part 4


After dinner, Quinn brought her homework out to the living room and studied quietly on the couch next to Rachel, who slept through most of the evening. The dark-haired girl was usually a sound sleeper, but the effects of the fever and her congested breathing seemed to be making her restless; and she whimpered, tossed and turned, waking in a daze of anxious confusion every so often only to be soothed back to sleep by Quinn's gentle hands in her hair, and a few softly murmured words of love and comfort. Around 9:30, Rachel's dads came in with a fresh dose of cold meds and two cups of hot herbal tea; only to find both of their girls fast asleep. Quinn was mostly sitting up, her head slumped sideways on the cushions and one hand wrapped protectively in Rachel's dark hair. A copy of The Norton Anthology of American Literature lay open on the cushion beside them, next to a small pile of soggy kleenex.

“Could they be any more precious?” Jacob murmured quietly to his husband, beaming at the sight the two girls made curled up together.

“Not hardly,” Michael agreed with a soft chuckle. “I have to admit, I wasn't sure this whole arrangement was going to work out when we first brought Quinnie home with us...but every day that I see the way they are together, I'm more and more convinced we did the right thing.”

“Of course we did,” Jacob scoffed, giving his husband a kiss on the cheek. “Don't wake them up yet, okay? I wanna grab my camera.” He dashed off to the kitchen, and snapped a few pictures of the unsuspecting girls before sitting gently on the edge of the couch, and rousing them with soft words and a light touch on their arms.

“Wake up, kittens,” he hummed, reaching out to feel Rachel's flushed forehead with the back of his hand. “Time for some tea and medicine.”

“Mmm...m'not sleeping,” Quinn mumbled, with a little jolt as her hazel eyes opened blearily.

“Whatever you say, smartypants,” Michael chuckled, taking a seat on the adjacent ottoman. “We made you both some tea. It's got lots of natural immune boosters, so if we're lucky we can keep you from catching Rachel's sniffles.”

“Oh...thank you,” the blonde girl yawned, sitting up a little straighter and rubbing her eyes woozily. “Rach, wake up baby.” She slipped a hand under the blanket and rubbed the sleeping girl's back to help rouse her.

“Ugh, ndoe,” Rachel grumbled hoarsely, half-asleep and croaky with congestion. “I dod't wadt to go to school today, Dad.” She rolled over and buried her face in Quinn's lap, unconsciously wiping her runny nose on her girlfriend's pajama bottoms.

“You're not going to school, baby girl,” Jacob cooed reassuringly, lightly rubbing her back. “And it's nighttime, anyway. But Daddy and I made you some rosehip tea, and it's time for another dose of your cold medicine. Can you sit up for me, pumpkin? Just for a minute. Then we'll get you upstairs and tucked into bed.” Rachel just whined softly, but after another minute of coaxing, she eventually rolled over and opened her dark eyes, fever-glazed and puffy, and blinked up woozily at her family.

“Mby throat hurts,” she croaked softly, her voice raspy as well as congested now. “I feel like I swallowed sandpaper. *Snfl.*

“Lucky we have this nice tea then, huh?” Quinn cooed softly, yawning as she shook off her own sleep daze and stroked a few sleep-mussed locks of dark hair back from her girlfriend's face. “C'mon sweet girl, let's sit you up a little so you can drink it.”

“Uh, 'kay,” Rachel yawned, blinking blearily as Quinn and Jacob helped her sit up. Once she was upright, she dropped her head against Quinn's shoulder, snuggling up against the blonde girl's side as a congested cough rattled her chest. “Ughhhh. I dod't feel good...*snnfl*...uhht'CHSHsht!!! *Snfl.*” She cupped one hand absently to her face, shivering as she sneezed woozily against Quinn's shoulder.

“Bless you,” all three of them said at once, as Quinn tugged a fresh tissue from the box sitting on the coffee table and pressed it into her girlfriend's free hand.

“Thag you,” Rachel croaked miserably, wiping her nose on the tissue with a soft, liquid sniffle.

“Here, sweetheart, swallow your medicine. It'll help.” Michael passed the little cup of red liquid across to Quinn, who held it patiently to her girlfriend's lips until she opened her mouth and swallowed.

“Good girl,” the blonde girl murmured gently, dropping a soft kiss on her girlfriend's feverish temple. “Ready for some tea now?”

“Uh-huh,” Rachel agreed drowsily, pinching the damp underside of her nose in the crumpled tissue again. “Just...hhuh...j-just a sec...*snfl*...” She sniffled and tugged on her nose through the snotty tissue, eyes narrowed, as her head fell back limply against the couch cushions. “Hheh'chshh!! *Snfl*...'CHSHHT!!!” Her eyes squeezed tightly shut as she sneezed twice into the tissue, followed by more congested sniffles and another sharp cough.

“Bless you,” Quinn murmured in her ear, with another soft kiss to her temple.

“Uhhgh,” Rachel sighed miserably behind her tissues.

“Poor little thing, you're really miserable,” Michael tutted, reaching over to feel his daughter's forehead again. “I'm going to get the thermometer. If your temp goes above 102, we're getting you a prescription.”

“Okay,” Rachel yawned, giving her pink nose one final swipe on the crumpled tissue before reaching for her tea, which Jacob carefully handed to her. It was a testament to how awful she felt that she didn't argue, as she normally would have, against the need for antibiotics. She took a small sip of the steamy tea, and then closed her eyes with a sigh. “Ohh, that feels good. Quinnd, you have to have sombe too. *Snghf.*

“Yes, dear,” Quinn teased, picking up her own cup and taking a sip. “Mmm. This doesn't taste like any of the tea my parents have.”

“It's an herbal blend of natural remedies,” Jacob explained, smiling as he watched over his girls slowly sipping their tea. “It's got rosehips, elderberry, and a few other natural immune-boosters, so if you start drinking it as soon as you feel sick, you'll get better a lot faster. We all drink it if one of us is sick, so the germs don't have a chance to spread quite as easily.”

“I like it,” Quinn nodded in approval. “It won't hurt the baby, will it?”

“Of course not, sweetheart. You know Michael's a doctor—we'd never give you anything bad for the baby. Or for you.” He ruffled his surrogate daughter's blonde hair, and she smiled shyly back.

“Thanks,” she sighed, taking another sip. Then Michael returned with the digital thermometer, and Rachel spent another minute blowing her stuffy nose so she could breathe and hold the thermometer in her mouth at the same time.

“Open up, baby girl,” Michael rumbled in his deep, soothing baritone, and Rachel obediently opened her mouth and let him slip the plastic thermometer under her tongue. Then she dropped her head back against Quinn's shoulder, and they all sat in silence for a few moments until it beeped.

“101.8,” Quinn sighed as she read the little flashing screen. “That's higher than it was when we got home.”

“Let's just keep an eye on it tonight, okay? We can see where we are in the morning,” Jacob said quietly to Michael while the girls sipped their tea. “I don't want to pump her full of drugs if we don't have to. It won't help if it's just a virus, anyway.”

“We'll wait and see,” Michael agreed. No one noticed Quinn pushing her tea aside and pressing her knuckles up hard against her nostrils as they twitched ticklishly.

“Hht'chxsh!! *Snfl.*” She gave a little shiver as she sneezed into her lap, the back of her hand pressed hard against the underside of her delicate little nose. “Uhh, 'scuse mbe. *Snfl.*

“Bless you, sweetheart,” Jacob said gently, raising an eyebrow at his husband in silent concern.

“Oh doe...you caught mby cooties,” Rachel groaned, handing her a tissue.

“It was just one sneeze, Rach. I don't feel sick,” Quinn shook her head adamantly; but she did accept the tissue, pinching it to her nose with both hands for an energetic blow.

“Ndot yet,” the little starlet grumbled darkly. “Daddy, cand she take sombe of mby cold mbedicinde? *Snghf!*” Rachel pulled a fresh tissue from the box to cover a rattling cough.

“I'm fine, I don't need any medicine!” Quinn exclaimed, blushing scarlet. She wasn't used to being fussed over like this, even when she was sick; her own parents never seemed to notice anything outside of a highball glass, anyway.

“Well I'm glad to hear that, sweetie, but if you do start to feel bad later, there are some things you can take,” Michael reassured her, while Jacob reached out and surreptitiously felt her forehead. “Tylenol is all right, but not Advil, or decongestant, or cough syrup. Sometimes we use honey as a natural alternative, that actually works quite well. And we have plenty of herbal cough drops if you need them.”

“I don't,” Quinn shook her head hastily. “...But thanks,” she added sheepishly, hoping she hadn't been too rude to the only people on earth who actually wanted to take care of her.

“We'll see,” Jacob hummed, satisfied for now that the blonde girl wasn't feverish.

“I'mb sorry,” Rachel whined miserably, snuggling up more tightly against Quinn's side and holding her hand. “I...*snfl*...I kndew this w-would...” Her lip quivered helplessly as she raised the damp tissue crumpled in her hand back up to her face; and the blonde girl turned and kissed the top of her head consolingly. “AahESHoo!!! *Snfl*...aah'iiishoo!! ISHshhoo!!!” The little starlet shivered weakly under her blankets as she sneezed desperately into her soggy tissue, squeezing and tugging her pink nose through the damp cotton as the tickle welled right back up again.

“Bless you,” her family chorused; even though they could see from the hazy, puffy-eyed expression on her face that she was going to sneeze again.

“Hhuh...” Rachel sniffled; Quinn pressed two clean tissues into her hand, with a soft kiss on the cheek. “Hhut'chtxsh!! *Snfl*...thag you,” she croaked, lightly nuzzling the snotty underside of her nose through the soft tissues. Then the cute little crinkle reappeared between her eyes, and they snapped shut again with a soft, wheezy gasp. “Ehh...hhheh...ehh'chhiuh!!! *Snghf.*” She cupped the tissues firmly to her pink nose, trying to shield her girlfriend from her germs and snot.

“Bless you, baby,” Quinn hummed softly, stroking a few locks of dark hair back from her little starlet's face while she sniffled and wiped her nose.

“Ugh, I'mb so stuffed up,” Rachel groaned, closing her eyes and giving in to a deep, congested blow into the damp tissues. Rather than clearing the itch from inside her head, the snotty blow just increased the ticklish feeling inside her nostrils as they were flooded with fresh dribbles; and she sucked in another wheezy breath, eyes still closed, tightening her grip on the wadded tissues. “Uhh'CHSHH!!! *Snfl*...Uht'chOOoo!!! Aah...aahshiiuh!! Hheh, h-hheh...*snfl.*” She looked like she was going to sneeze again, but at the last second, she squeezed her snot-slicked nostrils hard through the wadded tissues, snuffing out the worst of the tickle. For now.

“Goodness, God bless you baby girl,” Jacob tutted, lightly rubbing her back while she blew her nose in a fresh tissue. “I think you might be in for a rough night, pumpkin.”

“Tell mbe about it,” Rachel croaked weakly, with a final swipe against her runny nose, catching the glistening trails trickling down her lip. “Quinnd, do you feel like...*snfl!*...watching a mbovie with mbe? I d-dod't...hheh...dod't thidk I cand go b-back to sleep right...*snfl*...right ndow...ahht'chxsht!! *Snghft.*

“Sure, baby,” Quinn agreed sweetly, leaning in and dropping another soft kiss on her girlfriend's feverish temple. “You wanna watch Funny Girl again?”

“Uh, doe,” Rachel shook her head weakly, with a huge yawn as the intense, sniffly tickle finally began to recede into the back of her head. “I'd rather watch the Sound of Mbusic. *Snghf.*

“Sounds good to me,” the blonde girl agreed easily. “I'll go get it from your room.” She stood up and tucked the blankets in snugly around Rachel's side, so there wouldn't be a cold spot where she had just been; and with one more kiss to the little starlet's forehead, she turned and headed for the stairs. She was almost—but not quite—out of the living room when the three Berrys all clearly saw her stop in her tracks, raising a hand to her face with several soft, shallow breaths in a row. Her back was to them, but they could still see the shiver that ran all the way up her spine as she dropped her head back.

“Hht'chxshht!! *Snfl.*” Quinn reached out absently with her free hand to steady herself against the lintel as she pitched forward and sneezed breathlessly into her hand.

“Bless you,” Michael and Jacob called.

“I'mb fine,” Quinn responded automatically, wiping her nose on the back of her hand as she hurried out of the room, blushing scarlet.

“She's ndot fide,” Rachel croaked, looking between her dads expectantly.

“I'll go get the honey and the cough drops,” Michael sighed, shaking his head with a little grin.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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Ahhhh I can't wait for this to continue! Its so cute! I always love sick Quinn AND Rachel! Awesome Awesome update! So worth the wait :)

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