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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Jeff the Killer


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No sneezes yet. sorry :(

Hey there, my name is Jeff. Some people refer to me as Jeff The Killer, but some things don't matter at times. I am simply a 19 year old boy looking to find peace, and true love. I was raised horribly, being cut and beaten with knives and hammers every day as a child.

Because of this, I was raised thinking this was OKAY.

I spent several years stabbing and lighting fire to people, then running.

I got used to it, soon totally wiping it from the bad side of the small part of me that decides between right and wrong. I trained it to think that bad things were good, and make myself feel no sadness inside, when really, I just held all the sadness and cries inside of me. Every day I saw blood and gore, death and horror. I grew depressed and sad...

I carved my cheeks off in a way to make me smile forever. Never grow sad, depressed, and live in a blank, emotionless world.

People would run when they saw me, I would run after and kill. Nothing matters anymore.

My name is Jeff.

Here is my story.

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Here is more :D

(BTW this is when he's still a young, hot 15 year old :P)

I was always sick with some sort of cold as a child. I can say one thing to that.

It sucked.

I was always sneezing and sniffling, my parents did nothing but beat me harder.

I lay in my bed, when I feel a sneeze. It burns in the back of my nose and slowly, slowly crawls up. I know if I sneeze I will get beaten.

I move my nose is circles, trying to stop the itch yet making it worse. The itch burns and tickles, I cross my eyes and see my nose is a bright red.

"Hehh... AHH... ahh,ahh,ahh-" My breath hitches.

I breathe out completely and take the itch away, I gasp and it comes back, I cannot hold it back any longer.

"Hehhh... HEHH...AHH... AHH,AHH," I quickly stifle it into my pillow.

"Hehchcechh!!" I know I'm not done.

"HehehceCHH!!! "HEHCHhhCH!!!!" I feel a big one.

"Hehh... HEHH... HAAH... AHH, hahahh..." It doesn't want to come out.

"HHAAA, hehehah... AHHH... ahh,ah,ha,hah..." i struggle with the itch, my nose flaring and red.

It decides to come out, me not ready to stifle.

"HAAHH... AHAHA... HAAA... HATecHEChhH!!! HAtCHECccHH!!!" I rub my red nose.

I hear my mom coming in.

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Whoa! I never read anything like this concerning jeff the killler. Although he scares me....i feel bad for him. :'(

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Jeffffff~~~ my baby! Poor love <3 (although I'm more of a BEN fangirl) Jeff is one of my favourites an I really like how you write his sneezes! <3 :D

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The first time I saw a picture of Jeff, I freaked. x3

What an interesting creepypasta to write about. Keep it up, it's definitely an unused idea! c:

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Thank you all for all the replies! Here's more :D

Mom swings open the door and she looks angry.

"I heard something in here! Was it you?" She gives me a look that always let me know I might get beaten.

"N-no, of course not! I didn't even hear anything, you must have been hearing things..." I say.

"Okay, but stay quiet!" She yells.

I wrinkle my nose, suddenly feeling a sharp tickle.

"Y-y-you ca-can leave now-w..." I say, trying not to sneeze.

Mom sat in my chair, knowing something was up and wanted an excuse to beat me. :(

"Hahh... aahh..." The sneeze becomes unbearable, the itch burning like fire throughout my nose.

"AHAH... HAA... HAtCHHhew!! HahCHhew!!" I sneeze and mom comes to me, carrying her knife.

I suddenly feel anger rush through me, bubbling like boiled water. "I...don't...DESERVE THIS!!!!!!!" I grab the knife and point it at her neck.

"One move and your life says bye to us and hello to HELL." I whisper in her ear.

Mom tries to run and I slice the knife through her arm. "I said DON'T MOVE!!" I scream.

I stab her in the heart and leave her to die. "Go to sleep, Mother... You deserve the rest..."

I walk out of the room and exit the house.

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Thanks for all the replies and views :3 Here's more :D

I run out of the house, anger and the satisfaction of revenge rushing through me. I carry the blood-covered knife and run for miles and miles, just wishing this misery would all go away. At least Mother is gone now, suffering in wherever the evil people go.

"Hehh... HatCHHew! HAtCHhew!" I stop and sneeze into my hand and put the knife in my jacket pocket.

"The 31 degree watcher isn't exactly going to help my cold..." My thought says to me.

I sniffle and continue my journey. I don't know where I am going, or where I will end up. I just know I am going somewhere. Somewhere far away from this misery of a life. I stop to see a graveyard. I consider suicide but my good side goes against it. I can still have a good rest of my life... right?

"Hehh...hehh..." A tickle rushes through my nose but I don't want anyone working there to spot me. (OMG I forgot to mention this is at night)

I run away quietly, keeping my hitched breaths in. I find a good safe distance and let them out.

"Hehh... HEhh... HAAA... HATCHchhEW! HatCHHeW! AHH-AHH-HATeChHHEW!" My sneeze softly echos across the sky and I run. And run. And run. My lungs burn but I don't stop. I shiver and find a bench to lay on. I must be at least 3 miles away from home. I lay down and use my snow hat as a pillow. Why did my life end up this way? It's not fair...

"Hehh... heh-heh-heh-HAteCHHew!! HaTCHHew!" I sneeze into my hands and gaze up at the sky, thinking about nothing, dreaming about nothing, nothing is in my mind. Nothing matters. That's because it doesn't.

Nothing matters anymore.

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THIS. Good gog, i thought i was the only one who loved Jeff the Killer...even cosplayed as him this year for halloween~ Do continue,please!


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  • 7 months later...
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4 minutes ago, facet said:


Please. PLEASE stop necro-bumping threads. 

This thread was posted 4 years ago

Please check the date before replying.

well your replying to my comment  and does it matter if I do? I really don't think it does

I do realized it was four yrs ago but i don't care! plus it's not like I'm being a creep or anything I'm just wanting to have some fun here

so if you could just kindly leave me be!

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Necro-bumping isn't necessarily against the rules, but please, @Ben Drowned.. think carefully before you post. I understand your comments about 'having some fun' but some of these threads are very old. The original posters may not even be around any more. Plus, roleplaying is only allowed on the open forum either in the adult board or youth board, which you need to be a validated member to access. We don't allow roleplaying in any other area of the open forum. 

We would like to ask that you put a little more care and consideration into your posts in the future. If a thread has not been active for a number of years, it is good forum etiquette to leave it be. Maybe start a new thread, if it is something you are highly interested in. But it is inadvisable to keep bumping up topics that haven't been posted in for many years. 


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