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Punishment And Reward (a GOT fic)


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Alright. I've been dying to write this story for some time and now I finally got the chance to start. I trust most people who will read this fic know the show. As for spoilers- if you've seen season 1 you should be good to go. A word of caution though- this story will contain a little bit of foot fetish (I slipped some mentions of feet in some of my other stories, so you would gradually get used to it), so if you're disgusted by feet or just don't wanna read about it you can just skip those parts (there won't be many, since it is a sneeze fetish story after all). Oh, and I know that Sansa is underage in the books and the show, but in this story she just stayed in King's Landing for some years until she was of age. And now for the story:

Title: Punishment and Reward

Author: Likesn

Fandom: Game of Thrones

Disclaimer: I don't own the books (which I didn't read, so no spoilers please) or the show. All characters belong to George Martin (except one character in this story who is my idea)

Summary: Sansa is called to take care of one very sick queen

Part 1:

To say that living in King's Landing wasn't easy for Sansa Stark would be an understatement. First, she found out that the person she was supposed to marry was a psychopath. Then she had to watch her father being executed for a crime he didn't commit, her entire entourage was slaughtered and she was left alone, without any family or friends, and surrounded by hostile cunning people, always scheming and plotting. She had been living in the capital for a few years now and she couldn't remember the last time she felt happy or even glad. One day, Sansa was eating breakfast in the dining hall, when she noticed something strange- the queen was nowhere in sight. This was strange, since Sansa was used to always look over her shoulder for Cersei, who was always there to criticize, humiliate, and just be plain mean to her. "Maybe the queen is busy" thought Sansa. When she finished her breakfast and got up from her chair to go back to her room, she found herself facing one of the king's guard men. "Lady Sansa, your presence is requested in the queen's chambers immediately" the guard said. "Why does the queen need to see me?" asked Sansa. "Those are my orders. I shall escort you to the queen's chambers right away" the guard said. Sansa knew better than to argue- the last thing she wanted was to make the queen hate her even more. That would only give her an excuse to make Sansa's life even harder. She followed the guard to the entrance to the queen's chambers, where he left. Sansa was wondering what should she do next, when a maid appeared. "Lady Sansa, good, you have arrived" the maid said. "What is the matter?" asked Sansa. "I'm afraid the queen has fallen ill" the maid lowered her voice and was almost whispering. "She refuses to let me or any other maid aid her. She said she wants to be left alone, and have no one besides you by her side until she is better". "Why me?" asked Sansa. "I do not know, she did not say. Please, you must go to her bedroom immediately" the maid said and then left.

Sansa entered the queen's chambers and headed towards the queen's bedroom. The bedroom door was closed and when Sansa reached out to knock on it she heard three loud sneezes coming from inside- "Ha Eshoo, Usch, Ai Shoo"! The sneeze sounded very wet and the loud noise startled Sansa, making her hand stop halfway to the door. When Sansa regained her courage, she knocked on the door. "Who is it?" came a call from inside. "It is me, Sansa, your grace" said Sansa. "Cobe id" the queen's voice sounded very congested. Sansa took a deep breath and entered the room. She found the queen lying in her large bed, covered in heavy blankets. The queen was pale, her long dirty blond hair was messy and her nose was red. "You requested to see me, your grace?" asked Sansa after she bowed down before the queen. "Ideed I did. Udfortudately, I seeb to have falled ill. You are to assist be regaid by health" Cersei's voice was so congested, Sansa barely managed to understand what she was saing. "With all due respect your grace, I'm sure the maids are far more compatible to assist you in this unfortunate situation" said Sansa. "The baids are cobpletely idcapable of assistig be. This illdess is beyodd their udderstaddig, sidce the origid of this illdess is the cold widds of the dorth. They have lived all their lives id Kidg's Laddig, add are thus udaware of the proper ways to haddle this dortherd illdess. You, however, are dortherd. I'b certaid you have seed this illdess bady tibes. That is why I chose you to be by persodal baid for the tibe beeig" the queen said. "Are people in King's Landing never ill with a cold?" asked Sansa. "Odly the lowest of cobboders, but dot doble people like be Ha Hu UsssShchoo, Eshoo!" the queen sneezed a wet uncovered double towards her legs. "By the gods, bless you my queen" said Sansa. "Dow Sadsa, go to by dresser add fetch be a haddkerchief" ordered Cersei. Sansa did as she was ordered, and took a fresh white handkerchief out of the dresser. "Dow cobe closer add wipe by dose" the queen ordered. Sansa approached her, but as she did the queen sneezed again- "Ha Eshoo, AIsh, Iyeshoo"! The three wet sneezes were completely uncovered and they hit Sansa straight in the face, drenching her with spray. "Hurry Sadsa. Wipe by dose, gedtly, add thed help be ebpty it" the queen ordered. Sansa was utterly disgusted, both by the fact she was just sneezed on by the queen, and by the fact she now had to blow the queen's snotty nose. Nevertheless, she knew she had to obey every order given to her by the queen, or else she would have to face dire consequences. Thus, she gently pressed the handkerchief to the queen's nose and helped her give a long, wet. gurgling blow into it. "How bad is it?" asked Cersei. "Your grace?" Sansa was confused. "Tell be what you see" the queen said, pointing at the handkerchief in Sansa's hand. Sansa turned away, even more disgusted than before, and opened the fold of the handkerchief, revealing a pile of slimy green mucus. "It's green, your grace" said Sansa. "As I suspected- By illdess has odly just begud. Frob dow od, it is your duty to serve be hadd add foot, udtil I regaid by health. I told the baids we are dot to be disturbed" said Cersei. It was clear to Sansa that the queen was only doing this to torment and humiliate her. It was going to be a very long day.......


Thoughts so far?

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I'm not gonna lie- I'm a bit upset by the lack of comments, but here's part 2 anyway:

Part 2:

"So tell be Sadsa, what do you do id the dorth to overcobe this terrible illdess?" asked the queen. "Actually your grace, this illness is not as common in the north as you might expect" replied Sansa. "How cobe? With all the cold widds, raid add sdow, I'b positive people fall ill all the tibe id the dorth, do they dot?" asked Cersei. "Well your grace, I guess people in the north have grown accustomed to the cold weather. People do fall ill, it just doesn't happen as often as you might expect" explained Sansa. "Well adyway, whed people do fall ill, how do you treat this terrible He He Hei Tchoo IYesh, Hu TsssShushoo! *sniff* illdess id the dorth?" asked the queen, spraying Sansa with another set of messy wet sneezes as she did. "By the gods, bless you your grace" called Sansa. "Fetch the haddkerchief agaid Sadsa add blow by dose for be" the queen ordered. Sansa brought back the handkerchief, placed it gently around Cersei's nose and produced a set of honking gurgling blows. Afterwards, the exhausted queen laid back on her soft pillows and coughed a few times. Like with the sneezes, she didn't bother to cover them up and Sansa could feel every cough hitting her straight in the face."Your throat must be sore your grace. Why don't I go to the kitchen and bring you some tea?" Sansa suggested. "You would leave be here all by byself? What if deed your help Ei Shoo! You should be by by side udtil I'b feelig better" said Cersei. "Your grace, when someone in the north is ill with a cold, we find that warm herbal tea helps them recover more quickly. I assure you the tea would make you feel a lot better, and I promise I won't be gone long" said Sansa. "He Tshoo! Oh, Alright. But you bust hurry back. Dod't keep be waitig too lodg" said the queen. "Of course your grace" said Sansa.

Sansa rushed to the small maid's kitchen to get some tea for the queen. She was happy for the chance to get away from the queen who, aside from her usual bad temper, was also sneezing and coughing all over her. Sansa wiped her face with her sleeve, utterly disgusted. She wasn't lying- surprisingly enough, people in the north didn't get a cold often. Of course, people would get sick every now and then, but not so often as the queen expected. The Stark family rarely got sick, and the last time Sansa herself was sick was when she was a young girl. Sansa was both disgusted and terrified with the thought of getting sick now- not only did she hate being sick, but the thought of her being weak in front of the queen sent chills of sheer terror down Sansa's spine. She couldn't afford herself to be sick and weak, thus allowing the queen to torment her even more. She also knew that the queen was aware of that, and that was probably the reason she called for Sansa to take care of her in the first place- the queen was sick and weak and she needed Sansa to get sick as well, so she would have power over her again. Luckily for Sansa, when she got to the kitchen she found a tin kettle with fresh warm herbal tea in it. She poured some tea into a large mug and hurried back to the queen's bedroom, going as quickly as she possibly could without spilling the tea. She found the queen in the midst of a fit of harsh coughing. "Here, your grace This will ease the ache in your throat" said Sansa. She brought the tea to Cersei's mouth and helped her sip it slowly. "Did the tea make you feel better your grace?" asked Sansa. "A little bit *sniff* Hei Shoo!" the remaining fumes from the tea tickled Cersei's nose, resulting in her sneezing wetly into Sansa's face again.

"Maybe you should rest for some time now, your grace" suggested Sansa after she made sure the queen was comfortable in her bed. "I thidk I will rest dow Sadsa. You are to stay id this roob udtil I wake up. If I dod't fidd you by by side whed I wake up I will be very adgry" threatened the queen. "Of course your grace. I will not leave your side" said Sansa. The queen quickly fell asleep, snoring lightly through her blocked nose. Sansa sat in a chair, close to the queen's bed, and dozed off herself. "IYeshoo, Hei Shish, ChiYeshoo!" the queen sneezed herself awake some time later. "May the gods bless you, your grace" Sansa sprung from her chair and brought the handkerchief to the queen's nose, helping her give a set of wet gurgling blows. "Would you like to eat, your grace? I'm sure I can find some food in the kitchen. Eating will make you stronger" suggested Sansa. "I'b dot hudgry Sadsa. Ow! I have a terrible headache. Rub by tebples Sadsa" ordered the queen. "Of course, your grace" Sansa said and placed her hands on the queen's forehead. "Gedtly Sadsa!" grunted the queen. "I'm sorry your grace" apologize Sansa. She resisted the strong urge to squeeze the queen's head between her hands until it is crushed, and started rubbing it gently. "Buch better Sadsa" said Cersei. Sansa rubbed the queen's head for some time, when the queen sneezed again- "Hu Eshoo, Ih Shesh, Hi Yeshoo, Tshe"! The queen's sneezes were getting progressively harsher, wetter and messier, and Sansa could feel it as the spray hit her in the face again. "Bless you, your grace" Sansa said before helping the queen blowing her red nose again. She didn't know how much longer she could keep this up....


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Part 3:

Some sneezing, coughing and nose blowing later, Sansa managed to persuade the queen to let her bring her some lunch from the kitchen. Sansa knew she has to get some food herself, since she has to take care of the sick queen herself and since she hasn't had anything to eat since that morning. Therefor, when she got to the kitchen she helped herself to some bread and water. She then took a small wooden tray and placed a bowl of warm soup and a glass of water and hurried back to the queen. Cersei was coughing again when Sansa came back, so Sansa quickly helped her drink some water. Sansa then fed the queen the soup with a spoon. As with the tea before, the fumes from the soup tickled Cersei's irritated nose and sent her into a fit of sneezing all over the place, but mostly on Sansa- "Hei Tchoo, Hai Ash Shoo, Chiesh, Hu Eichshoo"! "Bless you your grace" said Sansa, her face drenched in fresh sneezing spray. Sansa then helped the queen blow her red sore nose, surprised and more than slightly frightened by the loud wet gurgling sounds she produced from it.

After Sansa finished feeding her, the queen had another fit of loud harsh coughing. Sansa noticed the queen grew even paler, and her cheeks were flushed. She also noticed the queen was shivering slightly, even though she was covered in three heavy blankets. "Sadsa, I'b cold" said the queen. "I think you might have a slight fever your grace" said Sansa. "Ow! By head! Do sobethig Sadsa!" the queen ordered. "Right away your grace. I think I know something that may help" said Sansa. She took a small towel, poured cold water on it and placed it gently on the queen's forehead. "How does that feel your grace?" asked Sansa. "That's better Sadsa Hi Yesh Choo!" the powerful sneeze made the queen sit up, sending the towel flying halfway across the room. Sansa rushed to get the towel, washed it again and placed it on the queen's forehead again.

"By body ache Sadsa, you bust bassage it" ordered the queen. "Of course your grace" said Sansa. She then started to rub the queen's body. First she massaged Cersei's head, except for the part covered by the towel. She then massaged Cersei's neck, and proceeded to her shoulders and arms, all that time being careful not to move the queen too much. Then she rubbed Cersei's stomach, resulting in another fit of wet, phlegmy sounding coughs. "Is your grace better?" asked Sansa. "A little better, but by legs add feet also hurt. You bust bassage theb as well Sadsa" ordered the queen. "Your grace?" Sansa was surprised and a little bit disgusted by the notion of having to rub the queen's feet. "I do recall sayig you have to serve be hadd add foot. You served by hadds, add dow you have to Hu Ish, Ehtchoo! serve by feet" ordered Cersei. "Yes your grace, whatever you ask" said Sansa. She then started to massage the queen's legs, without removing the covers. When she saw there was nothing more she could do to make the queen's legs better, Sansa positioned herself in front of the queen, removed the covers just a little bit and started rubbing the queen's feet. "Ha Essschoo, Hi Yesch, Uschoo!" the sudden gust of cold air on her feet made Cersei sneeze messily again. "Hold on your grace, I would help you clear your nose again" said Sansa. "Do Sadsa, keep rubbig by feet. They are cold add you bust warb theb up. Take theb closer to you" ordered Cersei. Unwillingly, Sansa sat on the bed, placed the queen's feet in her lap and continued to rub them. Sansa then noticed the queen's feet had a strong scent, probably because the queen was sweating a lot, due to her fever. Sansa was utterly disgusted by the stench, but she was unable to quit rubbing the queen's feet, and by thus disobeying a direct order, so she had no choice but to keep rubbing Cersei's feet, while doing her best not to breath the stench and more importantly- not to let the queen see her reaction to the smell of her feet. "Hi Esch, Ei Shish, HetsChush, Ha Esho!" *sniff* that will do for dow Sadsa. You bay dow clear by dose" said the queen. The queen's sneezes were so wet and powerful, Sansa could feel some spray hitting her face even though she was on the other side of the bed. She rushed to get the handkerchief, thankful for the chance to get away from the queen's smelly feet, and produced another set of wet gurgling blows from the queen's nose. The day was not yet over, and it was only getting worse.


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Part 4:

The day seemed to last for ages for Sansa, but the sun was finally starting to set. "The sun is setting your grace. It is almost time for you to go to sleep. Sleeping will make you feel a whole lot better. Shall I get you some more tea from the kitchen? It will help you sleep better" suggested Sansa. "Very well Sadsa, Ha Issshhhoo, Ha Esch, EYeshoo! *sniff* You bay fetch be adother bug of tea" the queen said, sneezing all over Sansa again. "Right away your grace" said Sansa and rushed to the kitchen. When Sansa came back, she brought the mug to the queen, but Cersei launched into another sneezing fit- "He EtsShoo, Iyesh, Ho EiShuShoo"! The loud sneezes startled Sansa so much, she barely managed not to spill the hot tea on the queen. She brought the mug to Cersei's lips and helped her sip the tea. "I think it's time for you to go to sleep now your grace" said Sansa after the queen finished drinking her tea. "Iddeed, I thidk I shall go to sleep dow Sadsa. As a reward for your services for be today I shall allow you to sleep id your bedroob todight, but you bust cobe here agaid first thidg toborrow bordig add codtidue to durse be udtil I'b better" said the queen. "Of course your grace, and thank you for your kindness. Sleep well your grace" said Sansa. She then bowed down before the queen and left for her bedroom.

Sansa was glad the day was finally over. She was completely exhausted, and all she could think about was getting to her room, getting to bed and sleeping as much as she could before the next day. She knew the queen might feel better the next day, but she would probably still be ill, since she had a very bad cold. On the way to her bedroom, Sansa noticed her head started to ache, but she assumed it was because she was so tired. By the time she got into bed, her whole body ached and she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. "Hu He Ha EssssShChoo"! Sansa woke up the next morning with a huge sneeze that made her sit up straight in her bed. "Oh do! *sniff*". She could immediately tell she caught the queen's cold- her nose was completely stuffed up and her whole body ached, especially her head. She knew it was inevitable, having been sneezed on so many time by the queen the day before. She also knew that this was probably the queen's plan all along- to make her as sick as she was and even sicker. Nevertheless, she didn't want to give the queen the satisfaction of seeing her ill, and she also knew she had to go back to nursing the queen straight away. She rubbed her nose with the back of her hand, feeling a stream of wetness. She then got out of her bed, dressed as quickly as she could and rushed to the queen's bedroom.

"Ho EishChoo"! Sansa managed to get to the queen's bedroom just in time to witness Cersei waking up with a huge sneeze of her own. "Bless you your grace" said Sansa before helping the queen give a series of wet gurgling nose blows into a fresh handkerchief. "By head is better this bordig Sadsa, but by feet are still cold. Rub theb for be like you did yesterday" ordered the queen. "Yes your grace" replied Sansa. Since she was hardly able to breath through her blocked nose, Sansa assumed that at least she wouldn't suffer from the stench of the queen's feet, as she did the day before. However, once she started rubbing Cersei's feet, Sansa noticed that the smell was so intense it got through the stuffiness of her nose. Not only did the smell made her feel utterly disgusted, it also made Sansa's nose tickle. Sansa started to panic, but she knew she couldn't stop rubbing the queen's feet. She tried to struggle the increasing tickle inside her nose, but it was a lost battle. Sansa did the best she could to try and stop it, while still rubbing the queen's smelly feet, but the more she fought it the stronger it grew. Sansa's chest started to heave and finally- "Hu Ressshhhoo, Hu Irsh, Herrrshoo!" she sneezed three harsh slimy sneezes all over the queen's bare soles. "Sadsa! What id the dabe of the gods is the batter with you?! You sdeezed all over Ha He Ha Eshoo, ChiEsh, He Yeshoo! by feet!" the queen was furious. "I'b sorry your grace I Ha Ha Ha Reshoo, Hersh!" Sansa tried to apologize, backing away from the queen, but the remains of the stench from the queen's feet continued to tickle her nose. "Are you cobidg dowd with this ildess yourself Sadsa?" asked the queen. "Do your grace, ha ha, I'b just, ha he ha, it's just sobe, ha he, sdeezes Ha Ha Reshoo, Resh, Hu HurrrsssshhhChoo!" Sansa was sneezing uncontrollably, every sneeze bending her double. "That is edough! You are obviously ill Sadsa. You are of do further use for be id the curredt codditiod of yours. Fortudately for you, I ab well edough to settle for the aid of ode of the baids. Go to your roob before you get adyode else sick. I shall sedd a baid to your roob to help you deal with this illdess. Thidk of it as a reward for your devoted carig yesterday. Add I will also gradt you ode of by haddkerchiefs. Use it to cover your sdeezes, for the sake of the gods- it is udladylike to sdeeze opedly like that. Dow go od" ordered the queen. "Your grace is Ha Reshoo! far too kidd Het Shus!" sneezed Sansa while bowing down. She quickly grabbed one of the queen's handkerchiefs and left. "Ha resh, Her Shush Ha Hurrshoo!" the queen could hear Sansa sneezing all the way to her room.


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Very nice story - always thought that GOT was under-represented here in terms of sneezefics :) Have always had a bit of a crush on Cersei despite her being so evil an all...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just so you guys know- I haven't given up on this story yet, I just don't have much time to write more, but I'll do my best to continue (just in case anyone cares)

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Part 5:

"Ha Reshoo, Hu HurrrUshoo, Harr Shoo"! Sansa was lying in her bed, sneezing helplessly. She never felt so sick in her entire life. Now that she was alone in her bedroom, she allowed herself to succumb to the fits of harsh loud sneezes that were taking full control of her body, causing her to bend forward every time. Also, she didn't have to try and hide the sound of her sneezes, which was good, since her sneezes were very loud. As far as Sansa could remember, all the Startks had loud sneezes, even her little sister Arya. Though they didn't catch colds often, whenever one of the Starks did catch a cold, it wasn't long before it was known to everyone in the castle, if not in all of Winterfell. Sansa didn't even bother to cover her sneeze, not only because they were so strong she hardly got enough energy for that, but also because she didn't want to destroy the luxurious handkerchief the queen gave her, since she knew she was only in the beginning of her dreadful cold, and she wanted to save the handkerchief for when her poor nose really needs it. The said nose was constantly running and it's color was beginning to match Sansa's red hair. Though it was constantly running and tickling, causing Sansa to sneeze again and again, it was completely blocked, and Sansa couldn't get any air through it. As she tried, again in vain, to clear her nose with a series of loud wet gurgling blows into a plain white handkerchief, she heard a knock on the door. "*sniff* Who is it? *sniff*" she asked. "M'lady, my name is Martina, and I was sent to you by the queen herself. Her majesty informed me that you are ill and ordered me to help you regain your health. The queen didn't want the illness to spread throughout the castle, so she ordered me to be the only one to be allowed near you until you are well". "Alright *sniff* cobe id" said Sansa.

The door was opened and Sansa saw a girl in her early twenties, about the same age as her, entering the room. She was tall and had short brown hair and wide brown eyes. Before Sansa could say anything, she was overcome by another fit of sneezes- "He Hu He Reshoo, Her Shush, Hu Reshoo! Ow!" she groaned, her head pounding. "Here m'lady, allow me" said Martina before taking the handkerchief from Sansa's hand, placing it gently over her overflowing red nose, and helping her produce a set of gurgling blows. At first, Sansa tried to protest, but Martina's gentle touch felt so good on her aching nose that she allowed the maid to help her blow it. "Thadk you so buch, Bartida" said Sansa. "There is no need to thank me m'lady, taking care of you is what the queen ordered me to do, and I shall see to it that your are well as soon as possible. I will do whatever it takes" Martina said. "I'b glad to hear that, Bartida,I ahhh... w... wait... I deed to ha he... sdeeze agaid.... ho ha Ha Rashoo, IYerch, Ha ErrchiIshioo!" sneezed Sansa. When she opened her eyes again she saw that Martina managed to move away just in time to avoid the full spray of the harsh uncovered sneezes, though some of it hit her cheek. "Oh Bartida, I'b so sorry I Ha HerchiEshoo, Ershish, Hu Haraschoo!" this time, Sansa sneezed straight into Martina's face. "There is no need to apologize m'lady. You are very ill and you can't help your sneezes. Now, why don't I go and get some things to help you feel better? I promise I won't be gone long" said Martina. "Alright, but please hurry back. I feel awful add I'b glad you're here to help be" said Sansa. "Always at your service m'lady" said Martina before leaving.


I planned to write this part longer, but I decided to split it into two parts. Next part coming ASAP

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"Ha Reshoo, Hu HurrrUshoo, Harr Shoo"! Sansa was lying in her bed, sneezing helplessly. She never felt so sick in her entire life. Now that she was alone in her bedroom, she allowed herself to succumb to the fits of harsh loud sneezes that were taking full control of her body, causing her to bend forward every time.

There is definitely something about people who should usually be poised and graceful being utterly overtaken by a sneezing fit in front of others that makes for a great sneezefic :) I look forwards to more... :D

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part 6:

When Martina came back to the room she brought a mug of warm tea, a small bawl of water and a small towel. "Here m'lady, drink this" she said to Sansa.She brought the mug to Sansa's lips and helped her drink the tea in slow sips. "Huh... huh...." the fumes from the tea tickled Sansa's poor nose and "Hu ErshChoo, ReshSHoosh, Ha Reshoo!" she sneezed all over Martina. "May the gods bless you m'lady" Martina said. "I'b sor.... eh..... sorry Bartida Ha He He Rashoo, Ha RishChush!" Sansa's apology was interrupted by two more sneezes. "There is no need for you to worry m'lady, I am here to help you get well again. I assure you I can handle a few sneezes" said Martina. "You dod't udderstadd- This illdess is like dothig I have ever seed before. I've dever felt so ill id by edtire lifetibe" said Sansa. "I'm sure I will manage m'lady. It is my duty and I shall see it done. Now, why don't you let me help you clear your nose. It seems to me that you need it" Martina said. "Please do Bartida" agreed Sansa and Martina helped her produce a series of wet, honking, gurgling nose blows.

"Ow... By head hurts Bartida" said Sansa after Martina helped her blow her red nose. "Id fact, by whole body aches" she added. "Well, why don't I take care of that for you?" said Martina. She brought the water bowl and the towel, soaked the towel in the water and gently rubbed Sansa's forehead with the moist towel. The cool towel made Sansa feel better almost instantly. "You have a slight fever m'lady, but this will help you" said Martina. "I feel so cold though, cold add achy all over, frob head to toe" said Sansa. "I can help you with that as well" said Martina. She then started rubbing Sansa's temples slowly and gently. "That feels so good Baritda, *sniff* Thadk you Ha Ha ReshCoo!" said Sansa, sneezing into Martina's face yet again. Martina then proceeded to massage Sansa's upper body- her shoulders, her arms and hands, her stomach. "Resh, Hor Choosh, He RushChoo!" Sansa was too tired to try and stop her powerful sneezing by that time, and also- she didn't want Martina to stop massaging her aching body. Martina then started to rub Sansa's legs and was slowly making her way down towards the ill girl's feet. When Sansa noticed that she was startled, since she remembered how badly the queen's feet smelled when she was sweating from her fever the other day. "You cad stop dow Bartida, you already bade be feel a lot better Hu Resh, Reshoo!" Sansa said and sneezed again. "But m'lady, your feet feel are so cold, almost frozen. Why don't you let me warm them up for you and make you feel even better?" asked Martina. "But, the sbell..." Sansa started. "I have no idea what you are talking about m'lady. Now, just relax and let me take care of you" Martina said before Sansa could finish her sentence. "HaraShiShoo! Ow! *sniff* Alright" said Sansa. Her sneeze was so powerful, the spray hit Martina even though she was sitting on the edge of the bed. Martina then started rubbing Sansa's feet. They were, indeed, very cold, and they were also sweaty, because She had a fever, but Martina knew it was inappropriate to comment about the smell of a noble's feet.

The hours went by and Martina was doing her very best to make Sansa feel better- helping her blow her nose, feeding her tea and soup, massaging her body, rubbing her forehead with a cool towel and making sure she was as comfortable as possible. As the sun was starting to set Sansa felt better, though she was still pretty sick, all due to Martina's devoted care. "*sniff* Bartida, will you bridg be the haddkerchief the queed gave be? I thidk it will feel softer agaidst by poor dose" said Sansa. Martina grabbed the lace handkerchief, but as she was going the bring it to Sansa's nose, she stopped halfway, eyelids fluttering, and brought it to her own nose instead. "Hu Ha... Isha!" she sneezed into the handkerchief in a dainty matter. "Oh by! Gods forgive be, I Hepchi, TsChi! *sniff* I'b so sorry lady Sadsa" apologized Martina, sneezing twice more into the queen's handkerchief. Martina's sneezes were girly and delicate, so different form Sansa's loud obnoxious sneezing. "Do Do Bartida, it is be who should be sorry, for I have past this terrible illdess odto you Hu Ha ReShishhShoo!" said Sansa, sneezing wetly. "Do b'lady, it is by fault. I wasd't strodg edough add dow I have succubbed to the illdess. I have allowed byslef to becobe a sick baid, add thus I have faild by duty add you HapChish, He Ishish, Hei Ichia!" said Martina, sneezing again. Her sneezes were growing wetter and more frequent, and Sansa could see her cute little nose was already starting to get a shade of pink. "Dodsedse! If it wered't for you I would've felt far worse thed I do dow Ha Roosh, Ho Rashoo! You helped be bore thad I ever thought was possible, add your odly reward was by sdeezes that bade you ill as well" said Sansa. "Do you really bead that b'lady? Was I really Hatcha! *sniff* helpful?" asked Martina. "Of course you were Bartida! Id fact, cad I ask you for adother favor? asked Sansa. "Of course b'lady. I ab always at your Hepchi! service" said Martina. "Will you get idto bed with be? That way we cad keep each other warb Ha YerrShoosh!" said Sansa, sneezing messily again. "Will that Hat Shash, Ashi! please you b'lady" asked Martina. "Very buch so" said Sansa. Martina then used the queen's handkerchief, since it was already drenched with her snot, to give her nose a few gurgling blows. She then removed her shoes and socks and went into Sansa's bed. The girls decided it would be inappropriate for them to face each other, the way lovers do while lying in bed, so they were lying facing each other's feet. By that time, both girls were too sick to care about the smell of each other's feet, but it tickled both their noses, causing them to sneeze at the same time- "HaraShoosh"! "Hi Yatchi"! Both girls realized the best thing for them to do was to stay in Sansa's bedroom, so as not to get anyone else in the castle sick, so they both stayed there until they were well enough to out again.

The End

I know I wrapped it up in kind of a sloppy way, but I figured it was a good time to end this. The good news is that now I'm free to work on my next project, which, in my opinion at leas t,will be one of my greatest works in this forum.

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