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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The First - Supernatural Fic


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Hello! It's me. Again. tongue.png I'm sure you're all thoroughly sick of me by now, but I have a ton of Supernatural stuff that I haven't posted yet. Also, sorry about the odd formatting with this one - the forum really didn't like it for some reason.

Anyway, I hope it's alright!

It burnt. And tickled. And buzzed.

Scratch that. It fucking thrummed with an unidentifiable, undeniable urge.

The sensation was demanding, convulsive, galvanising.

Shivered, shuddered. Fucking tortured him with a with some urgent need, no, desire, that he couldn’t name. Every fibre of his being longed for it. And he still wasn’t sure what ‘it’ was.

“Hey, Cas, you alright?”

Castiel tried to articulate a response. Really, he did. But the words just wouldn’t come. All that passed his lips were a handful of short, breathless gasps.

It had infiltrated his lungs, too. They inflated and deflated erratically, far from the dull, steady rhythm that he had become accustomed to.




“Cas? Can you hear me?”


If Castiel’s eyes hadn’t been squeezed shut at that particular moment, he would have seen Dean perform an extremely expressive and impassioned roll of his eyes.

“You’re not malfunctioning, it’s just a sneeze” he said matter-of-factly.


Dean took another look at Castiel’s quivering, desperate form.

“A stuck sneeze, apparently”.

Somewhere to Castiel’s right came the flick of a switch.

“Okay, Cas, I want you to open your eyes a little and look up”.

Castiel did what Dean had instructed with surprising obedience. He tilted his head back and peered upwards.

The light hit him instantly, a glaringly bright, ticklish dagger that plunged directly into his cornflower blue eyes.


He teetered on the edge for a few infuriating seconds, then squinted up at the dazzling light once again and gave a final sounding “hiihtt’yhccChhHUuusHuhh!”

“Bless you” Dean volunteered, surprise evident in his voice.

So angels could sneeze. That was a new one.

“Why did bmy-”

Castiel frowned, not comprehending the reason for the sudden altercation in his pronunciation.

“Why is bmy vessel still mbalfunctionding?” The frown deepened when his speech came out wrong again.

“Here” Dean chucked him a box of tissues he’d filched from his brother’s bag.

“Blow your nose; you sound horrible”. He paused awkwardly.

“You do know how, don’t you?” he continued, hoping against hope that the answer would be yes.

To his relief, Castiel nodded slowly.

“I have observed Samb carrying out the task on mbany occasiods”.

Thank God for Sam and his rampant allergies. Dean made a mental note to thank him later, preferably on bended knee.

“Well, um, I’ll leave you to it”.

Castiel was left alone grasping the tissue box. He turned it over in his hands, deep in thought.

What was it Dean had called that thing? A ‘sneeze’?

It had been torturous, yes. Close to unbearable. But the warm relief that had followed the release felt-

Good. Satisfying.

So satisfying that Castiel found himself staring blearily back up at the alarmingly bright light above him.


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Omfg I LOVE stories about people/creatures/whatever who never sneezed before sneezing for the first time. :laugh: So cute.

“Well, um, I’ll leave you to it”.

ahaha typical Dean, giving him privacy to blow his nose.

It had been torturous, yes. Close to unbearable. But the warm relief that had followed the release felt-

Good. Satisfying.

So satisfying that Castiel found himself staring blearily back up at the alarmingly bright light above him.


:omg: And now he's just making himself sneeze.

Good lord this was great

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Omfg I LOVE stories about people/creatures/whatever who never sneezed before sneezing for the first time. laughing.gif So cute.

“Well, um, I’ll leave you to it”.

ahaha typical Dean, giving him privacy to blow his nose.

It had been torturous, yes. Close to unbearable. But the warm relief that had followed the release felt-

Good. Satisfying.

So satisfying that Castiel found himself staring blearily back up at the alarmingly bright light above him.


omg.gif And now he's just making himself sneeze.

Good lord this was great

Oh wow thank you! I'm glad you liked the characterisation, and that you enjoyed it! :)

Awww! I'm usually not one for Supernatural, but this is quite cute. I love the dialogue and the situation a lot.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it, particularly if you're not usually into Supernatural! :D

I... HAH... ASDFGHJKL! Words cannot express how deeply I love this ! <3

Awww I'm glad that you like it so much!!

Oh sneezy cas, so cute and clueless.. love it tonguesmiley.gif

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed!!

very cute!

Aww thank you!! :)

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My vessel is also malfunctioning blushing.gif

So satisfying that Castiel found himself staring blearily back up at the alarmingly bright light above him.


That was... hum.... wub.png can I can I call you goddess for now on and make you a shrine? I'd like a lot more of that, Amen!

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And now he's just making himself sneeze.

This comment just made me think of this video and I can't stop myself from hearing it with Dean's voice :

Darn I'm hopeless blushsmiley.gif

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Cas is adorable! He's just so confused by everything!

I love that side to Castiel too, and it's so much fun to write!!


My vessel is also malfunctioning blushing.gif

So satisfying that Castiel found himself staring blearily back up at the alarmingly bright light above him.


That was... hum.... wub.png can I can I call you goddess for now on and make you a shrine? I'd like a lot more of that, Amen!

laughing.gif You really liked it that much?! Thank you! I didn't really think it was that good but I thought I'd post it anyway... :P

Oh, and I'm totally hearing that in Dean's voice too now ;)

This was adorable!!!!!

Thank you~! <3 Glad you enjoyed!!


:D I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!! Thank you!!!

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