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Lilo and Stitch Fanfiction for DeathNoteOwner


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Sorry this request took so long!

Chapter 1

It was a beautiful summer morning in Hawaii, and Lilo and Stitch were getting ready to go to Lilo's dance rehearsal.

"HSCHOO!" Stitch sneezed.

"Bless you Stitch, are you ok?"

"Yeah" Stitch replied while rubbing his nose.

"Come on let's go eat breakfast!" Lilo said.

"Yay! Breakfast!" Stitch said before running out of their room.

They went down to the kitchen and each had a tall stack of chocolate chip pancakes and milk before heading out to Hula practice.

"Hschoo Hschoo Hschoo Hschoo!"

"You sure your alright Stitch? I've never heard you sneeze so much before!"

"Yeah I'm fine" Stitch slowly replied.

"We'll have to ask Jumba about it when we get home"

Lilo looked at the time and saw that class was about to start so they took off running. They made it to hula practice in the nick of time. During hula practice Stitch's sneezes got more intense and eventually Stitch fell to the floor during a powerful sneezing fit.


"Lilo, why don't you take Stitch home and help him get better?" The dance instructor said.

So Lilo and Stitch packed up their stuff and headed home early. Nani was shocked to see them come in and rushed over to make sure everything was alright.

"Hschoo!" Stitch sneezed.

"Stitch are you ok?" Nani asked

Before he could answer Lilo told Nani that Stitch had been sneezing all day and that their dance instructor asked Lilo to take Stitch home because during a sneezing fit he sneezed so powerfully that he fell to the floor. Nani told Stitch that he hopes he feels better and that Jumba and Plekely will be home soon and then they can help. Lilo helped Stitch up to their room and then they decided to watch a movie until Jumba and Plekely got home.


Chapter 1 is done! Chapter 2 will be up soon :) Comments, tips, suggestions, etc are appreciated :)

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Tips: Add other charecters like pleakly and Jumba aswell as Angel ( because at a point that experiment was dating Stitch), Also adding Mertle (however you spell) would add more of a plot to it , resulting in a fight between Lilo & her .

Suggestions : Add more detail or adverbs/adjectives maybe? Enriching the story would be pretty nice c:

Overall comments : I take my lilo&stitch honestly , Bringing in other experiments too make the situation more of chaos or to help the situation may be good. Also I love this already :D Can't wait for the next part c:

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  • 1 month later...

Tips: Add other charecters like pleakly and Jumba aswell as Angel ( because at a point that experiment was dating Stitch), Also adding Mertle (however you spell) would add more of a plot to it , resulting in a fight between Lilo & her .

Suggestions : Add more detail or adverbs/adjectives maybe? Enriching the story would be pretty nice c:

Overall comments : I take my lilo&stitch honestly , Bringing in other experiments too make the situation more of chaos or to help the situation may be good. Also I love this already biggrin.png Can't wait for the next part c:

Thanks for the tips and suggestions!! Super sorry this hasn't been updated in a while! But here's part 2!


Throughout the movie, Stitch's sneezes got worse! Now he was sneezing every few seconds and his sneezes were enough to make him topple backwards off the bed a few times.


"THAT'S IT!" Lilo screamed. "I'm going to the store to get you some allergy medicine!"

"Lilo, no go! I'b otay! I'b otay!" HISCHOO HISCOO!"

"No Stitch I'm going! I don't know when Jumba and Plekely will get back and your sneezing is getting worse by the second!"


Lilo leaves and Stitch grabs his favorite blue blanket with the yellow ducks, wraps it around himself and walks down onto the sofa. After miserably sitting on the sofa, sniffling and sneezing, for about 10 minutes Jumba and Plekely walk in.

"626? You and little girl are supposed to be at dance class. Why are you here?" Jumba asks.

"Because....HISCHOO HISCHOO HISCHOO HISCHOO! .....of that" Stitch says.

"Oh, Jumba he's sick! Stitch are you ok!?!?!" Plekely runs over and starts mother henning him. Stitch jumps out of Plekely's grasp.

Stitch says," Not sick. Lilo said, Allergies."

"Allergies!?!?! Since when do you have allergies!??!?! I'll have to run some tests. Let me find my equipment and then I'll come get you. Where is little girl anyways?" Jumba replies.

"The store. She went to get medicine for allergies."

"What!?!?! We don't know if that stuff will work on you or harm you!" Jumba says. Then he sighs, "I'm going to find my stuff".

Jumba and Plekely leave Stitch back where they found him. Sniffling and sneezing on the couch. "Hurry home Lilo" he thinks sadly, wishing for his best friend.

At the same time this was going on....

Lilo arrives at the store with good time (around 2pm) and quickly runs to the back where they keep all the medicine. However halfway there she bumps right into Mertle who was with her gang buying snacks for their sleepover tonight.

"Hi Mertle! Whatcha guys doing? Are you guys buying snacks to stay up all night watching zombie movies!?!?!" Lilo asks excitedly.

"EW GROSS! No! We're buying stuff for our sleepover, which YOUR not invited too. We don't want to catch yours or your loser dog's germs! Then we might turn into losers too!" Mertle says.

"Yeah" Her gang echoes.

"Oh, ok." Lilo starts to walk solemnly and angrily to the medicine when suddenly she's hit in the back of the head with a pack of cookies Mertle threw at her. Mertle and her gang are laughing at her. Lilo's anger grows and suddenly she runs and jumps on Mertle. She starts hitting her and pulling her hair. Mertle fights back, but Lilo is obviously stronger. Seeing that Mertle is losing, the rest of her gang starts beating up on Lilo. Now that it's 5 against one it's obviously an unfair fight. They are beating Lilo up pretty good now and finally the store manager breaks up the fight and brings them all into the back office to call their parents.

Nani is working and so is David. Jumba and Plekely won't answer their phones either. So Lilo has to sit in the backroom. Alone and sore,since the other girls left, at least until Nani gets off work at 6.

3pm at Lilo's house

There's a knock at the door, and hearing the commotion upstairs, Stitch decides he should answer the door.

"HISCHOO!" Stitch sneezes upon opening the door. "I'b so sorry" Stitch blushes furiously and says once he sees that it's Angel, his girlfriend, on the porch steps.

"Stitch is sick?" She questions.

"No Stitch has allergies" HISCHOO HISCHOO he says.

She nods and takes him by the hand inside. They sit on the sofa and cuddle, watching random television until Jumba comes downstairs and says he's ready to start testing on Stitch.


Comments, Suggestions, tips, etc are gladly appreciated!! Sorry this took so long to update! Next chapter is coming really shortly! (Like after dinner which is in an hour)

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Chapter 3 Lilo's House 4:30pm

Angel carefully leads Stitch up the steps to Jumba and Plekely's room, pausing every few minutes for Stitch to sneeze. Upon reaching the room Stitch jumps up onto the desk and sits down. Jumba collects a blood sample and a saliva sample and puts them both in a little machine. The machine beeps a few times before saying "ALLERGIES"

"Huh, that can't be right experiments aren't supposed to have allergies!" Jumba sighs in exasperation.

"I know! I know!!" Plekely exclaims.

"What is it Plekely?" Jumba questions

"A glitch!" He replies

"A glitch!?!?!?! 626 is one of my best experiments, he doesn't get glitches!"..........."Wait a minute, I bet he does have a glitch! 626 and 624 meet me in the spaceship in an hour and I'll have everything ready to fix your glitch!" Jumba says before grabbing Plekely and running out to the spaceship.

Stitch and Angel go back downstairs to cuddle and hang out. At about 5pm Stitch looks at his clock and wonders "Where's Lilo? It doesn't take that long to get to the store?" However before he can ponder that thought, Angel starts tickling him and they play fight, even though they have to pause a lot for Stitch's sneezes.

5:45pm at the store

Lilo lies her aching head down on the table. The manager won't release her without a parent or guardian and he won't give her any ice for her injuries. "Nani is going to kill me" She thinks. Another half hour passes before she hears the manager walking back and she can hear Nani's voice with him.

They open the door and Nani exclaims in shock at the sight of her "LILO!"

Lilo knows she probably looks horrible. She can tell she has a busted lip and a black eye, and she knows she has some blood on her clothes.

"Lilo, what happened, baby?" Nani asks in sympathy.

Lilo starts to cry, "Stitch. I went to get him medicine, and I ran in-in-into Mer-Mertle and her gang. I-I-I was t-t-talking to her and she threw a pack of cookies at my head. S-s-so I h-hit her. HISCHOO! *She sniffles* And we started f-f-fighting, but then her gang joined in and they b-b-beat me up." She finishes talking and starts sobbing even harder.

Nani is taken aback. Lilo never really cries, even when she's in a lot of pain. She's always been the tough one. And she just sneezed...Nani goes over and gathers Lilo into a hug. Shockingly, Lilo melts right into the hug. Nani can't tell if the warmth Lilo is emitting is because she's been crying or if she's running a fever, but she doesn't press Lilo right now.

"What else happened, baby?How long have you been sitting here" Nani asks.She wants to get onto Lilo for hitting, but she's so distraught she feels like it can wait.

Lilo sniffles before saying, "I got h-here at 2. When the manager took *HISCHOO* be back he wouldn't gib be any ice, even though I-I-I offered to p-p *HISCHOO* Pay."


The manager stammers out an apology and gets them some ice. Nani pays for Stitch's allergy meds and buys Lilo some cold medicine, just in case.

They walk out of the store where David is waiting for them in the car. Lilo is asleep before they get 2 minutes down the road.

"What's wrong with Lilo?" David asks. Nani relays the story to them and looks back to find Lilo sound asleep in the back.

"Poor thing" David says

"Yeah, and to top it off I think she's getting a cold" Nani says and relays what happened when Lilo was talking to her.

5:30 at Lilo's house

Stitch and Angel make their way to the spaceship.

"Now, 626, I'm going to have to give you some shots. The first 3 will make your allergy symptoms go away and the last 3 will target the glitch and repair it so that way it won't happen again."

"Will it hurt?" Stitch asks

"Yes, It will hurt a lot. I'm sorry" Jumba says.

Stitch hops in a chair by Jumba and Angel goes and holds Stitch's hand while Jumba gives him the shots.

Feeling a lot better Stitch kisses Angel.

"Thanks Jumba!" He says. They all head back inside and Plekely starts to make his famous Spaghetti for dinner to celebrate them fixing Stitch's glitch. However, 5 minutes later, Nani comes crashing through the door with David who is carrying a sleeping Lilo.

They all rush over to help. They take Lilo up to her room, clean her face, and helps her into a warm pair of pajamas, before tucking her into bed. Seeing as Lilo's sick, Nani agrees to let them all eat dinner in Lilo and Stitch's room.

After dinner, they all watch "Zombie attack 3" and the adults leave seeing as Angel, Stitch, and Lilo are all curled up comfortaby sleeping on Lilo's bed.


The end!! Sorry I couldn't resist making Lilo a little sick at the end!

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Chapter 3 Lilo's House 4:30pm

Angel carefully leads Stitch up the steps to Jumba and Plekely's room, pausing every few minutes for Stitch to sneeze. Upon reaching the room Stitch jumps up onto the desk and sits down. Jumba collects a blood sample and a saliva sample and puts them both in a little machine. The machine beeps a few times before saying "ALLERGIES"

"Huh, that can't be right experiments aren't supposed to have allergies!" Jumba sighs in exasperation.

"I know! I know!!" Plekely exclaims.

"What is it Plekely?" Jumba questions

"A glitch!" He replies

"A glitch!?!?!?! 626 is one of my best experiments, he doesn't get glitches!"..........."Wait a minute, I bet he does have a glitch! 626 and 624 meet me in the spaceship in an hour and I'll have everything ready to fix your glitch!" Jumba says before grabbing Plekely and running out to the spaceship.

Stitch and Angel go back downstairs to cuddle and hang out. At about 5pm Stitch looks at his clock and wonders "Where's Lilo? It doesn't take that long to get to the store?" However before he can ponder that thought, Angel starts tickling him and they play fight, even though they have to pause a lot for Stitch's sneezes.

5:45pm at the store

Lilo lies her aching head down on the table. The manager won't release her without a parent or guardian and he won't give her any ice for her injuries. "Nani is going to kill me" She thinks. Another half hour passes before she hears the manager walking back and she can hear Nani's voice with him.

They open the door and Nani exclaims in shock at the sight of her "LILO!"

Lilo knows she probably looks horrible. She can tell she has a busted lip and a black eye, and she knows she has some blood on her clothes.

"Lilo, what happened, baby?" Nani asks in sympathy.

Lilo starts to cry, "Stitch. I went to get him medicine, and I ran in-in-into Mer-Mertle and her gang. I-I-I was t-t-talking to her and she threw a pack of cookies at my head. S-s-so I h-hit her. HISCHOO! *She sniffles* And we started f-f-fighting, but then her gang joined in and they b-b-beat me up." She finishes talking and starts sobbing even harder.

Nani is taken aback. Lilo never really cries, even when she's in a lot of pain. She's always been the tough one. And she just sneezed...Nani goes over and gathers Lilo into a hug. Shockingly, Lilo melts right into the hug. Nani can't tell if the warmth Lilo is emitting is because she's been crying or if she's running a fever, but she doesn't press Lilo right now.

"What else happened, baby?How long have you been sitting here" Nani asks.She wants to get onto Lilo for hitting, but she's so distraught she feels like it can wait.

Lilo sniffles before saying, "I got h-here at 2. When the manager took *HISCHOO* be back he wouldn't gib be any ice, even though I-I-I offered to p-p *HISCHOO* Pay."


The manager stammers out an apology and gets them some ice. Nani pays for Stitch's allergy meds and buys Lilo some cold medicine, just in case.

They walk out of the store where David is waiting for them in the car. Lilo is asleep before they get 2 minutes down the road.

"What's wrong with Lilo?" David asks. Nani relays the story to them and looks back to find Lilo sound asleep in the back.

"Poor thing" David says

"Yeah, and to top it off I think she's getting a cold" Nani says and relays what happened when Lilo was talking to her.

5:30 at Lilo's house

Stitch and Angel make their way to the spaceship.

"Now, 626, I'm going to have to give you some shots. The first 3 will make your allergy symptoms go away and the last 3 will target the glitch and repair it so that way it won't happen again."

"Will it hurt?" Stitch asks

"Yes, It will hurt a lot. I'm sorry" Jumba says.

Stitch hops in a chair by Jumba and Angel goes and holds Stitch's hand while Jumba gives him the shots.

Feeling a lot better Stitch kisses Angel.

"Thanks Jumba!" He says. They all head back inside and Plekely starts to make his famous Spaghetti for dinner to celebrate them fixing Stitch's glitch. However, 5 minutes later, Nani comes crashing through the door with David who is carrying a sleeping Lilo.

They all rush over to help. They take Lilo up to her room, clean her face, and helps her into a warm pair of pajamas, before tucking her into bed. Seeing as Lilo's sick, Nani agrees to let them all eat dinner in Lilo and Stitch's room.

After dinner, they all watch "Zombie attack 3" and the adults leave seeing as Angel, Stitch, and Lilo are all curled up comfortaby sleeping on Lilo's bed.


The end!! Sorry I couldn't resist making Lilo a little sick at the end!

. Awwwwwwe cute :) thank you so much for writing this it made me smile :D
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The end!! Sorry I couldn't resist making Lilo a little sick at the end!

. Awwwwwwe cute smile.png thank you so much for writing this it made me smile biggrin.png

Your welcome!! Sorry there wasn't much of Angel in it. I don't remember her character as well as the others. I should probably go back and watch the series haha :)

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The end!! Sorry I couldn't resist making Lilo a little sick at the end!

. Awwwwwwe cute smile.png thank you so much for writing this it made me smile biggrin.png

Your welcome!! Sorry there wasn't much of Angel in it. I don't remember her character as well as the others. I should probably go back and watch the series haha :).

. It's fine :) I liked it anyhow
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