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Kill La Kill fanfic- Ryouko


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Whoop, thought Id just post two in a row before I went to bed, seeing as these two fanfics are sitting in my computer, collecting virtual dust.

This is from Kill La Kill, a really crazy anime about this world full of uniforms that are like armor. The main character is Ryouko Matoi, and she owns a uniform thats way stronger than other uniforms (ranked by one star, two star, three star). Her uniform also talks to her, but her only (its really funny, she has entire conversations with it that make her sound loony to everyone else. I mean come on, arguing with your seifuku uniform? XD) The basic plot is, theres a crazy school led by this crazy student council president who commands an army of afterschool club leaders, all who want to either destroy or capture Senketsu, the name of Ryouko's suit. The end happy.png (there are only 5 episodes up currently, I suggestyou watxh it if you like basass fighting and..well... revealing outfits)


"Ryouko-chan! Pssst! Ryouko-chaaaaaaan!" Mako was poking me in the side as she whispered (it was more like yelling in my ear) to get my attention. Naturally, I would humor her, but at the time I was too busy eyeing this student from the corner of my eye. The class was relatively silent except for the teacher's droning on about some idiot in bistory, but the class's attention was focused on me and the head of the Perfume Department. Why the hell was there even a perfume department, anyway? I think that's what her name was, but I became so used to the club leaders spouting nonsense before I pounded their ass to dust that I just stopped listening to them. Right now, she was pulling faces at me. I felt my blood boil and I grasped the edge of my chair.

"Not right now, Ryouko. This is not an adequate place for battle." Senketsu was always worrying.

"Come on, I could kick her ass easily and you know it," I hissed at my chest. Besides, what's she gonna do about it? Give me a free perfume sample?" The last comment was directed at her, and she gasped, clasping a hand to her chest. Her long hair whipped around, and I was reminded of a frilled lizard.

"You dare insult a member of Lady Satsuki's most elite?! Wench!"

Whatever 'wench' meant, it was the last straw. I yanked my scissor blade from my pouch and stuck the end in the ground. The teacher pretended to not notice.

"Satsuki must be pretty weak to send the likes of you to get me. I mean, perfume? Come on!"

She bounded from her chair, sending the desk flying into the back of some kid's head.

"We'll see who's weak!"

"Now, Senketsu!" I grabbed the pin from the wrist of my glove with my teeth, sending spikes into me. I've gotten used to the feeling, and now the pain only invigorated me. I felt Senketsu transform, as he drank my blood.

"Don't underestimate her. You know, she is a two star student. She has a trick up her sleeve," warned Senketsu. I pointed my blade at her. "Shut up."

"Shut up? Oh, I'll do more than that!" she screeched as she grabbed what looked like pink grenades out of her bag. "Eau de Poivre!" She launched them at me, and I quickly sliced my blade through the air, slicing them effectively. Cue the explosion and black smoke. Desks and students were blasted out the window, and I even felt myself being pushed back from the blow. The smoke didn't clear either.

"What the hell is this..." Stupid girl was too scared to fight, I guess.

"This was a bad idea," said Senketsu quietly.

"No one asked! Besides, how do you-uhh..." I staggered. All of a sudden, a burning sensation in the back of my nose and watery eyes. "Hhah...shit."

"Told you." I could've sworn he had a smug tone. I couldn't care less, this smoke bomb was driving my nose nuts! I sniffed deeply to get rid of it, but it made it worse.

"Kiyaaaa!" The perfume girl burst out of the smoke, with her bag flailing from her hands. I swung my blade up to block, with my other hand clamped on my nose. My eyes were hazed with tears as I fought the sneeze down.

"What's more important, one little sneeze or getting captured?" growled Senketsu.

I didn't try and answer. I know from experience that I tend to not stop sneezing once I start, to the point of breathlesness. That's the last thing I needed right now.

"What's the matter, feeling a little tickle?" she teased in a squeaky voice. Her damned bag wouldn't give, and I heard the linolium crack under my heels. Why the hell did two star students get all the invincible steel items... I finally beat her back, and she flew into the air, tossing more grenades. "Take this!"

The tiny classroom expanded with the heat of the explosion and more black smoke poured out of the windows, like smoke from a dragon's mouth. I was knocked to my feet, and I leaned on my scissor blade to stand up. I was knocked back down from a wave of dizziness. Shit. I really needed to sneeze. My chest heaved with hitched breaths and I rubbed my nose with my knuckle, to no avail. The idiot was probably clinging to the ceiling or something, waiting to pounce.

"Quick, get up." Lkke I wasn't already trying! I opened my mouth to yell at him, which was the big mistake.

"HaaaahNNTCH! Ugh..." My hand slipped down the blade's handle and my knees wobbled. The tickle returned with full force, and I blinked rapidly. "Aaah... aaaahhNNTCHUU!" I got up, but was nowhere near done. Curse my damned nose. "HaaaeITCHOO! Hhah...huhksh! Hhknsh!"


I realized Senketsu was right. There was no way I could fight her now, I couldn't even walk in a straight line. I swayed, arm hitting the wall as I groped for the door. "Aahhkshuu! AAaahheiSHUU!" I sniffed wetly. The only good thing about this smoke was that no one could see how disgusting I was being. Finally, I felt the door frame.

"And just where do you think you're going?" Seemingly out of nowhere, a leg smashed into the side of my head, sending me sprawling to the floor. I could see a flash from her eyes amidst the hazy smoke. To top it off, her stupidly long hair snaked down to my face, brushing against my nose. This was too much. My back arched with the intake of breath.

"Now, to finish you off-"

"HAAAAAAEITCHOOOOO!" I sneezed right into her face. Oh well. Couldn't be helped.

"Aiiiee! That's sooo disgusting!" She started squealing and squeaking, disappearing into the smoke. I involuntarily wiped my nose with my sleeve.

"Whoops...sorry Senketsu." He shuddered but stayed quiet.

I had no idea where that girl went, as the classroom was completely quiet, and probably empty. I firmly clamped my nose shut with my hand and leaped from the window. As soon as I hit the ground, Senketsu de-powered back to his normal self. Where the hell was she?

"Senketsu, power back up. We're not done. I didn't defeat her. Wasn't I suppoh-hhhksh!"

"Put your hand back," he said. I grumbled but obeyed, pinching my nose again. "I'b supposed to defeat her ad get her Life Fiber, right?"

"I've already obtained it. You're done."

"What? Aaahkshuu!"

"Hand, Ryouko. The force from your sneeze ripped her two star uniform to bits."

My eyes widened. Were my sneezes that powerful?

"Ryouko-chan Ryouko-chaaaaan!" Mako came running and grabbed me by the arm, swinging it around. "Ryouko-chan, I was trying to tell you something!"

"What? Oh. Yeah?"

She pulled out a mask. "The weather said there would be a sandstorm later today! I packed an extra mask for my extra best friend!"

That would have been useful five minutes ago.

"Thanks, Mako. I appreciate it!"

"What are you waiting for? Put it on!" I did as she told, snapping the elastic against my head.

"Extra strong... haah...hhaaatshuu!" I snapped forward. When I straightened back up,I found that there was a hole in the mask and Mako's hair was blown back.

"Well, not really!"


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