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Big Bang Theory Sick Fic


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Hey everyone! I know I haven't been on in a while been pretty busy with school, college apps, scholarships, clubs, trying to find a job, etc. But now I'm back and I've noticed there are still little to none BBT fanfictions on here so I thought I'd write one! Please give me feedback, advice, suggestions, etc. I'm pretty new at writing.


Chapter 1

Leonard woke up two hours before he had to get up for work. He was trying to think what could have woken him when he realized his throat was scratchy, and his stomach was cramping. He saw no point in trying to go back to sleep so he quietly climbed out of bed as to not wake up Sheldon in the next room. He walked to the kitchen and made him a cup of tea with honey and was just about to sit on the couch and drink it when Sheldon came out into the living room.

"What are you doing?" Sheldon asked.

"Drinking a cup of tea what does it look like I'm doing Sheldon?"

"Well, it looks as though you drinking a cup of tea, but your voice sound hoarse like your sick....ARE YOU SICK?!?! Because if so I expect you to adhere to our Roomate Agreement and quarentine yourself in your room ."

"I'm not sick Sheldon, I just couldn't sleep" Leonard didn't see the point of admitting he was sick. He didn't want to be cooped up in his room until he was better and at least out here he could watch "Doctor Who" and make himself food.

"Well since we're both up, we might as well get ready and go into work early this morning. Then maybe I can talk to the dean about having more suggestion boxes".

Leonard groaned but got up and got ready for work. He and Sheldon arrived at the University right when the doors opened. Leonard headed to the lab to start planning an experiment to test string theory.

Leonards POV

My head started pounding as I read through those books. I took off my glasses, rubbed my head, and tried to power through it. However, my stomach started doing somersaults and my throat was still killing me. Plus I'm starting to feel cold and get the chills. I know I'm sick, but as a kid my mother taught me not to complain because nobody cares. I just gotta power through it.

"Hschoo Hschoo Hschoo!" I sneezed.

I continued to pour over the books for a little while and I felt myself get drowsy. The next thing I know I'm waking up and the clock reads 11:30.

"Dang it! It's lunch time and I don't have the lab after lunch today!" He said congestedly.

"Hschoo!" *Coughs*


Ok, well there's chapter 1! I'll post more later!

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Chapter 2

Nobody's POV

Leonard got up and headed to the cafeteria. He wasn't hungry, but knew he should eat something. Spotting the Chicken noodle soup he asked for a bowl of soup and grabbed him a cup on sweet tea from the pitcher. He went and sat at his normal table where Raj, Howard, and Sheldon were waiting on him.

"Your late" Sheldon replied sharply

"Sorry" Leonard mumbled.

"You ok dude? You don't look too well" Raj asked

"Yeah you look a little pale" Howard commented a little concerned for his buddy.

"I'm fine just didn't sleep well last night" Leonard mumbled softly.

"Sheldon keeping you up at night with one of his crazy experiments?" Howard joked

"My experiments are not crazy and I'll have you know he woke ME up last night at 4:30am." Sheldon replied.

"I'm going to go back and finish working. I'm not really hungry" Leonard mumbled.

Leonard got up and left the table and once turning the corner after exiting the cafeteria, bolted to the nearest restroom.

*Meanwhile at the table*

"Hope Leonards ok" Howard commented

"Me too" Raj said.

"He's fine he just didn't get any sleep last night" Sheldon replied while looking at something across the room.

Raj and Howard exchanged a look knowing he probably told Sheldon that to get him off of his back.

*Meanwhile back with Leonard and Leonards Pov*

*Retches a few times*

*Sits back and leans head against the bathroom door"

I could really use a shower. I should get back to work.

*Leonards stomach does a flip and he leans back over and retches a few more times*

*Waits a few minutes before getting up and flushing the toilet*

Thank God everyone's still at lunch, and nobody uses this restroom. I get up and go to the sink and wash my face and hands. Then I take a swig of water and spit it out, rinsing my mouth. I go back to my office and deciding that since I can't focus on much I start doing some paperwork that needs to be filled out. Checking my phone I see a text from Penny.

P: Your still taking me the conference tonight right?

The conference. How could I forget there was an award being given out to Bernadette and Amy tonight and the whole gang was going to a fancy restraunt before the conference. I better reply to Penny.

L: How could I forget! I'll pick you up at 5 sharp :)

Seeing that it was almost 4 he picked up his stuff and met Sheldon in the parking lot. Then he drove them back to the apartment. Climbing the steps he was falling behind Sheldon and even though that wasn't abnormal he was a good flight of stairs behind when he was usually only 3 or 4 steps behind.

Nobody's POV

"Why are you moving so slow? And why do you reek of vomit?" Sheldon inquired.

"It's been a long day and because the lab reeked of it. Someone must've been doing an experiment with it." Leonard snapped.

They made it to the apartment and Leonard and Sheldon quickly showered and changed. Then they picked up Penny and Amy and headed to the restraunt.

Penny's POV

*Sighs quietly* Sheldon and Amy are talking about Star Trek, Star Wars, or whatever and Leonard is being abnormally quiet tonight. I wonder what's wrong with him? There's a thin coat of sweat on his forehead and he's shivering slightly. His heat is on high.

"Leonard honey, are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine just didn't sleep well" He replies. He stifles some coughs and sneezes hoping nobody notices.


That's it for chapter 2! Please leave tips, comments, suggestions, etc :)

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Chapter 3

They arrived at the restraunt 5minutes till 5, and found Howard and Bernadette already seated at a table waiting on them. They made small talk over drinks and appetizers and everyone except Sheldon and Amy could see that Leonard wasn't feeling well. They all had their phones on silent so they decided to text each other.

P: Howard/ Raj. What's wrong with Leonard y'all saw him at work today right?

H: Yeah, he wasn't looking good earlier.

R: He told Sheldon it was because he didn't sleep well. Sheldon surprisingly believed him. I think Leonard just wanted Sheldon to not quarentine him.

P: Quarentine him???? That's awful!! When your sick you need someone to take care of you! (To Raj and Howard)

*Penny looks over at Leonard and sees him stiffling some sneezes and then he clears his throat to prevent himself from coughing*

H: Yeah, well his parents never took care of him when he was sick. They said to suck it up no one wants to deal with your problems when they have their own.

P: That's horrible!

B: I think you need to take Leonard home. I texted Amy and she agreed to break it to Sheldon gently after the conference that Leonard was sick.

P: Thanks Bernadette! Do you think I need to take him to the Doctor's or what?

B: Well, I don't think he needs to go to the doctors. Only if his fever is over 104. It looks like a basic case of the flu. You've had your flu shot right? If you want I can come take a look at him later tonight.

P: K, Thank you so much! I've had my flu shot a few weeks ago.

"Hey Leonard can I talk to you for a minute?" Penny asks.

"Sure thing" He replies. His voice is hoarser than usual and he's trying to figure out if he's done something wrong.

They walk down the hall of the restraunt until they find a small sitting room. Penny takes a seat on the couch and motions for him to sit down. He does and Penny shocks him by putting a hand to his forehead. He's so shocked that he forgets to dodge the hand.

"Oh honey, your burning up".

"I'b find Penny, really."

"No your not. I've talked to the others and I know your parents taught you to suffer in silence. But that's what friends are for. You can tell us anything and we'll help you out the best we can. Amy and Sheldon are getting a ride home with Howard and Bernadette, and I'm taking you back to my place.

Leonard was kind of shocked for a minute and then he quietly replied "ok".

They stopped by the table on the way out to say goodbye, and they said they'll be over later. Sheldon was confused so instead of telling him Leonard was sick and him having a meltdown in the restraunt they told him that Penny had a huge project for her community college due tomorrow that she had forgotten about and Leonard was going to help her. They walked quietly to the car.

"Where are your keys?"

"I can drive us."

"No offense honey, but you look like something the cat dragged in and I don't want to get in a wreck tonight. So please hand me your keys."

Leonard handed over the keys and climbed carefully in the passengers side. He was asleep against the window before they were out of the parking lot.


End of chapter 3! Chapter 4 will be up soon!! Leave any comments, suggestions, tips, etc if you have any!

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Oooh I really love this!! You've got them all perfectly in character and I love your writing style!! Awww this is really, really good, please continue! :D

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Note: I forgot to thank everyone who commented in my last post. So thank you everyone whose commented so far!!! :) BTW I do not own BBT, character, Nyquil, or Vicks :P

And now back to the story....

Chapter 4

"Hschoo Hschoo Hschoo Hschoo" Leonard woke up sneezing.

"Bless you, want a tissue sweetie?" She said spotting the box beside her on the floor.

"Yes pleased"

She handed Leonard the box while they were stopped at a red light. They pulled into the apartment parking lot and Penny helped guide Leonard up the four flights of stairs. Leonard started walking towards his apartment when Penny stopped him.

"Where do you think your going?"

"Umm, home? I don't want to get you sick" Leonard replied

"I thought we went through this. I'm going to take care of you, because that's what friends are for and I know you'd do the same for me."

Leonard gave a small smile and followed Penny into her apartment. She gave Leonard the remote and she helped get him comfortable on the couch while she changed the sheets on her bed and straightened her messy room. She even put her old television and dvd set in there so he could watch in bed. She then went into her hall closet and pulled out a thermometer. Looking around for the Nyquil and Vicks she saw that that she was out of Vicks and the Nyquil apparently expired 2 years ago.

"Dang it" She cursed quietly to herself. She then sent a quick text to Howard asking them to please bring over some Vicks and Nyquil.

She walked into the living room to find Leonard lying down curled into a ball, half asleep and holding his stomach. The tv wasn't even on. She went and sat down on the foot of the couch and started rubbing his leg.

"Sweetie can you sit up for a minute?"

He nodded his head and tried to sit up but didn't quite make it. Penny helped him out and got him to stick the thermometer under his tongue.

"103.1" She said.

"The gang will be over soon with some medicine. Do you want me to get anything from your apartment?" Penny asked.

"Yes please. Can you please get some pj's, and maybe a couple of movies?" He rasped out.

"Sure thing, sweetie".

Leonard lied back down on the couch and Penny went over to get his stuff. Going through his drawers she found his warmest pair of pj's. Then she grabbed the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars series. She went back into the apartment and saw the couch was empty. Looking around she then heard retching sounds. She quickly set his stuff down and then she went to the bathroom, but found it locked.

"Sweetie open up please".

He didn't respond so she said, " If you don't open up in the next 10 seconds I'm going to rip all your limited edition comics in half."

He retched a few more times before unlocking the door. Penny saw him lying with his head resting on the cool porcelin of the toilet. Penny sat down behind him and starting rubbing small circles on his back. He shudered and then started throwing up again into the toilet. After what seemed like an eternity but was really only about 10minutes. The puking had stopped.

"You done honey?"

Leonard nodded yes, and Penny flushed the toilet, stood up and grabbed a washcloth from underneath the sink. She wet it with cool water, rang it out and then placed it on the back of Leonard's neck. He sighed a sigh of relief and contentment. Penny then turned him around and wiped down his face and mouth. She helped him stand up and he went and brushed his teeth. She then led him into her bedroom and helped him into his pjs. She tucked him into bed and kissed his forehead.

She then asked, "Want to watch Lord of the Rings or Star Wars?"

"Lord of the Rings" He said with a small smile.

Penny put it on an then climbed in bed next to him. Leonard snuggled up to her and watched to movie. Penny actually got into the movie for once and didn't even notice Leonard was asleep within the first 20 minutes.


End of chapter 4! More Later!!! In the next chapter the whole gang will be in it :)

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Thank you so much for writing this! There really aren't many Leonard sickfics if any. I have been really hoping another would come along and you just made that wish come true! This is awesome! :D

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Thanks to everyone whose read/ commented! Also, uniquelyme, your very welcome!! Most BBT sick fics involve Sheldon or Penny, and I've been wanting more Leonard also. Glad I could make your wish come true :)

Chapter 5

The movie ended and seeing that Leonard was asleep Penny carefully kissed him on his burning forehead and climbed out of bed. She made sure to tuck the covers in around him. She turned off the tv and light and went into the living room. She sat herself down on the couch and watched some tv with the volume on low. About an hour later she heard a soft knock at the door and opened it to show Raj standing there with a bowl of chicken noodle soup from the new restraunt down the street that Leonard loved.

"Ooo Leonard will love that! Much better than my attempts at cooking Campbell's" Penny said as she put the soup in the fridge for later use.

"Everyone else will be here shortly, they are explaining to Sheldon that he can't get the flu because he had his flu shot about a month ago and are attempting to bring in the Roomate agreement and the fact that Leonard is his best friend to get him to come"

"He'll give in. Eventually they'll call his mom and he can't say no to his mother."

"True, so whatcha watching?"

"Desperate housewives. Wanna watch?"

"Absolutely!!" They sat on the couch and watched for another 20 minutes until they heard,

*knock knock knock* "Leonard, Penny, and Raj"

*knock knock knock* "Leonard, Penny, and Raj"

*knock knock knock* "Leonard, Penny, and Raj"

Penny smiled and went to open the door for Sheldon, Amy, Howard, and Beradette.

"How's he doing?" Bernadette asked.

"Not too good. His fever was 103.1 when I checked and he fell asleep only 20 minutes into Lord of the Rings.

"Gosh, well I got the medicine. Is he awake?" Howard asked.

"No, and I don't really want to wake him." Penny replied

The gang sat down and made small talk until they heard harsh coughs coming from Penny's bedroom. Figuring Leonard was up, Penny asked the gang to stay there for a few minutes and she'll call them in in a bit. Penny opened the door to find Leonard doubled over in a coughing fit. She went over and rubbed his back softly.

"Leonard honey you feeling any better?"

"Not really" He sheepishly replied, not used to being asked that question.

"Well, you have some visitors that want to see you."

"Bisitors?" He said, grabbing a tissue and blowing his nose.

"Yep" Penny said to him before saying a little louder "Come in guys!"

The gang all came in and Leonard smiled at them, surprised and happy that all his friends were here.

"Hey buddy I got you some medicine" Howard said.

"Thanks so much, Howard" Leonard said.

Howard handed over the medicine, but Bernadette stopped him from taking it saying she thought they should check his temperature again. Penny grabbed the thermometer and popped it into Leonards mouth.

"103.6" Penny said. She poured Leonard a generous dose of Nyquil and watched his face twist and grimace as it went down.

"Are you hungry, I brought you some soup from that restraunt you like" Raj said.

"Not right now maybe in a little while?"

"Leonard, as by our roomate agreement and because I am your friend. I should have realized you weren't feeling well, and should have at least gotten you your tea and sang you Soft kitty. Soft kitty always makes me feel better. Want me to sing it to you?" Sheldon asked.

"Sure" Leonard said feeling slightly drowsy from the medicine.

Sheldon cleared his throat and then sang:

" Soft kitty, Warm kitty,

Little ball of fur.

Happy kitty, Sleepy kitty,

Pur, Pur, Purrrr"

Leonard and the gang smiled at Sheldon. Amy went to the bathroom and grabbed a wet washcloth and put it on Leonards forehead.

"It's been shown to help lower the fever naturally" Amy stated.

The gang all piled up on the bed with Leonard and watched Star Wars. Before the movie was over they were all asleep and Leonard realized what truely awesome, and caring friends he had.


End of chapter 5 and End of the story unless someone has any suggestions on how to lengthen it.

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My favorite part of all is the "soft kitty song" c:. Also these parts are all amazing <3 I love it :D . Well written & detailed c: . I'm so glad you wrote this story it was worth the read c:

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My favorite part of all is the "soft kitty song" c:. Also these parts are all amazing <3 I love it biggrin.png . Well written & detailed c: . I'm so glad you wrote this story it was worth the read c:

Thanks!!! BTW I know I still have stories to write for you and some other people, but the website changed since I've been on and I can't find my thread. So if you remember the story you wanted me to write, I'll be happy to write it today since I've already done my homework for tomorrow :)

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My favorite part of all is the "soft kitty song" c:. Also these parts are all amazing <3 I love it biggrin.png . Well written & detailed c: . I'm so glad you wrote this story it was worth the read c:

Thanks!!! BTW I know I still have stories to write for you and some other people, but the website changed since I've been on and I can't find my thread. So if you remember the story you wanted me to write, I'll be happy to write it today since I've already done my homework for tomorrow :)

. I dragged up the thread , I'll quote myself "August 25th 2013 "*raises hand* I request Some Lilo&Stitch allergies yes?. If stitch were to have a glitch, bahaha(again he would have a glitch) but the glitch were an allergy that would be great, maybe to pollen? Please do consider my request & pm me or ask me if you have questions c: I can be more specific if you don't get." - my request. x3 please attempt it. I'd love some stitch c:
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Thank you so much for continuing the story! This was a wonderful update!! :D It was so in character!! And I absolutely loved the fact that Sheldon sung Soft Kitty :)

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Thank you so much for continuing the story! This was a wonderful update!! biggrin.png It was so in character!! And I absolutely loved the fact that Sheldon sung Soft Kitty smile.png

Your welcome!!!! You definitely can't have a BBT sick fic without Soft Kitty being sung! :P

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Too help you find your thread , the link >> http://www.sneezefet... . Glad to help mate biggrin.png . Also maybe get to other people's requests too. So on that thread is everyone's requests . cx

Thanks! I have a good bit of free time today so I think that's what I'll do :)

. No problem glad to help mate c:. Can't wait to read it.
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  • 4 years later...
On 11/2/2013 at 10:26 AM, Seniorstatus14 said:



Chapter 3


They arrived at the restraunt 5minutes till 5, and found Howard and Bernadette already seated at a table waiting on them. They made small talk over drinks and appetizers and everyone except Sheldon and Amy could see that Leonard wasn't feeling well. They all had their phones on silent so they decided to text each other.

P: Howard/ Raj. What's wrong with Leonard y'all saw him at work today right?

H: Yeah, he wasn't looking good earlier.

R: He told Sheldon it was because he didn't sleep well. Sheldon surprisingly believed him. I think Leonard just wanted Sheldon to not quarentine him.

P: Quarentine him???? That's awful!! When your sick you need someone to take care of you! (To Raj and Howard)

*Penny looks over at Leonard and sees him stiffling some sneezes and then he clears his throat to prevent himself from coughing*

H: Yeah, well his parents never took care of him when he was sick. They said to suck it up no one wants to deal with your problems when they have their own.

P: That's horrible!

B: I think you need to take Leonard home. I texted Amy and she agreed to break it to Sheldon gently after the conference that Leonard was sick.

P: Thanks Bernadette! Do you think I need to take him to the Doctor's or what?

B: Well, I don't think he needs to go to the doctors. Only if his fever is over 104. It looks like a basic case of the flu. You've had your flu shot right? If you want I can come take a look at him later tonight.

P: K, Thank you so much! I've had my flu shot a few weeks ago.

"Hey Leonard can I talk to you for a minute?" Penny asks.

"Sure thing" He replies. His voice is hoarser than usual and he's trying to figure out if he's done something wrong.

They walk down the hall of the restraunt until they find a small sitting room. Penny takes a seat on the couch and motions for him to sit down. He does and Penny shocks him by putting a hand to his forehead. He's so shocked that he forgets to dodge the hand.

"Oh honey, your burning up".

"I'b find Penny, really."

"No your not. I've talked to the others and I know your parents taught you to suffer in silence. But that's what friends are for. You can tell us anything and we'll help you out the best we can. Amy and Sheldon are getting a ride home with Howard and Bernadette, and I'm taking you back to my place.

Leonard was kind of shocked for a minute and then he quietly replied "ok".

They stopped by the table on the way out to say goodbye, and they said they'll be over later. Sheldon was confused so instead of telling him Leonard was sick and him having a meltdown in the restraunt they told him that Penny had a huge project for her community college due tomorrow that she had forgotten about and Leonard was going to help her. They walked quietly to the car.

"Where are your keys?"

"I can drive us."

"No offense honey, but you look like something the cat dragged in and I don't want to get in a wreck tonight. So please hand me your keys."

Leonard handed over the keys and climbed carefully in the passengers side. He was asleep against the window before they were out of the parking lot.


End of chapter 3! Chapter 4 will be up soon!! Leave any comments, suggestions, tips, etc if you have any!

I would have had Leonard excuse himself to the bathroom to go get sick. Then return to the table. Make an excuse to Sheldon as to why he left the table so quickly. 

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