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Overworked: All Time Low fanfic (Alex and Jack-Jalex) PART3 of ? UPDATED as of June 4, 2014


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First thing first: I do sincerely apologize for being away for so long. This is the first update to an uncompleted story I've uploaded since January. It's summer now, I have much free time now, hopefully I'll be able to conjure up an ending to this story? Any plot requests

Anyway PART 3 of ?? Right here, right now!

(JUNE 8, 2014) SO incredibly sorry to those offended by foul language. I forgot I put an f-bomb in this chapter. Young eyes, beware.

The next morning I felt moving about in my bed. It turned over and I saw Jack hunched over stifling many sneezes.


I turned all the way over and smiled at him, mumbling, “Morning.”

Jack sniffled and glared at me. “You suck,” he said bluntly through his congestion.

He coughed into his elbow and I sat up to pat his back.

“I’m sorry,” was all I could say before going into my own sneezing and coughing fit.


Jack’s cell phone rang and he picked it up and answered it with a heavy, “Hello?”

“Go tell Alex to fuck himself!” a mysterious voice said. Jack held the phone away from him and I could hear some faint coughing and sneezing. He gave the phone to me. “It’s for you.”

“Alex?” the mysterious voice (which had a raspy tone to it) said.

“Yes?” I said.

“You bastard! This is what happens when you come to work sick! You infect the rest of us!—Hextchoo!!!”

“Sorry. But you’re not the only one. I’m still sick and Jack is sick too,” I replied.

Jack whispered to me, “Is that Rian?” I nodded. “Give me the phone.” “Rian! Shut up! So everyone got sick. So what if it’s Alex’s fault! At least it’s all at once and not in a chain reaction. We’ll just have to cancel the show. It’s one show… Is Zack sick too?”

“Yes, he called me and woke me up telling me he felt like shit, so I thought I should tell you guys the same thing. Tell Alex I hope he feels better.” Rian hung up and that was it.

“Well, Rian is pissed that you got him sick,” Jack said.

“No…” I sarcastically said and rolled my eyes. Hexshhew! I rubbed my nose and slouched down into the covers. “Ugh, I still feel bad.”

HESHOO! “That makes two of us,” Jack mumbled. He nuzzled back under the covers and faced me. His eyes and nose were red. Poor guy. Wow, did I feel like an ass for getting everyone in my band sick.

“I’m sorry Jack,” I apologized.

“It’s OK, I guess…it was bound to happen…” Hextchew!! “Hey, I really do feel like shit, and I didn’t get much sleep last night, so I’m gonna go back to sleep,” he coughed wetly afterward.

“OK. I’ll be quiet. Feel better,” I whispered as I got out of bed.

I padded to the kitchen and stood in the middle of it and thought.

Hm…what do I want? I felt my own forehead. My fever is gone. Thank God. HEPTCHEWW!! Though I still have a bad case of the sniffles. I walked over to grab a paper towel and blow my nose. I decided on a cup of tea. I put a cup in the microwave then put a tea bag in the mug when it was ready.

I made my way to the couch and turned on the TV. I sipped my tea. Wow, did that feel good going down my sore throat. Hm…I should call our manager…we can’t do the show tonight.

“Hello? Matt?” I croaked. ---“Yeah I know I sound horrible. That’s actually why I’m calling. We can’t play tonight. All of us are sick,”—“No it wasn’t my fault…OK it was my fault…I’m sorry. Hexiish!! Heshoo!! Excuse me.” ---“Thanks I will. OK, bye.”

I guess I should tell the fans myself. I got out my laptop and recorded a short video.

“Hey guys.” I could barely get through a sentence without coughing. “Um, I’m really, really sorry, but—sniff—we’re not gonna be able to perform tonight. Um, we’re all kind of sick…” I laugh-coughed. “So, I’m really sorry—we’re all really sorry. I apologize a thousand times because it may or may not be my fault for getting everyone sick. HEXCHEW!!—Excuse me. So sorry about canceling. We will make up for it somehow, and we hope to be back on our feet soon. Seeya everyone, take care…” I waved to the camera and coughed as the video stopped recording. I uploaded it to all the social networks and tweeted out a message about how sorry we were about canceling.

HEXTCHEW!!—HESHOO!!—HEXTISHH!! Damn, this sucks. I blew my nose and winced. My nose was so tender from all the blowing. I curled up on the couch and flipped through the TV channels finally settling on one of those morning talk shows where everyone seems to have had way too much coffee. I couldn’t hear much of anything because I was coughing and sneezing every other minute.


As I finished blowing my nose I took a sip of my tea. I looked up at the TV and saw my face on the TV. Actually it was a picture of the whole band. I turned up the volume so I could hear.

“In recent news, Alex Gaskarth, from the pop-punk band All Time Low, has cancelled their show tonight do to the fact that he and the rest of All Time Low has come down with a nasty flu bug. He tweeted out an apology and even sent out a video over Keek,” the pretty woman explained. They showed my tweet and played my video.

“Aw, he does look pretty miserable,” another woman said after the video played.

“All the comments are wishing Alex, Jack, Rian, and Zack a quick recovery and we are too. From everyone here at the news station, we’ll miss you tonight All Time Low. Get well soon,” the first lady said.

I shut the TV off and heard Jack come out of the bedroom.


“I can’t sleep,” Jack moaned. “Scoot over,” he said, teeth chattering climbing under the blanket.

“I’m sorry,” I responded, rubbing his shoulder.

He coughed wetly into his fist and said, “You should be, I was asleep for like 30 minutes then all of the sudden my phone stars buzzing like crazy. I take a look and all these comments from Facebook and Twitter are like, ‘WHAT?! The show is cancelled?’—‘I hope you feel better soon!’—‘I’ll miss you tonight, you’re in my thoughts, Jack.’—I’m like what the fuck?” he paused to sneeze—hextchew!!—heptchoo!!—“Turns out we cancelled the show.”

“Oh, I called Matt and told him to cancel. We’re all too sick to play tonight,” I explained.

“I know, but you could have at least told me first,” he mumbled rubbing his nose with a tissue.

“Sorry. You were sleeping. I thought I’d just call Matt and tweet it out and that would be enough.”

HEXTCHEW!!—HEPTCHOO!!—HE-ASHOO!! Jack sniffed, “It’s fine, whatever….God how do you do this—this no medicine thing?! I’m dying here!” HEPTCHOO!!-ASSHOO!!

“Do you want some medicine?” I asked.

“Hell, yes!” he hoarsely yelled which led to a coughing fit.

I got up and moved to the table searching for something for Jack. I found some Dayquil and gave him the right amount.

“Oh, Alex, you really do suck!” Jack mumbled through a tissue as he blew his nose.

“Aw, come here, lay down,” I cooed, enveloping Jack in my arms. “Can I get you anything?” I asked stroking my hand sown his back.

“No, I just want to sleep,” Jack moaned.

“Well just relax; maybe you’ll be able to sleep now,” I said.

Jack closed his eyes and I rubbed his back, soon enough he was snoring.

I let the TV ramble on in the background, and soon enough I was drifting off myself. Being sick takes all my energy to live away….

I awoke shivering in my sleep. I blinked open my eyes and noticed Jack on the other side of the couch balled up sleeping and hogging the whole entire blanket.

“Thanks, Jack…” I got up and threw on a sweatshirt and shuffled to the kitchen. My tummy growled at me. I was hungry. I actually had an appetite today. That was a first in a few days. I made some soup and took it back to the couch when it was done. I grabbed another blanket (since Jack stole my other one) and wrapped it around my shoulders as I sat down. Jack breathed heavily as I sat down, I must have woke him up.

“Huh? What’s going on?” he murmured coughing into his fits and he rose to a sitting position.

“Oh, sorry. Did I wake you?”

“It’s fine—” HEXT-CHOO!!-HEPTCHOO!! Jack sniffed.

“Bless you. Did you have a good nap?” I asked slurping at my soup.

“I guess…” he groaned before coughing wetly and deeply into his elbow. “But I still feel like shit.” Hextshoo!! He grabbed a tissue and dabbed at his nose.

“Did the medicine help any?”

“No.” he replied congested.

“Would you like some soup?” I asked lifting my mug.

“Uh, sure…just a little—I’m not really hungry.”

I got up and ladled out a little soup in a mug for Jack. When I got back, the poor thing was sneezing his head off.

HEXTCHOO!!—HESHOO!!—HEPTSHOO!!—ASHOO!!! Poor thing…Each sneeze bobbed his head back and forth and they were coming so fast leaving without any breath in between. He had a tissue to his nose and he was just letting them come out. Hextchoo!!—he-he-heshoo!!—HEXTSHOO!!HEXGTSHOO!!—HESHOO!!! I set the mug down on the coffee table and sat next to Jack as he continued his fit. I pushed a few more clean tissues toward his face and he blindly took them and smashed them against his face. I put my arm around him, trying to comfort my friend. He blew his nose hard and afterward came up for air. Our eyes met and Jack’s immediately closed; he was out of breath and laid his head back against the couch.

“Bless you,” I said handing him the box of tissues.

He hesitated his response. Then—HEXTCHOO!!! “Thanks. That was the last one.” He blew his nose again and laid back down breathless. “God, Alex, if I wasn’t so sick, I’d murder you for getting me this sick.”

“Again, I’m really sorry. I guess I shouldn’t have asked you to sleepover…” Jack’s head rolled toward my way and his eyes met mine. “Sorry. Do you want your soup?” I asked pointing to it with my eyes. Jack nodded and I handed it to him.

I scooted closer to Jack and he rested his head on my shoulder.

“Maybe when you’re done you should take some more medicine and go to bed,” I suggested covering both of us up.

“No, I want to be with you. I stayed by your side last night, don’t think you can just shove me off your chest like that…we’ve got each other’s backs remember?” Jack looked up and gave me puppy dog eyes.

“Alright we can just rest here,” Alex said patting Jack’s head as he nuzzled into Alex’s chest.

Edited by flowerpower67
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You were gone for so long, I thought you'd abandoned this ohmy.png

Buuuuuuut... this is amazing and fabulous and incredible and everything blushsmiley.gif

As for plot requests.... you could bring in Pierce The Veil (if you know them) blinksmiley.gifbiggrinsmiley.gif

Edited by BringVerityTheHorizon
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thanks so much for writting another part ! :)

I await another.

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You were gone for so long, I thought you'd abandoned this ohmy.png

Buuuuuuut... this is amazing and fabulous and incredible and everything blushsmiley.gif

As for plot requests.... you could bring in Pierce The Veil (if you know them) blinksmiley.gifbiggrinsmiley.gif

Thanks, I didn't abandon it, I just took an extremely long hiatus. I was still aware that it wasn't finished.

And sorry, I don't know who Pierce The Veil is, I kind of know who Vic Fuentes is just because of the Love Like War music vid

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thanks so much for writting another part ! smile.png

I await another.

yep, no probs! I'll try and get some more written soon.

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This was brilliant! I am always up for Jalex and you write them so well! I will be anxiously waiting for an update!

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