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Overworked: All Time Low fanfic (Alex and Jack-Jalex) PART3 of ? UPDATED as of June 4, 2014


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This is Alex Gaskarth’s Point of View (POV) of his illness that he catches

Regular type is his inner thoughts.

Italics is him talking out loud to himself or him sneezing.

“Quotes” is him and other people talking in conversation.

PS: I’m really bad at spelling sneezes, but I did my best…if you have an active imagination, use it when Alex sneezes.

I woke this morning tired. Not the I-don’t-want-to-wake-up tired, but the I-don’t-feel-my-best kind of tired.

Great, I’m getting sick… this is just the fucking cherry on top…

I slowly flipped the covers back and slowly propped myself up. Groggy, grumpy, and slightly ill, I did not want to leave my warm bed, but alas, I have a career to keep afloat and I’m not dying so to the studio I go…

Shuffling to the bathroom I swiped a look at myself in the mirror.

Yep, already got those sick-looking circles under my eyes.

I stuck out my tongue and inspected my throat. Nothing out of the ordinary. Though my throat did feel a little dry and scratchy, it was nothing I couldn’t handle. I also took note of my slightly stuffy nose. Not stuffy from allergies, but stuffy because I was coming down with something. Being the man I am, I just needed to suck it up and get to the studio pronto—I was going to be late. I jumped in the shower and hoped the hot water and steam would rid my rising symptoms.

The water felt good and relaxing in the chill of the morning, but it didn’t help my symptoms. I sneezed in the shower—twice. Which is disgusting, I don’t know why I think it’s gross, it just is…

Hext-choo! Hept-choo! When you’re in the shower and you sneeze, at least you can immediately wash your face and hands.

I exited the shower and felt a cool rush—it made me shiver so bad that I thought I had a fever. I took the time to stick a thermometer in my mouth while I was getting dressed and when I looked at it, it was normal. 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Dressed in black skinny jeans, a t-shirt covered by a sweatshirt, and topped with a maroon beanie, I made my way to the studio.

“Morning Alex,” Jack greeted as I walked in the studio and immediately grabbed a tissue. I rubbed it against my nose to induce the tickle that had been bothering me the whole ride over and waited for the sneeze to come.

HA-CHOO! “Morning,” I sniffed.

“Allergies bothering you?” Jack asked.

“Actually I’m a little under the weather,” I explained as I took another tissue to blow my nose.

“Well…don’t be getting the rest of us sick…we have a show in a few days… be careful Alex… maybe you should go home,” Jack suggested as he played with his guitar.

“Nah, I’m fine. Just the sniffles. If I really felt bad, you know I’d call…” I said before clearing my throat.

“If you say so…” Jack shrugged.

Rian and Zack showed up shortly after and we began warming up.

It was only 10am and already I was running low on energy, I was so tired. My body was a whole step and a half behind the real world and my mind was literally a slow-motion action shot. Every time someone would talk to me, it took at least five seconds for it to register in my mind and often I’d have to ask the question to be repeated. For the life of me, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I could barely stand and play my guitar. Jack saw my struggling (as I was swaying back and forth just staring into the distance) and got me a stool to sit on while we rehearsed.

My nose kept itching too. When I wasn’t playing a song, I used every free chance to rub my nose furiously. I was mainly trying to make the urge to sneeze go away. I didn’t want anyone to be concerned. Eventually I gave up and let a few out. But really, nose, it HAD to be during a song…


I was blessed in unison by the band.

“Are you alright?” Zack asked as I waddled over to the tissue box.

With my back turned to the band, I wiped my nose gingerly, sniffed and replied, “Yeah, just uh, a little cold, or something—nothing to be worried about.” God, I hope they bought my lie. I felt like I might collapse right in front of my bandmates. Surely they could see through my bleary eyes and my reddening nose. I felt like they were just staring at me and I felt like I was going to faint, so I took a seat on the arm of the couch that was in the recording studio.

“Well I hope you feel better soon,” was all Zack said.

“Let’s take a break. I’m hungry. Who wants to go get lunch?” Rian suggested standing up from his drum set.

We all went out to lunch, though I didn’t order anything. I just had a cup of tea, hoping that would my now sore throat. It helped a little, but if I couldn’t do much talking (or singing) without breaking into a coughing fit. We took a generous two hours for lunch. Zack, Rian, and Jack basically just talked for two hours and I just sat patiently sipping my tea trying so hard not to fall asleep.

It was becoming hard to focus on objects, blinking became slow and every now and then my head would bob from dozing off. Coughing and sneezing was getting harder and harder to stifle. And the more I stifled, the more I needed to sneeze or cough. Finally, I excused myself to the restroom and let out some well hidden sneezes.

HATCHOO!!--HATCHOO!!--HATCHOO!! They came fast with hardly a breath in between. I sniffed and knew there was more. I grabbed a paper towel and cupped it over my nose and mouth. The next few were wet and harsh they ratted from my chest and made my throat hurt and definitely made me winded. EETCHOO!!—AH-EHCHOO!!!—CHOO!!—HEXCHOO!!!—AHCHEW!!! I took another tissue and emptied my nose and ran the water to drown out the sound. I took a look in the mirror and my nose was all red and raw and my eyes were so watery. I splashed some water on my face and took a second look. Not much better. I blew my nose one last time and went back to the restaurant. Jack, Rian, and Zack were already waiting for me at the door.

“There you are, I thought you left without us,” Jack smiled.

“No—” I sounded really congested and I’m sure my bandmates could tell as well. I sniffed and tried my sentence again, “No, I just had to use the restroom.” I motioned to the back of the restaurant to show them where I was.

“Alright then, ready to head back?” Jack asked.

I nodded and he walked behind me and patted my back as we left.

In the car I propped my head up with my arm and stared out the window, before I knew it, I was asleep.

We arrived back at the studio and Jack woke me up.

“Hey, dude, wake up, we’re here,” Jack shook me and it took a while for me to actually open my eyes and acknowledge his presence.

“Hm? Where are we?” I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

“We’re at the studio. You sure you’re OK?” he asked as he basically lifted me out of the car and onto his shoulder for support.

“Yeah,” I croaked. I couldn’t help it, I turned away from Jack and coughed into my elbow, loud, deep, and hard. “Yeah, I’m just, you know, tired, is all…”

“You don’t sound good,” Jack said walking us both into the studio. He opened the door and he walked me over to the couch and set me down. I began to cough uncontrollably and he brought me a bottle of water. “Alex, I think you should go home; get some rest.”

“No, I’m OK, just a little cold. I can make it until we’re done,” I insisted.

Truth was, I really wanted to go home. I sucked it up big time for the next hour or so. I spent all that time on the couch where Jack had set me when we entered the studio after lunch. I surrendered my symptoms and started sneezing and coughing excessively. No matter how hard I tried to stifle them, they just came out strong, wet, and harsh. Each cough and sneeze rattled my chest and took my breath away. By 4pm I was and definitely looked miserable. My nose was nice and red and I was well congested. Jack, Zack, and Rian all shoved me in Jack’s car and he drove me home.

“You don’t have a choice anymore! You are going home Alex!!!” Zack said as he slammed the door to lock me in Jack’s car.

Jack came around and hopped in the driver’s seat and backed out of the lot.

It was a quiet ride home. I fell asleep. I don’t remember Jack bringing me inside, but I guess it must have happened. (As he told me, I crashed in his car as soon as everyone shoved me out the door and into his car. I slept the whole ride home and was barely conscious when Jack carried me into my home and into my bedroom where he stripped my clothes and dressed me in some PJs and tucked me into bed.) I literally slept the entire night. Like a rock.

Edited by flowerpower67
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I love it!!! Even though Im not familar with this fandom. And the sneezes were lovely.

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Do u know how much I ship Jalex hardcore ! You made my fanboy dreams come true. Sick band mates <3 don't forget contagion to get Jack sick now :P. Alex is so cute sick. I love it ! You've written an amazing story again :) be proud of yourself c:

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Do u know how much I ship Jalex hardcore ! You made my fanboy dreams come true. Sick band mates <3 don't forget contagion to get Jack sick now tonguesmiley.gif. Alex is so cute sick. I love it ! You've written an amazing story again smile.png be proud of yourself c:

Oh, don't worry! There is plenty more! I really loved writing this, and I'm still not done!! So glad you liked it!

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JALEX laugh.png This story is ADORABLE!

I love it!!! Even though Im not familar with this fandom. And the sneezes were lovely.

Aw this is lovely! smile.png

Thanks so much for the feedback! I really appreciate it!

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Do u know how much I ship Jalex hardcore ! You made my fanboy dreams come true. Sick band mates <3 don't forget contagion to get Jack sick now tonguesmiley.gif. Alex is so cute sick. I love it ! You've written an amazing story again smile.png be proud of yourself c:

Oh, don't worry! There is plenty more! I really loved writing this, and I'm still not done!! So glad you liked it!

Awesome :3 post it soon c: . Can't wait. Perf.

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Do u know how much I ship Jalex hardcore ! You made my fanboy dreams come true. Sick band mates <3 don't forget contagion to get Jack sick now tonguesmiley.gif. Alex is so cute sick. I love it ! You've written an amazing story again smile.png be proud of yourself c:

Oh, don't worry! There is plenty more! I really loved writing this, and I'm still not done!! So glad you liked it!

Awesome :3 post it soon c: . Can't wait. Perf.

Idk where we were talking about this.. the nose blow at the end of the song.. we were wondering who it was. I'm 100% sure it's Rian the drummer.

BTW Thank you so much for introducing me to this band! I know some people get possessive of their favorite bands, but I really do enjoy listening to ATL. Some of my favorite songs so far are: I feel like dancing, Somewhere in Neverland, Time bomb, For Baltimore, Backseat Serenade, Reckless and the Brave.

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Do u know how much I ship Jalex hardcore ! You made my fanboy dreams come true. Sick band mates <3 don't forget contagion to get Jack sick now tonguesmiley.gif. Alex is so cute sick. I love it ! You've written an amazing story again smile.png be proud of yourself c:

Oh, don't worry! There is plenty more! I really loved writing this, and I'm still not done!! So glad you liked it!

Awesome :3 post it soon c: . Can't wait. Perf.

Idk where we were talking about this.. the nose blow at the end of the song.. we were wondering who it was. I'm 100% sure it's Rian the drummer.

BTW Thank you so much for introducing me to this band! I know some people get possessive of their favorite bands, but I really do enjoy listening to ATL. Some of my favorite songs so far are: I feel like dancing, Somewhere in Neverland, Time bomb, For Baltimore, Backseat Serenade, Reckless and the Brave.

I actully brought that video up & nose blow in another thread . "In one day Valex was born" something like so. Awe thanks mate <3 de nada. Yeh they're my "cheer up" band when I'm feeling like rubbish, I usually listen to their music c: . When you putting the next part up?.
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Do u know how much I ship Jalex hardcore ! You made my fanboy dreams come true. Sick band mates <3 don't forget contagion to get Jack sick now tonguesmiley.gif. Alex is so cute sick. I love it ! You've written an amazing story again smile.png be proud of yourself c:

Oh, don't worry! There is plenty more! I really loved writing this, and I'm still not done!! So glad you liked it!

Awesome :3 post it soon c: . Can't wait. Perf.

Idk where we were talking about this.. the nose blow at the end of the song.. we were wondering who it was. I'm 100% sure it's Rian the drummer.

BTW Thank you so much for introducing me to this band! I know some people get possessive of their favorite bands, but I really do enjoy listening to ATL. Some of my favorite songs so far are: I feel like dancing, Somewhere in Neverland, Time bomb, For Baltimore, Backseat Serenade, Reckless and the Brave.

I actully brought that video up & nose blow in another thread . "In one day Valex was born" something like so. Awe thanks mate <3 de nada. Yeh they're my "cheer up" band when I'm feeling like rubbish, I usually listen to their music c: . When you putting the next part up?.

Well, I'd like to finish writing the third part before I put the second part up.. but idk.. Am I killing you with suspense? Mwhahaahahaaa!!! I'll try in the next few days, but I have a big English paper that is top priority right now, so sorry if it doesn't get posted until next weekend. But I promise, it's worth the wait!

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Do u know how much I ship Jalex hardcore ! You made my fanboy dreams come true. Sick band mates <3 don't forget contagion to get Jack sick now tonguesmiley.gif. Alex is so cute sick. I love it ! You've written an amazing story again smile.png be proud of yourself c:

Oh, don't worry! There is plenty more! I really loved writing this, and I'm still not done!! So glad you liked it!

Awesome :3 post it soon c: . Can't wait. Perf.

Idk where we were talking about this.. the nose blow at the end of the song.. we were wondering who it was. I'm 100% sure it's Rian the drummer.

BTW Thank you so much for introducing me to this band! I know some people get possessive of their favorite bands, but I really do enjoy listening to ATL. Some of my favorite songs so far are: I feel like dancing, Somewhere in Neverland, Time bomb, For Baltimore, Backseat Serenade, Reckless and the Brave.

I actully brought that video up & nose blow in another thread . "In one day Valex was born" something like so. Awe thanks mate <3 de nada. Yeh they're my "cheer up" band when I'm feeling like rubbish, I usually listen to their music c: . When you putting the next part up?.

Well, I'd like to finish writing the third part before I put the second part up.. but idk.. Am I killing you with suspense? Mwhahaahahaaa!!! I'll try in the next few days, but I have a big English paper that is top priority right now, so sorry if it doesn't get posted until next weekend. But I promise, it's worth the wait!

I hope of it, goodluck mate c: I have various exams too.
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This is so amazing! I've been looking for ATL anything for aaages and this is so well written :D Can't wait for the next part to come up and yes please, don't forget about Jack :D

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This is so amazing! I've been looking for ATL anything for aaages and this is so well written biggrin.png Can't wait for the next part to come up and yes please, don't forget about Jack biggrin.png

YAY! so glad you liked it! I'm really busy with college... so i can't tell you exactly when I'll update, but I haven't forgotten..

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OK, so I haven't finished this story yet, there is still more to come.. but I decided to update since I've been promising and this part is good! Enjoy!

I woke up the next morning achy, stuffy, and discombobulated, not to mention sweaty. My skin was hot and slick. I must have been running a fever. I looked at the clock and it took a good minute for it to register. It was 9am. (I slept for 16 hours straight.) Suddenly—

HACHOO!!—HACHOO!! Followed by a very wet, deep chest cough I managed to catch in my hands. I reached over a grabbed a tissue and wiped my hands off and wiped my nose. I sniffed wetly and I could barely breathe through my nose. I had managed to catch a pretty nasty cold. But being the trouper I was, I slowly stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I could barely stand; it was such a struggle to walk. I had to slap my hand to the wall in order to keep my balance and when I succeeded to reach the bathroom, I gripped onto the bathroom counter like my life depended on it. I had no intention of showering, nor did I think I was physically able to. I just splashed my face with some lukewarm water, which made me shiver greatly. I stuck the thermometer in my mouth as I shuffled to my closet. I grabbed some jeans and a sweatshirt and threw them on. The thermometer beeped and it read 99.8. Not much of a fever, but enough to make me shiver and feel a thousand times worse.

I changed, put my trusty beanie on and headed out for the studio. I really struggled to keep my coughs and sneezes quiet on the bus ride over. Strangers slowly made their way to the back and I just kept my head down. I entered the studio only to be greeted by my bandmates who were waiting on me.

“You’re late,” Rian said.

“I dow, I dow,” I nodded as I coughed into my sweatshirt. My extremely congested nose and my hoarse voice made my language almost foreign. I took a seat on the couch and sighed, letting out a slight wheeze as the coughs tapered off.

“God, Alex, you sound horrible! Blow your nose,” Jack mumbled the last part to me as he walked over with a box of tissues and plopped them down in my lap. “What the fuck are you doing here?” he asked.

I blew my nose, trying not to sound disgusting, but I just couldn’t help it. “Sorry, that was gross, I know… I know we have a lot of work to do before we leave for this show and—” I was caught off guard by a fit of sneezes. The first one flew, but I caught the rest in the crest of my sweatshirt sleeve.


“Jesus Christ, Alex. Get the hell out of here. You’re gonna get us all sick!” Zack cried putting his arm up to his face as if to block all the germs that were flying his way.

I blew my nose hard again and sniffed, “I just took some medicine; I’ll be fine. Just give it a little while to kick in.” I just lied my sorry, sick ass off.

“OK, we’ll work for a little while, but I am taking you home at lunch so you can rest up—no questions asked.” Jack said.

I stayed put on the couch with the tissue box in my lap and hot tea at my side. Zack, Rian, and Jack all came to me with their plans, and I just watched them as they worked. Jack, especially kept an eye on me. He kept glancing at me as he worked, and I tried to keep my head down and focus on my own work; though it was hard when I could feel Jack staring at me.

That plan maybe worked for an hour. I was watching Rian practice the drums for a new song when I went into a sneezing fit and Jack came to check on me.


Jack came in reading some forms and he heard me sneezing my head off. “OK, that’s it. I am taking you home now.” Jack flipped his papers on the table, “You are literally dying. You need bed rest and over the counter drugs. Car now.” Jack demanded.

As he led me out he made eye contact with Rian and Zack; he pointed to me, a complete ball of misery, and then pointed outside. Rian and Zack nodded and continued practicing.

I stared out the window of Jack’s car as he lectured me. I couldn’t tell what he was talking about, my head felt like someone had stuffed cotton balls so far in my ears and nose that it reached my brain; I couldn’t concentrate on anything.

“Alex, my God, why do you do this to yourself?! You get sick and deny it to a point where you’re about to die. Why can’t you just accept the fact when it hits the first day? If you had stayed home yesterday, maybe you wouldn’t be laying on your death bed today…” Jack went on and on.

Jack escorted me into my home and tucked me into bed again and told me he would be back later to make sure I hadn’t died.

Unfortunately I couldn’t sleep. I was exhausted but I couldn’t get comfortable. I turned on the TV and hoped the mundane daytime television would put me to sleep. Nope, I ended up watching those horrible soaps—too weak to get up and find the remote, wherever I left it. Being so stuffed up didn’t help much either. I couldn’t go 2 minutes without coughing, sneezing, or blowing my nose. The pattern basically went like this:


Grab tissue. Blow nose.


Rest for maybe 30 seconds or so.



Tissue. Blow nose.

Cough more.



Be miserable.

At last my sneezing and coughing died down and I was able to rest and eventually fall asleep.

I was rudely awoken by someone (Jack) knocking repeatedly on my door. I managed to get up and answer it because knowing Jack, he wouldn’t stop until I came to the door to let him in—so I didn’t really have much of a choice if I wanted to ignore him or not—I couldn’t.

I was dressed in dark sweatpants and a dark sweatshirt with the hood pulled up.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” I mumbled in between coughs and sniffles.

I knew I looked like death, so when I opened the door, I glanced up at Jack, then immediately back down at the floor. I leaned on the door for support as Jack breezed by me and set a few bags down on the table. I shut the door and shuffled to the couch where I sneezed on the way down.

HATCHEW!!! Jack threw a tissue box at me and I took one out and blew my nose. I moaned loudly after.

“What?” he asked.

“My nose is very sore from sneezing and blowing so much,” I managed to croak out. My voice was shot to hell and it was deep with congestion.

“Well lucky for you I brought relief,” Jack said taking out sundry medicines, tissue boxes, cans of soup, and bottles of juice.

I shook my head ready to sneeze. HE-ACHOO!!—HETCHOO!!! “No.” I blew my nose. “Dammit, that hurt,” I mumbled. “No, I want to let it run its course. No medicine,” I explained best I could.

I shivered. I brought my knees to my chest then coughed into them. I laid my head back on the couch and closed my eyes. Jack came over and felt my forehead.

“Alex! You’re burning up! When’s the last time you took your temperature or had some Ibuprofen?” Jack ranted running into the bathroom to find a thermometer.

He came back and shoved it in my mouth. “Don’t take that out until it beeps,” he insisted.

But I couldn’t control my body. I began to cough, but was able to keep the thermometer in, but my coughing got worse.

“Alex, I’m serious, don’t take it out,” Jack wagged his finger at me as he watched me try and keep my coughing to a minimum.

I couldn’t help it. I sat up and took the thermometer out, held it in my left hand while I coughed harshly into my right elbow. After a long fit and Jack finally coming over to pat my back and take the thermometer from me, he gave me a sip of water and let me breathe a little bit.

“God, you’re seriously sound like you’re dying. You sure you don’t want any medicine?” I shook my head no. “Are you done coughing, can we try this again?” I nodded my head yes. I slowly opened my mouth and Jack carefully placed the thermometer on my tongue. Luckily I was able to hold it there for a whole minute. Jack took it out and read it aloud, “101.6. Alex… at least let me give you some Motrin to bring down your fever.” I surrendered and let Jack be my doctor. He dug through the bags and found the bottle and poured out the correct dosage and then watched me painfully gulp it down. “There, now you’ll start to feel better,” he cooed rubbing my head and smiling at me.

He sat down beside me and brought a blanket to cover me, well us, up. I managed to scoot toward Jack and nuzzle up against his chest for more warmth. Jack rubbed my back and began talking to me.

“You are unbelievable. Such a trouper with so much dignity,” he smiled shaking his head at me. ­HATCHOO!! “Bless you.” ETCHEW!!! “Bless you again.” He said handing me a tissue. “You know, it’s not a big deal if you call in sick. Everyone gets sick. It’s no big deal.” He was petting my hair and it was so soothing, it was putting me to sleep. “Next time just call first thing if you feel sick. OK?” he stopped petting me and looked down at me. I noticed and looked up at him. I nodded. He smiled at me.

“What?” I sniffed.

“You look absolutely miserable,” he smiled stroking my forehead then moved down to my pink flushed cheeks. “When’s the last time you had something to eat? Are you hungry?”

HEXSTCHEW!!! “I don’t know, but I’m not really hungry, well, actually my throat hurts so bad that I can’t swallow food,” I mumbled.

“What about some chicken noodle soup? Do you think you can handle that?” Jack asked as he sat up making me sit up. I laid back down and pulled the blanket up further and nodded.


“Alright.” Jack got up and grabbed one of the cans from the table and went to the kitchen to make me soup.

I laid on the couch in complete and utter misery. The pressure in my head and chest was unbearable. Each cough and sneeze let me winded and dizzy.


“You OK?” Jack yelled from the kitchen.

“Yeah,” I called back before blowing my nose.

“Soup’s almost ready,” he called back.

I was in the middle of another sneezing fit when Jack came back with my soup. HEXTISH!!—HEITSHH!!—HE-ACHOO!!!-ASHOO!!!—CHOO!!—ETCHEWW!!! And more deep chested coughing to follow. “God, I’m dying.”

“Geez, you poor thing. Here. It’s in a mug so you can just drink it,” Jack handed the mug to me after he was sure I was done sneezing.

“Thags.” I sniffed.

Jack kept me company all night. He replenished my tissues, got me water and juice, and he let me rest on him. I shifted back and forth from his shoulder to his chest. We watched a movie, though I kept coughing and sneezing through it, so we were really confused throughout the whole film. After, Jack insisted that I head to bed, and I could not have agreed more. I was exhausted. He guided me to my room and tucked me in.

“Can I have some nighttime medicine please?” I mumbled before he shut the light off.

“What about letting it run its course?” Jack teased.

“I want to sleep, I can’t go five minutes without coughing or sneezing. Besides it’s had all yesterday and today to kill me, and it has not succeeded. I deserve some over the counter relief.” I clarified.

Jack smiled and came back with a bottle of Nyquil. He gave me the cup and I swallowed it in one gulp.

“Jack?” I whispered.

“Hmm?” he asked putting the cap back on the Nyquil bottle.

“Are you going to leave?”

“Not if you don’t want me to.”

I slowly pulled the covers down on the other half of my bed and patted it.

Jack smiled and whispered, “Of course.”

He stripped his shirt and jeans and got in bed with me. He turned off the light and grabbed my hand under the sheets and took his other hand and began rubbing soothing circles on my back.

“Goodnight, Alex. Feel better.”

Edited by flowerpower67
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Wow that last part was so adorable! Well worth the wait :3

Awwwwwwwe. Yay more Jalex <3.

It's so adorable biggrin.png You're a great writer and I'm pretty sure this is just how Jack would react, can't wait for more!

Thanks for all the feedback! I really appreciate it. I am currently writing a third part, but it's not finished.

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Oh wow. This is just wonderful! This made my night. I love how Jack is taking care of Alex. super cute! Is there any more to come? Please? smile.png

Yes, I'm working on another part. I'm so busy with college!!! I want to write so bad, but I'm so damn busy!!!!

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