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Percy Jackson Fic

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I'm starting off with the part when Percy and Annabeth fall into Tartarus in the House of Hades. I'll try to be better at updating this time, I'm usually pretty lousy at it, but I'm determined to actually update this time. Lemme know if you have any suggestions and if you enjoy this, cuz I wanna make sure that I'm not the only one enjoying Percy's suffering. :3

Nothing compared to the despair in Percy's heart at that moment. He had never felt more hopeless in his life... And this was coming from someone who had carried the weight of the world, literally. He could hear the wind whipping past his ears as he descended towards certain death. The only thing that kept him from falling apart and sobbing like an idiot was the fact that he had his arms wrapped tightly around Annabeth, his girlfriend. Despite everything that had just happened, he wouldn't change his decision, even though he knew he was about to die. There was no way he was letting Annabeth get away from him. Not again. Not ever. He withdrew from his sea of thoughts as heard Annabeth's voice weave into the roar of the wind that greatly resembled television static. He couldn't make out what she was saying, but he realized that she was pointing downward. He followed her gaze, and felt his already nauseated stomach sink with dismay as he perceived the meager distance between them and the ground bellow. Suddenly, he realized what she was gesturing to specifically; the massive stretch of water that laced the surface of Tartarus like a navy python. He divulged all of his attention and remaining energy into calling the sea around him and Annabeth, creating a sort of bubble around them until he could not bear to hold it anymore, letting the water cascade back into the river as the two demigods entered its depths. Despite his usual ability to remain completely dry in any body of water, this rule seemed to be nonexistent in Tartarus. He felt the frigid waters saturate his clothing and hair, chilling him down to the bone. He felt as if his throat was clogged with cotton as he struggled to get air into his lungs, weakly swiping at the water until he felt a hand yank him upwards, allowing his head to break the surface. He gasped for air, coughing and sputtering as he struggled to the side of the river with Annabeth. He felt embarrassed about being essentially useless in the situation, despite being a son of Poseidon, but he simply did not have enough energy to do anything at that point. He lay limp on the shore, ignoring the jagged shards of onyx black glass that sliced minor cuts into his arms and legs as he lay shivering and helpless on the shore, praying silently to his father for help, though he figured that it was useless. Who can possibly help you when you're at the bottom of Tartarus?

Eh. It's not great. The next part will be better, I promise. :/ Lemme know if I should write part two or not. Meh. I don't write well when I'm sick. XD

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Please lemme know if you like this or not, cuz I don't wanna keep going if no one's interested.

Annabeth's POV

She felt as if her limbs were made out of tar. It was nearly impossible for Annabeth to simply continue walking without crumpling to the floor in exhaustion. Her skin was caked with sulfur and dust from the polluted air and gashes that she didn't even remember receiving, etching her skin like cracks on pavement. She still felt the frigid chill from the river, though she wasn't experiencing the effects nearly as terribly as Percy. Despite being the son of Poseidon, he seemed to be crippled by the sudden exposure to water. His complexion was as pale as a porcelain doll, and his lips were a delicate shade of blue, like how she recalled the sky appearing. The firewater had helped ease most of their ailments, though no matter how much he drank, Percy still looked like he had hypothermia or something. As if to confirm Annabeth's suspicions, Percy snapped forward with a stifled fit. "Heh... Hei'kntsch. Hmpnxtsch. Heih... Huh... Huh'rksch!" Despite the fact that it was blatantly obvious that he was ill, Percy still did his best to cover it up, probably to ease Annabeth's level of stress. He gasped helplessly before each sneeze, as if expelling it would cause Annabeth to suddenly realize that Percy was sick. When he finally released it, he muffled it as well as he could in his sleeve. The sneezes themselves were fairly quiet, much softer than Annabeth would have thought Percy's sneezes would be. However, in the eerie silence that clung to Tartarus, which created an ominous texture to the setting that was nearly tangible, it was possible to hear a pin drop, causing Percy's stifled sneezes to be quite obvious. Annabeth placed one hand on the ill boy's shoulder, fixating her own storm colored eyes onto his sea green ones, which were usually sparked with energy and mischief, but were now dull and glazed over, as if he'd been sitting through an hour long seminar about the history of Math.

"Percy? You okay?" she inquired gently. Her tone felt foreign to her. It was always strong and unyielding, with a sense of self assurance that intimidated most, but now, she just sounded lost and helpless, like a puppy that someone left on the streets. She forced herself to swallow her fear and insecurity and at least appear to be brave for Percy's sake, otherwise they were both doomed. Percy seemed to withdraw from her grasp slightly, which surprised Annabeth.

"I'm fine," he replied simply, not meeting her eye as he offered a petite grin. Annabeth pulled him closer, staring him down skeptically.

"Come on, Percy. I wasn't born yesterday. Are you getting sick?" She already knew that he was, but she figured that if she insisted that he was ill too much would simply agitate him. Instead of responding, Percy simply pulled away completely from her grasp, alarming Annabeth. "Percy? What's wro-" She was cut off by him placing his hand up in front of her to signal her to stop as he crumpled with a couple more sneezes.

"Hmmp'ngxsch, mnxptsch. It's the duh... huh... ktschoo! Dust... I-It's making me sn-snuu... Aik'tschoo! Sn-Sneeze... Hah... heiiih.... hip'MNXT'schoo!" Annabeth winced, realizing that she was nearly drowning in the vile gray substance. She rapidly began scraping the powder off, but this was an ignorant thing to do, as it simply made Percy's reaction worse. "Stah... Hah... Hui'ktschoo! Stop... Only ma-making it wo... wor... Heaiktschoo! Airkschoo! Worse." Annabeth flushed slightly as she took a step backwards bashfully.

"Er, I think we should probably rest for a bit. I'll take the first watch, you get some sleep, okay?" she inquired gently, though she made it quite clear that it wasn't really a question. Percy was clearly too exhausted to object. He nodded feebly before allowing himself to crumple downwards, gratefully accepting the slumber that followed.

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