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Hank woke up sneezing, "Gachoo, Hepthhoo Choo." Hank sniffed and rubbed at his eyes. He looked around and saw that everyone was still asleep. Hank looked out the window and saw that they where beginning to reach the island. he gently shook Raven and when she finally woke up he pointed to the window. She looked at the window and smiled at how beautiful the island is.

Hank cleared his throat and went to go get water for the two of them. When he came back Raven was smiling at the two boys fast asleep. "How cute." Alex and Sean where fast asleep and Sean had his head resting on Alex's shoulder. "who new Alex had such a soft spot for Sean." Raven smiled,

"Who new he even had a soft spot at all." Hank's voice was harsh sounding but that could of been because of his sore throat.

Raven didn't want to interfere with... whatever that was, so she decided to try and change to subject. "Are you excited about getting away for a while. away to be ourselves without hiding?"

"I think it will be fun. These shoes are starting to hurt my feet." Hank was joking and he got Raven to giggle.

"It will be fun to be able to just play around and not have to worry about people looking at us differently." She smiled then she whipped her head around to look at Hank. "Now don't even think about doing experiments here! This is a vacation not a business trip." She threw an extra pillow that she found under her seat at Hank. Hank caught the pillow but fell into his seat.

"Ok.. Ok... i won't do any experiments! I Promise!" Hank smiled and put the pillow down.

"good. so how are you actually feeling. Don't think i didn't notice the 'blush'. Are you sure your ok?"

"i'm fine. I really am and i actually was blushing.... That sounded weird out loud." Hank put a had to the back of his head. "I just wasn't used to people worrying about me."

Raven walked up to him and held his hand, "Then get used to it." Hank smiled while they looked into each others eyes as Raven leaned closer, Hank did the same until...

Charles cleared his throat. "Good afternoon, i see you all slept well."

Hank looked around and so did Raven. Everyone was starting to get up, and they where both glad that only Charles saw anything. Hank coughed into his elbow while Raven fixed her hair.

Alex rolled his eyes and began to get his stuff together.

"we are here so get your stuff and meet at the house." Charles smiled and left the plane with Erik. Hank and Raven gathered up there things and left with Alex and Sean.

"So you've never been here before?" Sean looked at the house then at Raven.

"no.. Charles never mentioned this place." Raven shrugged and went inside the house.

"Alright, your rooms are down the hall. You may choose you own room my room is upstairs if you need me. My study is on the 3rd floor," Charles smiled and walked to his room.

Everyone found their rooms and Hank closed his door and sat on his bed. Hank began to unpack his suit case when Alex walked in with Sean. "Hey"

"Hey" Hank and Alex's exchanged glances then Hank went back to unpacking.

"we where gonna go play football. We need another player."

"If i'd play there would be three of us..."

"Raven's gonna play" Alex smirked at Hank and nudged him.

"Come on. It'll be fun!" Sean pitched in.

"Fine..." Hank got up and they all went outside.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey i was thinking about ending this soon.... Maybe i would make one about Bunnymund from Rise of THe Guardians.. Are you into that?

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Hank and the guys went outside and meet Raven under a tree. Alex and Sean got the football and ran out into the field and tossed it around.

"Hey Hank, are you sure you should be out?"

"I'm fine Raven, well actually i'm a lot better. I feel great for the first time in a while. Maybe i just needed to get away" Hank smiled. Raven held is hand and smiled.

"You look a lot better" Hank smiled and kissed her head.

"Hey love birds! Are you gonna play or what?!" Alex yelled over to them before Sean tackled him. "HEY!" Alex laughed and threw the ball away so Sean would get off.

Raven rolled her eyes and grabbed the ball, "Then lets play" Raven was standing over then clutching the football. THe boys got up and Hank walked up behind Raven and took the football. "HEY!" Raven laughed and tried to get it.

"Hank pass it!" Alex called from a far. Hank threw it and Alex ran away from Sean. "HANK! GO LONG!" Alex threw the football further than he ever had, he was very proud of that throw. Of course Hank ran at lightning speed and caught the football. Hank ran back and Raven was running towards him.

"ALEX!" Hank threw it just as Raven jumped on him. They both fell, with Raven on top of Hank. Alex was running away from Sean ignoring Hank and Raven.

"Are you ok?" Raven's voice was soft and almost out of breath.

"Perfect" Hank put a hand on her back and slowly pulled her into a kiss.

Charles and Erik where looking out of the window and Charles smiled at the two of them. "You're just going to stand there and watch.... that..." Erik sounded slightly jealous, but Charles ignored it.

"He is a nice boy. He makes her happy, why would I interrupt?" Charles smiled and went to make a cup of tea, Erik sighed and went to his room.

Raven slowly took her lips off of Hanks. They both smiled and Raven blushed. "I love you"

Raven smiled and a tear ran down her face, "I love you too" Raven kissed Hank again and this time he wrapped his arms around her while her put her hands on his checks and through his hair.

When they finally parted lips, Raven put her head on his chest and stayed that way all day.

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would it make sense if Bunnymund was allergic to something Christmas related? IDK just thinking about my next story....

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