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X men First Class


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Charles walked outside to see all the students playing in the field. well, all except one. Hank was in his lab working on a top secret machine. Charles made some tea and decided to check on Hank.

Charles started to feel i little light headed. "uh... maybe my allergies are acting up..."

Charles walked into the lab with an extra cup of tea.

"good afternoon Hank. thought you might like some... tea." feeling light headed again he set the cup down and leaned against the wall.

"Thanks professor." Hank takes a sip of the tea.

"You should go outside. It's a lovely day."

"sorry Charles, i've been so caught up in this...never mind... maybe later.. i really should finish this." For the first time Hank looked up to see the professor. "Are you feeling alright?"

"yes Hank. just all of a sudden light headed." Hanks eyes widen and starts to work on the machine again.

"Hank, what are you working on?"

"oh, its nothing.."

"alright.." Charles begins, while Hanks presses some buttons.

Charles begins to feel a tickle in his sinuses. "huh...hxxcht" Charles takes out a handkerchief. "ah... excuse me.."

"Bless you" Hank thinks in his head 'interesting.... could my machine be sending brain waves to Charles to make him act like this? huh'

Charles tries to get away from the wall but feels his knees give way and he falls. Erik, being of great timing, catches Charles.

"CHARLES!" Erik has a look of concern as Hank turns off his machine and runs to Charles.

"Professor are you alright???"

"im sorry... i do not know what came over me..." Charles but one hand on his forehead

Hank feels Charles his forehead "your warm...."

Hank realizes that once he turned off his machine Charles fell. Hanks eyes widen and Erik takes notice

Erik gives Hank a look that says "What have you done?"

Hank looks back with a look of innocence... "I don't know...."

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Charles started to feel dizzy.

"Charles, are you alright? whats wrong?" Erik sounded concerned for the poor, suffering, telepath

Charles starts to open his mouth but is over taken by the need to sneeze. "HETCHOO.....heh... HETCHOO" Charles felt to drained to stifle them.

Hank paid special attention to the little beads of sweat that started to form on his forehead. "he has a fever... can you carry him to his room? he needs to rest so i can run some tests."

Erik looked less than pleased and was about to decline. Erik looked back down to the sick, innocent looking Charles and he felt some sympathy for the poor man. "fine... Hurry up and fix this mess Hank!"

Charles began to stand up and used Erik to lean against. Charles stood up but suddenly felt the room start to spin and closed his eyes. "Charles... please... take it easy..." Erik puts his arm around Charles's waist and starts to leads his to his room.

"Im sorry my friend.. for the trouble...i'm causing..." Charles began to sway on his feet but Erik was right there to catch him if needed. Charles and Erik made it to his room before Charles collapsed on his bed.

Erik tucked Charles into bed and Charles immediately fell sound asleep. Erik sat in the chair across the room and watched Charles toss and turn in his bed in discomfort. everyone once in a while Charles would muffle a sneeze into his pillow "hxxt"

While Erik was sitting with Charles, Hank was busy trying to figure out what had gone wrong. Hank played with his machine and examining the results compared to cerebro. Hank was stumped. "i cant figure it out. What went wrong? thats it! brain waves!" he looked at the brain wave patterns and found exactly what he was looking for. Hank started to work on a solution when a familiar sent filled the room. "GAHCHOO GA...GACHOOOO...GACHOOO GACCHOOO.. huh" Hank was terribly allergic to perfume and especially this one. "ugh....." he turned around to see Raven standing in the doorway.

"bless you. Geez Hank, are you alright?" raven leaned against the door way

"ga...I'b allergic do perbumb...." Hank was surprised how stuffed up he sounded.

"oh my gosh! I'm sorry i forgot. ill go change." Raven ran out of the room and into her bathroom. Hank just laughed and tried to continue working.

Minutes later Erik came into the room looking less than pleased "Did you find a cure yet Hank! I'm loosing my patience."

Hank ran a hand under his nose and tried to hold back a sneeze "gah....gah... GACHOO..uh sorry...I'b beend workig od id..." Hank sniffled and Erik looked annoyed.

"Dont tell me your sick too." Erik rolled his eyes

"Do... allerby attag. Raben forbot ib allerigig to perbumb." Hank winced at how terrible he sounded. Erik came up to Hank and gave him a pat on the back,

"so how much do you know?"

"well, i belieb that i bight hab sendt sob brad wabes that... well let be put id this way... the machine bade his telepathy gib hib a head cold....uh.. i soud like i hab one." Hank massaged the bridge of his nose.

"Ya you do... can we get back to Charles? so we just has a head cold. Thats not that bad." Hank looked at Erik with a face that says 'are you kidding me?'

Erik realized how bad that could be and his eyes widen. "FIX THIS HANK!" Erik ran out of the room to check on Charles.

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while Erik ran out of the room to go check up on Charles. Hank was hard at work with his machine. "What did i do wrong? how did I...hih... do this? GAHCHOO. ugh..."

Hank's nose became red from rubbing it so much, and his eyes have become so watery that streaks of tears started to roll down his face.

While Hank worked, Erik walked through the bedroom door of Professor Charles Xavier.

"Good afternoon Charles, how are you feeling?" Erik's voice filled with concern.

Charles was sitting in his chair massaging his temples. "Ah Erik. I didn't hear you come in. Im fine, thank you for your concern." Charles put on his reading glasses and started to read the newspaper, trying to hide his discomfort.

"Good. Maybe Hank did something right." Erik was speaking through his teeth.

"Dont blame the boy. It was not his intension..." Charles started to have a slight coughing fit.

"you don't sound fine" Erik walked over to Charles who was staring at him with a smirk on his face.

"I truly am better Erik. just this blasted cough... Is Hank alright? he is projecting" Charles winced at the harsh projections from Hank.

"I dont... Never really understood that guy.... " Erik shrugged and sat next to Charles.

"ah.." Charles put one hand on his head.

"Charles what wrong?" Erik put his hand on Charles's shoulder.

"It's Hank... somethings wrong..." Erik and Charles shared a glance as they sprinted out the door to find Hank.

"HANK!!!" Erik and Charles enter the lab to find Hank on the floor hardly breathing.

"Erik get the epi-pen..." Erik used his powers to fling the epi-pen into Charles hand. Charles Stabbed the epi-pen into Hanks left leg and injected. Hank gasped for air and coughing violently.

"Hank, are you alright? what happened?!" Charles was very concerned and it definitely showed on his face. Hank laid on his back coughing.

"Hank would you just say something.." Erik was mildly annoyed.

"im... fine..." Hanks voice was soft and sounded as if he had lost his voice. "Allergy attack" Hanks violent coughing came back.

"Can you breathe Hank?" Charles was ignoring Erik annoyed expression and focused on Hank.

"Y...ya....kind *cough cough* kinda... ill be fine.." Hanks coughing became more frequent and sounded harsher. "i.. think i know..wh....GACHOO!" Hank looked surprised and just barely had time to cover the sneeze.

"bless you. Try not to talk.. you need to rest. you can work on it when you better." Charles started to help Hank up. Hank tried to protest but was caught by a coughing fit.

Charles and Erik helped Hank to his bedroom. Hank's room was right next to the lab to Erik and Charles convenience. They opened the door to Hanks bedroom to find a miniature lab in the corner. "of course" Erik laughed to himself. 'of course Hank would have a lab in his room' Charles heard Erik's remark 'Erik, Hanks been through enough... let him rest. no funny remarks.' Charles and Erik shared a glance and walked Hank to his bed.

Hank sat on the bed without question and started to massage throat. "Hank are you sure your alright?" Charles sat on the bed next to Hank and Hank just smiled and nodded. 'I'm fine professor don't worry. I'm fine' Hank gave a weak smile that did not reassure Charles. trusting Hank, Charles left the room followed by Erik.

"Charles, do you think Hank is going to go back to the lab? He doesn't seem to be the resting type." Even though Eric would never tell him, he respected Hank for his enthusiasm and his intelligence.

"Well, his mind kept going back to the project. But i do hope he will rest for his own sake." Charles went into the kitchen to make Hank some tea. "ill Check up on on him."

Hank felt miserable lying in his bed, all useless and, hurt. "ugh... i hate this..." Hank gets up hoping on one leg to his chair and started to wrap the area of his leg where the injection occurred.

Charles walks in to hank wrapping his leg, "Hello Hank, thought you would like some tea." Charles sets the tea cup on the night stand.

"Thanks professor." Hank starts to work on equations for the project.

"hank you need to rest."

"i'm fine professor. It's not a big deal, I can still work. its allergies, not the plague.." Hank smiled and rolled his chair to his closet. "besides Charles. this isn't the first time." Hank gets his crutches from the closet.

Charles tried not to looked to shocked or worried. But his sympathy, on the other hand, "You cant walk?"

"It's not good to walk on it until after it settles." Hank realizing how stupid his excuse was, decided to smile innocently.

Charles was not fooled by any of this. But knowing Hank, keeping him away from his lab would be even worse for his health, Charles decided to let him.

Hank started to walk over to his lab with Charles, when Charles opened the door Raven was standing in the middle of the lab.

"Hank! oh my god what happened? are you ok?!" Raven ran up to Hank, worry written all over her face.

"I'm ok Raven, nothing to wor.." Hank clears his throat trying to sound as if he had a voice, "worry about.." Hank winced at the sound of his, almost non existant, voice.

"you sound horrible what happened? oh my god! did I do that when I.." Hank cut her off, "no no no it wasn't you i promise!" Hank kissed her check.

"im taking a guess here and say that Charles had to use an epi-pen?" Hank nervously cleared his throat. 'i hope she doesn't think I'm weak because of this...'

'Hank, it was an allergy attack. Why would she think you weak?'

'I don't know... this wouldn't be the first time someone thought i was weak.'

'I'm sorry Hank'

'don't worry about it. I should probably get back to finding out what happened.'

'Hank, don't worry about it. I'm perfectly fine now. it was nothing. what you need to focus on his your own health!'

'thanks professor, but i really don't want to be laying in bed doing nothing.'

'i understand, just please be careful.' "ill leave you too alone." Charles walks out the door leaving Hank and Raven alone.

Hank walked over to his desk and sat in the chair, leaning his crutches up against the wall. "where you looking for me?"

"i wanted to see what you where working on. I came back after changing. What happened?"

"oh umm... " Hank started to blush

"Please tell me" Raven sat in a chair next to Hank.

"I had an allergy attack to something... I'm not sure what it was thought." Hank started to cough again. Raven rubbed his back until the coughing fit stopped. Hank realized how weird his throat felt.

Hank hadn't remembered the last time he had an allergy attack like that one. He forgot how it felt to have his throat start to close and how much it hurt to try to breath. He hated that feeling of being so vulnerable, especially in front of the girl of his dreams. "i'm sorry" hank winced at the pain in his throat.

"does it hurt?" Hank answered by putting a hand around his throat. "i'll be right back" Raven left the Lab to go make him some tea.

Hank smiled at the thought of Raven being so close, and being so caring. 'She didn't think i was weak'

Hank started to feel a tickle in his nose and he tried to rub it away but it just made it stronger. Hank put his elbow up to his face to capture the sneeze. The sneeze was stuck. "gre..great." Hank pinched the bridge of his nose and then he began to feel the tickle. "hih.... hih.....gah......GACHOO....GACHO...gah...GACHOO.." the tickle didn't cease "GHXT GHXT GHXT GHXT GHXT" Rapid fire sneezes exploded out of him. Hank was stifling his sneezes because it hurt unbaribly to let them out. "GHXT GHXT GHXT GHXT GHXT GHXT" The final sneeze Hank put his thumb and the pointer finger, pinching his nose and captured the sneeze. "ob by god.." Hank was then caught by a coughing fit.

Erik was standing in the doorway watching the whole thing, "geez Hank. I thought it would have been over by now. wow."

Erik scared the hell out of Hank, and since he was on the edge of his chair from the sneezing and coughing fit, and doubled over. Hank fell out of the chair. Hank had gasped, which he greatly regretted. the gasp induced another coughing fit. "god Erik. you scarbed the hell oud ob be! how log hab you beend standig there?" Hank and Erik where surprised at how congested he sounded.

"I came in right after Raven left." Hank wheeled over the box of tissues and blew his nose away from Erik. "If Charles knows about this youll be in bed for a week." Erik was leaning against the door crossing his arms.

"ya i know." sniffle "I hate this so much!" Hanks put his head in his hands.

"Charles is right. you should go lay down." Erik took a good look at Hank "your pale...more than usual.... Hank you look horrible. just go lay down or something. take something. Charles has to have stuff her somewhere."

Hank stifled two more sneezes pinching his nose. "I was fine before i came in here" Hanks voice was almost inaudible.

Erik raised a brow and started to walk up to Hank when Hank put up a hand to stop him. "what?"

"go back to the door, and when Raven comes back tell her to stay there too."

"Hank whats going on? why are you acting so weird? well weird for you."

"GHXT GHXT be... because I need to figure something out and no one can be in the Lab...GHXT... when i do it. better yet just leave the lab." Hank rubbed furiously at his nose and blew his nose again.

"Fine.... but I don't promise anything." Erik went out the door and went to talk to Charles. 'maybe Charles can get a hold of him.'

Hank locked the door behind Erik and went back to his desk to work on his theory.

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w00t.gif Hank and Raven!!! This is like the fanfic of my dreams!

Oh my gosh! thank you soo much! i seriously love you right now :) im really glad that you like my fic :) i dedicate everything to you :)

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Erik went to go find Charles but ran into Raven instead. "Raven come with me." Erik grabbed her wrist and went into the study where Charles sat in his desk chair looking through files. "Charles we have a problem."

"Erik what's wrong?" Charles stood up quickly and walked towards Erik and Raven. Charles looked at Raven and saw worry in her eyes, "what's happened?"

"Its Hank, he's locked himself in the lab and forbid anyone from coming in." Raven's worry was spread every inch of her face. "Charles can you talk to him? Can you find out what is going on? please!"

"I shall give it a try." 'Hank, can you hear me?' Charles was using his telepathy to get a hold of Hank.

'Professor, there is a leak in the lab. Please do not come in, for your own safety.'

'Hank, why do you think there is a leak? leak of what?' Charles put two fingers on each temple, confused.

'Well, the only things i am allergic to are cats, pollen, a chemical reaction that can kill anyone who breaths it in. I am immune except the fact that i get sick... but this has only happened once before. When I worked at the lab you meet me in, there was this chemical leak and I started to act like this, and when I looked into it I found out it would kill anyone within an hour. I'm thankful that no one was with me. I just don't want any of you hurt.'

'oh my. Can you fix it?'

'yes, but i'm going to need time. The rest of the mansion is fine, and i can make the lab visitable in an hour. It might smell like vinegar, that would be chemicals.'

'Alright, will you be alright?'

'ya i'll be fine...Professor, when i'm done.... I think I'm going to take you advise and stay in bed for.... about a week.' Hank laughed, which did not go unheard by Charles.

'You will have definitely earned it.' Charles smiled

'Thanks professor' Hank was hard at work looking for the leak and trying not to sneeze every two second. Trying to hold back his sneezes had made his eyes water, which did not help him see.

Hank was tired of trying to hold his sneezes in, so he let them all out at once. "GACHOO ACHOOO ACCHOO AHH-CHOO GAH.... GACHOOO ACHHHOOO AAXCHOO GACHOO CHOO. hih....hih...." Hank pinched his nose and stifled 4 rapid fire sneezes. Hank bent over from the force of each sneeze and ended up on his knees, feeling dizzy. "agh... that really hurt." Hank whipped his nose on a tissue and found some blood. "great... just great." Hank blew his nose, thankful that not a lot of blood came out.

'Hank are you alright? I felt some strange projections from you," Charles sounded concerned and started to think that this was a terrible idea.

'i'm fine. Just a sneezing fit, and i think i know what the source is. Charles, has anyone been in my lab? THere is an experiment cooking and i haven't been in this room today.'

'no, not without you. Charles and I will search the perimeter for any signs of a break in. I didn't feel anyone else's thoughts.'

'I can contain it, but i cant touch it without going into shock.'

'If you contain it can one of use touch it?'

'I can put it in a metal box and Eric can use his powers to move it out of here.'

'Perfect. Just please be careful.'

'I will' Hank, in record time, built a containment unit made of metal and placed it around the experiment. 'It's ready, Erik....Erik can come pick.. it up.'

'Hank? Are you feeling alright?'

'Ya...Yes im fine... just a little dizzy.'

Erik and the gang walked in and Erik Moved the box into Hanks quarantine room. Hank put one hand against the wall, and the other on his forehead.

Raven looked concerned and went over to Hank. Raven touched his arm and watched Hank's face turn into the wall and pinch his nose to stifle 3 sneezes. 'Bless you. You ok?'

Hank coughed and said, "Ya i'll be ok." Hank smiled but started to feel the room spin.

"Hank? HANK!" Raven yelled as Charles and Erik ran up to Hank, as Hank blacked out.

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Gah! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif Loving this! Thanks for dedicating me! I feel so specialblushsmiley.gif Keep writing!! This is great!!

thank you soo much! do u have any requests?

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Raven was holding on to Hank with tears running down her face. Erik and Charles where at her side in an instant.

"Raven, what happened?"

"I don't know. He...he just collapsed.."

"Raven, lets get him into bed. He needs to rest." Charles gave Raven a kiss on her check, while Erik picked up Hank and started to walk towards Hank's room.

"If he going to be ok Charles?" Raven's eyes where glassy from crying.

"He will be fine, just give it a couple days of rest. He must be exhausted." Charles went into Hanks room and watched as Erik laid him in bed.

Charles went over to Hanks bed and tucked him in. He felt a lot of heat radiating off of Hank. He put his hand to Hanks forehead, "Oh dear..."

"what's wrong?" Erik looked concerned. Thankfully Raven went to her quarters because Charles would never want to upset her, and neither would Hank.

"he has a fever. would you mind bringing me a thermometer?"

"ya, sure" Erik went to the kitchen and found a glass thermometer in one of the drawers. When he came back in the room he saw charles ring a washcloths and place it on Hanks forehead.

"what are you doing?"

"It will help the fever."

"oh...right.." Erik suddenly remember the last time he was sick, and when his mother did the same thing to him.

"may i have the thermometer?"

"oh ya... sure." Erik handed Charles the thermometer and Charles placed it in Hanks mouth.

"oh my.... 38 degrees Celsius." (that is 101 in Fahrenheit) Charles walked with Erik outside Hanks room. "Erik please do not mention anything to Raven. I would hate to have her worry."

"don't worry Charles. I wont tell Raven anything."

"thank you." Charles went out of the room to get a few things for Hanks allergy induced fever. While Hank was still unconscious, Erik sat in a chair across the room waiting for Hank to wake up.

"Come on kid, wake up." Erik was really concerned for the kid. He also felt sympathetic, but he would never let anyone know. He had a reputation to keep.

Erik noticed Hanks breathing sounded weird. "Hank?" Erik walked over to the side of his bed and bent down. 'Charles get in here now!'

'ah... not so loud.. whats wrong?'

'It's Hanks... his breathing is weird... and he sweating. what's going on?'

'He is probably having a nightmare.. he might be conscious. try to wake him up.'

Erik shook Hank yelling, "Hank! Wake up!"

Hank woke up coughing.

"geez, that sounds harsh." Alex was standing in the doorway.

"finally.. your up." Erik sounded relieved. "I'm going to go find Charles."

Alex walked into the room. "Are you sick or something?"

"no," Hank winced at how much his throat hurt "Allergy attack." Hank started to cough again

"to what?" Alex remembered the warning Charles sent telepathically "oh.. the chemical explosion thing, and the experiment that you didn't do..."

"something like that." Hank put his hand to his throat.

"you ok, man?"

"throat hurts..."


"no, i'm not sick."

"it's not closing is it?!"

"No no." Hank said under his breath, "it almost did."

"well, will you be ok?"

"yah...GAHCHO. Ugh excuse me."

"bless you."


"you feeling ok?"


Alex crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow

"i feel like crap."

Alex smiled and laughed "did the great goody goody just curse?! man you allergies must really suck!" Alex sat on the bed next.

"ha..ha.. very funny" Hank said sarcastically and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"aw im just messing with you Hank." Alex smiled and nudged Hank. Hank smiled and rolled his eyes.

"has anyone ever told you your juvenile?"

"ah there's the nerd we all know and love" Alex smiled and laughed, Hank gave in and laughed too. Alex put his arm around Hank and ruffled his hair.

"aww look at you too! your finally getting along!" Raven was in the doorway with the biggest grin on her face.

"Hey" Hank said as he noticed his voice crack. Alex giggled, and hank jabbed him in the gut.

"how are you feeling?" Raven noticed a faint blush on Hanks face

"fine thanks"

"good, maybe you would like to join us for dinner? if your up to it?"

"maybe later, I have to fix something first."

"wow, its been like, what? 5 minutes since you've been up and your already about to work? geez, you need to chill." Alex was flummoxed at how Hank is already ready to work.

" I've been 'chilling' for 3 hours."

Alex rolled his eyes, "whatever man, at least eat something ok? see you later man." Alex left the room with Raven to go eat.

"GHXCHT GHXCHT GHXCHT" Hank sniffed, "ugh... that hurt." Hank coughed and felt a little dizzy. "Get it together Hank!" Hank was mad at himself for showing such weakness.

Hank came out of his room just as Charles walked by, "ah Hank, I see you are feeling much better." Charles put on a smile.

"ya, thanks professor" Hank smiled back, and put his hand on the door frame, "I was just headed.."

"I was just going to the dinning Hall... Shall we." Charles interrupted Hank, well aware that he was about to go the lab, Not on Charles's watch. Hank followed the professor just as asked.

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"professor, im actually not feeling so well. I don't really want to be around them right now. Can i just.."

"Hank you are no stepping on foot into that lab until i am positive that it is safe for you. Your health is our number one priority right now. If you are not feeling well Hank, why don't you go lye back down and i'll bring you something?" Charles smiled.

"Thanks professor" Hank started to walk back to his room but stopped short infront of the lab.

'Hank, go back to bed, please' Charles voice ran through his head, and Hank put a hand against the wall to keep from falling over. His head was still fragile from the attack. Charles's telepathy did not help Hanks throbbing head.

"Come on." Erik slung one of Hank's arms around his neck and helped Hank into his bedroom. "still not up for dinning?" Erik gave a hint of a smile.

"I don't want to raise questions."

"you're afraid of what Raven's gonna say."

"You can read minds too?" Hank forced a smile to compliment the joke. Erik wasn't fooled by the smile, Erik knew that Hank was having trouble focusing.

"No, but i'm not stupid. You don't think i see the way you look at her? Your basically drooling." Hank blushed a lot. "your blushing"

"hmm? oh... I do feel kinda hot..." Hank winced at how unfocused his eyes are. Erik was started to realize the heat radiating off of Hank. When Hank and Erik finally got to Hank's room, Erik got Hank into bed and went to go get Charles.

As Erik got to the door Hank said, "Erik... Thanks for everything. It means a lot."

Erik smiled and was about to leave when he added, "don't worry i wont tell Raven."

Hank smiled as Erik left. Hank started to feel an annoying tickle in his nose again, "Gr...great....GAHCHOO..." Hank coughed "GHXXCHT, GCHOO, AXCHO, gah...GHXXT GHXXXCHT." Hank started to cough a lot when he heard Charles knock on the door. 'come in' Hank's throat hurt too much to speak.

"Ah Hank, I brought you some tea, and wan-tong soup"

'Thanks professor'

'Hank is something wrong? Usually you prefer conversation and not telepathy?'

'my throat is still sore from the Attack. Talking hurts.'

'Ah, I see. I am so terribly sorry for what happened.' Charles put the food on the nightstand beside Hank.

'I should be the one apologizing, I put all of you in Harms way.'

'No you didn't, if it wasn't for you we would all be in the infirmary.'

Hank didn't respond, he only laid down and watched Charles. Charles took a seat on the bed and put a hand on Hanks forehead. "well at least our fever is going down."

"they never last long, if I away from it Ill be fine. Don't worry about me so much."

Charles just smiled and left Hank to his dinner and Hank began to eat.

When Hank finished he got up and took his tray to the kitchen. HE looked around nervously for anyone still lingering around. "good, no one is around."

Hank had spoken to soon, "hey man, glad to see your alive." Hank look startled, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. You alright?"

"ya, fine." Hanks voice cracked and Hank winced at the pain.

Alex laughed, "your voice did not just crack!" Alex just noticed that Hank was trying not to talk, and how weak Hank's smile is. "Are you really ok? I can go get the Professor if you need him. Whats wrong?"

Hank put a hank over throat motioning that it hurts. Alex went over to the cupboard and got a glass of cold water. "trust me" Alex went back over to the cupboard and made a home remedy. Hank raised an eye brow at the weird concoction laid out in front of him.

"My brother was allergic to peanuts, and when he ate one and we treated it blah blah blah. If his throat still hurt we made this and it helped. Just trust me." For once Hank thought Alex was being serious, So he agreed and drank the weirdly sweet tasting concoction. "Just don't talk for ten minutes and you'll be fine. I have to practice so, see ya later. "

Alex left the room and Hank laid down on the couch and watched the news. 30 minutes passed by as Hank began to dose off, and he would have to if he didn't hear a loud boom. Hank ran for the practice room and saw that the room was on fire..again..

Hank go the extinguisher and began to kill the flames. Alex put a hand to the back of his head and laughed nervously, "i guess i have a lot to learn huh?"

"Yes, but you will get there." Charles helped Hank distinguish the flames. "glad your feeling better Hank. Thank you for the help." Hank just smiled.

Alex gave Hank a smile and a pat on the back. "glad to have ya back"

Hank cleared his throat and put the fire extinguisher away. Charles put away the mannequins as hank ran his fingers through his hair, "i guess i have to make.. modifications to your suit." Hank's voice sounded strained and tired.

"you've got your work cut out for you.." Alex smiled, "Did it work?" Alex was referring to the concoction.

"What worked?" Charles came out of the storage room.

"The medicine, and yes it did. Thank you." Hank smiled.

"anytime man, and sorry about the suit..."

"don't worry about it. It's an easy fix."

"And the nerd's back!" Alex smiled and ruffled his hair. "we missed ya!"

Hank smiled and muffled a cough in his sleeve, "Thanks Alex"

Alex left the room leaving Hank and Charles alone, "how do you feel? Don't try to hide anything."

"I'm fine professor, really!" Hank smiled and Charles put the back of his hand to Hank's forehead.

"you don't have a fever, as long as you feel up to it, you may go back in your lab. Just please have someone in there with you. Just in case something happens."

"I will professor. Thank you" Hank smiled and left the room. "Alex!" Hank yelled for Alex. Hank found Alex leaning against the wall waiting for Hank to catch up.

"what's up?"

"Charles says i need someone in the lab with me until i'm one-hundred percent healthy, so i was wondering if you would come with me? I could work on your suit"

"sure" Alex smiled "It might be fun"

Hank smiled and suppressed a laugh. Hank and Alex walked to the lab, and when the reached the door Hank began hesitating to open the door. Alex realizing this, opened the door and went in first. He turned around and motioned for Hank to follow. Hank hesitated but walked in and winced at the bright lights.

"You've been away from the lab for too long. Your starting to look like a lost puppy" Alex teased.

"maybe your right." Alex made a *are you saying i'm right and your wrong* face "just maybe!" Alex smiled and Hank sat in his swivel chair.

"So your going to work on my suit? or this thing?"

"Your suit.. and remind me to destroy that thing." Hank cleared his throat

"ok? What is all this stuff?"

"my equipment"

"oh, and you know how to use all of this stuff." Alex picked up a test tube

"Yes i do." Hank spinned around to face Alex and laughed. "Did you think i just have all this stuff for show?"

"Maybe..." Alex looked embarrassed.

"Don't worry, when i worked or the government they asked me the same thing." Hank turn around to start working on his suit."GACHO...." Hank barried his face in his sleeve.

"bless you" Alex was sitting by the window. Hank wasn't done.

"GHXCHT....GHXCHT...ha..haGHXCHT.. ugh." Hank coughed in the crock of his arm and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Geez, one question.... why do you stifle them? i mean some of us have to like me and Banshee... But you don't."

"I wouldn't but my throat is fully healed yet. Im trying not to strain it even more."

"Oh. Them shut up.. Your not helping your self by talking." Hank coughed and shook his head. Alex stared out the window while Hank worked on his suit. Alex got up from the window and walked over to Hank.

Hank lifted his head up to see Alex then went back to working. "Do you like it?"

Alex went out of his daydream and said, "huh? oh ya looks great Hank." Alex put a hand on his back and walked toward the door. "I'm going to get a snack. Do you want anything? Or do you not allow food in the lab."

"Since I'm just working on your suit and not chemicals then Yes, i allow food."

"k, ill be back. Try not to go in shock while i'm gone" Alex left for the kitchen.

Hank was relieved that he was gone, not he could let go on some nasty coughs. The coughs where harsh, and sounded painful and congested. "what the hell..." Hank got out of his chair and put his hand on his head and tried to breath through his mouth and kept coughing. 'Ok, my allergies are kicking up... Dust? It can't be the chemical... I took care of it...Maybe it is dusty in here..'

Hank began to feel light headed and went out of the lab. "I can't do this."

"Can't do what?" Alex was right in front of him.

Hank gasped then started to cough again. He tried to speak but he couldn't, Hank's voice was gone.

"Hank?" Alex walked over to him and rubbed his back while Hank coughed. "come on" Alex and hank walked over to the couch and Hank laid down. Alex went and got cough syrup. "what the hell happened?"

Hank tried to speak but no words came out. He pointed to the lab.

"something happened in the lab?" Hank moved his hand to say, kinda.. "allergy attack?" Hank coughed in answer. "I thought you got ride of that chemical thing..." Hank mouthed *I did* "then what's the problem?" Hank shrugged. "great.."

"GHXCHT" Hank put his forehead in his hands as Charles walked in.

"Charles, we need help..." Alex looked concerned.

"Hank are you alright?" Hank shook his head. "what happened"

"Hank can't speak"

"oh?" Charles took Hank's chin "open" Hank opened his mouth and looked at his throat with a flashlight. "there is still swelling from your allergy attack before so this is your bodies way of trying to get you to rest. You need it Hank, just lay down here and watch TV.

'Professor, can you get the lab cleaned?'

'of course. Why?'

'I can't breathe in there, too much dust and i believe traces of the chemicals are still in that chamber.'

'Of course Hank. just get some rest'

"what are you to talking about?" Alex looked at how Charles and Hank where just staring at each other. Apparently Charles and Alex where having telepathic conversation.

"Since Hank can't speak he can communicate with us through your minds." Charles smiled and put a hand on Hank's shoulder. Hank smiled.

"Hank you look really pale? Are you sure this isn't making you s..." Hank put up a hand to shush Alex, and placed a fist against his lips.

"Hank, what's wrong?" Charles looked concerned, but Hank just got up a went outside.

"What's going on with Hank? He is usually so... Not like that.." Alex was confused.

"I'm not sure Alex, but we should let him be for now." Charles gave a sympathetic look.

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Ok this has to be my fave part by far! SO MUCH HANK GOODNESS!!! It is extremely hard to find any First Class fics about him (most of them are all about Charles or Erik) but this is just so great I cannot stop reading it!!

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Hank ran out of the door and ran into the forest and laid down in the grass. Hank let out really harsh coughs. he winced at the pain and rolled onto his side. "GACHOO GA GAHCHOO! AHCHOOO AUGH!" hank wheezed.

"Hank?" Erik found Hank in the forest. "What the hell are you doing out here?"

"please," Hank started wheezing a lot, "i want to be alone right now."

"Hank, can you breathe?"

"I'm fine, please don't make me speak right now..." Hank rubbed at his throat.

"I thought you where better?"

"I thought so to..."

'Charles, you might want to come out here..'

Charles, looked out the window and saw Hank bent over coughing.

"I know your talking to Charles, I don't need help. I just need... need to get out of the mansion.."

"The mansion is making you sick??"

"Yes." Hank stood up wobbly and Hank helped him up. "Thagks.." Hank put a fist up by his mouth again.

"come on.. lets get you into bed its really late, and i don't think you need a cold on top of this."

Charles meet them at the door, "Hank i'll make you some tea. Please get some rest."

Erik brought Hank to his room and tucked him in. Erik felt his forehead and it was warm. "ah shit, your fever is back."

Charles came in with a cup of tea.

"I think you should take a look at Hank, Charles. His fever is back." Charles put a hand on Hank's forehead and and sighed.

"Its quite high, Erik would you mind getting me a cold rag from the kitchen?"

Erik walked quickly to the kitchen and what Charles asked for. When he got back Hank was in his bed sweating and shaking but fast asleep. Charles rubbed his head calming him down. "Shhh....shhh. it's all right"

"here Charles..Is he going to be ok?" Erik handed Charles the cloths and Charles put it on Hanks forehead.

"I think so... we will just have to wait and see." Charles frowned and looked sympathetic at Hank.

------------------------------------------------------------NEXT DAY--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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The next day Hank felt very cold. He threw on a long sleeved T-shirt and his sweats. "GHXCHT" Hank sniffed and shivered. Coughing, Hank crawled back into bed and tried to get warm.

"Good morning Hank, how are you feeling?" Charles came into Hank's room with a steaming cup of tea.

"I beel awbul..." Hank coughed into his arm, "Idt's freebing id dhere.."

"you sound awful... I'll be back with some decongestions." Hank just smiled as Charles left the room. Charles thought 'I should have never let him back in the lab.. Poor boy. What is making him so ill? maybe we should all get out of the mansion...maybe a vacation will help Hank.'

Hank curled up in his bed and fell asleep. A couple minutes later Charles came back in with some medicine for Hank, who gratefully took them. "Thagks" Hank sat up in his bed and rubbed at his sinuses.

Charles left the room and went to his study the rest of the day. Charles was reading the newspaper when he saw an add for a vacation RV, and got the idea for a vacation from the mansion.

Charles went back into Hank's room and saw Hank sitting on his bed, "Hank, do you think getting out of the mansion and going somewhere thats warmer will help you? Maybe something in the mansion has made you sick. I don't mind getting it checked." Charles sat on the bed and rubbed Hanks back.

"Souds great." Hank cleared his throat and was thankful that the decongestion medicine was already starting to work.

"splendid, i'll ask the rest of the team, while you rest." Charles set the air to flow fresh from outside."

"HGXCHT.. ugh scuse be.."

"bless you" Charles walked out of the room to go tell the others.

Charles got everyone to the living room to discuss the vacation. "I was thinking maybe it is time to have a little vacation. I believe it will be nice for Hank to be away from the lab, and besides i need this mansion cleaned anyway. What do you say?"

Everyone smiled and cheered for the vacation, everyone except Erik. Erik was sitting next to Charles on the sofa and watched the excitement on everyone's face. Erik finally cracked a smile when he saw Raven's glowing smile. He was excited for the vacation, he was just worried about how it would affect Hank.

Everyone ran to their rooms to get packed for the big trip tomorrow. Charles got a private plane to a tropical island.

Charles came into Hank's room to see him packing, "I see your feeling better." Charles smiled

"thanks professor" Clearing his throat he zipped up his suit case and sat on the bed. "GHXCHT GHXCHT."Hank walked into the bathroom to blow his nose.

"bless you, Do you have everything you need?"

"ya. Thank you professor for everything." Hank smiled.

"Of course Hank, i'm just glad your feeling better. these few days your health has been staggering, maybe it is way overdue for a vacation hmm?"

Hank just smiled and brought his suit case to the front of the house to get ready for the trip. Everyone else's suit cases where by the door and everyone was seated at the table waiting for dinner. Raven patted the seat next to here signaling Hank to sit.

Hank mouthed, 'I can't"

'Why not?' Raven mouthed back.

Hank gave in knowing he would not win this argument. Hank sat down shyly and drank some water. Everyone was talking about how amazing the trip is going to be while Hank sat there quietly with a splitting headache he was trying to hide. Raven held his hand and he faked a smile to say. 'i'm ok'

When dinner was finally over Hank walked back to his room and shut the door. He took a shower and put on his sweat pants and left his shirt off. He was about to got climb into bed when Raven came in. "Hey you" Raven smiled but then blushed when she saw Hanks surprisingly amazing abs.

"Oh hi" Hank was scrambling for a shirt and quickly put it on. Hank's face became mildly red but Raven thought it was kinda cute.

"I just came in here to see how you where holding up" Raven sat on the bed next to Hank.

"I'm fine. Why? you don't have to worry about me." Hank just smiled and intwined his fingers in hers.

"I'm not worried, your a lot smarter than i am. So...i'm pretty sure you can handle yourself." Raven kissed his temple and walked out of the room.

Hank smiled as she left, "goodnight"

"night!" Raven shouted from a cross the hall from her room.

Hank jumped into bed feeling really happy and felt the pain in his head cease. Hank fell asleep with in ten minutes and slept peacefully all night long.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------next day----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I'm sorry these are so short. i hope you still like them :)

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Hank woke up the next morning feeling slightly better, except for the sneezing and the sinus pressure, and lets not forget the occasional need to clear his throat. "HGCHT CCHOO" a quick double spewed out of him when he opened the curtains and he sunlight reached his eyes. Hank sniffled and and cleared his throat before putting on a button up shirt and some jeans.

Raven knocked on the door, "Come in" Raven came in with a huge smile and in a sundress.

"Hank come on breakfast is ready!" She left to get breakfast and Hank followed.

Everyone sat at the table eating breakfast, all excited about the up coming trip and was all they could talk about. Charles had a beach house on an island that is completely cut away from anyone which is perfect. Everyone could freely use there powers or in Raven's case, be herself.

Breakfast was over and everyone boarded Charles's private plane to the island. Hank and Raven sat together on the plane with Alex and Sean sitting across from them. Charles's and Erik where in the back talking about god knows what.

"How are you holding up Hank?" Alex looked at Hank who was trying to read.

Hank looked up, "um.. I'm fine." Hank smiled.

"you definitely look better than yesterday." Raven smiled, and Hank buried his nose deeper in his book slightly embarrassed.

"Okayyyy," Sean said "lets change the subject" Sean was the only one who noticed or at least carried at the fact that Hank looked embarrassed.

Hank smiled in thanks. As the flight went on Raven drifted off into sleep along with Alex and Sean. Hank was trying to be as quiet as possible so he didn't wake his companions., but all of a sudden a tickle grew and he had to sneeze. Hank squinted his eyes and put a hand under his nose trying to suppress the tickle but no such luck.

The tickle was not inevitable so he pinched his nose and bent forward with every sneeze. He thought he was done when he hit four but there was one more still left in him. "hih...." He tried to stifle but he couldn't. It was too strong so the ending of his sneeze came out, " gggcht" Hank felt really dizzy so he decided to try to sleep this off.

Hank finally fell asleep and stayed that way for about three hours.

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