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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Adam Levine fic


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Inspired by NightWolf's fic I decided to finally get off my butt and write one myself. If I ever finish this don't be surprised if it becomes slash with Blake, but for now it can be viewed as friendship fluff. Hope you enjoy.

Adam looked at his face in the mirror and wondered how high his fever was now. Sweat beaded along his brow, face flushed, and he swiped a finger beneath his tender reddening nostrils that seemed to be producing a never ending stream of mucous. He sniffed which ignited a very familiar tickle giving him plenty of time to cup his hands tightly around his nose.

"h'PTSHHHuh! Ugh." Adam rocked slightly from the force of the sneeze and pressed his body against the sink to steady himself, a wave of dizziness coursed through his brain and he tried not to wonder about how he'd be able to make it to his car, let along, drive it right now.

Washing his hands, Adam was barely aware of the door opening and a friendly hand on his shoulder.

"Thought I heard you in here."

Adam started to bring his arm up to wipe his nose, as if a trail of slime on his arm rather than his upper lip would somehow make him more presentable, but was interrupted.

"Whoa man, isn't your nose sore enough."

Blake pulled a freshly pressed handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to the younger singer.

Adam mumbled a thanks before wiping his nose and blowing softly, semi embarrassed but also being too sick to care... much.


Adam slowly nodded, body still pressed against the sink, dizziness having never fully left.

"Had it last week, sucks."

A pang of guilt hit Adam for not having known his cohort was sick.

"You know you're coming home with me, right?"

Okay, now Adam was just confused, and it must have been written all over his face because Blake didn't wait for a reply.

"Man, you're sick as a dog. I'm not leaving you to suffer alone in that lousy apartment of yours. Besides, I already had this bug so I'm not going to catch it from you, and I'm already stocked with medicine and soup, which I'm willing to bet you have none of."

Clearly this had been thought out but that didn't stop Adam from being his stubborn self.

"I'm fine." The defiant attempt was short lived though, since as he turned from the steady support of the sink he collapsed against his friend, legs buckling as his vision swam.

"You're fine alright. Two options buddy, my place or the doctor's office."

"No doctor." Adam sniffed adamantly, quite content where he was, wrapped in Blake's supportive arms.

"My place it is."

Adam moaned in discontent as he was shuffled from his position, up and out to the car.


Miranda rushed around frantically and didn't bother looking up as the door opened.

"Where were you? I was worried you weren't going to be here to see me off."

Almost as if rehearsed Blake put his hands on his wife's shoulders and she finally paused looking him in the eye.

"You're going to do great sweetheart and I'm sure you have everything you need."

"Thanks honey." Pleasantly lost in a kiss she almost didn't hear the squeak of a sneeze behind her husband.

"You bring someone home?" Miranda asked. Peering around her husband, red rimmed eyes met hers, lower face still covered in a sheet of white.

"Oh Adam, not you too now." The woman sympathetically clucked as she tossed her purse on her shoulder.

"I figured you wouldn't mind me having a roommate for while you're gone."

"Not at all. Hope you feel better Adam." A quick peck on her man's lips and she was out the door. Not a moment too soon Adam thought as he gave into the itch still plaguing his nose.

"k'TSHHH h'TSHOO huh'" his breath hitched, sure there was another sneeze, but Adam's shoulders slumped as it was lost.

"Bless you man."


"Nyquil and bed?"

"Hell yes."


Blake felt the tossing and turning before the coughing caused him to crack an eye open.

The younger man's seated form was silhouetted perfectly by the window. The bed shook as coughs became increasingly chestier.

"Need more water?"

"Can't kfff kfff breathe kfff."

That had Blake's attention and he almost shot out of bed.


Adam's eyes, though tearing, still clearly expressed his thoughts, 'overreact much.'


Nodding, the man tried to restrain his protesting lungs as Blake walked him to the bathroom.


Settled into the comfortable shower steam, Adam was finally able to breathe deep and cough up some of the junk filling his lungs. Noting a thing of eucalyptus oil, Adam's bravery, or stupidity, got the best of him as he took a tentative sniff. Now that ignited a tickle. A quick breath gave way to five rapid fire stifles, but after a few thorough blows his nose seemed surprisingly clear. Not that moments later the mucous didn't continue to trickle down, but at least he had a few seconds respite.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another little addition...

The next morning Adam woke uncomfortably cold and he wondered how long Blake had been gone. After a quick attempt at cleaning up, he found his friend reclined on the couch.

"Hey, how you feeling." Blake sat up more, inviting Adam over. At first Adam was going to jokingly slump up against the taller man, but then Blake surprised him by holding his arm out for Adam to... cuddle... against him. Thoughts swirled through his brain, 'what did this mean, was he making a big deal out of nothing, did this make him a girl in this 'relationship', aw screw it, I'm freezing and feel like crap.'

Yup, definitely the right conclusion. Almost instantly his muscles relaxed into the heat, and just as quickly it was jerked away.

"What the hell is your temperature, like 120."

"That would make me dead." Then Adam added, "cold", but Blake had already left the room, probably for a thermometer. Yup, the dreaded stick appeared.

'Take it like a man' he tried to tell himself, but his nose had other plans anyways. Covering his nose did nothing to prevent the small contraption from sliding along the floor.

"Well, we know it's above one hundred," Blake mused, picking the thing off the floor. "Bless you by the way."


Adam sniffed and regretted dry swallowing the capsules placed in his hand, thankfully water came next and he managed to choke them down.

"You sound awful." And the longer he was awake, the worse it seemed to get. Hopefully the pills would help with the ever increasing headache permeating every area of his skull, but he doubted that they would help with his aching muscles. As if Blake could read his mind, large hands began to knead at Adam's back and shoulders, eventually moving to his collarbone gently easing Adam against his chest for a much needed nap.


The next thing he was aware of was his nose. His very very itchy nose. Thankfully there was this nice piece of flannel cloth within easy scratching distance. Through the congestion he thoughtfully mused that it smelled kind of like Blake as he openly sneezed and nudged against the cloth. Then there was a chuckle, and he remembered that thought of it smelling like Blake. Shit. He opened his eyes and almost forgot his embarrassment as he saw the smile that made the skin around Blake's eyes crinkle.

"I have piles of handkerchiefs around this apartment and you use my shirt." Blake laughed it off lightly, far more amused than irritated.

Adam mumbled something about it being 'more manly' and Blake just laughed harder.

"Yeah, cause nuzzling a man's shirt is so much more manly."

Adam mumbled another unintelligible something before smothering his face back into his friends shirt, and couldn't help the broad smile spreading across his face as he felt Blake's hand caress his neck and scratch at his scalp. Being sick definitely had some benefits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I have the next part. Would really appreciate some more feedback for me to continue with this. Also, if there is more it will probably be a lot more heavy on the slash. Please please comment. Also if there is anything you would like included I'm open to suggestions.

Adam couldn't remember ever having felt this sick in his life. At least that is the thought he would have had if he could get his foggy fevered brain to think in sentences. Trying to assess the situation he stretched his neck a little and was surprised to feel a gentle touch smooth across his stubbled cheek. Opening his eyes, he moved a little, congestion shifting around his skull.

"h'K'TSHH hu'PTSHHH!" A cotton covered hand caught the messy onslaught and he relished the supporting hands placed behind and in front of his head.

"How you feeling?"

"Crab." His voice was weak, and grated at his throat.

"I'm going to assume you meant something a little less savory."

Adam didn't really have time to ponder this as another sneeze snuck up on him, and to his amazement his friend caught that one too.

"Blow?" It was phrased as a question but he took it as more of an order and complied, emptying little and seemingly just shifting around the blockage some more.

"MPFSH! hU'MPFSHHH!" This time allowing the sneezes to exit just from his nostrils, they seemed a little more productive, as was his following blow.

"Bless you." God he loved that southern drawl.

"Thags." Adam tried to bring his hands up to take the handkerchief but was puzzled to find them unable to move much in large oversized gloves.

Blake laughed at the confusion evident on his costar's face.

"Have you even figured out where we are yet?"

Adam looked around for the first time and realized they were laying in the hallway next to the bathroom.

"You don't remember last night at all do you?"

Adam shook his head only to irritate his nose further and Blake's practiced hand helped stifle another few sneezes.

"Bless you."

Adam gave a test sniffed to make sure he was done before thanking the man, secretly loving being blessed but wondering if Blake would ever get tired of it.

"If I didn't remember how much you hated hospitals we would have been there. Your temp was 104 for over two hours and you agreed to a cool shower. I couldn't get you past here afterwards."

Adam blushed realizing only now that he was naked under the pile of blankets encasing his lower half.

"And the gloves?"

"Yeah, did I mention the fever. You weren't really making much sense, but you asked for them and I figured if it calmed you enough to let me cool the rest of you down, what the hay."

Adam finally managed to make the effort to move enough to work at getting the gloves off. He was going to ask for help but his counterpart was a little preoccupied.

"hi'TSCH, TCHuh, h'ITSH, hn'TSH, h'uPTSHH!" Blake shook his head, having blocked the sneezes with his arm.

Adam's heart sunk as he thought of getting Blake sick.

"Ugh, can we move to the couch now. My left butt cheeks asleep and my nose has finally registered being on the floor."

"You're not sick." Adam replied hopeful.

"Heck no," Blake laughed and rubbed at his nose making it glow pink, "I told you I already had this, just dust allergies." Adam brought a hand up and rubbed away a tear from the older man's reddening eye, before being pushed away from another fit of airy sneezes.

"Bless you. You know you didn't have to stay down here with me, or you could have at least taken some benadryl?"

"Yeah, cause that would be genius, knock the only coherent person out." Blake noticed the guilty expression Adam gave.

"Hey, it's okay. I'd rather take care of my buddy any day." Blake scruffled the man's dark hair. You okay?"

"Yeah." Adam moaned a little as his muscles protested more movement but he motioned Blake off with a flop of his hand.

"Kay, well, I'm going to go take a shower if you don't mind."

"Sounds good, you stink from all this caretaking anyways." At last, his brain allowed for a snarky comment.

Clearly satisfied that his friend was on the mend Blake stood and smiled, "As if you could smell anyways." A light chuckle filled the hall before the sound of running water overshadowed it.

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