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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Supernatural Fic for Nebula!


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Inspired by this prompt from TG's meme:

Dean is used to stifling sneezes when they're in public, because he's embarrassed about it, and after a day of doing this because he has the worst cold ever, interviewing witnesses on a hunt, they're back at the motel room and Sam is like: come on, man let it out, no need to be embarrassed. And maybe there are cuddles, if it's slash, or just awesome Sam caring for his brother, if it's gen.

Hopefully it doesn't totally suck, I haven't really written Dean before so yeah...

Hope you enjoy it, Nebula! hug.gif

“Are you sure you’re up to this, Dean?” Sam’s tone clearly stated that it wasn’t really a question; he knew perfectly well what condition his brother was in.

“’Course Sammby, I’mb fine”. Sam raised his eyebrows at Dean, but made no comment. He wasn’t convinced, but there was only one witness left. After that they could go back to the motel, and he’d make Dean get some rest and-


“Bless you” Sam sighed. That was another thing: Dean had been keeping that up all damn day. For such an outgoing person, he sure could be shy about some things.

Sam strode up to the door, Dean shuffling about a pace behind. He tried to ignore the snuffling and heavy breathing that accompanied his brother and rapped on the solid wood.

A man in his mid-twenties opened the door hesitantly.

“Mr Mason?” He gave a nervous nod.

“I’m FBI Agent Angus and this is Agent Young, we just need to ask you a couple of questions regarding the incident at the fairground”. Sam handed over his ID, closely followed by Dean.

He returned them and stood back to let the two in.

“So, Mr Mason, what exactly did you see?” asked Sam once they were settled on the sofa.

“I already told the police-”

“We just want to hear it from your own mouth” he prompted.

“hhh’gktt!” He risked a glance at Dean, who was massaging his temples with a grimace. Their eyes met and Dean forced a strained grin.

It was a second before Sam realised that the witness was talking to him

“-I didn’t exactly see it, I sort of…heard it”.

“You heard the girl?”

“Yeah. But that was it”.

“huHhh’gchkk!” Sam noticed the guy’s gaze flicker to Dean, and distracted him hastily.

“So you didn’t actually see her?”

“No. I just heard this-”

“Thank you for your time, Mr Mason. We’ll call you if we have any further questions”. The man looked bewildered at the abrupt intervention.

“But I didn’t-”

“We’ve got all we need, thank you Mr Mason”.

Sam had made up his mind. This witness was a dead-end: the statement he’d given to the police detailed exactly what he had heard, and what they really needed was an eye-witness account. That and he couldn’t stand watching Dean suffer for much longer.

They walked out into the cool Autumnal afternoon. Dean pulled the keys to the Impala from his suit pocket, pausing with them in his hand to stifle two “hhHh’gTtchh! uhh’nggk!” minor explosions into his wrist. On opening his eyes Dean found his hand empty.

“Did you take the keys?” Sam nodded, spinning them around on one finger, and he reached out to take them.

“Dean, I’m not letting you drive. You’ll get us both killed”. Dean seemed reluctant but consented tiredly, slipping into the passenger seat.


“You know you can stop now, right?” Sam asked rhetorically in frustration.


“Dean, stop that. Just sneeze; there’s no one here but me”.

“That’s a little hypocritical coming fromb you”. Sam rolled his eyes.

“Just humour me, okay?”

Dean sat down grumpily on the nearest bed and blew his nose as loudly as he could, earning an incredulous look from Sam.

“Would you stop that?”

“Oh, so you want me to stop that too, huh?” Dean snapped grouchily.

“No, it’s just not necessary to be so damn loud”.

“Well tough luck, Sammy, b-because-hHhuhh’hrsHhhhhh!”

“Bless you. See, that wasn’t so hard” Sam grinned triumphantly. Dean shot him a glare before doubling over with another “uHhh’tHhhshhhhhhuh!”.

“Bless you again. It’s okay, Dean” he said, catching sight of his brother’s embarrassed expression.


“Feel better?” Sam asked.

“Dno” Dean protested with the air of an overtired toddler, pouting.

“C’mon. You need to get some rest” he said with a chuckle, securing the covers warmly around Dean.

“But I dond’t wan…” Dean’s sentence slipped into snuffly snores as his eyelids fluttered closed. Sam smiled and tightened the blanket around him.

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That was brilliant!! Honestly, I really enjoyed it! Are you going to continue this lovely story? smile.png

I wasn't intending to, I was a bit hesitant in writing Dean since I haven't done it before, but I might play with him a little longer... twisted1.gif I'm guessing you'd like to see a continuation?? :D

Anyway I'm really glad that you enjoyed it and thank you for the comment! <3

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So so so so cute. I love this idea, and I love fics where someone is stifling and then gradually has to let them out, and oh my god your spellings are awesome and Sam is so sweet and I loved that "hypocritical" comment and wowwww keep em comin, you're so good at this!!!

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This was a lot of fun to read, I love sick dean smile.png and your spellings were awesome.

Thank you! I wasn't sure about the spellings so I'm glad you liked them biggrin.png

So so so so cute. I love this idea, and I love fics where someone is stifling and then gradually has to let them out, and oh my god your spellings are awesome and Sam is so sweet and I loved that "hypocritical" comment and wowwww keep em comin, you're so good at this!!!

Aww thanks so much!! I'll definitely be posting some more soon smile.png

Edited by MaiMai
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Awww! This was super super cute and I don't know how, since I didn't detail you a specific prompt from the meme, but you managed to pick one that I would definitely have ended up picking myself :laugh: Really good job, the characterisation was great. Thank-you!

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Awww! This was super super cute and I don't know how, since I didn't detail you a specific prompt from the meme, but you managed to pick one that I would definitely have ended up picking myself laughing.gif Really good job, the characterisation was great. Thank-you!

Yay I'm glad you liked it!! It took me ages to actually choose a prompt, there are so many awesome ones, so I'm glad I managed to choose the right one! :D

Aw! Such a cute story!!

Awww thank you so much!!

Great job! very cute.

Thanks, I'm happy you enjoyed it!

That was one of the cutest things I've ever read!

Thank you so much!! Glad you thought it was cute :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

AWWWWWW DEAN AW AW. I love this.

Dean is so reluctant and miserable during the whole interview and Sam is just so knowing and encouraging. And Dean is all embarrassed and it's SO ADORABLE oh my gosh. It's just really really really cute.

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