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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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@ Tassielli

I'm glad you like it! Lol, part 3 was definitely the most fun to write.

@ Daisoku

I'll admit, I lol'ed at your typed reaction. But that's good! It means I did something right.

@ smmoct3

Hi! So happy you liked it, and thanks for the compliment on my writing! Unfortunately, I don't find hobbits very attractive and I'm not so sure I could take them seriously enough to write sneezing fanfiction about them, lol. Sorry, I wish I could but I know I would be giggling while I typed on the keyboard :( But thanks again for the review and reply, it means a lot :)

@ stargazer

Yup, I finally started Arc 2, even though it was very brief. I hope to remedy that soon, since it looks like many of you are devout Legolas fans.

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  • 4 weeks later...

~~Arc 2, Part 2~~

Legolas found himself staring into the beautiful eyes of Lady Galadriel, one of the wisest and oldest elves left in Middle Earth. He had heard whispers that she could see into the minds of all younger elves and lesser beings.

As if on cue, she smiled slightly and quietly whispered, “Do not trouble yourself, young son of Thranduil. Let the Golden Wood ease the shadow on your mind.” She paused, watching him silently as he couldn’t help but sniffle wetly and then cough softly into his silver threaded tunic sleeve.

The elleth draped in brilliant white linen extended a hand to Legolas’s shoulder, “My people cannot ease the matters of the heart, but they can help alleviate the discomfort of your illness. Follow me,” it was not a question.

Legolas followed the barefoot elf up the wooden bridges and stairs and into the main city built upon the mallorn branches. The first rays of dawn were just shining through the leaves above, casting a pale golden light across the clearings. The glare the morning sky cast was not as harsh as the light of the afternoon, but still, Legolas squinted his eyes as the two elves turned to face the rising sun and enter through one of the small doors to the healing talan.

Even though he was ill, Legolas’s itchy, stuffy elven nose was still moderately efficient. He could detect many faint smells wafting into the large hallway from the attached apothecary. They were not at all unpleasant smells like the healing rooms of men, and Legolas felt at ease immediately. He soon felt a slight tickly pin prick in his left nostril, but thought nothing of it, as he could not accurately discern whether or not the tickle was caused by the new smells or his cold.

Lady Galadriel led him to one of the small, private rooms near the back of the healing area. Legolas entered the quiet room as the elleth pulled forward the heavy soundproof curtain from the outside and went to alert one of the healers.

The private room was very pleasing to the eye, with a mahogany table, medicinal cabinet and a few chairs. There was also a plush blue-grey chaise lounge chair seated next to the lone window that provided the light for the dimly lit room. He smiled to himself as he climbed up and reclined, stretching sleepily into the cushy pillows.

Legolas could now identify the main smell exuding from the nearby apothecary. Lissuin. The flower’s scent resembled honey, and he knew it was used to ease the heart and mind. Were they making a potion for him already?

As soon as Legolas had almost drifted off to sleep, Lady Galadriel and another elleth dressed in white and grey healer’s robes slipped through the curtain. She held a tray of assorted items and placed it on the nearby table while Galadriel seated herself in one of the chairs.

The new, auburn-haired elleth bowed in front of the still-reclined elf, who blearily blinked up at her. Truth be told, Legolas could not see her facial features, as his eyes were watering from the impending sneezing fit that had decided to creep up on him.

“Hiih…” he reached up with both hands and covered his nose and mouth with his silver sleeves, not bothering to sit up.

“Hhihh…” The brunette healer watched the ellon’s chest rise and fall as he struggled with the teasing build up. She looked back up to his face, where his eyelids had closed and eyebrows had furrowed. The elleth had to admit, she had never seen the Mirkwood Prince before. From what she knew, last time he had visited Lorien they had both been children. He was very handsome, even in ill health, and she wondered of his natural beauty.

Lady Galadriel coughed politely and shook the healer’s thoughts back to reality. She turned her head to offer an apology to the Lady of Lorien, but her attention snapped back to Legolas when his sneezing fit had crested.

“Hehh… Hihh… Hehshoo! Heh… He-ishoo! Heh...hihhh...ihh… HEH-ISHOO!”

Legolas scrubbed his nose with his now moist sleeve and sat up to look at the healer that had been assigned to him.

She smiled warmly, “Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduillion. I am a healer here, but I specialize in medicine and other natural remedies. I will be seeing to your health while you are here.”

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Hehe, sorry ladies! I know it's been almost a month since I last updated, but I had general laziness and also college finals to study for. Good news though, they're over now and I get out for winter break this Saturday :D

Let me know what you think about the development! We may have a sneaky elleth here soon, if you guys are up for that? Also, Erestor and Elrond have to eventually wake up, they've been sleeping for a month now haha <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'M BACK! Guess who I got this time? Also new sneezing types ahead~

Please let me know what you guys think, I am thrilled whenever people write comments :D

~~Arc 1, Part 4~~

Pale yellow sunlight flickered through the sparkling window panes of Erestor’s apartment. Slowly, as the sun rose higher, beams of light eventually made their way across the room and directly onto the closed eyelids of Elrond Halfevlen, waking him from slumber.

The chocolate-haired lord made to get up out of the chair he seemed to have fallen asleep in, only to realize that Erestor’s weight was still slouched against him, with the darker brunette’s head cradled by Elrond’s shoulder. He pondered what to do while still trying to turn his face from the sun without moving too much.

He had been so tired last night that he had just picked up Erestor, who had fallen asleep, and … cuddled him on a chair. Why had he done that?! There was Erestor’s bed in the next room over… why hadn’t he just laid him down there and return to his own rooms?

Well, now he was in quite a predicament. On one hand, he wanted to stay with Erestor and be there with him when he awoke. On the other, he didn’t really want Erestor to wake up and find himself sitting on the half-elf’s lap, as Erestor was known for being cold and grouchy when he didn’t feel like being emotionless. Elrond knew it all was just a mask, but still… if Erestor reacted negatively to the half-elf’s deepening feelings for him, it would be intensified by the awfulness of the head cold.

Elrond blinked the sunlight away again. He was trapped, to put it amusingly, by Erestor’s sleeping body.

He was also a photic sneezer.

He closed his eyes and tried to will away the slow-burning tickle that had started in his left nostril. “Huhhhh…”

In actuality, Elrond didn’t mind sneezing too much. Being half-human, he did have some mild allergies that turned up now and then, as did his twin sons. Sometimes, he even sneezed randomly during the day, like humans. The elves of Rivendell knew of these slight weaknesses and paid it no mind, even keeping the secret quiet from the other elven realms. Elrond sneezed freely around his people of Rivendell and they did not mind, but he did try to hold them back or at least excuse himself from rooms when there were visitors near, as he did not want to look bad in front of the other elven realms. Those days Erestor stepped in for him when his allergies overcame him or illness surprised him.

“Huh...ehh… heh...,” he could feel it building and he could no longer open his eyes. He kept his head turned sideways and prepared for the worst.

Erestor… he could feel the black-haired elf’s slow breathing against his neck. Valar! He should have just moved Erestor over to the bed earlier when he had awoken instead of sitting here dumbly before the sneeze had crept up on him.

The sneeze had slowly crept up to the back of his nose, towards his sinuses, but still, his breath only barely hitched and he couldn’t really feel the ‘sneezy’ feeling yet. To help move it along, he imagined a blade of wheat grass tickling the inside of his nose, gently teasing the soft hair inside. It seemed to help, as he could feel the sneeze take hold now.

“Huhh...hehhh…” he could feel slight tears beginning to form in the corners of his eyes, and he could also feel his chest expanding with each deeper breath, shifting Erestor’s sleeping weight with it.

The chocolate-haired half-elf imagined the wheat grass blade going a little higher up, worming its way into his sinus cavities… that was all he needed...and...he took a final deep breath…there--!

“Heh… ESHoo! ISHOO! ESHoo!... Huh… Hi-ehhhSHOO! Hehh...HESHOOOO!”

The huge fit over, he gasped for air and blinked away the tears that had formed. He looked over to Erestor’s form and winced, preparing for him to be awake and angrily staring, but to his shock, he felt again Erestor’s slow, warm breath against his neck. He hadn’t even stirred.

Valar, he really must be ill!

Elrond hated to admit it, but he had sighed with relief when he had found Erestor had not even moved. So he set out to let Erestor wake up in his own bed.

He got up from the chair and the half-elf carried Erestor over to his bed in the other room, making sure to tuck him in. Elrond felt his firehead… yes, still warm and clammy, same as last night.

Elrond stood back up and noticed his robe stuck to him again. Combined with the very warm summer night… and his own nervous sweat from his earlier almost-disaster, the Lord of Imladris felt rather grungy.

He turned around and eyed Erestor’s very pristine, sparkling white marble bathroom.

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Oops... I just noticed a typo. Third to last line, it says 'firehead' lol. Should be forehead.

Anyways, let me know if you guys like what I did with Elrond, as I have another scene in mind :3

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  • 2 months later...

~~Arc 2, Part 3~~

The sun was at its highest point in the sky and it bathed The Golden Wood with its warm afternoon rays. Aragorn squinted as he looked up into the trees for the wooden staircase leading to Lothlorien’s healing talans. One of his feet had blistered from their long walk and he had wanted to relieve some of the pain and bandage it.

He opened the door to the main room and was startled by a smiling elleth standing right behind it. “Aragorn, is it? I heard you walking up the stairs outside.” Aragorn blushed slightly, wondering if any more elves had heard his loud, uneven footsteps.

“What is it that you need?”

Still avoiding eye contact, the dark haired man said, “If I could just take some bandages for a blister on my foot, I will be on my w-”

“Do not worry!” the pretty auburn-haired elleth interrupted, “we only have one other patient here and he is fast asleep. You need not worry about disturbing any elves with your presence.” And with that she did not wait for him to respond, starting to walk towards the curtained rooms and knowing Aragorn would follow.

Aragorn soon realized his eyes were slightly watery and his nose a little itchy. He knew the healing wing had its own apothecary, so something there had to be the cause of this now building sneeze. The rooms were only a few feet away; if he could walk just a little bit more and close the curtain he could sneeze somewhat privately.

He felt his footsteps slow and his eyes close as his body refused to listen to him and walk forward, “Heh… hheh..”

The healer noticed this, saying, “Oh dear, I believe you may have an allergy to something we are using in the apothecary right now! I will go and see if I can get the smell to go away. Please be seated in this room, and I apologize for this inconvenience!” Aragorn was glad when she pushed him into the room and closed the curtain.

Relenting, he finally put a hand over his mouth as his sneezing fit took hold, “HETCHOO! ETCHOO! HEH….HA-SHOO! HEH… HETCHOO!! Ungh…”

He was glad for the window in the room, for it brought in fresh air and lessened the herbal smell of the hospice. He took off his boots and socks and reclined on the hospital bed next to the window, glad to take the weight off his feet. The scruffy man wondered if he had woken whoever the other person was whom he shared the healing wing with.

It had indeed, for the blond elf on the other side of the heavy curtain wall was now nervously burying his face into a pillow, his heart pounding.

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Sorry I was gone for so long :( It is SUPER difficult to write since I've had writer's block for months now. But you know what I haven't had? Artist's block. ;D I am hoping to go back and illustrate some of these scenes! I wish I was validated, that way I could go back and put the pictures in where they appear in the story, but until then I guess I'll be disorganized hehe xD

Anyways, if there are things you liked reading please let me know; reviews keep me going if I know people are looking forward to it :D And I want to thank those of you who already left very inspiring comments, it makes my day as a writer/artist :D

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