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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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Hi! I am new and I plan on writing several different story arcs featuring male LotR characters. I hope to have them in a list as I write them so you can possibly find what might interest you most. I am taking requests, please look for my thread in the generic obs/stories/art forum.

Note: There will be several different continuing stories within this thread. They will probably not overlap each other, and some may feature the same character in multiple different fics and plots. If you jump between stories, they will not make sense. I will list individual stories as Arcs (Like Arc 1, part 1 = one story, first part.) I hope that makes sense. I also hope I will be able to edit this first thread to make the updates easier to find uhhuh.gif If not, it might be messy, lol.

Also, be prepared for the stories to not meet canon criteria. Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to write in elves sneezing xD

Arcs, so far

Arc 1:

Summary: Erestor, Elrond's Chief Councillor, has worked himself into overdrive as elves prepare for Valinor and left himself vulnerable. What does this mean? Will he ever take the break he deserves? Will he even acknowledge it?

Fic Requester(s): None/Losseneth

Fetish Content: ??? (You'll find out later!)

Arc 2:

Summary: The fellowship has just arrived in Lothlorien after Gandalf fell. Legolas's health has slowly been deteriorating since seeing the horrors in Moria, and Galadriel takes notice. He doesn't want to burden the fellowship any further. Will she tell Aragorn, whom he harbor's feelings for? What will Aragorn think of him if he finds out? Would they leave him behind in Lothlorien?

Fic Requester(s): cherry, myownprivatesfc, ???

Fetish Content: Cold, Fever, Illness, H/C, ???

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Arc 1, Part 1

The late evening sky blanketed the valley of Imladris. Afternoon thunderstorms had poured down rain earlier in the day, leaving behind a fresh and cleansing smell of the earth. But with it, too, had gone the temporary shield from the summer heat.

The first traces of moonlight reflected the thick, muggy fog that hung heavy in the air. For this reason alone, many elves and elflings alike had retreated to the comfort of their homes. The remainder had gathered to merry-make in the Hall of Fire until the early hours of the morning, as usual.

In this hall, a fire would burn year round. Minstrels would sing and stories were shared. Most elves of Rivendell looked forward to the nightly gatherings.

All… except one elf.

While many elves were singing or dancing at this time of night, a few corridors down an elf was sitting alone in his dimly-lit office, hunched over a paper on a desk. Only a single candle provided the light for his work. Walking down the dark hallways, you would not know someone was there if not for the faint orange glow that reached through the crack in the large oak door.

There the slender elf sat, in a large cushioned chair. It had once been one of the grand gifts from Elrond after Erestor’s acquisition of the title Chief Councillor, but after many years of use it had started to deteriorate. The arms and seat had tattered and faded from once brilliant red to a dull, dark orange color. It had obviously seen better days, much like the elf who was currently using it.

This elf was called Erestor, and he was Elrond’s Chief Councillor. Not many knew much about him, other than that he was very serious and reclusive, preferring to bury himself in work instead of socialize. Even now that the War of the Ring was over, he still felt the need to stay up and work furiously at arranging the plans for Rivendell’s elves to arrive to Aragorn’s coronation.

Rumors said that he was emotionless, even cold. Not even Elrond knew if he had any family left in Middle Earth, and this made other elves uneasy. Though, they never openly questioned the wisdom of Elrond. All Erestor had left was his work, which he clung to dearly before they sailed.

Erestor rubbed his tired eyes with the long black sleeve of his robe. He had opened his windows earlier to let in the sound of the rain, but had forgotten to close them afterwards. Since he did not wear his long, silky black hair braided back as is customary to elves, instead preferring to leave it completely down, it now stuck to his neck, brow, and the side of his face. Honestly, he had not noticed until just now when he sat up, but he cared not, for something else was bothering him more.

He moved the sleeve from his eyes down to the bottom of his thin, straight, slightly-upturned-at-the-end nose. However, he knew that would not rid him of the slight, but annoying prickle that had plagued his nose for the past few minutes. No, it was up higher than that, teasing his nasal cavities where he could not reach and rub the sensation away. It grew again, almost provoking one of the two results he desired, and then waned once more.

Frustrated, he let out a harsh sigh. The sneeze should have either come or gone by now, not lingered for this long, and he had work to do. He eyed the soft white feather quill he had been writing with, but alas, he knew it was too big to fit. The only other option was to wait. He placed his arms on the desk and tilted his head back, closing his onyx eyes, trying to encourage the sneeze. He scrunched his toes in his shoes trying to concentrate.


He did not feel anything change.

Finally, he had enough and picked the quill back up, determined to get back to work... to get something done. He leaned back over the paper and began to pick up where he left off. He rested one elbow on the desk and cradled his cheek with his hand, looking at the paper from a bored angle.

Suddenly, he shivered. His liquid black eyes quickly scrunched shut and his mouth opened, soft lips slightly curled and nostrils quivering with the violent urge.

“Hhhiiii...ihh...” He felt tears well in the corners of his eyes.

“Hiih...isshoo! hehh.. ESHoo!..” The last one made his knees bump the desk, “Hehh…iih... hi-IEshoo!!”

He sniffled, and opened his bleary eyes. Oh noo… in his distraction he had forgotten to move away from hovering over the paper. He had sneezed right onto it! He could see the stray droplets absorbing the ink and marring the rest of the paper. He had accidentally pressed his hand into it during the fit, too, and left a black handprint when it moved between sneezes.

Just then, he heard the doorknob turn. He saw Elrond enter and approach his desk, concern frowning his face.

At the worst time ever, he felt another feathery sensation prodding the back of his sinuses. Before his eyes closed he could see Elrond increase his pace as he saw Erestor furrow his brow.

Nose twitching, “Hehh…”

A hand on his shoulder scared the sensation away and he jumped in his seat, turning teary eyes up to look at his lord.

“Erestor, are you all right?! We heard your voice and a bang all the way from the Hall of Fire! And,” he brushed Erestor’s hair out of his face, “have you been crying?!”

He shooed Elrond’s hand away, “No… I am alright. My nose is rather irritated right now, though I am not sure why-”

“It doesn’t matter, Erestor. You need to rest! Look at you… you are so pale and have purple under your eyes! We have not seen you at dinner for the past week!”

Erestor signed and put his head in his hands, avoiding Elrond’s overbearing gaze. But Elrond saw and leaned down, lifting Erestor up to his feet by arms under his shoulders. He then gently grabbed Erestor’s chin and tilted it up so the lanky elf’s bloodshot onyx eyes met his own steel grey ones.

“Erestor… as a friend: I am worried about you. And as your Lord: Retire to your rooms immediately. Take the tomorrow and the next day off. That is an order.”

He then placed his hands back on Erestor’s shoulders and gently maneuvered him into facing the open door, and steered him out towards the hall leading to Erestor’s rooms.

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Hehe, thanks! That means a lot to a noob writer, lol! I hope to work on the first part of the second arc tonight so we may have more interest :D

But yeah, if anyone want to leave any critiques or comments please don't be shy! I don't bite. I forgot to post that earlier.

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Oh my gossshhh <3 yes! Your writing is amazing! It flows so smoothly. I could picture the whole story in my head. Elrond employing his boss!powers and telling Erestor to take mandatory rest.

I love the way you describe the tickles and write sneezes too...... blushsmiley.gif

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Thanks, everyone! Sorry I haven't gotten around to writing anything else, but my college art homework seriously takes hours at a time and I need to allocate my creative priorities towards there first :(

I am also having trouble with starting the second arc. I feel as though I may do Tolkien injustice when writing Legolas/Aragorn and Lothlorien, whereas it's easier to write Elrond and Erestor (especially, or any Rivendell elf really) since I can take more liberties regarding their character and personalities

But I guess the whole Legolas/Aragorn pair would go against canon to begin with, so that's kind of comforting. Lol.

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Thanks for the compliments! I tried very hard to make it smooth and it was very weird trying to sort of write Tolkien's world. I know some fanfiction has them speak with current pop culture mannerisms, and that is a major turn off for me. So I did try to avoid that (I know I am still not the best at it) but I am glad you liked it ^^.

I also loved writing Elrond and Erestor and plan on having Elrond take care of him for his own good (whatever Erestor's predicament may be) and Erestor denying anything is wrong, only to be betrayed by his sneezes.

You also really liked how I write tickles and sneezes, correct? Thanks! Teasing build ups are probably my favorite thing about the fetish, regardless of what caused them >:D


Thank you :) I am glad you like it! Like I said, I am having a bit of trouble beginning arc 2, but I will give it a valiant attempt when I have time since so many people seem to really like the idea :)


Thanks for the comment! Good to know I'm not the only one that melts at the thought of sneezy elves biggrinsmiley.gif

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HO DAMN!! I am loving your descriptions, they have captivated me...in more ways than one *waggles eyebrows* I can't wait to see more it seems so promising. <3 <3 <3

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Okay, fellow ladies, so I ended up not writing the second part yet again, but I DID write you guys part 2 of the first arc, since I felt you deserved SOMETHING, haha :) This one wasn't as Tolkien-y writing, but there was more action, trust me! I hope you guys like it and let me know what you think after reading :D

~~Arc 1, Part 2~~

Elrond walked down the hallway while Erestor practically stamped in front of him to show his displeasure with being taken from his favorite and only pastime, work. Elrond sighed inwardly to himself. Erestor really did need to get a legitimate hobby that didn’t include twirling a quill in his hand or petting the black and white cat that seemed to live exclusively in his office, sometimes perching on his desk.

As the two elves, or more precisely, one elf and one half-elf, approached the front door to Erestor’s quarters, Erestor stopped and glared at Elrond, crossing his arms expectantly, key in hand.

“I’m not leaving,” Elrond said with a hint of a smirk.

Erestor’s eyebrows slanted downwards, but he said nothing, instead opening the door, rubbing his nose with one hand and sniffling. Strangely, Elrond noticed, Erestor did not enter, but only opened the door slightly and stuck his leg through the small opening with a gentle kicking motion. He then opened the door fully and walked inside, turning to face Elrond and motioning for him to follow.

The half-elf looked around in bewilderment as the black-clad elf closed the door behind him. One, two three… no, seven cats sat on the floor in front of Elrond, looking up at him expectantly. He saw a tortoiseshell colored one, a brown tabby, a solid white, a dilute calico… it seemed as though Erestor almost had one of each type of color.

“SEVEN cats, Erestor? Has your mind fled elsewhere?! And,” he looked around the chambers. Not a single hair could be seen anywhere, and there were no visible litter trays, but he did see two or three large food bowls, “how have you kept so many without me knowing?”

“Actually, I have eleven. These ones are the more friendly of the bunch.” Elrond, dumbfounded, was sure Erestor was smirking behind him.

They were upon him now, sniffing at his ankles or pawing at his shoelaces and excess robes. The brown-haired half-elf was afraid to walk any further, lest he trip over one and hurt it. So he waited for Erestor to walk past him, and immediately the cats trotted after the thin, shadow-like elf.

As he heard the sound of dry food pouring and some very loud meows, the Lord of Rivendell took the time to survey the rest of the other’s living space. He had not expected the other elf, who loved wearing the color black, like his hair and eyes, to have a tan and robin’s egg blue color scheme (with black here and there, of course.) It was very pleasant to look at.

He looked back to the kitchen entrance. Now that the cats were quiet and eating, he could hear Erestor softly try and stifle sneezes to keep the furry balrogs from scattering.

“Hiihh..ktchh-uhh..! Ehh..heh-Ussshuuh! Hehh.. He-ISHuuh!”

Erestor nearly stumbled out of the door threshdold, looking much worse than he had only a few minutes earlier. His nose was now red and the bags underneath his eyes looked like they had become a richer purple. His skin had an almost silvery sheen to it, as though Erestor was feverish.

The half-elf’s healer's instinct took hold and he reached out and touched the darkling’s forehead, who turned so it now rested on his cheek. Burning, as he had suspected. He placed the other hand opposite the first and rubbed his thumbs into the space between Erestor’s nose and cheekbones, trying to relieve the painful sinus pressure he probably felt, if his breathing was anything to go by. Elrond knew the ebony-haired elf must have felt very ill when he did not pull away like he had earlier, but rather, leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. The cold had defeated Rivendell’s Chief Councillor, a rare sight indeed.

“I believe you have a cold, my dear friend, and a very bad one at that.”

Erestor opened his eyes slightly and raised an eyebrow, but he quickly shut his watery eyes again and recoiled back, being completely overtaken by harsh, messy sneezes, which were very unbecoming of a pristine, proper Councillor.

“Ihhh… hehh…huhh,” the shuddering breaths alone almost made the lanky elf double over as he was now weaker from the cold, “Hehh… ISHooo! Heh-ESHoo!" The last one toyed with him… again. He gently placed one index finger underneath his twitching, tickly, now coral-colored nostrils to see if he could make it quieter this time, as he knew his third sneeze was always the loudest and most violent.


Elrond could only stare in awe, he had never seen his Chief Councillor look so desperate and defeated. Gone was the cold, polite, deathly-calm and intimidating elf that Elrond and the rest of Rivendell knew. The half-elf knew he should be trying to comfort Erestor as he watched the other struggle with what seemed a massive stuck sneeze, so he rested his hand on the other ellon’s shoulder. Truthfully, he was fascinated by it all.

Erestor now opened his eyes, looking angry. Yet again, the sneeze had fled, but his nose still tickled madly. He again stomped over into the other room where his house desk was, Elrond following.

Erestor walked behind the desk and opened one of the drawers to reveal a set of very small, downy phoenix feather quills, arranged by size, ones which Elrond had given to him once at Yule. He selected the third to smallest one, which was about as wide as his little finger and a beautiful red with gold lacing, and began to bring it towards his pale, aristocratic face. However, it did not get more than shoulder-height as Erestor felt the urge to sneeze again, involuntarily dropping the feather to the floor.

“Hiihh... ehh…IHHhh-uhh...”

Defeated and frustrated, Erestor let himself fall backwards onto the chair behind and scrubbed at his still-flaring nose, looking up at Elrond with embarassed, pleading, ink-colored eyes.

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Oh me oh my. That was H-O-T hot. I have a thing. For stuck sneezes.

Any chance this will turn into Elrond/Erestor? Because I am so on board with that. Count me in. I'm strapped in for the ride.

Also. Take your time with arc 2. There's so need to rush. We can be patient here.

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Wow, just.... wow. dribble.gif

Once again, your writing is just very smooth and beautiful. I especially love the pacing in this part. It felt like everything moved at the perfect speed without lingering and I was just dying to read each and every new sentence. I haven't read any LotR fanfiction with any dedication probably since Two Towers first came out, so I don't know how it's like if the characters speak with pop culture mannerisms, but if it's opposite if yours I can only presume I wouldn't like it. You write their voices beautifully as well. And, yes, the tickles... the buildups ;-; I love them! The only thing I'm super curious is Elrond's reaction/face at that final display by Erestor!!! mf_laughbounce2.gif

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Thanks for the compliment! I am really glad you like it. Hopefully you like part 2 (since your comment was from the first part ^^) Please let me know what you think when you read it :)


Hehe! I was trying to kind of hint at possible Elrond/Erestor tension, so maybe! Since Elrond is supposedly one of the best healers in Middle Earth I was trying to bring that side out of him, wanting to care for Erestor since in canon he was slowly loosing his family. (We never know what happened to his twin sons, though, but he lost his own twin brother, his wife and will lose his daughter soon.) :( So I thought maybe I could write him like he is shifting his focus to Erestor now that the War is over.


Thanks so much for the review! I'm happy my writing style seems to come out okay. I do try to pace it, since I don't write too many sneezes (yet) and if you just jumped into the sneezing part they might not be as satisfying, you know? :) And as for Elrond's reaction, well, you'll have to wait for part 3 >:D I didn't write that cliffhanger with the feather for no reason. I'd imagine it's going to get awkward for them. Very awkward. Also, *points upward to story title* I do have other tags listed than just sneezes caused by colds ;)

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I noticed you have an allergy tag, so someone had better be allergic to those cats! ;) Seriously, though, this story is great. I love LoTR, and you write SO WELL. I mean, the only kind of sneezing is I like is allergic, but I still really loved reading your story even though it doesn't explicitly contain any allergy sneezes yet.

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Hi! Thanks for the review and compliment. I indeed do have multiple tags, but that was intentional, since eventually I will get multiple story arcs chugging along instead of cluttering the fanfiction forum with all of my LotR-centric stuff, hehe. This one looks like it may center around Erestor's cold. But don't worry, I plan on adding at least one more type of sneezing in this particular arc :)

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Yes I very much love the second part I can't wait for what happens next with, feathers~ <3 <3

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Arc 2, Part 1

Legolas ran his fingers along the silver bark of a beautiful mallorn tree. Smooth mithril-colored bark with permanent golden leaves that did not feel the chill of winter... indeed, Lothlorien was as breathtaking as he had remembered. The elven trees here, Mallorns, which grew nowhere else except Valinor, had been planted here by Lady Galadriel herself as a way to preserve the memory of ancient days, something that was fast fading in Middle Earth.

The silver-blond elf had found comfort here among other elves and had almost forgotten the dark, shadowy horrors of Moria...and Gandalf’s death. Gandalf had been their leader… what would the fellowship do now? Aragorn had taken leadership, but without the wisdom of Gandalf the fellowship’s mission seemed hopeless. After all, Aragorn was still just a man…

Just a man. That thought hurt him more than the death of Gandalf had. He knew Aragorn would, if he was not killed by Sauron’s evil first, eventually gray and wither away of old age. Legolas felt despair at this thought, and could feel that he was not himself.

Blinking, he felt the cold January air creating a pinprick in his nose. He looked around. The fellowship was still asleep on their flet above, as it was barely dawn, so none of them would hear... but other curious Lorien elves might.

His eyes softly closed and he gently inhaled more cool, crisp air, “Hiih… hheh...Heh-ishoo! Hehh..” the silver-blond shivered as he felt another creeping up on him, but tried to hold it back.

The cerulean-eyed elf heard soft footsteps come up behind him. Hopefully the other elf, whoever it was, would understand his discomfort and let him alone. So far, they, like the Rivendell elves, had been far too friendly when they had learned the Mirkwood Prince had passed through their borders.

The mysterious person had stopped behind him now and Legolas, rather irritated with his predicament, covered his twitching nose with the back of his sleeve and turned around to confront whoever it was that had decided to bother him this early, when they had the rest of the Golden Wood to roam for Valar’s sake!

His hand fell away in shock as he found himself staring up at icy sea-foam eyes.

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Sorry it's short, but it's a start! I had been planning on writing part 3 of the first arc today, but stopped and remembered as I had lots of people waiting for the second arc, so I gave it a shot. Let me know what you think! :D

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~~Arc 1, Part 3~~

Elrond stood in front of Erestor and slowly picked up the discarded phoenix feather. Its exquisite down felt incredibly soft in his calloused hand. He stepped closer and knelt down to the thinner elf still sitting in the home office chair.

He had a feeling that he knew what Erestor was wanting to ask him, though he also knew the Councillor was too proud to voice when he needed help. Instead, the darker brunette had taken to averting his eyes from Elrond when he had gotten closer, gaze cast down to the floor.

The half-elf took his free hand and once again and softly tilted the other’s head upwards, repeating the intimate action for the third time that night. Only this time, he pushed Erestor’s chin a bit farther upwards. The other only closed his eyes, but did not protest.

Erestor knew Elrond was perceptive enough to have read his silent plea for help dealing with the horrid stuck sneeze. He counted himself lucky that Elrond had taken action without voicing any questions, as he had just wanted to get this over with. It was embarrassing enough for the prude, stoic elf.

The part-time healer now had a slight view of the other’s still twitching nostrils. In his thousands of years of experience, he had never needed to induce sneezes from anyone. With the new experience combined with the possibly once in a lifetime chance of seeing his apathetic Chief Councillor unhinged up close, curiosity got the better of him again.

He lightly traced the soft gold feathertip around the inside edge of the smaller elf’s red nostrils. Erestor’s expression did not change, so he slowly dipped the feather inwards and tried to contour the inside of his nose. This time, though, he did get a mild reaction.

“Hiih.. hehhh…”

Still no sneeze. So with the next movement he pushed the downy feather almost completely into Erestor’s nose and tried to find a sensitive area he knew would be towards the back.

Erestor could only wait and let the half-elven healer try and finally force this dreaded stuck sneeze out of him. The sensation tickled so much. It felt as though thousands of tiny individual phoenix feathers had packed themselves into his entire sinuses, each one gently brushing and prodding the pulsating area, teasing their way into the most sensitive crevices.

“Hehhh… ihh..”

Elrond watched as the Councillor’s gentle mouth opened slightly and his breath fluttered, black eyebrows furrowed. Sneezy tears had made their way down his cheekbones. The healer was amazed at how Erestor could endure this long with such an impressive feather. He knew if the wicked point had been used on him, he would have erupted into a massive sneezing fit within the first few seconds.

“Tickle...tickle…” he tried to coax the ebony haired elf’s nose into giving in.

“Hhiih… hehh! Heh-ehhh..!” That had almost done it. Erestor was on the cusp of the huge sneeze now. He knew it would be big as he felt a cold shiver along his spine. Suddenly, an intrusive thought presented its way into his sneezy-fogged mind. Elrond was right in front of him! What if he accidentally sneezed right---

“Hihh… Heh-ISHOO! Heh-ESHoo!”

Elrond withdrew the feather, only to provoke another set of desperate sneezes.

“Hehh… ISHOO! Heh-Ushuuh! Heh-ISHuuh! Heh…hiieeeSHOOO!!”

And with that, the sensation finally ended. Weak from the cold and tired from the violent outbursts, his last thought was looking up to notice he had indeed misted at least half of Elrond’s hair and shoulder with the spray. Before he could react, the smaller elf nodded his head to the side and drifted off to a cold-induced sleep.

Elrond, noticing this, set the now soggy feather back down on the nearby desk. The chocolate brunette yawned. It was getting late. They had arrived in Erestor’s house almost an hour ago, and it had been very dark outside even before that. He sleepily picked up the slumbering ellon and blew out the remaining lit candles, before settling on an overstuffed leather sofa nearby.

Cradling the smaller ellon close to him, he hoped Erestor wouldn't mind. If he was angry when when he woke up in the morning, if at all, he would be too sick by then to argue much, and Elrond was determined to keep watch over him throughout the duration of his cold. It was the least he could do after all Erestor had done for him and his realm. Yes, he told himself inwardly, that was the reason he wanted to assist Erestor no matter what... right?

Elrond’s grey eyes slowly closed and he drifted peacefully into the realm of dreams.

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I loved both part 3 and part 1.

Elrond inducing Erestor. Gahhhg. So hot, I can't handle it.

And Legolas. My adorable elf. I can't wait for more

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I love all of this! Every single part! Your descriptions and word choice are so amazingly beautiful, I love it! If you don't mind me saying this, but you should try writing something about the hobbits! I love you stories so much gahhhhh. :)

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Alright...finally arc 2! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif What a way to start my weekend. I just love a sneezy Legolas. stretcher.gif Thank you so much for sharing. I'm waiting with bated breath for the next part.

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