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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Man Down, Green Day-Armstrong Family--FINISHED


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Fanfic about Billie Joe Armstrong and his family. If Billie had a daughter.... Billie said her name would be Feena? Well I don't like that name... so I re-named her.. her name is Jackie.

Billie and Adrienne have a daughter named Jacqueline (Jackie)--age 14 and a son named Joseph (Joey) age 10.

Enjoy. Treat, this one is long... many parts to it... and lots of sneezing.


Adrienne, on the last leg of recovery, was sitting on the couch wrapped up in a blanket, with a water bottle and tissues on the side table beside her watching TV. She heard someone come in from the garage; she heard the water run and someone blow their nose, and soon Billie came trudging into the living room and crashed on the couch.

“Hey Billie, what are you doing home so early?”

“Mike and Tre sent me home because I can’t stop coughing and sneezing—so recording isn’t an option…” Billie finished his sentence right in time for a ginormous sneeze. Ehhh-SCHEW!!! He groaned, “See what I mean?” he sniffled, wiping his nose on jacket.

Adrienne handed the box of tissues to him. “Here, baby.” It wasn’t until then that Adrienne noticed Billie’s glowing red nose.

“Thanks,” he said, wiping his nose and coughing after. “Oh, these are soft…”

“Yep, extra soft with lotion, seems like you need it, your poor nose, it’s burning red,” Adrienne said.

Another sneeze snuck up on him, HFSCHOOO! He took another tissue to wipe his runny nose, “I know, all they had at the studio were the rough cheap tissues, they’re not so bad until you keep sneezing and having to blow your nose over and over again—” HEPT-CHOO! “It’s only then when those cheap tissues hurt like hell, like you’re blowing your nose with sandpaper…” Billie said.

“Aw, I’m sorry. Come here, lay down Beej,” Adrienne motioned for Billie to lay his head down beside her.

Adrienne put a pillow on her lap and Billie complied, putting his head down on the pillow and nuzzling against her. Adrienne covered both of them up with her blanket and they rested together.

“I’m sorry I got you sick babe,” Adrienne said stroking Billie’s hair. “Poor thing, you’re warm too.”

Billie coughed wetly before replying, “It’s OK. I’ll survive.”

It took a while for Billie to get comfortable, and to stop coughing and sneezing, but he eventually dozed off, snoring slightly from the congestion.

Jackie and Joey came home and burst through the door.

“Mom?” Jackie said loudly.

Adrienne called from the couch, “In here.”

Jackie and Joey followed the voice and found their parents snuggled together on the couch.

“Please be quiet Jackie, Daddy doesn’t feel good.”

“OK, sorry. Are you feeling better?”

“Yes, I am; but Daddy is obviously not, so please try and be quiet,” Adrienne said.

“Mommy, I’m hungry,” Joey said.

“OK, Joey,” Adrienne began to sit up.

“It’s OK, Mom, I’ll get him a snack,” Jackie said.

“OK, thanks.”

Adrienne rested some more; she watched Ellen and rubbed Billie’s back. Poor Billie, his nose was redder than Rudolph’s from all the blowing and sneezing and he had made a suitable mountain of tissues on the floor. Adrienne could hear him breathing though his mouth from the heavy congestion with coughs every now and then from the dry throat.

When Ellen was over (5pm) Adrienne decided to get up. Billie was in a deep sleep and knew she wouldn’t wake him up by moving; still, she carefully lifted the pillow and propped Billie’s head up as she quietly slid out from under him and carefully laid the pillow back down on the couch.

Adrienne went to the kitchen and found Jackie and Joey doing their homework.

“Oh, I’m so proud of you kids for doing your homework and getting along. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Joey said. “I needed help with my math and Jackie helped me.”

“Thank you Jackie,” Adrienne said.

“It’s no problem.” Jackie said.

“So what would you kids like for dinner?” Adrienne asked.

“Can I have dinosaur chicken pieces?” Joey excitedly asked.

Adrienne smiled, “Sure. And for you Jackie?”

“Chicken nuggets are fine.”

“Hey, they’re not nuggets, they are shaped like dinosaurs!” Joey corrected.

“Sorry, I’ll have the dinosaur chicken thingys.”

Adrienne began preparing dinner. She put the chicken in the oven and made a batch of macaroni and cheese and made a big pot of chicken noodle soup for Billie and herself.

“Jackie, could you please clear off your homework so we can set the table?” Adrienne asked.

“I wanna help!” Joey said.

“OK, Joey, set out two plates for you and your sister and two bowls for me and Daddy.”

“Aren’t you having chicken too?”

“No, Dad and I are sick so we’re going to have chicken noodle soup.”

“Oh, OK.” Joey said. “Do you want me to get Daddy?”

“Only if he’s awake, Joey. If Daddy is sleeping, please let him sleep.”

Joey went into the living room and saw his dad fast asleep. He decided to poke him to make sure he was asleep. “Dad.” Poke. “Dad.” Poke. “Dad. Are you awake?”

Billie opened one eye and then the other and inhaled deeply. “I am now.” He turned over on his back, coughed away from his son, and stretched out his arms above his head.

“Oh sorry, Mom made chicken noodle soup if you want any.”

“OK. Thanks buddy, I’ll be in in a minute.”


Billie took a minute to wake up. He stretched out his body and noticed he was quite uncomfortable. He then realized he was so exhausted that he never changed out of his tight-fitting jeans and jacket. He could smell the faint odor of the soup through his clogged up nose. He carefully hoisted himself to a sitting position and blinked a few times to wake himself up. He sneezed a few times before getting up—HESHOO! HEHOO!—he muffled them in his elbow. Then he got up, picked up his mountain of tissues and followed the aroma of chicken soup into the kitchen.

“Hey Billie,” Adrienne said.

HESHOO! He sneezed yet again. “Hey,” Billie mumbled walking to the trash can to throwing his tissues away then going to the sink and washing his hands.

“Come join us Daddy,” Joey said putting a dinosaur chicken nugget in his mouth. “Here’s your bowl.”

“Thank you Joey,” Billie grabbed his bowl off the table and went over to the stove and ladled out a serving of soup. He sat down at the table and immediately sneezed twice loudly into the crest of his arm. HEPT-CHOO!!! ACHOO!!!

“Bless you babe,” Adrienne said reaching behind her to grab a box of tissues.

Billie took a few to wipe his nose, “You’ve got to be frickin’ kidding me…” he mumbled into a tissue, annoyed at how much he was sneezing and how congested he was.

“I’m sorry you don’t feel well Daddy,” Jackie said.

“Ah, it’s OK, Jackie, don’t worry about me. How was school?” Billie squeezed in before sneezing again. HPFTCHOO!!! He blew his nose gently, not to make such a disgusting noise at the dinner table. “Excuse me, sorry…” Billie nibbled at his soup, trying his best to pay attention to what his kids were saying.

“Good. My friend invited me to go see a movie tomorrow, may I go?” Jackie asked.

“What time?” Adrienne asked taking a slurp of soup.

“I think Mary said 4pm.”

“Sure. Do you need a ride or is she going to pick you up?”

“She’s going to pick me up and then I think we’re going out to dinner after that.”

Billie coughed hard; sounding like a goose was caught in his throat, “What movie are you going to see?” he asked weakly beginning to cough again.

“Pitch Perfect.”

Billie finished coughing and sniffed, “Cool. That movie is hilarious. And Joey, what did you do at school today?”

“I helped Brad sell popcorn today at recess.”

“Did you sell a lot of popcorn?” Adrienne asked.

“Oh yeah, we sold a lot. I even had to go back inside to get another box.”

“That’s good Joey,” Billie said before sneezing twice; he stifled the first one, but was unable to do the same for the latter. HHMPPHHHCHEWW!!! HEPPCHEWW!!!

“Beej, you look and sound awful; why don’t you take some medicine and go to bed?” Adrienne suggested.

Billie blew his nose hard before replying. “Alright, I don’t have much of an appetite anyway…”

Billie got up slowly and took his dishes to the sink and disposed of his used tissues in the garbage.

“I’ll be up in a minute to check on you,” Adrienne said as Billie passed behind her.

“Good night everyone,” Billie said hoarsely before heading upstairs.

“Good night, feel better,” everyone mumbled.

Billie entered his bedroom and went to the bathroom to take a long piss then cleaned himself up a bit. After rinsing his face with hot water, it was then when Billie could see how miserable he looked. His nose was screaming red and chafed from all the blowing and his eyes were red, swollen, and he could see slight bags forming from the lack of sleep. He opened the medicine cabinet and found some Nyquil. He poured out the correct dosage and downed in one painful gulp. He started to cough and gag from the sour taste when he heard Adrienne come in the bedroom.

“Billie, are you OK?” Adrienne asked concerned.

“Yeah, just choking on the awful taste of Nyquil.” Billie spat out in between coughs.

Adrienne went over to close the curtains and when she turned around, she saw Billie come out of the bathroom clutching his stomach.

“You OK, BJ?”

“Yeah, just a tad queasy, that’s all,” He sneezed before sitting down—HESHOO!!!­­—and then started to undress.

“Aw, I’m sorry,” she said handing him some PJ pants and a T-shirt.

He sneezed into his elbow before taking the items from her. EHHCHEWW!!! He changed and Adrienne helped him get under the covers. She put a box of tissues and a water bottle on the night stand.

“There you go; now get some rest Billie,” Adrienne pushed his messy bangs back and kissed his forehead. “Feel better.”

“Thanks.” Billie said as he closed his eyes and started to drift to sleep.

Billie was sound asleep until about 3 in the morning when he was woken up by a tickle in his throat. He began to cough, cough hard. He sat up and coughed and gagged, not even trying to suppress or muffle his hard chest hacking. Soon he felt his stomach turn and he tossed his covers back, accidently waking Adrienne, and fled to the bathroom. He flipped the light on and immediately vomited in the toilet. Adrienne was awoken by the sound of Billie coughing and gaging, she got up and found Billie doubled over the toilet.

“Oh my gosh, Billie are you alright?” Adrienne rushed to Billie’s side and put her hand on his back.

Billie spat one last time in the toilet before flushing and going to the sink to rinse his mouth out. “Just peachy…” he said sarcastically wiping his mouth with a towel. “I told you I was queasy when I went to bed…”

Adrienne guided him back to the bedroom and covered him back up again.

“There you go Billie, go back to sleep.”

Billie shivered, “I’m cold.”

Adrienne felt his forehead, “You’re a tad warm, here, darling, cover up. Do you want some medicine?”

“No, I’ll be alright, maybe I was just warm in bed, I got up and now I’m cold.” Billie said.

“Alright. Go back to sleep, I’ll see you in the morning.”

Billie had a hard time falling back asleep. His congestion kept him from breathing properly and he didn’t like breathing through his mouth because it dried his sore throat out even more. It was nearly 4am before Billie finally stopped tossing and turning and was now in a peaceful slumber.

Edited by flowerpower67
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I guessed the author before I clicked, I was like "Hum probly flowerpower" writing some lovely green day fics again :3 I love it ! Awe poor Billie :|

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I guessed the author before I clicked, I was like "Hum probly flowerpower" writing some lovely green day fics again :3 I love it ! Awe poor Billie :|

That's like all I write... ;)

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I guessed the author before I clicked, I was like "Hum probly flowerpower" writing some lovely green day fics again :3 I love it ! Awe poor Billie :|

I think I love you!! stretcher.gif

You know, I read on some post here that people want to see Billie Joe Armstrong sneezing... or read some good sneeze fics about him... Well since I love writing and I absolutely LOVE Green Day and since I have this fetish... then why not write a whole bunch of Green Day sneeze fics to please those who want to picture Billie being all miserable and sneezy :)

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I'm not really much of a Green Day fan, but this is sooooo cute! Please continue :)

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Aww poor Billy. I love the caretaking

GAH! NO! it's BILLIE--with an IE!!!!! Not BILLY--with a Y!!!!

Sorry, I can't stand when people spell his name wrong. For goodness sake, his name is in the story many times...

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Billie, restless in his own sleep, was suddenly woken up from the thought of falling. He twitched, but Adrienne, still sound asleep, wasn’t effected. He sat up and looked at the clock. Hm… 8:30 on a Saturday morning, Billie thought. He muffled a cough and contemplated getting up or trying, yet again, to go back to sleep. Billie was still fatigued; the past two nights had not been nice to him. His head was fuzzy and it throbbed painfully. It felt like someone had stuffed cotton balls deep in his ears and then hit him over the head with a hammer, and the sinus pressure was not helping the situation. He squeezed the bridge of his nose which accidently induced two sneezes. He muffled them best he could. Etschoo! Estchew! Luckily Adrienne was still sound asleep. His eyes burned when he blinked and nose was dry, stuffed up, and it hurt if he ran his finger under it. His throat was raw and very sore too; it felt like he had swallowed rusty nails, not to mention it was very painful to swallow. Luckily, he wasn’t nauseated anymore, he was just weak—he desired nourishment that wouldn’t hurt his throat and that would warm his body to keep him from shaking either from low blood sugar or the slight fever. He decided to get up, he didn’t want to wake Adrienne with all his coughing, sneezing, and sniffling; besides, he really desired some food.

He pulled back the covers and felt a rush of cool air envelop his body. He shivered and reached for his sweatshirt and slippers. He slowly made his way downstairs and found Joey watching cartoons in the living room. He wondered why he was up so early on a Saturday, but then realized he’s just used to getting up early for school. He was able to slip past quietly without Joey noticing, but he peered up over the couch as soon as the ding-ding-ding of the microwave went off.

Joey saw his Dad pull a steaming mug of water out of the microwave and stick a tea bag in the water. Billie picked up the mug and walked slowly into the living room.

“Hi Daddy!” Joey greeted.

Billie tried to relieve the tickle in his throat by coughing lightly, so as to not spill piping hot tea on himself, but it didn’t help. He settled for a small “ahem” to clear his throat then began to speak, “Hi Joey,” he spoke softly so not to aggravate the tickle in his throat.

“Feeling any better?” Joey cooed.

“Sadly no,” Billie said quickly. He set his mug on the back of the couch and Joey grabbed hold of it so it wouldn’t spill. Billie turned to the side and loudly sneezed into his elbow which caused him to bend forward HAAACHOOO!!! and coughed afterwards.

“Bless you.” Joey said.

Billie took back his mug and replied congested, “Thanks.”

“Come sit with me,” Joey offered.

“Thanks, but I think I’m going to try and go back to sleep.” Billie left his child and went to the den.

He slowly sat down on the cold stiff loveseat which made him shiver even more. He pulled the slick throw off the back of the loveseat and covered up with it, trying his best to conserve his body heat. He turned the TV on but the bright light irritated his headache more than he wanted. So he shut the TV off and curled up, pulling his knees to his chest and sipping at his tea, wishing he felt half as better than the night before. His chest tightened with every breath, following the urge to cough or sneeze—but no actual action proceeded. He was so fatigued, but his congestion would not let him get a wink of peaceful sleep. His throat burned, but he was glad to have something warm running down it, as it alleviated some of the pain. HFFTCHEWWW!!! He sneezed loudly and blew his nose hard, wiping it gently so not to upset his raw, pink nose. He settled in deeper into the cushions and tried to fall asleep, but the bright sun of the morning poking through the window was making it hard to close his eyes. He threw the blanket over his head and closed his eyes again, somewhat satisfied that the blanket blocked enough light for him to fall asleep.

Billie awoke around 10am to someone calling his name and petting him. It was Adrienne running her fingers through his greasy hair. Billie opened his eyes and gave a half-smile to his wife, but a huge sneeze ruined the loving effect. EH-EHSCHEWW!!!!

Adrienne smiled back, handing him a tissue, “Hey Billie. What are you doing in here?”

“I woke because I was hungry and I didn’t want to wake you with my coughing and sneezing.” Billie said blowing his nose weakly.

“Aw, honey. But it’s chilly in here and that loveseat is horribly uncomfortable. Come on; let’s go to the living room,” Adrienne helped Billie sit up then went on to help him stand.

Billie paused and sneezed into his used tissue, HEPSCHEW!!!, he moaned and Adrienne gave him a fresh tissue. “Thanks.” He said holding the tissue to his nose and sniffling.

Billie and Adrienne walked to the living room and Adrienne helped him lay down on the couch. She put a big fluffy pillow under his head and took the thin throw off his body and replaced it with two microplush blankets.

“There; all warm and comfy,” Adrienne said.

“Thanks.” Billie mumbled. He seeped deeper into the warm plush blankets and began to drift away when Adrienne started talking to him.

“You feel a tad warm Beej. Do you want some medicine?”

“I still haven’t had anything to eat, so I probably should eat something before you drug me up.”

“Alright. What do you want?”

“Something that won’t hurt my sore throat.”

Adrienne came back with a cup of applesauce and two Ibuprofens, she calls them Vitamin I’s.

“Here, have some applesauce it’s easy on the throat and the stomach, in case you still feel nauseated.”

Billie sat up a little so he could eat. “Thanks.” He slurped up the applesauce. Its cold, smooth consistency felt good seeping down his stinging throat. He finished the cup and popped the two pills in his mouth followed by a chug of water.

“There. Now you just relax. Joey and I are going to run some errands, but we should be back in a few hours. Jackie is here if you need anything, I’m sure she’d be willing to get you whatever you need.” Adrienne said rubbing her hand over the covers where Billie’s legs were.

“OK.” Billie said weakly.

Adrienne let him be alone, she went to get ready to leave. Billie sighed, trying to relax. It was too late in the morning to peacefully get some sleep. Everyone was up and running around the house. Billie just lay on the couch, wrapped up in the blankets that Adrienne had brought him, trying to sleep. He decided to wait until Adrienne and Joey left to take a nap, it would be much quieter then and the nap would be more beneficial. The fact that he was listening to a chaotic zoo didn’t help Billie, he still felt awful. None of his symptoms had subsided; he was still constantly coughing, sneezing, and blowing his nose. Gosh, he could not recall any previous time that he had felt this miserable. All he wanted to feel some sign of relief, whether it be being able to breathe through his nose, his cough to recede, or his nose to stop itching.

Speaking of his nose itching, Billie felt a strong tickle override his nostrils. He breathed through his mouth, hoping for the feeling to pass, but the urge was too strong. He sat up and freely let out four ginormous sneezes. HEH—HECHEWW!!! ESTCHEWW!!! HESSTCHEWW!!!....HEPCHEW!!! He grabbed a wad of tissues and blew his nose hard. Temporarily opening his sinuses, he breathed through his nose. He lay back down and closed his eyes. He noticed it was considerably quieter. Adrienne and Joey must have left. Without saying goodbye? He thought. Nevertheless, it was finally quiet and Billie could finally take that nap he had been longing for all morning. The couch in the living room was much more suitable for sleeping rather than the firm loveseat in the den. Billie was finally comfortable and warm and he drifted to dreamland with the babble of the TV in the background.

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  • 3 months later...

Part 3 is here:


Billie woke a few hours later in a sweat. Discombobulated, he flicked his eyes open and breathed hard. Jackie looked up from her laptop and glanced over at her father.

“Hey Daddy,” Jackie said.

Billie groaned, “What time is it?”

“1:30.” Jackie said.

It’s only been two hours? Billie thought. He could have sworn it had been much longer than two hours. He slept hard and deep and when he awoke he thought he had been sleeping all day; turned out it was only a few hours and he didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing. Suddenly he began to cough. He went into a slight coughing fit and Jackie got up to assist him.

Jackie gently helped her dad sit up and took the water bottle from the side table, “Here, take little sips.”

Billie sipped a little water and his coughing soon died down. He lay back down and breathed heavily.

Jackie felt his forehead and abruptly took her hand away. “Daddy, you’re burning up! When was the last time you had some medicine?” Jackie pulled one of the blankets off her dad attempting to cool him down.

“Just the Nyquil last night and Adie gave me some Vitamin I this morning.”

“OK. I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” Jackie said rushing upstairs.

“Don’t worry I won’t.” Billie smiled weakly.

When Jackie returned with a cold cloth and a tray of sundry medicines, she saw her father in the middle of a sneezing attack.

ESTCHEW!!!! ESTCHOO!!! …….. HEH-HECHOOO!!! …… Billie was sitting up sneezing uncontrollably into his arm. HEPTCHOO!!! ESSHOOO!!! ….. HEPSHOO!!!!

Jackie set the tray down and held the box of tissues in front of Billie’s face. He took a few as his breath was hitching, building up another sneeze. HEH—HEH—HESHOOO!!! Billie blew his nose long and hard and lay back down out of breath.

“Aw, bless you many,” Jackie said taking the wet cold cloth and placing it on Billie’s forehead. “You poor thing,” she cooed, taking the cloth and dabbing it around Billie’s face and neck, soaking up his beads of sweat. “I brought you all kinds of medicine, but you should probably have a little something to eat before you take anything.”

“I’m not really hungry, but if you insist, I guess I’ll have some more applesauce,” Billie said weakly.

Jackie retrieved the applesauce and returned with a cup full and a spoon. Billie was too weak to eat with the spoon so he just drank it.

“There. Now I have some Vitamin I’s, decongestants, Nyquil. And…” she began, “This.”

Billie looked at the small purple bottle and gave a devious smile, “Where did you get that?”

“I found it in your medicine cabinet; thought you could use it since you’ve been hacking all day.” Jackie said pouring a little into a cup and mixing it with the Nyquil.

“Well that’s great,” Billie said taking the potion from his daughter. He gulped it down and the potion immediately began to take effect. The Menthol from the Nyquil suddenly allowed him to breathe through his nose and he felt relaxed and drowsy as the Codeine entered his bloodstream. Billie lay down and closed his eyes. “Thank you Jackie, for taking care of me. You should be a nurse when you grow up.”

“Nah, I don’t like the medical field, I’m too squeamish; I guess I just have that maternal nature.”

“Well then you’ll make a great mother one day. You know, you take after your grandma with these kinds of things. Adrienne never takes care of me like Mom used to do,” Billie said.

Although he loved Adrienne very much, she was never good at taking care of the unwell. She was very independent and rarely got sick, so when she did she usually pushed the sympathy of other people away. She could take care of herself and that’s the way she liked it. All Adrienne did when Billie was ill was throw a bunch of medicine at him and told him to get lots of rest. And like Adrienne, Billie was rarely ill, but when he did come down with something, it hit him hard—he would be sick for days at a time. He remembered when he was eight and he came down with a nasty flu bug and was out of school for a week, his mom stayed by his side the whole time and nursed him back to health. He really was grateful for his mother; she risked her own health, exposing herself to his germs all in the name of love. Now he was deathly ill again and now he had his very own daughter standing by his side just like his mom.

“Thanks. Nana used to come over whenever Joey or I was sick and Mom had to work and you were out, y’know, being Green Day, the best band in the world…” Jackie said smiling and taking the cloth and dabbing at her father’s forehead.

“Aw, that was sweet of her,” Billie said. I’ll have to tell her thanks. Billie thought to himself. “Hey, you don’t have to care for me anymore, I got medicine in me and I don’t want you to catch any of this nasty bug.”

“It’s OK. I’m almost done,” Jackie said reaching over to grab the container of Vaporub. “Here, this will help you breathe better,” she opened the lid and motioned for Billie to pull down his shirt, revealing his colorfully tattooed chest.

Billie felt the cool gel on his chest and smelled the Menthol rising into his nostrils. It opened his sinuses immediately and was relieved he could breathe through his nose. Jackie finished rubbing the gel on Billie’s chest and went to the bathroom to wash her hands. Being able to breathe through his nose was apparently too much for his body; Billie felt another sneeze attack coming on. HESHOOO!!! HESHOOO!!! ESTCHOOO!!! HEPCHOO!!!!! Although it was a small fit, the sneezes were violent and painful. Jackie came out of the bathroom and handed Billie the box of tissues and he took the last few and blew his nose. Congested again, Billie took the Vaporub and rubbed a glob under his nose. The gel relieved much of the pain his sore red nose was causing him and he realized he should have done that a long time ago. Jackie came back with a new box of tissues, a water bottle, and another cool cloth.

Billie coughed wetly, sounding like there was water in his lungs. Jackie knelt beside him and patted his warm head with the cool cloth. “OK, you’ve had a little food, and I drugged you up; now it’s time for you to get some rest,” she said laying the cloth on his head and pulling the other blanket back up to his chin. “Mary will be here to pick me up in an hour, so if you wake up and I’m not here, I’m with her. Mom should be home very soon, so you won’t be alone any longer than you have to.”

“OK.” Billie said drowsily. The narcotics from the Nyquil and Codeine were starting to kick in.

“Hey, I remember when I was sick one day, a long time ago, and you came in my bedroom and sang me to sleep. Can I do the same thing to you; I’ve been working on something I want you to hear.” Jackie said.

“Uh, sure. I’d love to hear it.” Billie said.

Jackie went to get her guitar and came back and sat down on the adjacent couch to Billie. Billie was drowsily lying down; he could be out any minute.

“OK, I’ve been working on this for a while, I hope you like it.” Jackie said nervously.

Billie had been teaching both of his kids piano and guitar, more so Jackie just because she was older and seemed more interested. Jackie preferred the piano, but was willing to learn guitar just for her dad. She began to finger pluck and started in on the verse.

“I text a postcard sent to you, did it go through, sending all my love to you,” she sang.

Billie’s eyes opened wider and a smile grew across his face. He was honored that his own daughter took the time to learn one of his own songs. He was touched, his daughter had such a beautiful voice and she was playing guitar perfectly. Jackie finished and she could have sworn that she saw a tear in her father’s eye.

“That was beautiful Jackie. I’m so proud of you.” Billie sniffed.

“Thanks, it’s one of my favorites,” she said standing up. “OK, now you really need to get some rest,” she kissed Billie’s forehead and went to put her guitar away.

Billie smiled at her and was soon asleep. He was lightly snoring when Jackie returned.

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Yes, you're back! Wow, I love the way you write about caretaking.

I hope Billie stays sick a few days. He's so cute.

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I love this fic <3 hope to next part will be soon! smile.png

I take it from your username, you like Green Day too?

I'll put up the next part this afternoon if you want!

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PART 4 is up:


Billie awoke to Jackie patting his warm forehead with a cold cloth. He turned on his back so the cloth would balance better.

“Oh, sorry, Daddy, I didn’t mean to wake you—you’re just burning up again…we need to crack that fever,” Jackie said smiling and dabbing at his glistening forehead and neck.

“It’s OK…” Billie said before sneezing--HESHOO! HESHOO!—and then hoarsely trailing off into a coughing fit.

Jackie helped him sit up and she helped him sip some water. The cold water soothed Billie’s aching throat and relieved his coughing.

“Thanks,” he said sniffling. He began to breathe deeply, hitching his breath to sneeze. HE-HE-HETSCHOO!!! HEEPTTSCHOO!!! HESCHOO!!! Billie sneezed forcefully into his elbow. “God, this cold fucking sucks…” he reached behind him and grabbed a handful of tissues and blew his nose hard.

“I know… Let’s work on breaking that fever first.” Jackie said. “You need to eat a little something before you take more medicine, are you hungry?”

“Not really, but I guess I’ll have some of that chicken soup Adie made yesterday,” Billie said.

“OK.” Jackie warmed up a bowl for Billie and brought it to him. Billie sat up and began to eat.

“Why are you home? I thought you were going out with your friends?” Billie asked between slurps of soup.

“I already did. I just told Mary that I couldn’t go to dinner with her because you were sick. We just went to see a movie and then she brought me home,” Jackie replied.

“Aw, you didn’t have to do that. I can take care of myself.”

“Um…I beg to differ, seeing as you still have a fever and still feel miserable. You know mom wouldn’t do much to help you.”

“That’s true, but I’m fine, Jackie, really, I don’t want you catching this nasty thing…seriously it sucks.”

“It’s OK, Dad. I’ll be fine. Right now you need to be focused on getting better. Take some more Vitamin I and then go take a hot shower. You need to clear your respiratory system,” Jackie said.

“Alright” Billie said. He finished the rest of his soup and downed a swig of water and two Vitamin I’s. Then Jackie helped Billie up the stairs and knocked on his and Adrienne’s bedroom door. Adrienne was at her desk doing some paper work.

“Hi Mom. Dad’s just gonna shower and go to bed.” Jackie said.

“OK.” Adrienne said.

Billie took a long hot shower. The steam opened his sinuses and he could finally breathe through his nose. The hot water soothed all his aches and pains that came with illness. The shower felt so rejuvenating that he didn’t want to get out. He wanted to stay in a place that made feel good—a place that allowed him to breathe through his nose. After soaking in the shower for a good 15-20 minutes, he finally shut the water off and wrapped himself up a towel; he grabbed it quick from the outside so not to let any chilly air in. He stood in the moisture of the shower for a little, just to breathe in the last of the steam and soak up the last of the warm water vapor. He stepped out and shivered immediately from the cold draft. He dried off and changed into a clean pair of PJ pants and T-shirt. He then took another dosage of the “potion” (Nyquil and Codeine), which prolonged his open sinuses even more. And finally, he rubbed a glob of Vaporub on his chest and under his nose to hopefully keep his sinuses from clogging up again. He opened the bathroom door and stumbled drowsily into bed. He thought he felt better—of course he may have been delirious from all the over the counter dugs and the fever—whatever it was, he felt relaxed and sleep came easy, probably from the intoxicating narcotics. Adrienne tucked him in and left the room, shutting the curtains and turning off the lights and turning on the fan behind her. Billie’s eyes closed and didn’t open until morning. Finally, his first night of peaceful sleep.

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great, although a little short, I hope this is not the end, write great works smile.png

yeah, I know it's short. There definitely is more... but I don't know how many more parts. Maybe one or two more.

Glad you like it!

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Billie awoke late the next morning (Sunday) happy—happy though, not cured, but happy that he had finally slept through the night, no coughing fits, no vomiting, and no fever sweats. He heard the bedroom door crack and turned on his side to see who it was. It was Adrienne checking on him.

“Morning Billie,” she came in and sat on the edge of their bed. “How are you feeling?” she asked rubbing Billie’s legs over the covers.

“Better. I’m still stuffed up, but I think the fever broke, I’m not nauseas anymore, and I finally got a good night’s sleep.” Billie said sitting up and rubbing this tired eyes.

“That’s good. You even look better too.” Adrienne said smiling at her well rested husband.

“Thanks. I’ll be down in a minute; I’m just going to go to the bathroom first.” Billie said flipping the covers back and rolling out of bed.

Billie came down the stairs with a little bounce in his step. He walked into the kitchen and found his family hopping about. The kitchen table was covered with powdered sugar as well as little bowls full of syrup, sprinkles, butter, chocolate chips, and fruit. Adrienne was smiling at Billie and they both glanced at Joey who was gnawing away at his pancakes mounted with every possible topping available, Jackie was over at the stove flipping out more pancakes and bringing them to the table. Billie sat down and Joey smiled at him.

“Hi DADDY!!!” he said, mouth full of pancake.

“Hi Joey. Would you like a pancake for those toppings?” Billie smiled joking with his son.

“Hi Daddy!” Jackie said bringing over another plate of pancakes. “Glad to see you’re feeling better. Would you like a pancake?”

“Uh, sure, just a plain one, though,” Billie said.

“OK.” Jackie smiled. She put a pancake on a plate and gave it to her dad and put two on a plate for herself. “Joey, can you pass me the bowl of fruit please?”

“Hm-hmm.” Joey said handing her the fruit.

“Does this happen every Sunday?” Billie asked.

“No. When Joey and I were out yesterday, we bought ingredients and toppings for pancakes. We love when Jackie makes pancakes.” Adrienne explained.

“And I especially love it because I love to put so many toppings on my pancakes!” Joey interjected.

“Yeah, buddy, would you like a pancake with that mountain of toppings?” Billie smiled ruffling Joey’s hair as he squirted syrup all over his edible mountain.

Everyone laughed. When everyone was finished eating, everyone helped clean the kitchen. Billie gathered all the dishes, Adrienne washed the hot pan and batter covered bowl, Joey rinsed all the sticky plates and glasses, and Jackie put them in the dishwasher.

Billie was the first to reach the living room and crash on the couch, sneezing as he sat down. HESHOO!!!

“Bless you,” Jackie said following him and sitting next to him.

“Thanks.” Billie answered grabbing a tissue and blowing his nose.

“Still got a little bit of a cold?” Jackie asked.

“Yeah, I’m still congested, but I feel a lot better.” Billie said.

“Well, that’s great. You look better too. I see the fever broke too.” Jackie said.

“Yep, just need to get rid of the stupid congestion so I don’t sound like I have a duck shoved up my nose and so I can sing again.” Billie joked.

Jackie laughed slightly. “You’re so funny…” she said sarcastically.

The Armstrongs spent the Sunday together. They watched a movie and soon it was time for Jackie and Joey to finish their homework. Each finished quickly and then Joey headed upstairs for a quick shower and an unusual early bedtime (around 8pm). Jackie stayed up until for a few more hours. She was in the basement with Billie; they were playing piano together. Billie was teaching her the beginning to Viva La Gloria and she was catching on quickly. Adrienne came down about 9:45pm and told them to wrap it up. Jackie had school tomorrow. Jackie showered quickly and hopped into bed, sleep coming fast. Billie decided to follow. He showered and settled in for a nice early bedtime, since he was still under the weather. Adrienne was already in bed reading a book when Billie came out the bathroom. Adrienne put her book down and turned to look at her husband. They talked, but that didn’t last long as Billie was quickly drifting to sleep from last of the “potion” he took to rid of his cold.

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No, there is one more part. And sadly, this is the only sickfic of Billie. I have more Green Day fics, but I haven't touched them in a while and I don't know if they are done.

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This is the last part I have written and I've decided to end it with this.


The next morning Adrienne’s alarm beeped at the crack of 7:30 in the morning. She shut it off quickly so not to wake Billie. She quietly got up and went to wake Jackie and Joey.

“Ugh… Monday…” Jackie groaned. It took a while for her to wake up, but eventually made her way to the bathroom to change. She made her way downstairs and saw her father sitting at the kitchen table sipping tea and skimming the newspaper. “Dad, what are you doing up?”

“I wanted to see you before you went off to school.” Billie said.

“Oh, OK.” Jackie said reaching for a bowl and spoon, the box of Frosted Flakes, and getting the milk from the fridge. She set the materials on the table and made her breakfast. “Are you going to go to work today?” she asked.

“I think so, I’m gonna go back to bed when you leave and see how I feel when I get up later. I still sound stuffed up, but I feel fine.” Billie said putting down the paper and looking at his beautiful daughter.

“That’s good.” Jackie said.

Adrienne came into the kitchen and got out the Honey Comb cereal for Joey and sat down at the table waiting for him to come down.

“Hi Mom.” Jackie said.

“Morning darling. Hey Billie, how you feeling?” Adrienne asked.

“Fine. Much better, I just still sound sick.” Billie said.

“You gonna go in to the studio today?” Adrienne asked.

“I’m gonna try. Like I told Jackie, I’m going to back to bed and see how I feel when I get up.”

Billie finished talking and Joey arrived downstairs still in his PJs, sniffling and rubbing his eyes.

“Oh, Joey, I was just about to check on you. Why are you still in your PJs? Aren’t you going to school?” Adrienne asked.

“I don’t feel good.” Joey moaned.

“Aw, come here, buddy.” Billie held him arms out and Joey climbed up on his lap and rested his head on Billie’s shoulder. Billie felt his forehead and said, “He feels warm.”

“That’s just great…” Adrienne said frustrated. She got up and got the Motrin from the cabinet and poured the correct dosage for Joey. “Here, Joey, drink this.”

Joey drank the sour medicine, coughing a bit, and laid his head back down on Billie’s shoulder and Billie rubbed soothing circles on his back.

“I’ll stay home with him Adie. It’s OK.” Billie calmly said.

“Alright. I’ll call the school, then I’ll be off to work.” Adrienne said. She ran her hand through Joey’s hair. “Feel better sweetie, I’ll see you when I get home.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re home; Mom isn’t the best caretaker in the world.” Jackie mumbled putting her dishes in the sink.

“I know…” Billie quietly replied.

“Yeah. I like when you’re here to take care of me Daddy,” Joey said quietly. “Mom would never do what you’re doing.”

“I know, I know…I’m here and that’s all that matters.” Billie soothed. “Now Jackie, you better get a move on, you’re going to be late for school.”

“Don’t worry Dad. I’m fine.” Jackie said.

“OK.” Billie said. “Come on, Joey, let’s go to the living room.” Billie carried Joey to the couch and laid him down on the couch and covered him up with a microplush blanket.

“Bye Dad.” Jackie said hugging and kissing her dad on the check.

“Bye seeya when you get home,” Billie said. “There Joey, do you want to watch TV?”

“Yeah, can you put it on Cartoon Network?” Joey asked.

“Sure.” Billie said.

He changed the channel and got a blanket for himself and curled up on the other side of the couch and dozed off. Joey was out in no time too. Adrienne found both of them asleep when she left for work.

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