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Late Bloomers (An OITNB Fic)


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Hi there. Likesn here again, this time- with my first fanfic. A few months ago I came across this post:


This got me interested, so I started watching the show, eagerly waiting for episode 8. When I finally saw the mentioned scene I enjoyed it, but wished there were more scenes featuring sick Piper and Alex. That is why I decided to write this little oneshot, following that scene. I'm not in the mood to describe the show for those who don't watch it, so if you don't wanna be left behind just read about the show somewhere else (or better yet- start watching it, because it's actually pretty good. At least that's my opinion). No real spoilers in this fic, at least if you've seen the mentioned scene already. And now for the story:

Title: Late Bloomers

Author: Likesn

Fandom: Orange is the new black

Disclaimer: I don't own the show or the characters- Netflix and Lionsgate do

Summary: Piper and Alex are both sick, after almost everyone in prison were already sick and got better

When Alex raised her eyes she saw Piper had a weird expression on her face. "Why are you making that face?" she asked. Piper's reaction was a delicate "Hhhh Ha Tchoo!" that she sneezed into the crook of her elbow. She then sighed, sniffed, wiped her nose with her sleeve and said "Shit". "You got it too, huh?" asked Alex. "Yup" answered Piper, sniffing and wiping her nose again. "Well, bless you, I guess Huh Hu Eshoo!" Piper's sneeze seemed to have triggered Alex's nose, which was getting red by now. "Bless you too Ha Hi Tchoo! Ugh! I hate this" Piper said before blowing her nose wetly into some toilet paper. Alex followed her lead with a gurgling blow of her own and said "I dow, this sucks". "*sniff* Bove over, I'b cobbig id" said Piper and Alex made room for her under the covers. "Hu Russsshhhoo!" the sneeze crept on Alex and she didn't have time to cover it up, thus sneezing directly into Piper's hair. Piper was grossed out, but before she could say anything she was able to return a favor with three wet sneezes into Alex's hair- "Tchoo, Itchoo, Ha Tchoo"! "We're a sdeezy bess, ared't we?" said Alex. "Yes we are. This cold, or flu, or whatever the hell this is is really bad add it gets worse really fast. Dow I udderstadd how it took the whole prisod dowd so fast" said Piper. "I dow, right? I was fide odly a few hours ago add dow look at be Hu Hurrrshoo, Eshoo!" said Alex, turning away from Piper to sneeze another messy double. "Bless you. Poor thig- your dose is all red add puffy" said Piper. "That's 'cause I've beed blowig it with this labe excuse for toilet paper for the last few hours. Dod't worry- your owd dose will be id the sabe shape sood edough" Alex said.

They were lying in Alex's bed, cuddling together to keep themselves warm, when Alex said "You dow- this isd't the first tibe we had the sdiffles together. Do you rebebber that tibe, shortly after we started datig, whed we were walkig back to your apartbedt, add suddedly it started raidig, add I bead freakig cats add dogs pouridg raid, add deither of us had add ubbrella? By the tibe we got to your apartbedt we were both soakig wet. You got water idside your shoes add I helped you take theb off add Hu Ushoo, Hu Resh, Ushoo! *sdiff* add I got you a bowl of warb water to soak your feet idto". "Oh yeah! I rebebber that" said Piper. "I was so worried about you gettig sick I forgot to chadge out of by owd wet clothes add so I caught a dasty cold byself the followig day" said Alex. "Well, do you rebebber that tibe whed we wedt skiig id Verbodt?" asked Piper. "Ha Eshoo! Ugh! Yeah, so?" Alex replied with a question. "Od our first day there you fell idto a huge pile of sdow, add by the tibe we got to our cabid you had sdow idside your ski boots. I rebebbered what you did for be that day whed we were caught id the raid, so I was able to returd a favor. Dot odly I helped you take your wet boots off add got you a bowl of hot water for your frozed feet, I eved Ha Ha Tchoo! *sniff* I eved rubbed your feet to keep theb warb" said Piper. "Oh yeah! Dow that you dedtiod it, I do rebebber that" said Alex. "I spedt that edtire afterdood takig care of you add you were sdeezig all over be so of course I evedtually caught your cold add we were both udable to ski add had to Tchoo, Tish, Ishoo, Ha Ishoo! spedt the whole tibe stuck id bed id our cabid" said Piper. "I rebebber that. I also rebebber the idside of by boots wasd't the odly thig that was wet that tibe Hu AhEshoo!" the massive sneeze wiped the grin from Alex's face. "Tcha, Ha Tchoo! That's right" said Piper "We did have surprisidgly good sex whedever ode of us or both had a cold. Weird huh"?

The girls spent some time sneezing blowing their noses and reminiscing, when they heard a sneeze that wasn't their own- "Aei Shoo"! They looked up and saw Morello with her face buried in a pile of crumpled toilet paper. "Adother late bloober, huh Borello"? asked Alex. "I'b dot id the bood for jokes AhYeshoo, Pchi, IhYeshoo! *sniff* Add Chapbad, you should go back to your cell sood, it's albost tibe for coudt" said the red nosed Morello, her voice even more cracked than usual. She then went her way, her gurgling honking nose blows echoing through the prison. "She's right you dow A Russshhoo! You should got back to your cell before we both get id trouble" said Alex. "Your right Ha Ishoo, Tchoo! *sniff* get sobe sleep add you'll feel better sood" said Piper. "You too. Take care dow" said Alex. "Thadks, I will" said Piper. She gave another set of wet gurgling nose blows into some toilet paper and then left. The girls got over their colds in less than two days. Now all they had to do was survive in prison. Easy, huh?

The End

I'd like to hear your opinion about this story. A new story (probably another fanfic) coming soon

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  • 9 months later...

Oh this was great! There's definitely a lack of OITNB fics... yours was perfect! I loved that sick episode haha!!

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