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iAllergic - iCarly Fic

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This is from the Halloween episode of iCarly where they go to Apartment 13-B. I'm skipping the beginning, it's basically just Freddie wearing a witch costume his mom made him and Carly and Sam deciding to go to the haunted apartment, despite Freddie's objections.

"You guys... Can we please just go back to Carly's apartment for the webcast?" Freddie's voice sounded whiny even to himself, but he would honestly rather be anywhere else but at Apartment 13-B. However, his opinion on the matter had been ignored, as he was outnumbered two to one.

"Aw, man up, Fredwart. Or at least boy up," Sam remarked, her voice laced with its usual sarcasm as she knelt down beside the door, picking the lock with the paper clip within about seven seconds. Normally, Freddie wouldn't have been phased by her comment, but this time, he grimaced, as his mother had embellished his witch costume with a wart on his cheek, simply amplifying his embarrassment. As the trio slipped through the doorway, the odor of the room hit them like a brick wall. However, for Freddie, he had other things on his mind; the real reason he had refused going into the abandoned apartment. For Carly and Sam, the stench simply meant that they would have to grow accustomed to the dingy apartment's air, but Freddie realized that he had bigger problems, as he realized that the run down apartment was caked in a thick blanket of dust. His nose immediantly began to run, though he tried to sniffle as subtly and quietly as possible. Fortunately for Freddie, both girls were completely oblivious. However, they had managed to notice the abundance of dust as well. "Look at this place!" Sam exclaimed distastefully. "It's worse than my apartment!"

Carly swatted the air, as if doing so would cleanse it somehow. "And dustier," she commented. Suddenly, her face lit up like a Christmas tree. (You'll understand my terrible pun in a moment.) "Wait, I have an idea for how we can start the show!" Freddie's heart sank as he watched her scoop up massive handfuls of dust, stirring up a miniature cloud of gray that he did his best to avoid. Freddie refocused his attention onto setting up his equipment, flipping notches and pressing buttons rapidly for a few moments until he'd finished. He nearly grimaced as he noticed the mounds of dust in their hands that looked like miniature dust animals.

"And we're on in five, four, three, tuh-two..." He flinched as his voice caught, though this too went unnoticed. He pressed his fingers firmly on the back of his nose for a moment, successfully suppressing the tickle, though he had a bad feeling that this would simply cause his fit to be longer and more violent when it eventually came, as it always seemed to be with him. He began to wonder how exactly they planned on starting the webcast, but his question was quickly resolved.

"Merry Christmas!" the two shouted in unison, throwing their clumps of gray towards the camera, making it seem as if snow were falling around them, though nearly all of it had ended up landing on Freddie, literally showering the allergy-ridden from head to toe with dust. His breath began to hitch immediately, to his dismay, but he tried his best to fight it back for as long as he could. Freddie felt his attention fade rapidly from the webcast and onto his sinuses as the briefly subsided itch renewed, this time much stronger than before. He flinched, stifling his sneeze into his shoulder, as both of his hands were occupied with holding the camera. He tried to keep it as steady as possible as he expelled the brief handful of sneezes.

"Huh'pnxch, nrgxsch. Hea'KNXSGH!" Though he received a brief glance from Carly, there seemed to be no other notice taken of his stifled, fairly quiet sneezes, except his fit had only just begun. His face crumpled as he dove his face into his elbow, releasing another brief fit. "Eih... heih... Eaihh... Hea'knxtsch! Hup'pnxtsch! Huh'mmpxfh. Eia'HMPX'tschoo!"

Sam's eyes narrowed in irritation. "Yo, Fredwart, if we wanted a sneezy tech producer, we would have asked Germy," she pointed out sarcastically, causing the congested teen to roll his eyes in irritation. Carly mouthed the words 'bless you' towards him sympathetically during Sam's insult, but that was all she could do before returning to the webcast. The trio's attention was quickly redirected as they heard a hoarse, eerie voice snap from down the hallway that sounded as if it were gradually approaching. Freddie reluctantly followed Carly and Sam into the last place that he wanted to go; the closet.

(Lemme know if you want me to continue with part 2, which will most likely be the last part. I think some people will probably like part one, but I wanna make sure before I write more.)

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Yeeeeeees Freddie needs more torturing ! Nice puns & sarcasm. I use to love this show. Please a second part :)

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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