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Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka Fanfic, Unititled


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This isn't my best, but you get the general idea of the plot.

This features Neil Patrick Harris as a Glee Teacher like Mr. Schuester in Glee

This features a sick David Burtka, a worker at the Ellen DeGeneres Show

Enjoy this little short fanfic of the two...


“HAH-ACHOOOO!!!” David sneezed loudly into his hand. He moaned and slowly plucked a tissue from the box on the table.

“Bless you!” Neil said as he closed the door, entering the home after a long day of work.

“POPAAAAA!!!!” Harper and Gideon yelped racing into the kitchen to greet their Papa.

“Hey guys!” Neil knelt down to give them each a big hug.

The nanny came into the kitchen following the twins. “Hi Neil.”

Neil smiled at the nanny and then hobbled (with Harper and Gideon in his arms) over to David who was slumped on the couch miserable and weak. “Hey sweetie. You not feeling well?” he asked setting his kids down and then kissing David’s forehead.

David smiled and nodded. “Yeah, Tom brought me home at lunch…” he mumbled slowly rising to a sitting position.

“Aw, you poor thing…why didn’t you call me?” Neil asked picking up some of the tissues that missed the trashcan.

David shrugged, “I didn’t want to bother you…besides it’s just a cold…I’m fine.” He finished before a big sneeze. “HA-ACCHOO!!!” he sneezed into his elbow, turning his head away from his husband.

Neil narrowed his eyes. “Uh-hm…Of course you are baby…” he patted his back and handed him a tissue. “Now come on, let’s get you to bed.” Neil coaxed David to his feet and escorted him to their bedroom.

Neil and David entered their bedroom. David sat on the bed while Neil grabbed him a clean pair of Pajamas. Neil set the clothes beside David, as he was too busy sneezing.

“ACHOO!!! HAH-ACHOO—CHOO!!! ET-CHOOO!!” David sneezed repeatedly into the crest of his arm.

“I’m going to get you some medicine.” Neil said disappearing into the bathroom to raid the medicine cabinet.

Neil came back and David was blowing his nose into a wad of tissues. “You poor thing, David, your nose is so red.” Neil cooed. “Here, chug some Nyquil and then I’ll bring you some soup in a little while…”

David sniffed one last time and then took the medicine cup from Neil and chugged it painfully. “Thanks babe. You’re so sweet.” David changed clothes and Neil tucked him into bed and kissed his cheek goodnight.

Neil came out and began to make dinner. He whipped up some chicken noodle soup for David and Hamburger Helper for himself and the twins.

Neil ladled a bowl of soup for David and placed it on a TV tray. He got a bottle of water and a cup of OJ and set it on the tray too. “Hey,” Neil cooed pushing open the bedroom door with his shoulder. “How you doing?”

David sneezed, “HA-CHOO!” into a tissue and sniffed wetly, “I’ve been better,” he replied slightly congested but with a smile.

“Bless you. I brought you some dinner if you’re hungry,” Neil came closer and set the tray in front of him.

“Thanks Neil, but I’m not—Hept-huh—I don’t have much of an appetite…right now.” David mumbled through his Kleenex.

“Alright, I’ll leave it anyway, in case you change your mind. But even if you’re not hungry, try to drink a little water or OJ, OK?” Neil asked.

“OK.” David replied.

Neil asked David about his day, and David only said that Ellen said he should go home. Then David asked Neil about his day. Neil said it was a regular day at school and Glee club is really improving—they are getting more confident and really getting into performing. Harper and Gideon peeked their way into their dads’ bedroom and Neil invited them in. They all talked and soon Neil took the tray—which David had managed to gulp down the juice and nibble at the soup—and told the kids to say goodnight to Daddy.

Neil put Harper and Gideon to bed then went back to his bedroom to comfort David and turn in early as well.

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Awe this is cue :3 I like it. Neil doe. <3 . Update or no?.

U[date For this story? No, this is all I had written.

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Awe this is cue :3 I like it. Neil doe. <3 . Update or no?.

U[date For this story? No, this is all I had written.

. Sall right then c: it's just cute
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