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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Supernatural Fic For Sen Beret


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Inspired by this prompt from TG's meme:

Sam is quite a sneezy guy generally but John and Dean could always tell when it was his hayfever starting as opposed to just normal sneezes because he would sneeze in this certain pattern, and then they would buy up antihistamines and decongestants and stuff.

When Sam and Dean go back out on the hunt together at one point Dean is like, 'Your hayfever is starting, we should stop off at a drugstore'

And Sam insists that it isn't and that it's way too early for it. But then Dean just smugly predicts his next few sets of sneezes, and Sam is all stubborn and doesn't want to prove him right and tries really, really hard not to follow this pattern. But in the end they have to go buy allergy meds.

It's a bit short, but I really hope you enjoy it Sen Beret! hug.gif

“hiiIhh’ttCHhhhIEEEeeww! eEhh’hITCHHhhEEeeww!-hhCHEEWWwww!-ihhtCHHHhHHhh!”

The second he heard the rapid triple, Dean knew.


“Bless y’”.

Sure enough, there it was. It’d been so many years since they’d hunted together regularly, and yet Dean still knew what it meant.

Sam was sniffling bemusedly, his expression the picture of innocence, but the anticipatory way that his eyes flickered to Dean time and again showed that he knew what was coming. And was hoping against hope that it wouldn’t.

“When exactly were you going to tell me?”

“About what?” Sam replied with perfectly feigned confusion. It might have even fooled Dean, if it wasn’t for the way he was pawing furtively at his irritated nose.

“That your hay fever’s starting?” he responded in an accusatory tone, eyebrows raised.

His brother paused as he reached out to open the passenger door of the Impala.

Damn, had Sam gotten good. All hurt puppy-eyes and reproaching pouts.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” he said, opening the door and sliding into his seat. Dean rolled his eyes and took his place at the wheel.

Starting the engine, he rolled down the windows with a smirk. Sam didn’t say anything; the only indication of displeasure was an almost imperceptible tightening of his lips.

“So, d’you think this’ll work?”

“It should do. Dad mentioned it in his journal, but he never tr-tried it…” Sam faltered a little, frowning. He wiped at his eyes with his sleeve, clearly beginning to feel the effects of the sun-warm air streaming through the windows.

Dean chuckled, and he shot him a glare.

“Sh-Shut u-heehh-up…” The frustrated hiss only prompted more laughter from Dean.

“You alright there, Sammy?”

“Y-Yes-hhh-” he protested breathily.

The elder held up one finger with a mischievous grin.


Then three.


Then one again.

This time Sam shook his head wildly. He pinched his nostrils shut painfully hard, gritted his teeth, willed the sensation to leave with every fibre of his being. Eventually he dropped his hand.

“You were wrong, Dean” Sam said smugly. Dean only smiled, counting down in his mind.



“I rest my case” said Dean triumphantly. Sam groaned from behind his hand.

“I hate you”.

“Too bad, you’re stuck with me. Let’s pick up some meds and give them time to kick in before we hunt anything. I’m not exactly eager for your allergies to get us killed”.

Sam ignored him, caught in the throes of another fit.

“ihh’CHEEEEeeewwwWhh! ehhHh’ttCHIIiiEEEWWWwww!-ihT’ChhhEEwwwww!-hhhh’CHCCCChhhhhshhheww!”

“Bless you, bless you, bless you, bless you, and bless you once more”.

“D-Dabbit, Deand-hiEh’CHHHhhhEEWWWwww!”

Dean laughed heartily and turned up the music, earning another glare from his snuffly brother.

Edited by MaiMai
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WHAT'S THIS? Oh my god!!! I had no idea you were going to do this! Thank you SO MUCH, seriously, you're like the nicest ever. I remember really really loving this prompt when it was first posted and I'm so stoked that you were the one to fill it! Wow!! I'm going to make you a list of all the stuff I loved!

1. Season one boys!!! I love the ones where they're just back on the road together because it's so light and sweet and full of teasing (and I have a thing for Sam's season one hair…)

2. What an interesting pattern!! You're so good at coming up with different spellings and patterns and stuff, I think it's very very creative.

3. Dean being all accusing and Sam playing the innocent!! Yeah right, buddy!!

4. Mmmm when he first starts needing to sneeze while he's talking! That first stammer is so adorable.

5. Dean teasing Sam while he tries to talk through his build up!!!!

6. Oh my god, Dean holding up fingers to predict it… that's so hot… wow

7. Sam trying not to sneeze and Dean knowing that it won't work!

8. And oh my god, the bless-you-train at the end, also really hot. You're incredible. YOU'RE SO INCREDIBLE! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

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WHAT'S THIS? Oh my god!!! I had no idea you were going to do this! Thank you SO MUCH, seriously, you're like the nicest ever. I remember really really loving this prompt when it was first posted and I'm so stoked that you were the one to fill it! Wow!! I'm going to make you a list of all the stuff I loved!

1. Season one boys!!! I love the ones where they're just back on the road together because it's so light and sweet and full of teasing (and I have a thing for Sam's season one hair…)

2. What an interesting pattern!! You're so good at coming up with different spellings and patterns and stuff, I think it's very very creative.

3. Dean being all accusing and Sam playing the innocent!! Yeah right, buddy!!

4. Mmmm when he first starts needing to sneeze while he's talking! That first stammer is so adorable.

5. Dean teasing Sam while he tries to talk through his build up!!!!

6. Oh my god, Dean holding up fingers to predict it… that's so hot… wow

7. Sam trying not to sneeze and Dean knowing that it won't work!

8. And oh my god, the bless-you-train at the end, also really hot. You're incredible. YOU'RE SO INCREDIBLE! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

You really liked it that much?! I'm so glad! I didn't have as much time to work on it as I would have liked (damn AS levels...), so I'm really happy you enjoyed it!! And thanks for the list, you're so lovely <3

Such a cute story!!

Thank you, glad you liked it! :D

Edited by MaiMai
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Wow! This was my prompt from, like, two years ago that never got filled, and I kept reprompting it and now HERE IT IS. Awesome! :D Hooray for new writers in the fandom!

I SO love Sam trying not to sneeze, especially his breath hitching as he talks, and shaking his head and pinching his nose and being almost imperceptibly frustrated by Dean winding the windows down. Just GOLD!

Dean is awesome too. He just KNOWS. And he's so teasing and snarky, but ultimately he's gonna make sure Sam has what he needs. Predicting the number of sneezes is wonderful as well and that last bless you! Brilliant. I know this wasn't for me but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR IT!

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This is so good, season one Sam and Dean are the best and I just loved all of Dean's blessings at the end smile.png

Thank you!! I have a thing for season 1 too, it's one of my favourite seasons :D

Wow! This was my prompt from, like, two years ago that never got filled, and I kept reprompting it and now HERE IT IS. Awesome! biggrin.png Hooray for new writers in the fandom!

I SO love Sam trying not to sneeze, especially his breath hitching as he talks, and shaking his head and pinching his nose and being almost imperceptibly frustrated by Dean winding the windows down. Just GOLD!

Dean is awesome too. He just KNOWS. And he's so teasing and snarky, but ultimately he's gonna make sure Sam has what he needs. Predicting the number of sneezes is wonderful as well and that last bless you! Brilliant. I know this wasn't for me but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR IT!

Omg you liked it I'm so happy!! :D Your prompts are amazing, I enjoyed writing this so much! :)

Love this! smile.png

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...


SAMMYYYY. He is so desperate and breathless and allergic and he's trying SO hard to not let Dean be right, but Dean's so right. And the mention of the puppy eyes!! I love the puppy eyes!!

This is so hot and so adorable and Dean is so cute and triumphant and knowledgeable of his brother and I am in love with this story. With my entire heart.

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