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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Part 2 of a Naruto fan fic


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If you read to first fic, I will put a link to it http://www.sneezefet...showtopic=50706 I also have the outline for my OC in there as well. I finally got around to continuing the story, so here it is, I hope it's not to bad... Not as much sneezing in this part though.


A masked man then came through the wall, with another man who has long dark, spiky hair. Mujakina knew who they were instintly, 'Why me?!' she thought, as she pushed a little closer to Sasuke.

The man in the white mask with a swirl on it was Tobi; making the other one the real Madara Uchiha. "See I told you, she is the one for the plans I spoke of."

"Hn. Well, it doesn't look like she has anything special about her at all. Her chakra isn't anything near even one of the weakest people I've met," Madara turns his head to Tobi," Why did you pick her?"

"I chose her for a reason, you will see what I mean soon enough," said Tobi in a plain tone.

Sasuke sniffed and coughed. He noticed that Obito's eyes slightly narrowed as he did that, looking at him and then at Mujakina, "You should be careful not to get anyone sick, Sasuke."

Itachi thought to himself, 'I see.' "So this was part of your plan, was it?"

"Itachi, I wouldn't jump to conclusions if I were you. She is from another world, there for germs from our realm might take havock on her body," Tobi spoke.

Sasuke and Itachi both widen their eyes, it was clear now that both brothers had taken a liking to her, as of which Tobi seemed to have noticed.

"Well now, I think we should take her from here," said Tobi.

Sasuke looked at him, "I thought we were supposed to take her to the battle field?"

"Change of plans," said Tobi as he walked over to Mujakina and threw her to Madara who caught her and put her over his shoulder.

"We will take it from here," said Madara as Tobi and he carrying Mujakina phased through the wall and vanished.

Sasuke stood up, "They didn't tell us anything! How could she be useful to the plan, at all, is it just a lie, to mislead us?!"

"Sasuke don't be so niave. That is how Tobi wants it to appear. I also now am sure as to why we are sick," Itachi said, who orginally assumed otherwise.

"Why?" Sasuke questioned as he blew his nose again.

Itachi stifled a small sneeze into his sleeve, "Hutnkxx!" he then wiped his nose on a tissue, "It wasn't because of what Tobi said," Itachi began to hitch his breath, "HUHtiSHEWW!!"

"Bless you brother, then what was the reason?" said Sasuke hoping he didn't infect her in case there was still the possiblity of him getting her sick.

"It could be for one of two reasons. I don't believe you knew this, but Mujakina has a paraphilia for sneezing. Tobi made sure to hide that from you."

"What's a par-phi-AHSWEUUUW! HiSHEEWWW! HHCHOOO!!!" Sasuke sneezed very loudly and then sighed as he rubbed his finger under his nose, "What's a paraphilia?"

Else where Madara responded to what Tobi had told him, "How could someone find an act such as sneezing to be sexually pleasurable?!" Luckily enough Mujakina was unconscious at this time; when Tobi grabbed her; he injected her with something that temporarily knocked her out. Tobi was telling Madara little bits and pieces about Mujakina before he would tell him why she was truly a good tool for this war.

Back in the abandoned house, Sasuke widens his eyes and slightly blushes, he had no idea that some how she had a turn on of sneezing. 'That does explain, some of her behavior' he thought. "But what purpose would that serve?"

Itachi coughed lightly, "It wouldn't look like it would serve any purpose, but I would never underestimate Tobi. The other reason, could be because Tobi has already experimented on her. Something about her must have interested him, making him want to see if he could develop a chakra network into her, to develop on what ever this interest is."

"So this means... HuItHSHooo," Sasuke sneezed a little softer that time.

"That he must have taken some of our chakra, and used it in her," said Itachi bluntly.

"How did he get some of my chakra?"

Itachi answered, "Not just your chakra, but part of our immune systems as well. This is what is causing us to be sick Sasuke, not a cold."

Madara placed Mujakina down on a table, "You gave her some of Sasuke and Itachi's chakra as well as a piece of their immunity. Not a bad plan at all." She awoke and looked at Madara, him being the first thing she saw her face turned red and she put her head back down. She was hooked up to something, still disoriented, it was hard for her tell what was going on.

"She also has a bit of a crush on you," said Tobi to Madara just because he knew how awkward it would be for her.

"What?! I couldn't like him! No offense not my type...." Mujakina squeeled.

"Stay still! You need to remain still for this to work!" Yelled Madara feeling a bit offended. He at this time was giving her some of his immunity and very small amounts of his chakra.

"Don't worry we aren't hurting you, quite far from it." Said Tobi, as Mujakina slightly jumped from the flow of chakra entering into her.

"What will this do to me? You're giving me some of his chakra? My body has never had any chakra, his is the most powerful as far as I know, I don't think I could tolerate it," Mujakina replied trying to stay still. The sensation going through was uncomfortable, but not painful.

"I have to give you credit for knowing of my chakra's prowess, Mujakina. But not to worry, I am also giving you some of my immunity in order to help you tolerate it better," replied Madara.

Mujakina trying to remain still, "How would you're immunity, help my body tolerate your chakra?"

Tobi begins to answer, "It's his chakra's immune network as well as a bit from his immune system. The immunity will combine with yours, allowing your body to develop a chakra network more smoothly. As it combines to your immunity, it will allow it to see what parts of his chakra or others chakra that your body couldn't tolerate, and help your system remove that part. Likewise his chakra will combine with yours and boost it. Ultimately you don't have his chakra network, you have your own, it is just no longer under developed. In other words, your chakra is using his in order to develop like ours are in this realm."

Her eyes widen it began to feel painful, and then she passed out.

Tobi turns to Madara who has just finished, "You are aware of the affects it will have on you?"

Madara replies, "Of course I am. Nothing I couldn't handle." He feels his nose begin to itch a little and he sniffs.

Edited by CrushedBeMy Heart
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