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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Snap, Crackle, Pop! (Glee Faberry f/f, new cold fic!) Updated 10/24


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hey guys! new faberry, please enjoy. also, completely unrelated, I have been meaning to ask this for a while-- you know the list of tags we can choose from when we post new topics? WTF does "v-warning" stand for? vampires? I have the vague idea that it's something gross, and I may end up wishing I didn't ask, but curiosity always wins. wink.png

anyhow, enjoy the new story!!



Snap, Crackle, Pop

A Faberry fic for SFF

Part 1


It was still dark out when Quinn woke up. She didn't want to be awake; her eyes still felt heavy as lead, and her brain was a jumble of half-forgotten dreams already bleeding into her unconscious. But she couldn't ignore the discomfort that had woken her; the sore throat she'd noticed (and ignored) the night before hadn't gone away as she'd hoped, but had only dug itself in and gotten worse while she slept. It was raw and tender now, and dry too, and it only hurt worse when she breathed in through her mouth, which she had to do as her nose was completely blocked up. As soon as she sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes and blinking woozily in the darkness, her stuffy nose began to leak, and she sniffled softly to hold it back. The sound was wet and deep, sparking a damp tickle deep in the back of her head that she knew would turn into a snotty sneeze soon enough. And when she swallowed, not only did it hurt her throat, it also made funny crackling sounds in her ears, like popping bubble wrap, because they were stuffed up, too.

Fuck this, the blonde girl thought miserably to herself, dabbing her runny nose on the end of her sleeve as it tickled and dripped. Hoping that some hot tea would help ease her congestion enough to fall back to sleep, she slipped out of bed as quietly as she could so as not to wake Rachel, and padded down the hall to the kitchen, wincing at the brightness of the overhead light when she flicked it on. But before she could even fill the kettle, her wet nose was dribbling again, and she knew she needed to find some kleenex before anything else. They usually had a box on the coffee table, so she stumbled from the kitchen to the living room, sniffling and wiping her runny nose on the end of her sleeve again.

“Hheh...*snfl*...” The tickle blossomed so intensely in the back of her head, it stopped her in her tracks, still standing in the doorway to the living room. Her eyes narrowed as her head fell back, and she took her wrist away from her quivering nostrils to cup her hands in the air in anticipation. “Aaah...*snfl*...ahhit'chhew!!!” Nose running, she sneezed. “Ughhh,” she sighed softly behind her cupped hands, blinking woozily as she sniffled again. The tickle that had made her sneeze was still there; less intense, but building up again quickly as fresh trails of discharge continued to dribble slowly down her lip. She sniffled again as she hurried the last few steps to the sofa, where she snatched a tissue and wiped it across her glistening nostrils just as they opened wide again, tingling helplessly. “Hhut'chshh!! *Snfl.*...Hhehishh!!!” She wiped her nose on the soggy tissue, already reaching for another one as she sniffled miserably. Her ears were blocked up and pounding, her throat burned, her nose ran, and her head felt like it was full of wet cement. Making a cup of tea shouldn't be this hard.

“Bless you,” Rachel yawned, rubbing her eyes as she padded in from the hallway and sleepily wrapped an arm around her girlfriend, kissing her warm temple and rubbing her back. “Is somebody catching a big bad cold, hmm baby boo?”

“I'mb sick,” Quinn agreed miserably, dropping her head down on Rachel's shoulder with the soggy tissues still pinched to her nose.

“Aww, angelfish...I got you,” Rachel cooed sleepily, wrapping both arms possessively around her sniffling baby and running a hand through her sleep-mussed blonde hair. It was unnerving to see Quinn give in to her so quickly, without a fight; usually it took a day or two of intense crankiness for the blonde girl to admit she wasn't feeling well. She'd obviously caught something nasty if it came on this fast, waking her up from a sound sleep in the middle of the night, and wholly taking away her will to resist Rachel's coddling. “What hurts, hmm baby?” Rachel murmured, drawing back slightly from her girlfriend's warm arms to peer anxiously into her face.

“My throat,” Quinn whimpered croakily, wincing as she rubbed a hand across her chest. “And my head; it's so stuffed up, even my ears are blocked. I was...g-gonna...make some tea...*snfl*...” She drew her hand up and swiped across the underside of her runny nose with the back of her cuff. Then she blinked woozily, turning her head to the side as her breath gave a wheezy hitch, and her tired hazel eyes narrowed to slits. “Hhuht'chOOoo!!! *Snfl.*” Quinn buried her face in her elbow with a damp sneeze, turning away from Rachel as her shoulders bobbed forward helplessly. “Hhuh...*snfl*...hhut'chshx!!” She sneezed again, and immediately gave her runny nose another swipe on her sleeve, sniffling softly.

“Bless you,” Rachel hummed sweetly, darting forward to grab the tissues from the coffee table, and passing them to her sniffling girlfriend as she laid a warm hand on the blonde girl's shivering back. “Here, baby, just wipe your nose and curl up on the couch, okay? I'll make you some tea, I know just which one will make you feel better. And I'll bring you some cold meds, and maybe a little snack too, hmm? A little 4am comfort food?”

“Grilled cheese?” Quinn asked hopefully, her voice slightly muffled behind a fresh handful of tissues.

“Sure, angel. Grilled cheese and hot tea, coming right up.” Rachel beamed at her woozy blonde angel, pulling the neatly folded afghan from the end of the couch and settling it over her girlfriend's body as Quinn curled up against the cushions in submission, blowing her nose into a fresh tissue.

“Thadks, Rach. You...*snfl*...you rock so hard. I'd kiss you if I wased't all germby. *Snfl.*” Quinn wiped her nose again on the damp tissue; it still itched so much, and it didn't seem any less congested than it had been before she blew it. Rachel could see the lamp light glinting off a fresh dribble of clear snot as it slipped down the divot in Quinn's lip.

“I don't care about that,” Rachel shook her head slowly with a soft smile, tugging a fresh tissue from the box and lightly pinching it to Quinn's runny nose, gently wiping away the wetness. Then she leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to the blonde girl's warm lips. “I love you, angelfish,” she whispered against Quinn's mouth.

“Love you too, starfish,” Quinn murmured back, smiling sleepily. Then she sucked in a sharp, involuntary breath, and cupped the soggy tissues in her hand back to her runny nose as it quivered, sending a desperate tickle all the way up to her eyes and back to her ears. Her head fell back, pink nose pointed straight ahead into the air for a moment before she squeezed it in the damp tissues. “Aah...aah'iishshew!!! *Snfl.*” She snapped forward and sneezed desperately into Rachel's lap, both hands cupping the soggy tissues to her nose in an attempt to shield her girlfriend from her germs. “Hhh...*snfl*...” She massaged her runny nose desperately through the damp tissues, barely aware of Rachel's murmured bless you or the hand on her shoulder; but her breath just continued to hitch and huff softly as her pale eyebrows knit together involuntarily, and her pink nostrils quivered behind the damp tissues. “Uhh'chxshh!! *Snfl.* ...Ughhh, I'mb sorry Rach,” she sighed dazedly, tugging another tissue from the box and blowing wetly into it.

“It's okay, baby boo. I'll be right back with some nice goodies to make you feel better, okay?” Rachel gave her sniffling girl one final kiss on the forehead, and reluctantly climbed off the couch. Before she'd even made it to the kitchen, she heard another helplessly congested sneeze from the couch, followed by a rattling cough. “Bless you!” The little starlet called sweetly over her shoulder, as she flipped on the kitchen lights and went to fill the kettle.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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awww it was so cute! luh me some sneezy faberry fluff <3

it means vomit-warning. a lot of people here have emetophobia. myself included...

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ahhh! thx for the info, renny. I was right, it was something gross! (but I did ask, so I have no one to blame.) I don't understand why that would even be a tag on this site at all, seems completely unrelated to the sneeze fetish. I mean, I can understand anything related to breathing (like coughing, nose-blowing, asthma attacks even), but why bring in anything stomach-related? I guess if there are people that want puke in their stories, it's just as well that the tag be there as a warning. rest assured, I shan't be using that tag, ever! yikes.

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Hi, so i've just joined the forum and do you know the main reason why? your stories! biggrinsmiley.gif this one is sooo cute, I love it!heart.gif Please write more?

awww, thx chica! and welcome aboard! I am always thrilled to have new readers. here is another chap for your enjoyment rockon.gif




Snap, Crackle, Pop

Part 2


The sky was just beginning to lighten to pale pinks and purples outside their apartment windows when Quinn woke up again, soaked in sweat and tangled up in a heap of blankets on the couch. She was so hot, she couldn't even think straight; and she woke with the feeling that she'd just had a very bad dream, but couldn't remember what it was. All she could remember was the feeling of urgency, like she was racing for a finish line, and if she didn't get there in time something terrible would happen. Woozy with jumbled nightmares and shaking with fever sweats, she tried to kick off the tangled blankets; and when that didn't work she just tumbled out of them onto the floor.

“No...no more moose in the cannon,” Rachel mumbled in her sleep, half-slumped on the couch where Quinn's head had just been resting in her lap. Quinn really didn't want to wake her girlfriend up again, after she'd already spent half the night fussing over the blonde girl's sniffles; but the choice was taken out of her hands entirely when a deep, congested cough rattled her chest, the painful sound filling the room and making the sleeping starlet's eyes flutter open in an instant.

“Why are you on the floor?” Rachel mumbled dazedly, still half dreaming as she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“Too hot,” Quinn croaked, swiping her sleeve across her sweat-slicked forehead and sniffling woozily. “I'mb so hot, Rach...*snfl*...uhh'chxsht!!!” She cupped a hand absently to her face as her shoulders snapped forward with a miserably congested sneeze, fumbling for a tissue from the box on the coffee table as she sniffled softly.

“Bless you, pookie,” The dark-haired girl yawned, dropping down to the floor too as she reached out and pressed a hand to her girlfriend's hot forehead. “Jesus, Quinn. You're burning up,” Rachel groaned, instantly alert and awake as she felt the heat radiating from her girlfriend's skin. “Here, c'mon back up on the couch, okay? I'll go get the fan and some ice.” Kicking the blankets aside, Rachel helped her fever-dazed girlfriend off the floor and back onto the couch, kissing her lightly on the forehead before turning and flat-out running to the kitchen for supplies. When she came back a minute later, she found her blonde angel stretched out limply on the couch in her underwear and a rumpled sleep tank, her pajamas and squishy slipper-socks cast off to the floor and dangling off the arm of the couch.

“I didn't think you'd be in the mood for a striptease,” Rachel joked weakly, setting her tray of goodies down on the coffee table and pulling the oscillating fan from the corner of the room to right in front of the couch, and turning it on to the highest setting.

“Oh, yeah,” Quinn murmured back croakily, her eyes opening a crack to look up at Rachel with a woozy, half-awake smirk. “I'mb so hot for you, baby...I think I'mb...*snfl*...gonna melt...”

“Well let's just make sure that doesn't happen,” Rachel murmured gently, trying to mask her anxiety as she opened the bottle of Advil and shook out a couple of the little pills, gently pressing them into Quinn's mouth and then helping her take a few sips of water to wash it down. She'd seen Quinn get alarmingly high fevers a few times before; the poor thing seemed more prone to it when she was sick than Rachel had ever been, but she always got through it all right in the end. It didn't make it any less scary for the dark-haired girl to watch, though.

“It's okay, Rach. I'mb okay,” Quinn yawned softly, patting Rachel's hand with a sleepy smile; almost as if she sensed her girlfriend's anxiety without either of them having to say it outright.

“I know, baby,” Rachel sighed softly, stroking a few locks of sweat-dampened blonde hair back from her girlfriend's face before pressing an ice pack to her hot forehead. “But I don't want you to suffer needlessly, my poor little boo. You're gonna feel better after we cool you down a little...promise.”

“Uh-huh. I...*snghf*...I doe,” Quinn sighed, cupping a hand to her mouth to cover a rattling cough. “Ughh, mby head feels like it's...*snfl*...uhnderwater...I'mb so stuffed up...” She swiped the back of her hand under her nose with another snotty sniffle, leaving a long, wet mark from her wrist to her forearm.

“My sweet little angelfish,” Rachel cooed softly, pulling a fresh tissue from the box on the coffee table and wiping it once across her girlfriend's pink nostrils, then folding it over and cupping it back to her runny nose, pinching gently to hold it in place. “Now, blow.”

Quinn was too woozy and miserable to be embarrassed by this pampering, submissively closing her eyes and obeying her girlfriend's command with a soft, wet blow into the tissue being pressed to her pink nose. It felt good for a second; but her snotty nose was so congested, one blow only served to increase the flow from her stuffy head, and before she even pulled away, Rachel could feel the sniffling blonde girl's sharp intake of breath behind the tissue.

“HhehISHHshiew!!! *Snfl*...” Quinn sneezed dazedly into the tissue Rachel held for her, already hitching in helpless anticipation of another congested sneeze as her girlfriend wiped her nose on the soggy remains of the tissue. “Hhuh...*snfl*...” The tickle was so intense, Quinn couldn't help but press a hand on top of Rachel's, desperate for more pressure as the sneezy tickle rebounded and swirled around her head. Rachel got the message, pressing the damp tissue harder to the pink underside of her girlfriend's itchy, runny nose, just as Quinn sucked in a deep, wheezy breath, a soft hhiiiih sound catching in the back of her throat.

“Hhut'chshh!! Hht'chxshh!!! *Snfl.*” Quinn shivered weakly from head to toe as she sneezed into the soggy tissues her girlfriend held to her pink nose, her hand going back over Rachel's automatically as her lungs sucked in a wheezy breath, and ejected another rattling cough.

“Aww, honey...I got you,” Rachel murmured, passing her miserable girlfriend a few more tissues and picking up the ice pack from where it had fallen against the couch cushions, and pressing it firmly back to her forehead. “My poor girl, you're so sick...we need to get some fluids into you before you get dehydrated. D'you want some more tea, hmm angel?”

“Ughh, doe, please,” Quinn groaned, pinching her runny nose in a fresh tissue for a long, snotty blow. “Too hot...I just wadt sombethindg cold. Just water.”

“Okay, Quinnie boo. You got it,” Rachel smiled weakly, leaning down and giving her girl a soft kiss on her hot cheek before leaning over and grabbing the water bottle back from her tray of goodies, and gently helping the blonde girl sit up a little against the couch cushions so she could drink it. “There now, that's my girl...drink as much as you can, okay?”

“'Kay,” Quinn agreed, with another croaky cough. With Rachel's gentle encouragement, she slowly gulped down half the bottle; then dropped her head back against the cushions with a sigh.

“Good job,” Rachel yawned, putting the water bottle aside on the coffee table and rubbing her eyes absently. “Ughh, I wonder what time it is...d'you wanna have some breakfast, hmm baby? You can have anything you want, I don't even care if it's healthy. You've got a free pass right now to have whatever makes you feel better.” Rachel ran her fingers absently through Quinn's hair, smiling sleepily; but Quinn could see how exhausted her poor girlfriend was, even if she wouldn't say so, and it gave her a guilty pang in the pit of her stomach.

“Maybe later,” the blonde girl sighed, returning her little starlet's sleepy smile. “I'mb...*snfl*...ndot hundgry right ndow. Cand we just...*snfl*...w-watch a...a mbovie?” Quinn drew a fresh tissue to her wet nose, massaging it roughly back and forth with a deep, snotty sniffle as the congested tickle began to well up again. “Aah...*snfl*...” Her nostrils opened so wide behind the tissue, they quivered, desperate for the relief another sneeze would offer. “Aaht'chhiuh!!! *Snfl.*”

“Bless you,” Rachel murmured sleepily, holding the ice pack firmly to Quinn's forehead as the blonde girl's eyes welled up again, breath catching weakly in her chest for another sneeze before she could even wipe her nose from the first.

“Aah'chshh!! Hhuh...*snfl*...hhuh'iiishht!!!” She pinched the damp tissue firmly back to her runny nose as she sneezed breathlessly. This time, the ice pack stayed in place on her forehead, though, because Rachel was holding it there with the palm of her hand.

“Bless you, bless you,” the dark-haired girl sighed sympathetically, reaching for the remote as Quinn closed her eyes and gave another weak, drippy blow into the damp tissue. “My poor little snifflebug, of course we can watch a movie. Something silly to take your mind of how yucky you feel, hmm?”

“Yeah,” Quinn agreed woozily, smiling weakly as she finally put her soggy tissues aside. Her nose was still pink-rimmed and glistening, but no amount of blowing seemed to help much; so she finally just gave up and accepted it for the time being. “WALL-E?”

“Sure,” Rachel nodded, though it wouldn't have been her first choice—Quinn always seemed to forget about the sad parts that inevitably made her cry. But, right now the dark-haired girl wasn't willing to argue with her feverish, miserable girlfriend unless it was life-or-death, so she squirmed off the couch and popped the DVD in. “Are you comfy, baby girl? Is there anything else I can get to help you feel better?”

“Just you,” Quinn smiled sleepily, reaching out a hand to beckon her favorite girl back to the couch. “Thadks...for takindg such good care of mbe, starfish.”

“Anytime, angelfish,” Rachel grinned sleepily back, happy to curl back up with Quinn's head in her lap, both of them snuggling down into the comfy old couch, their eyes already starting to droop before the opening credits even rolled.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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SO sorry for the lack of commenting lately! Life's been fairly insane, to say the least. I've still been reading every installment, though, and loving every word!! Can't wait for the next part!!

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I'm loving this! Please keep it going! I love how sweet and adorable Rachel is. I also love poor Quinn!

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Omg they are soo cute >.<

I love seeing Rachel taking care of Quinnie but i love Quinnie taking care of rachel too >.<

Will you write someday some of Rachel being sick and Quinnie taking care of her? :o

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Omg they are soo cute >.<

I love seeing Rachel taking care of Quinnie but i love Quinnie taking care of rachel too >.<

Will you write someday some of Rachel being sick and Quinnie taking care of her? 7.gif

I actually have written a couple like that-- not nearly as many, but a couple! (and yes, I'll write a new one sometime soonish for ya). in the meantime, try these out:


april showers

cheers, dears!


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  • 3 months later...

I looooove your fics. I've been reading for a while and only just decided to join so...hi. :)

You're really good at these, and I love them a lot. I'm still working my way through them I think haha

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