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Pokemon request

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Okay, this is a little fic written as a response to Randomgirl17’s request. She asked for the Pokemon paring ChristmasColouredShipping, which is N from Black and White with Silver from Gold and Silver. This is the first part, featuring N with a cold.

Part 1

Fingers of sunlight arched through the gaps in the trees of White Forest as N strolled through, shivering slightly in the crisp Autumn air. Cradling his shopping bag under one arm, he wiped his nose on his shirt sleeve and sighed. When he'd woken up this morning to a scratchy throat and stuffy ears he'd been suspicious, but now there was little point denying that illness was tightening its grip over him. His head was pounding, his nose felt so congested that it was almost impossible to breathe and his cheeks were reddening over like cherries in the unmistakable sign of fever. Thank Arceus he'd through to prepare properly. The moment he'd awoken N had set off immediately for Nimbassa City to stock up on everything he would need- namely cough drops, Vicks, Ibuprofen and copious amounts of tissues.

"It should be edough, dod't you thidk Zorua?" he asked his beloved companion circling his feet, "At least edough to be able to keep this cold from Silver udtil the worst part's over?"

The little fox Pokemon squealed in response and N smiled hopefully. As much as he loved his boyfriend, he couldn't bear the thought of letting him see him in such a state.

A light breeze ruffled through the forest, carrying with it the muted scent of pine cones and falling leaves. N closed his eyes and breathed in deeply.

"Cad you smell that, Zorua? It's the- heh- the s-s-scedt of the -hehhh- forrrr-heh- ressst-hehhhh-"

Instantly, he regretted his decision. Under his cold, his nose had heightened in sensitivity, and just one breath was enough to tickle it into uncontrollable spasms of itchiness. He quickly buried his nose into his free elbow to muffle the sound.

"Heh-hehhhh... hehhhhhh... HETTCHHHHOOOOO!!!!!!!"

There was nobody around to hear, but N could feel himself blushing at the volume. Overhead, the leaves rustled as a flock of alarmed Pidoves took flight. N couldn't say he blamed them; half the forest must have awoken now. Zorua gave a small bark of concern while he rubbed his bunged-up nose.

"It's alright, Zorua, I'm fide." he smiled and shifted the shopping bag in his hands, "Let's head for hobe before that happeds agaid."

He was about to start walking again, before he caught a flurry of movement in the bush beside him, followed by high-pitched little wail. N frowned. 'I've never heard a cry like that before. What could it belong to?' Intrigued, he padded over to investigate.

"Little Pokebod? Are you -hehh- th-there? Hehhhh…"

His nose was hit with a second powerful convulsion, and he hastened to turn his head aside.


With an anguished cry, a small, round Pokemon emerged from the bushes, darting straight towards a post-sneeze-dazed N. Immediatley, he recognised its cottony puffs and beady red eyes. 'A Jumpluff. From Silver's region.' He knelt down until he was level with its height and addressed the Pokemon in gentle tones.

"I'b sorry, did I *snffff* startle you? You'll have to excuse be, I've got a terrible cold right dow." he held out his hand towards it letting his natural instinct with Pokemon take over, "Dod't worry, I'b dot *snfff* goi'g to hurt you."

The Pokemon tensed, cautious at first, then relaxed as decided he could be trusted enough to stroke it.

"You're a cute little thi'g, ared't you?" N said, tickling the Jumpluff's feet, "What are you doi'g here, so far away frob your hobe?"

He leaned forward to interpret its squeaks.

"Oh, you floated over here for the widter? That's lovely! A'd-a'd this is *snffff* Zorua, by the way." he added as his partner Pokemon appeared by his side.

While the two Pokemon investigated each other, N took the opportunity to extract a tissue from the bag and blow his nose as discreetly as he could. It still felt sore and his whole body was dizzy with an advancing fever, but the presence of another Pokemon seemed to have calmed him somehow. He ruffled the Jumpluff's cotton puffs again, thinking of Silver.

"You're just like hib, Jumpluff, you've left your hobe in the Johto regiod too." he mused, "Hey, why dod't you come hobe with us? You could beet hib properly thed!"

Obediently, the Pokemon leaped gleefully into his arms. Its cotton bud brushed against the tip of N's nose, causing a wave of irrisistable sneeziness.

"Hehhhhh...HEPTSHHHIIIII!!!!! Excuse be." he wiped his runny nose again to little avail, "I hope I didn't sneeze on you, Jumpluff."

Jumpluff shook its head a little at either side and floated up to rest on his shoulder. N giggled as the cotton buds tickled his neck.

"Cobe od, Zorua, Jumpluff, let's go. Silver will be waiti'g," he said, "A'd I kdow he's goi'g to love you as buch as I do!"

(To be continued)

I hope it’s alright! Part 2 featuring N and Silver will be up by tomorrow.

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Oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness! Thank you sooo much <3 I love this already! Poor N bb, I wanna hug him and feed him soup so badly now, the poor thing. He's so cuuuute~ And Zorua is just the cutest thing worrying about N.

Can't wait to see what happens next with Silver, N, Zorua, and that adorable Jumpluff! biggrin.png

Edited by randomgirl7
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HO. LY. CRAP! stretcher.gif

Damn, that was good~ Hehehehe, oh N, you're so fanciful~

Lovely writing, can't wait to see more~

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Holy crap this is the cutest thing in the world I almost died of cute. Pokemon <3 . Also please post the next part soon ! Can't wait :)

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Thanks so much for the comments, everyone; I love getting feedback for my work. As promised (if a little late, sorry) here’s the second bit.

Part 2

Outside his house, Silver paced up and down in agitation. Still no sign, still no *damn* sign after all this time. He threw another hopeful glance into the forest beyond, only to turn away, disappointed once again.

"Where the hell is he?" he muttered, "He's been gone for ages...didn't even tell me he was going in the first place..."

Crobat fluttered beside him and nibbled his head affectionately, but Silver pushed him away.

"Not now, Cro! Listen, if you want to make yourself useful, find out where he's got to, okay?"

His faithful bat gave a squark of acknowledgement and took off into the depths of the forest. Silver shoved his hands in his pockets and sighed. Of course, it wasn't unlike N to disappear off into some natural environment- usually turning up a few hours later with hundreds of little Pokemon in tow- but there was no denying that the forest could be dangerous. As much as he knew his boyfriend was an adept trainer, the thought of him being ambushed by a powerful Pokemon or, worse still, his old allies at Team Plasma, made Silver cold all over.

"Hey, Silver, Silver, I'm back!"

His head jerked to attention at the sound of the familiar voice. There was N, jogging towards the house with his Zorua by his side. 'Thank Arceus...'

Forgetting himself, Silver ran across the grass to meet him, throwing his arms around his shoulders for a fierce, fleeting hug.

"Where do you think you've been?" he demanded after they broke apart, "I even had Crobat looking for you, I was so worried!"

N grinned sheepishly. "I'b sorry. I just wedt for a bordi'g stroll. I kdow I should have told you."

There was something strange about his voice, something...different, but Silver couldn't quite put his finger on it. He brushed the thought out of his mind.

"Well, don't you dare do it again, damn you."

"I wod't, I probise. I just... lost track of tibe."

Silver rolled his eyes. "Found another random Pokemon, I'll bet."

His boyfriend's face brightened like a Chinchou's shine. "That rebidds be, I've got a little suprise for you." He turned back towards the forest and gave a shrill whistle.

"It's alright, you cad cobe out dow!"

There was a rustling noise, then a Pokemon appeared from behind the bushes and came skipping across the grass. Silver took one look at it and his heart sank unpleasantly. 'No. He hasn't... Not that one...' Horrified, he took a step back and covered his nose and mouth with cupped hands. 'He-he can't have done!'

The tiny Pokemon was so lightweight that it could barely walk on its own without getting tossed about by the breeze. Laughing, N scooped it up into his arms.

"It's a Jumpluff!" he said, evidently pleased with himself, "Isd't it just the bost adorable thi'g?"

Silver felt a powerful urge to snap at his boyfriend, shout at him, scold him for being such a naive imbicile, but there were more pressing matters on his hands. Simply being an arms-length away from the stupid Pokemon had sent his nose into a mad fit of twitching and his eyes beading over with allergic tears at the corners. He rubbed his nostrils furiously with his shirt sleeve, but that seemed to make it worse. His nose felt like it was on fire; searing with itchy pain all over and running horribly.

Somehow, N seemed completely oblivious to his discomfort, still cradling and cooing over that damn Jumpluff.

"You dod't ofted see theb arou'd these parts, but I kdow there are pledty where you cabe frob, so I brought it hobe for you." he said, "Hey, how about holding it for a bit? I'b sure Jumpluff would love that!"

Alarm bells screamed in Silver's head.

"No! Get *snffffff* away, I'm- I'm aller-" he protested, but it was already too late. N had pushed the Jumpluff straight into his arms.

If his reaction had been painful before, his nose had well-and-truly exploded now. The itching was so intense that it was like torture, deepening into the uncontrollable urge to sneeze. Tears spilled from his stinging eyes, rolling down his face in drones.

"N- hehhh y-y-you idiot… heh-heh-hehhhhhh-"

Unable to hold it in a second longer, Silver let a surprised Jumpluff fall from his arms. The force of his allergy caused him to bend over double, and he sneezed harder than he could ever remember sneezing before.


Dizzy all over and gasping for breath, Silver attempted to straighten, his face still burning fiercely. Zorua was pawing at his feet with a worried expression while the stupid Jumpluff fluttered around his legs, squeaking something at him. In a fit of malice, Silver kicked it aside. Not too hard, but hard enough for it to get the message.

"G-g-get hehh'way from me you hehh-hehhh HETCHHHOOOO! idiot."

"No, Silver!" N cried reproachfully, "Dod't kick it! It was only saying how sorry it was!"

Silver frowned. "Y-you heh h-high or something? E'YESHHHUUUU!!!"

"Poor Jumpluff..." N said with a sigh.

"Poor Jumpluff? What about me?" his sneezes seemed to have finally subsided now, but his eyes and nose were still itching over like crazy, "Your poor boyfriend who you decided to torture today with the one Pokemon in the whole damn world he's allergic to!" He sniffed loudly and attempted to mop his face on his sleeve. N turned to the suddenly terrified-looking Jumpluff.

"Dod't be frighteded, he did't bean it. He just got angry. Zorua, could you take Jumpluff idside please?"

Zorua gave a nod, and loped off towards the house, Jumpluff skipping after in persuit. Silver gave a gasp of relief as the itchiness began to clear.

"I'b really sorry, Silver I did't kdow about your allergies. Here." N reached into his shopping bag, pulling out a clump of tissues, "You face is a little wet."

"Ah, thanks." Silver buired his face inside and blew his nose with the loudest and most powerful honk he could manage. The noise made N cringe, but he put his arm around his shoulder and kissed his forhead all the same.

"Feeli'g ady better dow?"

"Yeah, I suppose so."

It was only as he was drying his tear-dampened cheeks that he realised something was amiss. He looked from the crumpled tissues in his hand to his boyfriend's shopping bag and back again.

"N," he said slowly, "Why did you go out today to buy tissues?"

He felt N's arm stiffen rigidly, and his eyes refused to meet his.

"I-I... doh reasod, doh reasod at all."

Silver wriggled out of his grip and pulled N's head towards him. "Come on, N, I'm not stupid." it all made sense now, the stuffy voice, the early-morning walk, the reason his face felt llike a furnace when he touched it, "You've got a cold, haven't you?"

"I haved't, it's just- j-just- *hehh-*" his boyfriend's face wrinkled and twitched, "HETTCHHHHIIIII!!!!"

"Bless you." Silver said, and leaned up to kiss him softly on the nose, "Now tell the truth, you damn fool."

N wiped his nose on his sleeve, looking utterly pathetic.

"Yes... you're right... I'b got a cold. I feel weak a'd shivery and utterly biserable." he sniffled as if to drive the point home, "Happy now?"

"Not yet." Silver coaxed the shopping bag out of his hand and put an arm around his waist, leading him up the steps to their house, "I won't be happy until you're nicely tucked away in bed with a bowl of mushroom soup. Then we can discuss how we're going to look after this Jumpluff."

N gave a little gasp of delight, his red-rimmed eyes brightening. "We're goi'g to keep it? Eved with your allergies?"

"Yeah, if it want to stay. Just don't let it get anywhere near me, alright."

He was rewarded with a kiss straight on the lips.

"Watch it!" he said, pulling away, "You've got a cold, remember?"

"Oh Silver..." N said, "How cad I ever thadk you?"

"It's alright." he opened the door to their house and ushered his boyfriend inside, "I don’t mind when it's for you."


Okay, that was the final part. I’m not writing any more, but I do also have a Hetalia thread, so if anyone wants to read more of my stories or give me requests, just hop over there. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed it. I enjoyed writing it!

Edited by Chocolate Turnip
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Oh my. That was so adorable! Especially the ending. wub.png Poor N~

And Silver's gorgeous sneezes :drool: I think I love these two even more now that I've read this. Thank you so much again. I love it :D

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  • 2 months later...

Well I forgot about this for a while but I read the second part and... OMYGODIJUSTMELTED!

Soooooo cute! Shipshipshipshipship! They are so awesome together!

Great job, loved it!

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  • 1 year later...

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