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Supernatural Fic for Zwee


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Inspired by this prompt from TG's meme by Sen Beret:

'It's raining (raining hard. like I mean POURING) outside, and they've just finished a hunt and saved someone in the process. Grateful, the victim/witness/whatever insists that Sam and Dean come inside to dry off and warm up by the fireplace with some hot drinks. They're soaked to the bone, so the vic. offers to put their clothes in the dryer and give them some temporary ones to wear while they wait. Dean has no problem fitting into the spares just fine, but since Sam is a giant, the vic. has to lend him an old sweater that they had in storage since it's the only thing big enough to fit him. Since the sweater is so old and neglected, it's covered in dust. Seriously covered. Leaking and shedding dust everywhere. Dust basically woven into the threads. But Sam really has no other option, so he has to suffer politely while he waits for his clothes to dry. Maybe he was also coming down with something to begin with.'

I really hope it's okay and that you enjoy it, Zwee hug.gif

“Bloody rain…” Dean grumbled as they tramped back to the Impala, feet squelching in their waterlogged boots. Sam nodded, then remembered that Dean wouldn’t be able to see it through the lashing sheets of rain, and made a noise of agreement. It hurt his scratchy throat, and he made a mental note to speak as little as possible during the journey back to the motel.

Sam was glad when the sleek black vehicle came into view. He quickened his sluggish pace with difficulty; violent shivers were threatening to engulf his soaked body.

Reaching the car, Dean’s face fell.

“Son of a bitch!”

“What is it??” Sam asked urgently. He winced and muffled a cough into his rain saturated sleeve.

“Flat tyre” Dean growled frustratedly in response. Dean circled the Impala, mumbling under his breath, then returned dejectedly to his brother’s side.

“Four flat tyres” he sighed, a droplet of rain lingering in his lower lashes and sliding down his cheek like a tear.

Sam’s expression pulled into a frown. It was a long way to the motel, and he was soaked to the bone and bleeding; he wasn’t exactly jumping to walk all the way back in the pouring rain. Not to mention the reception they’d get when they turned up in their current state.

He jumped as something touched his shoulder from behind, instinctively thrusting out the knife that had previously lain forgotten in his hand.

Stood in front of him was Maria, shaking with terror as she kept her eyes trained on the blade.

“Oh…sorry” Sam apologised sheepishly, slipping the weapon into one of his damp pockets.

“It’s okay. You guys having car troubles?” The sound of torrential rain partially swallowed her words, but he got the general idea. Unfortunately Dean did too.

“Oh really? What gives you that idea?” Dean snapped grouchily. Sam rolled his eyes.

“Sorry about him. He’s just pissed about the Impala”.

“Why don’t you two stay at mine until the rain clears up and you can get the car towed? I can lend you dry clothes” Maria smiled, undaunted by Dean’s mood.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t mind? We don’t want to be any trouble-”

“You did save my life. It’s the least I could do”.


Maria dropped two bundles of neatly folded clothes on the sofa.

“Sam, I couldn’t find much that looked like it would fit you. The jeans might be a bit short, but the jumper should fit. It’s been in storage for a while though, so it might be a bit dusty, but I figured it would do until your clothes are dry”. She smiled and left the room, shutting the door with a snap behind her.

Dust. Sam sighed, a feeling of dread arising from the pit of his stomach. But the only other option was to sit around in his own soaked clothes until the rain stopped, and who knew how long that would take. He’d just have to grin and bear it.

Dean was already peeling of his clinging garments, and Sam did the same. Then he took the shabby jumper in his hands, eyeing it apprehensively.

“hhEHh’iitccCHeEeewww!” Sam’s feeling of dread increased: if merely holding the thing prompted that reaction, it didn’t bode well for what would happen when he actually wore it.

“Bless you” said Dean, his voice muffled as he pulled a hoodie over his head. Sam sniffled in response.

Deciding that it couldn’t be avoided, he dragged the garment over his head as rapidly as possible in an attempt to minimise the amount of time the dust-woven fabric would be in contact with his face. Though perhaps it hadn’t been such a good idea, Sam mused resignedly, watching the clouds of dust that had billowed around him with the movement. In a matter of seconds the irritant had invaded his sinuses, making his nostrils flare delicately and tears collate at the corners of his eyes.

“eEh’ttcCHeEEEWwwwh! hEthihh-ihh-hIIiih’SHCHHHhhhhush! Eehhh’iITtCHHheEEEeeww! hehHt’kKCHIIIieeewww! ehheh-hiih-eHHh-hhhiih’iiITCHHHhhyhhhhh!”

“Geez, Sammy. Bless you again”. Sam gave an offhand thanks, focussing on simultaneously pulling on dry jeans and not succumbing to the throes of the fit that threatened to engulf him. He paused suddenly, and gave a painful sounding “hehh’KTTtCHHhh!” stifle against his wrist.

Sam glanced down at the jeans: they were too short. He sat down heavily on the sofa next to Dean, who was watching him intently.

“Hey, you comin’ down with somethin’? You sound pretty crappy”. Sam shook his head, eyes screwed closed as he scrubbed furiously at his nose. Each movement he made sent another torturous explosion of dust drifting into the air, and it was driving him crazy.

“D-Dno, j-hhh­-just-” Even the simple act of talking was too much.

“hhh’ITtSHIEEEeWWwwww! hEehh’ttTCHIEEEeewww!-j-just du-st” Sam choked out with difficulty.

“Oh, Sammy… I’m so sorry, I forgot…”

There was a distinct tone of guilt in his brother’s gravely voice.

“Dot y-your-heEhhh­-hih-IIiih!-fault-eehhhh’sssSHCHEEeeewwww! hEh’ITCCCcHHhhhh! hiehHHHh-ehhh-hHIHhCHHEEeewww!-faultSam groaned and wiped at his streaming eyes with a sleeve, forgetting the tattered garment that he wore. Immediately the groan became a whimper as his eyes began to sting even more.

He dropped his arm and tried to compose himself as the door clacked open. Two mugs were set in front of them, steam rising from the contents. Dean inhaled contentedly, and Sam assumed that whatever was in them smelt good. He smiled, meeting Maria’s gaze unintentionally.

“Hey, are you okay?” she asked, “Your eyes look kinda irritated”. Sam considered telling the truth for a moment, then decided against it. He didn’t want to seem ungrateful. Thankfully Dean came to his rescue, jumping in before his brother was forced to answer.

“Yeah, he’s fine. Bit of a cold, that’s all”. Sam wasn’t overly keen on the excuse, but it was better than the alternative.

Sam reached over to pick up a mug, gritting his teeth as more dust swirled into the air. He took a sip of the liquid; the warmth felt good slipping into his mouth, but it hurt his sore throat and he was too congested to be able to make out the taste. Realising that Maria was watching him, he smiled politely.

Dean began to make idle conversation, and Sam took this as an opportunity to vanquish the sensation that was plaguing him. Casually he rubbed at his nose, attempting to make it look like an unconscious action and not one of desperation. When this didn’t work he held his breath for a moment, but it made no difference. Next he tried pinching the bridge of his nose, but the pressure only served to make things worse. Sam knew that it was inevitable, and transferred his efforts to making the expulsion as unnoticeable as possible.

“hhh’tccCHhh! eehh’kktTCch!” Sam bit back a moan of pain at the renewed ache in his throat. Dean’s glance flickered over to him almost imperceptibly, but Maria hadn’t noticed. However, his feeling of triumph faded rapidly.

“iHh’TCcHhh! hhEeh-hh’CChhhh! hehhhh’tttTCcchh! hiIeh’KTCCHhhh!” He resurfaced, groaning inwardly as he realised all eyes were on him.

“Bless you, Sam. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’mb finde” he assured her, the damp congestion that lay heavily in his voice a direct contradiction of his words. Again Dean drew the attention away from him, though less successfully this time.

Sam rose to his feet quickly and left the sitting room. With relief he locked himself in a bathroom further into the house, satisfied that he was out of earshot.

“heHHh’ttCHhIiIIEEWwwww!- iIIhh’eeEHHCHEWWWwwwh!-ehhHh’TTttCHHHHHSSsssHHhhhh!-heEh’ccCHhhEEEeewwww!-ihHh’eHHCCHhHHHshhh!” He barely had time to catch his breath between each sneeze.

Every instinct that Sam possessed was screaming at him to tear the garment from his body, to get as far away from it as possible, but his fingers fumbled against the fabric as he built up to another round of sneezes.



Eventually Sam deemed it safe to re-emerge. When he walked into the living room however, he found Dean alone and dressed in his own newly dried clothes.

“Wow. You look like hell”. Sam made a vague, congested noise in response.

“C’mon. Let’s get you out of this damn thing” Dean said, pulling the dust-ridden jumper up and over his brother’s head.


“HheHhh’ttTICHEEEeeeWWWw!” Sam narrowly avoided a collision between his head and the window of the Impala, the force of the explosion jerking his lanky body forward.

“Dude, you’re still sneezing? It’s been hours” said Dean exasperatedly. Sam sighed in frustration.

“Yeah…I thidk I bmight be comig dowd with sombethig, actually” he admitted. Dean looked as though he was caught between sympathy and laughter.

“It just really isn’t your day, huh, Sammy?”

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  • 1 month later...


This is like one of my most favorite of prompts from the meme (HOW DID YOU KNOW??) and I was just hoping someone would fill it!! And you did! You're an angel. Castiel status, right now. Aw aw aw aw!!!

Sammy is SO allergic! It's so adorable. And he WHIMPERED he literally WHIMPERED, that's the cutest thing ever! And Dean is just concerned because let's face it, that was just SO much sneezing, I feel bad for him (but also I love it oops)!!

And oh my god, he's getting sick at the end!? Poor baby! That's adorable! These are all my favorite things!! (Are you psychic???)

I love you so much right now. Thank you times infinity and I'm sorry it has taken me this long to say that!! <3

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