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Percy Jackson Fic

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I'm starting off with the part when Percy and Annabeth fall into Tartarus in the House of Hades. I'll try to be better at updating this time, I'm usually pretty lousy at it, but I'm determined to actually update this time. Lemme know if you have any suggestions and if you enjoy this, cuz I wanna make sure that I'm not the only one enjoying Percy's suffering. :3

Nothing compared to the despair in Percy's heart at that moment. He had never felt more hopeless in his life... And this was coming from someone who had carried the weight of the world, literally. He could hear the wind whipping past his ears as he descended towards certain death. The only thing that kept him from falling apart and sobbing like an idiot was the fact that he had his arms wrapped tightly around Annabeth, his girlfriend. Despite everything that had just happened, he wouldn't change his decision, even though he knew he was about to die. There was no way he was letting Annabeth get away from him. Not again. Not ever. He

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