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Tour Buds: A Green Day fanfic (inspired by MandyPandy1652)


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I absolutely LOVE Green Day. They are by far my favorite band in the whole wide world! Billie Joe, Mike, and Tre are my heroes! So, because I love Green Day so much, I decided to write a few sneeze fanfics about them. This one was not written by me--well it kind of was. Originally this was a Jonas Brothers and Demi Lavato fanfic by MandyPandy1652, she is not part of this forum, nor do I believe she is an active writer anymore...Anyway, I tweaked her story to fit Green Day and so here it is.

Summary: Billie Joe gets sick while on tour and insists that the show must go on, but Adrienne tells him that he is WAY too sick to perform.


The morning on the bus had begun like any other, groggy and loud. Mike, Tre, Adrienne, and even Joey and Jakob were already awake and bustling about the bus. Billie Joe groaned and prepared himself for another early morning, reluctant to leaving the warmth of his bed. He slumped over his upraised knees before rolling out of his bunk. His feet hit the ground with a thump, and he tumbled his way drowsily into the kitchen area.

He loved going on tour, but the late nights and early mornings were occasionally torture, especially if they had to drive for the whole entire night. He felt genuinely worn out this morning, and figured he was coming down with something, though he'd never tell the others this, due to his ‘dignity’ and ‘pride’.

"Morning," he mumbled, wearing his glasses rather than contacts, "What's for breakfast?"

"Grab whatever looks good," Adrienne smiled warmly, clothed in a silk robe and slippers. She patted his back gently as he rummaged through the cupboards.

Billie Joe chuckled, grabbing a box of cereal from the pantry. He poured his Lucky Charms into a plastic bowl and drenched it in cold milk. He then shuffled through everyone else in search of a spoon, before walking back to his bunk with his cereal. He didn't feel like eating with the family today, it was too loud and busy, and he felt that right now he needed some peace and quiet.

"Hello!" Adrienne said brightly, carrying some toast and orange juice, "What brings you in here?"

"I should be asking you the same thing," he replied, smiling.

"What's up with the bags under your eyes?" she asked, nibbling on her toast.

"I didn't sleep well last night," he said, taking a bite of the Lucky Charms.

Adrienne was a light sleeper and knew that he had slept soundly last night, but she knew better than to challenge him this early in the morning, when he was the most peevish.

"I'm fine," he reassured defensively. He wasn't very hungry, but didn't want Adrienne to suspect he wasn't feeling well, so continued cramming the cereal down his throat.

"Alright then, we have to be at the award ceremony in---," she paused to glimpse at her watch, "Two hours."

"Bleeeeeh," Billie Joe grumbled, stirring his cereal with his spoon, "Why do we have to go again?"

"Because we were nominated," Adrienne said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, but it's not like this award ceremony is important. It's not the Grammy's, VMAs, or even the TCAs," he groaned.

"Yes, it's a small award ceremony for the magazine, but you should be honored to go either way. They're going to have cool performances. I heard some kids are going to play and sing for us. They are really looking forward to seeing us and the rest of the band," Demi reminded, trying to guilt Billie Joe into being more confident and excited about the whole thing.

"Oh, joy," he said sarcastically, "I'm just really tired. I don't want to go to some award ceremony."

"C'mon you might like it," Adrienne smiled, then put her plate and juice down before walking up closer to Billie Joe, "And if you're good, then we'll go out on the beach and relax a bit. You'd like that wouldn't you?" she smiled affectionately and kissed his head, her hair gently brushing his right cheek.

He smiled in an almost turned on way, "I love every second with you."

"Good, so go get showered and ready, because it usually takes you two hours just to do your hair," she teased.

"Does not!" he whined.

"Does to!" she laughed, and pushed him towards the bathroom.

He stuck his tongue out at her then walked down the narrow hall of the bus. Maybe if he was still feeling cruddy he'd go to the back and sleep on the giant couch.

After his shower he scrutinized himself in the mirror for a few minutes. His eyes were dark and puffy, and slowly his stuffy nose was becoming visible. He managed to conceal it before with Adrienne, but didn't know how much longer he could stifle the coughs and sneezes. He got dressed in his suit and shiny black dress shoes, and before he even got the chance to catch up on some sleep, they had already arrived at the center where the award ceremony would take place.

He then stood up from his chair and rushed out of the bus and over into the building with the others.

This couldn't possibly go over well.

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The lobby was very eloquent. A chandelier hung from overhead, and the carpet was a crimson red. Lights sparkled and brightened the entire lobby and corridors, making it look very fancy. Cozy armchairs were scattered around the ground floor, adding a more home-filled effect.

"It's in the ballroom on the 4th floor," Adrienne smiled, taking Billie Joe's hand and leading him to the elevator with the others.

They were soon greeted by the rest of the band and other punk-rock bands, including My Chemical Romance, Blink 182, Sum 41, U2, All Time Low, etc. Billie Joe sighed, not really in a mood for talking. He said a few ‘hellos’ every now and then, but that seemed to be it. He found the seats reserved for the band and the family, and then sat in the chair right next to Adrienne’s. He sunk into the soft chair and tried to make himself comfortable, which almost seemed impossible.

Adrienne, Mike, and Tre all walked over, taking their seats vigilantly. They all smiled from ear to ear due to talking to their friends, and then waited patiently for the ceremony to start. Adrienne sat back and lounged, looking forward to an afternoon of excitement and most of all, well prepared food. When the introduction began she gave the stage her full attention, knowing how important this was to a sweet group of kids. A few young children walked out onto the stage and began to sing a few of Green Day’s songs. Adrienne smiled and felt a feeling of excitement skip in her heart. It was touching to see such little kids with so much talent, singing one of her husband’s songs. It made her feel good knowing that she was with such an inspirational man.

Halfway through the ceremony, Adrienne noticed that Billie Joe was paying no attention whatsoever to the performance. She was about to scold him, but then noticed how uncomfortable he looked. He shifted in his seat, his head cupped in his hands, trying to sleep.

"Billie?" she whispered, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He lifted his head and squinted up at her, then hung his head again. She gently pulled his hands away from his face, and couldn't help but feel his forehead.

"You're sick," she stated, meaning it as a fact, not a question.

"No, it's just hot in here," he protested, still squinting up at her.

Adrienne sighed, not buying it for a second, "I'm going to tell Mike and Tre and then take you back to the hotel we are staying at."

"No," he said dryly, "I don't want to miss the ceremony."

"You aren't staying here like this. I'm taking you to the hotel, no questions asked," Demi said firmly, taking his hand and helping him up.

"Addie," he whined, "I'm fine."

She put an arm around his waist, helping him walk, and with a sudden burst of pride he grimaced at her, "I can walk."

She wasn't taking any chances of him fainting. She couldn't believe Billie Joe had hidden this from her, and that she hadn't suspected that he wasn't feeling well.

"Adrienne!" he shouted, "Let go of me," he groaned and tried to pull away from her grip, but didn't have the energy to even attempt that. Adrienne pursed her lips, annoyed, and then got Billie Joe safely into the limo, his head resting against the icy, cold, glass window. The car began to move and strolled to the hotel.

"Why'd you lie to me?" she whispered, looking disappointed.

"I'm sorry," he said softly, "I didn't want you to worry." He finally let his guard down and it was now visible that he was sick as a dog.

They arrived at the hotel in a short 15 minute drive even through traffic. Adrienne helped Billie Joe out of the car, due to the fact that he barely had any energy to walk into the lobby. She practically carried him inside, though she managed to drag him up to the front desk.

"Ahh, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, looking for your rooms?" the manager smiled, searching through his computer, "Room 1409,"

"Thank you," Adrienne smiled, grabbing the two room keys, before guiding Billie Joe to the elevator. She pushed the number 14 and they rose up quickly, making Billie Joe groan from the sudden movement, stirring a feeling of nausea.

Adrienne opened the door to the room they'd be sharing, and then they both stepped inside. Adrienne said hi to the kids and Brittany, as she was watching them and Brixton and Ryan while everyone was at the ceremony. Billie Joe immediately sat wearily on the king sized bed, letting himself sink into its comfort. He sighed and dropped his head onto the pillows, grateful that he could finally rest.

"Get some sleep, and you'll feel a lot better," Adrienne assured, and that's exactly what Billie Joe did, without protesting or second guessing. He settled into bed and snuggled into the comforter and extra blankets, dreaming soundly. He curled up into a ball, the wool blankets and cotton comforter engulfing his sleeping form. He finally felt relaxed for the first time during this entire tour.

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Yeeees GREEN DAY <3 I knew all the bands u listed. AllTimeLow <3 Sum41. <3 . Yeeh bands. Anyways do continue Billie is hot :3

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Yeeees GREEN DAY <3 I knew all the bands u listed. AllTimeLow <3 Sum41. <3 . Yeeh bands. Anyways do continue Billie is hot :3

YAY! someone else who likes Green Day and sneezing! I have lots more fanfics about them... if you're interested.

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Yeeees GREEN DAY <3 I knew all the bands u listed. AllTimeLow <3 Sum41. <3 . Yeeh bands. Anyways do continue Billie is hot :3

YAY! someone else who likes Green Day and sneezing! I have lots more fanfics about them... if you're interested.

. Totally down with another green day fic ! May I read them?. & uh I could request an All time low fic aswell. A sneezy Alex is a hot Alex ;) torture Jack too. Jalex <3 . But yeh I'd love to see green day fics :3
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Yeeees GREEN DAY <3 I knew all the bands u listed. AllTimeLow <3 Sum41. <3 . Yeeh bands. Anyways do continue Billie is hot :3

YAY! someone else who likes Green Day and sneezing! I have lots more fanfics about them... if you're interested.

. Totally down with another green day fic ! May I read them?. & uh I could request an All time low fic aswell. A sneezy Alex is a hot Alex wink.png torture Jack too. Jalex <3 . But yeh I'd love to see green day fics :3

Tell you the truth, I just looked up bands related to Green Day. I only know Green Day. I don't really listen to any other artist that heavily. I don't know who All Time Low is... sorry.

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Yeeees GREEN DAY <3 I knew all the bands u listed. AllTimeLow <3 Sum41. <3 . Yeeh bands. Anyways do continue Billie is hot :3

YAY! someone else who likes Green Day and sneezing! I have lots more fanfics about them... if you're interested.

. Totally down with another green day fic ! May I read them?. & uh I could request an All time low fic aswell. A sneezy Alex is a hot Alex wink.png torture Jack too. Jalex <3 . But yeh I'd love to see green day fics :3

Tell you the truth, I just looked up bands related to Green Day. I only know Green Day. I don't really listen to any other artist that heavily. I don't know who All Time Low is... sorry.

. It's fine, I'm just a person who loves post-hardcore bands c: or any bands. Yeh work in a Green Day one then :3
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Yeeees GREEN DAY <3 I knew all the bands u listed. AllTimeLow <3 Sum41. <3 . Yeeh bands. Anyways do continue Billie is hot :3

YAY! someone else who likes Green Day and sneezing! I have lots more fanfics about them... if you're interested.

. Totally down with another green day fic ! May I read them?. & uh I could request an All time low fic aswell. A sneezy Alex is a hot Alex wink.png torture Jack too. Jalex <3 . But yeh I'd love to see green day fics :3

Tell you the truth, I just looked up bands related to Green Day. I only know Green Day. I don't really listen to any other artist that heavily. I don't know who All Time Low is... sorry.

. It's fine, I'm just a person who loves post-hardcore bands c: or any bands. Yeh work in a Green Day one then :3

I started listening to All Time Low just last night, just for you and I really like what I'm hearing. I like the song Heroes.

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Yeeees GREEN DAY <3 I knew all the bands u listed. AllTimeLow <3 Sum41. <3 . Yeeh bands. Anyways do continue Billie is hot :3

YAY! someone else who likes Green Day and sneezing! I have lots more fanfics about them... if you're interested.

. Totally down with another green day fic ! May I read them?. & uh I could request an All time low fic aswell. A sneezy Alex is a hot Alex wink.png torture Jack too. Jalex <3 . But yeh I'd love to see green day fics :3

Tell you the truth, I just looked up bands related to Green Day. I only know Green Day. I don't really listen to any other artist that heavily. I don't know who All Time Low is... sorry.

. It's fine, I'm just a person who loves post-hardcore bands c: or any bands. Yeh work in a Green Day one then :3

I started listening to All Time Low just last night, just for you and I really like what I'm hearing. I like the song Heroes.

. Awe that's nice c: I really love Painting flowers & Somewhere in nerverland :3 & also Time bomb & I feel like dancing . There stuff is so peppy it cheer me up ! :D
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Yeeees GREEN DAY <3 I knew all the bands u listed. AllTimeLow <3 Sum41. <3 . Yeeh bands. Anyways do continue Billie is hot :3

YAY! someone else who likes Green Day and sneezing! I have lots more fanfics about them... if you're interested.

. Totally down with another green day fic ! May I read them?. & uh I could request an All time low fic aswell. A sneezy Alex is a hot Alex wink.png torture Jack too. Jalex <3 . But yeh I'd love to see green day fics :3

Tell you the truth, I just looked up bands related to Green Day. I only know Green Day. I don't really listen to any other artist that heavily. I don't know who All Time Low is... sorry.

. It's fine, I'm just a person who loves post-hardcore bands c: or any bands. Yeh work in a Green Day one then :3

I started listening to All Time Low just last night, just for you and I really like what I'm hearing. I like the song Heroes.

. Awe that's nice c: I really love Painting flowers & Somewhere in nerverland :3 & also Time bomb & I feel like dancing . There stuff is so peppy it cheer me up ! biggrin.png

I'm only a few albums in, but I definitely like them now.

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Yeeees GREEN DAY <3 I knew all the bands u listed. AllTimeLow <3 Sum41. <3 . Yeeh bands. Anyways do continue Billie is hot :3

YAY! someone else who likes Green Day and sneezing! I have lots more fanfics about them... if you're interested.

. Totally down with another green day fic ! May I read them?. & uh I could request an All time low fic aswell. A sneezy Alex is a hot Alex wink.png torture Jack too. Jalex <3 . But yeh I'd love to see green day fics :3

Tell you the truth, I just looked up bands related to Green Day. I only know Green Day. I don't really listen to any other artist that heavily. I don't know who All Time Low is... sorry.

. It's fine, I'm just a person who loves post-hardcore bands c: or any bands. Yeh work in a Green Day one then :3

I started listening to All Time Low just last night, just for you and I really like what I'm hearing. I like the song Heroes.

. Awe that's nice c: I really love Painting flowers & Somewhere in nerverland :3 & also Time bomb & I feel like dancing . There stuff is so peppy it cheer me up ! biggrin.png

I'm only a few albums in, but I definitely like them now.

. Awesome, you thinking of writing a fic on all time low now?. :)
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Yeeees GREEN DAY <3 I knew all the bands u listed. AllTimeLow <3 Sum41. <3 . Yeeh bands. Anyways do continue Billie is hot :3

YAY! someone else who likes Green Day and sneezing! I have lots more fanfics about them... if you're interested.

. Totally down with another green day fic ! May I read them?. & uh I could request an All time low fic aswell. A sneezy Alex is a hot Alex wink.png torture Jack too. Jalex <3 . But yeh I'd love to see green day fics :3

Tell you the truth, I just looked up bands related to Green Day. I only know Green Day. I don't really listen to any other artist that heavily. I don't know who All Time Low is... sorry.

. It's fine, I'm just a person who loves post-hardcore bands c: or any bands. Yeh work in a Green Day one then :3

I started listening to All Time Low just last night, just for you and I really like what I'm hearing. I like the song Heroes.

. Awe that's nice c: I really love Painting flowers & Somewhere in nerverland :3 & also Time bomb & I feel like dancing . There stuff is so peppy it cheer me up ! biggrin.png

I'm only a few albums in, but I definitely like them now.

. Awesome, you thinking of writing a fic on all time low now?. smile.png

IDK, I don't really know much about them. Like their personal loves and such. I barely can tell the band members apart, and I couldn't tell you their names right now.... I'm still learning

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Yeeees GREEN DAY <3 I knew all the bands u listed. AllTimeLow <3 Sum41. <3 . Yeeh bands. Anyways do continue Billie is hot :3

YAY! someone else who likes Green Day and sneezing! I have lots more fanfics about them... if you're interested.

. Totally down with another green day fic ! May I read them?. & uh I could request an All time low fic aswell. A sneezy Alex is a hot Alex wink.png torture Jack too. Jalex <3 . But yeh I'd love to see green day fics :3

Tell you the truth, I just looked up bands related to Green Day. I only know Green Day. I don't really listen to any other artist that heavily. I don't know who All Time Low is... sorry.

. It's fine, I'm just a person who loves post-hardcore bands c: or any bands. Yeh work in a Green Day one then :3

I started listening to All Time Low just last night, just for you and I really like what I'm hearing. I like the song Heroes.

. Awe that's nice c: I really love Painting flowers & Somewhere in nerverland :3 & also Time bomb & I feel like dancing . There stuff is so peppy it cheer me up ! biggrin.png

I'm only a few albums in, but I definitely like them now.

. Awesome, you thinking of writing a fic on all time low now?. smile.png

IDK, I don't really know much about them. Like their personal loves and such. I barely can tell the band members apart, and I couldn't tell you their names right now.... I'm still learning

. That's okay. Lets just say Jack is the bassist or guitarist o.o(even I'm not sure ) he has scruffy hair & sometimes wear a shirt that says "boner" don't ask why. & Alex is the lead singer c: I already seen him sneeze. Uh I think he has allergies from what I know :3. Hope that helps. Don't worry take your time discovering the band c:
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Alright this is the last part. Hope you like it.


The following day was absolute hell for Billie Joe. He woke up with a screaming red nose, sore from all his sniffling and nose blowing from the previous night. His eyes were bloodshot and bleary from a sleepless night of coughing and non-stop sneezing. He couldn't hide his condition any longer, and surrendered in defeat. Adrienne walked out of the bathroom and smiled soothingly at him.

"Good morning."

"Ahh--Ahh--chooooo," he sneezed into his soggy, crumbled, and completely abused tissue.

"Bless You," Adrienne replied, rubbing Billie Joe's back.

He nodded, completely miserable. Tufts of his hair traveled in every direction as he managed to sneeze loudly again. His flaring, irritated nose seemed to grow worse within seconds, and soon he felt as if he was on his death bed. He knew his appearance must have been shocking, and the least bit attractive, but there was nothing he could do.

"How are you feeling?" Adrinne whispered, playing with his hair.

"What do you think?" he croaked, sneezing a sharply again.

"Awww," she said sympathetically, laughing slightly.

He sneezed again into his balled up Kleenex, and then sighed, "Oh, God."

"Nice cold you've got there," she sighed, feeling his forehead.

"You said we'd be able to relax together. This is NOT relaxing."

"Mike and Tre have already decided to cancel the meet and greets, and the concert tonight," Adrienne said, preparing herself for protesting. She quickly stuffed her index fingers into her ears.

"WHAT?!?" he shouted hoarsely, "I'll toughen it out."

"I don't think so," Adrienne laughed lightly again, "Look, I'm going to get you some tea from the Starbucks inside the hotel. Try not to sneeze your lungs out until then."

"I make no promises," he groaned, grabbing a new handful of precious tissues.

Adrienne retrieved the nice, steaming tea from Starbucks, and then traveled her way back to the hotel room. She tiptoed quietly inside, wondering if Billie Joe might have fallen asleep, but no such luck. He sat up in bed, pulling the blankets down to his lap, before he took a tentative sip of hot tea.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, unable to keep a note of concern from her voice.

"I'm fine," he insisted, curling both hands around the cup and avoiding her eyes. He wasn't fond of her constantly making a fuss over him. When he had enough tea for now, Adrienne took the cup from his shaky hands, gingerly placing it on the counter.

"There's one thing I'm happy about," Billie Joe grinned, his lips curling at the ends.

"Oh, yeah, what's that?" she asked absent-mindedly, still completely focused on Billie Joe’s soft, wavy hair.

"I'm glad you're here with me," he said sheepishly, a subtle smile still glued to his face.

"My pleasure," Adrienne replied, brushing the hair out of his hazel eyes. His eyelids were heavy-lidded and blotchy. It was more than obvious that he was tired, but couldn't fall asleep. It's strange how there are those moments where everything is in reverse. Where you’re exhausted, but cannot sleep. When you feel like the Earth is turning slowly, but it's moving rapidly. The moment when you feel it's Tuesday, even though it's Wednesday. Life likes to surprise us and keep us on our toes every once in a while, if only we could keep up.

Billie Joe smiled and thought that maybe he'd actually be able to enjoy the day. He'd search for the silver lining. So what if his concert was canceled? There will be millions more, but today he'd be able to spend his day and love with Adrienne.

He cuddled closer and wrapped his arms around the middle of her neck, sniffing her new perfume through his stuffy nose

"Hmm, I like your perfume," he complimented.

"Thank you, it's Versace," she giggled, then ran her hand down his chest.

"Can we watch a movie together?" he begged, pouting playfully.

"You, mister, are going to get some rest," Adrienne insisted, taking his glasses off and kissing the top of his forehead.

"That's no fun," he laughed weakly, "Pleeeeeeease? I'll probably fall asleep during the movie anyway."

"So, what's the point of watching one? I'll just end up giving you a summary when you wake up," she made a funny face, meant to look confused.

"I just like listening to movies while I sleep," Billie Joe joked, then snatched the remote off the nightstand. He zipped through the channels and settled on a romance movie playing on Lifetime.

"Really?" Adrienne asked, suppressing her laughter.

Billie Joe smiled, "Yes, really," then allowed Adrienne to remove his glasses once more, and then place them on the nightstand where the T.V remote

had been lying.

He snuggled into the covers once more, his head dropping near Adrienne's shoulder. She kissed him and whispered, "Sweet dreams," before watching the romance Billie Joe had chosen to fit his preference. She giggled and smoothed his hair out with one of her hands.

This was going to be some tour…

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yay for sick green day !! :D wooooooo.

<3 i loved this.

uh sorry to be a bother but some sick Alex would be yummy. o.o

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yay for sick green day !! biggrin.png wooooooo.

<3 i loved this.

uh sorry to be a bother but some sick Alex would be yummy. o.o

haha, thanks. I know... I saw those three vids of him sneezing (which I found on this wonderful place).. he's a cute sneezer. If i think of an idea.. or if you have one.... though I do worn you... I'm super busy, and writing a story is not a one sitting thing for me... it would take me a while. The stories I'm posting have already been written for a long time. I was searching for a place to post these, then I found this.. yay.

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yay for sick green day !! biggrin.png wooooooo.

<3 i loved this.

uh sorry to be a bother but some sick Alex would be yummy. o.o

haha, thanks. I know... I saw those three vids of him sneezing (which I found on this wonderful place).. he's a cute sneezer. If i think of an idea.. or if you have one.... though I do worn you... I'm super busy, and writing a story is not a one sitting thing for me... it would take me a while. The stories I'm posting have already been written for a long time. I was searching for a place to post these, then I found this.. yay.

. Welll yes Alex's sneezes are sexy c; Take your time ! c:
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yay for sick green day !! biggrin.png wooooooo.

<3 i loved this.

uh sorry to be a bother but some sick Alex would be yummy. o.o

haha, thanks. I know... I saw those three vids of him sneezing (which I found on this wonderful place).. he's a cute sneezer. If i think of an idea.. or if you have one.... though I do worn you... I'm super busy, and writing a story is not a one sitting thing for me... it would take me a while. The stories I'm posting have already been written for a long time. I was searching for a place to post these, then I found this.. yay.

. Welll yes Alex's sneezes are sexy c; Take your time ! c:

but seriously, do you have any ideas that you'd like me to pursue involving a sneezy alex? I prefer sickness over allergies, but throw any idea out there!

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yay for sick green day !! biggrin.png wooooooo.

<3 i loved this.

uh sorry to be a bother but some sick Alex would be yummy. o.o

haha, thanks. I know... I saw those three vids of him sneezing (which I found on this wonderful place).. he's a cute sneezer. If i think of an idea.. or if you have one.... though I do worn you... I'm super busy, and writing a story is not a one sitting thing for me... it would take me a while. The stories I'm posting have already been written for a long time. I was searching for a place to post these, then I found this.. yay.

. Welll yes Alex's sneezes are sexy c; Take your time ! c:

but seriously, do you have any ideas that you'd like me to pursue involving a sneezy alex? I prefer sickness over allergies, but throw any idea out there!

. Yes well I enjoy allergies over colds >-< colds are too germy for me >-<. Aha. Unless uh Jack & Alex are dating (Jalex is a popular shipping Amongst ATL fans) & uh Alex is sick then he gets Jack sick :3 Do what you can. Cold but with contagion doe pls c:. If you can't do that than messy allergies for Alex c:. So yeh just a few ideas .
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yay for sick green day !! biggrin.png wooooooo.

<3 i loved this.

uh sorry to be a bother but some sick Alex would be yummy. o.o

haha, thanks. I know... I saw those three vids of him sneezing (which I found on this wonderful place).. he's a cute sneezer. If i think of an idea.. or if you have one.... though I do worn you... I'm super busy, and writing a story is not a one sitting thing for me... it would take me a while. The stories I'm posting have already been written for a long time. I was searching for a place to post these, then I found this.. yay.

. Welll yes Alex's sneezes are sexy c; Take your time ! c:

but seriously, do you have any ideas that you'd like me to pursue involving a sneezy alex? I prefer sickness over allergies, but throw any idea out there!

. Yes well I enjoy allergies over colds >-< colds are too germy for me >-<. Aha. Unless uh Jack & Alex are dating (Jalex is a popular shipping Amongst ATL fans) & uh Alex is sick then he gets Jack sick :3 Do what you can. Cold but with contagion doe pls c:. If you can't do that than messy allergies for Alex c:. So yeh just a few ideas .

Alright, I will see what I can do... but it will most definitely be a while. I have a college exam in four hours that I haven't even started studying for... so I should get on that.

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yay for sick green day !! biggrin.png wooooooo.

<3 i loved this.

uh sorry to be a bother but some sick Alex would be yummy. o.o

haha, thanks. I know... I saw those three vids of him sneezing (which I found on this wonderful place).. he's a cute sneezer. If i think of an idea.. or if you have one.... though I do worn you... I'm super busy, and writing a story is not a one sitting thing for me... it would take me a while. The stories I'm posting have already been written for a long time. I was searching for a place to post these, then I found this.. yay.

. Welll yes Alex's sneezes are sexy c; Take your time ! c:

but seriously, do you have any ideas that you'd like me to pursue involving a sneezy alex? I prefer sickness over allergies, but throw any idea out there!

. Yes well I enjoy allergies over colds >-< colds are too germy for me >-<. Aha. Unless uh Jack & Alex are dating (Jalex is a popular shipping Amongst ATL fans) & uh Alex is sick then he gets Jack sick :3 Do what you can. Cold but with contagion doe pls c:. If you can't do that than messy allergies for Alex c:. So yeh just a few ideas .

Alright, I will see what I can do... but it will most definitely be a while. I have a college exam in four hours that I haven't even started studying for... so I should get on that.

Sok c: Take ur time

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