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A little bit of kindness(Castle: Castle(sneezer) and Beckett)


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I was so tired. It had been a long day, and then, there was something...off about Castle. He wasn't as talkative, which was actually welcome, but he'd been distracted enough to forget my coffee. Hmm...that, and he'd been twitchy all day. His back had kept doing these little spasms, and he'd been leaving the office for frequent breaks. I stood, and walked over to Castle.

"Castle? I'm heading home." Since we were the last two there, I thought I'd let him know so he wouldn't lock himself in. He nodded, keeping his face hidden. I touched his arm. "Hey...you okay?" His back kept shaking. I knelt next to him, but he moved his head.

"Castle...are you...crying?" He shook his head, sighed, then raised it. My shock as not well hidden at his appearance. My secret, against-the-rules, novel-writing boyfriend's nostrils were flaring, slightly damp around the edges, and an angry, fiery shade of red, and his normally bright eyes were swollen, red, irritated, and half shut. As I watched, he brought his hand to his nose and pinched off what I now realized were itchy, powerful nasal explosions.

"Oh God...Castle, what's going on? Are you okay?" I asked again, now thoroughly concerned. He nodded, breathless.

"Yeah...hmp...hmp-mp-mp...allergies. By...mp...mp...ged like this...heh...heh..." I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"How did you even get here this morning? Could you drive?" He nodded, it seemed like that was all he could do. "Can you breathe?" He nodded, then shook his head, then shrugged. "Why is it so bad?" He nodded in the direction of the open window. "Oh Castle...I'm so sorry..."

"'S fide...mp...mp...hmp...mp...huhhhhhh...always like this." I wrapped him in a hug, feeling his body convulse.

"Baby, don't stifle them. You'll get all stuffy." I cooed, sounding very-non-Beckett like. I couldn't even imagine dealing with this all day. As if my permission was all he needed, Castle leaned back in his chair, eyes shut, then snapped forward in a series of sneezes that left him powerless and itchy.

"Heh...HEASHOO! HEASHOO! HRASHOO-SHOO! ISHOO! ISHOO! ESH! HASHIO! Eh...uhh...HISGH! ESCH! EASGH! HUSHOO! HRASHOO! Uh...huh...HuhISHoo! HIEASH! HIGHSH!" As the fit wore on, barely a breath between sneezes, I grew increasingly concerned. I rubbed his back gently, and then he managed to finish.

"Damn, Castle...I'm speechless." I said. He nodded.

"Sorry...held those id...HIEAAHGH! HREASGH! HREWAFH...Thad was...Thad was weird...all...HIESGH! Day." I nodded again, as Castle launched again. I grabbed his coat, and then took his arm.

"C'mon. We're going home". I said. He nodded, and I wrapped an arm around his waist. His whole body shuddered with the force of each one, and I could barely hold him up as he bent over.

"Ish! HREAGSH! HREASGHSH! HREASGH! CHUH! ISCHIH!..." Getting down the stairs involved a near tumble and a few stumbles. Once we got outside, Castle held up a hand.

"Id's godda...Heh...ged worse...huh..FYIIIISG! Huhshoo! HEAFHSG!" And he was right-that was worse.

"Only five more blocks, Castle..." I said.

Should I continue, or should this be a one-shot?

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Thanks, Lake. I've always kinda had this as a fantasy, and I watched the episode where the two have hooked up and I was like...going on the forum and writing this down. Let me know if you have suggestions! NOTE: There's a bit of language in this part, too, but nothing major.

I was having a hard time keeping Castle upright and moving by the time we reached the third block. His sneezes weren't giving him any reprieve, and I could only imagine what we looked like.

"Damn, Castle." I swore again as a monster sneeze nearly knocked me over. I was actually scared for him. "Do you need a doctor?" He shook his head.

"Heheh...hegSHUH! HEASGH! HRSHOO! ISHahhhhh..." I finally managed to get us into my car, which involved buckling him in like a baby. Blackmail? I think so. After I'd swung in and started the car, I dug around in my purse for a few things.

"Babe, here. Take this." I pressed an antihistamine into his hand, as well as a BPA free water bottle. He downed it at the next momentary reprieve, then blew his nose. Then, it started up again.


"Castle!" I nearly shouted. He waved me off.

"'B fide...HEAAGH! HEAFHSHUH! Uh...heh...poll-HEAGH! HUSHOO! Oh god...ISHUH! HUSHOO!" I brushed my hand against his back. During the forty minute drive back to my apartment(if this isn't accurate, sorry), his sneezes died down. I guess being in a clean car belonging to a woman with slight OCD was good for his allergies. When he had his breath and could talk, I pulled the car over to the side of the road, and looked him straight in the bleary, unfocused eyes.

"Castle, what the hell." He rubbed his face, looking exhausted.

"I ged lidke this...mmmfshuh...every year. The ragweed..." He trailed off. I sat, stunned.

"Don't you have antihistamines? I mean, I have NEVER seen anyone sneeze like that." He gave a puffy-lidded wink.

"Well, yeah, I have adti-histabides, bud they dod't wordk righd. Ad I seeb to recall a certaid sobeode sdeezig lidke this ad by apardbedt ad ad thad adibal shelder." I felt my face heat up.

"I happen to have a severe allergy to cats, okay? And you never told me you owned one!"

"Ad dogs. Ad horses. Ad habsters. Ad..."

"All right, all right. Now, let's focus back on you."


I sighed. "God dammit, Castle, bless you!"

"Thadks." He said with a sniffle, looking adorable as he scrubbed at his nose. I sighed, and pulled back onto the road.

"Speaking as someone who went through this before-for forty-eight flipping hours-how do you plan to get through this season?" I got a sigh as a response.

"If widows stay closed, I bighd be odkay. This adi-histabides godda wear off before I cad tadke adother ode, though, so be warded-I sdeeze a lod at dighd." I nodded, remembering my days of torture when we've been working cases involving animals. Castle was always there with tissues, though at his house, the perfumed ones made it worse.

"Actually, Beckedd, this is fuddy. Id...huh...HRSHOO! HEAGH! HRASHOO! Id Fall, I'b allergic, bud id sprid, you are."

I flushed again. "Not to this extent!"

"Righd, righd. Odly with dader ad perfube".

"And who sneezed in that attic?"

"Hey, hey, Thad was odly odce!"

"You almost blew our cover. We're home."

Should I continue?

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Getting Castle upstairs in his exhausted state was an ordeal, but I manged to do it. He went straight for the bathroom and hopped in the shower, where the sound of the water soon mixed with the roar of his intense sneezes. He'd have to learn to let those out with me eventually.

Since I have pretty bad allergies to dust, mold, pollen, perfume, and dander, I always stock up on extra-strength, prescription antihistamines and decongestants. I mean, they are in every purse and coat pocket I own. Anyway, I dug some of these out, as well as a box of tissues and some water, which I took into the bedroom with me and set out on Castle's nightstand.

I tried to imagine what I felt like after a bad allergy attack. Really itchy, exhausted, and drained. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some tea and soup, then carried those back on a tray along with some vapor rub and a washcloth in a pot of water filled with ice.

Castle emerged from the bathroom a minute or two later, rubbing at his eyes and nose and looking altogether drained in his pajamas.

"Don't." He looked up in surprise.

"Dod't whad?"

"Rub your eyes."

"Kay." He came over and got into bed, where I promptly handed him the meds and water.

"Take these-you'll feel better." He shook his head.

"Already...huh....already toodk ad adi-histabide. HEASGH!" I shrugged.

"I've overdosed plenty, and I'm still here." Castle smirked.

"Whadever. I've dot crazy."

"Yeah. You keep telling yourself that." Castle settled back against the pillows after taking the decongestant. I grabbed the vapor rub, but he stopped me.

"Ib dod sidck."

I rolled my eyes. "I know."

"Id always badkes be sdeezy." I rolled my eyes again.

"Too bad."

Castle wiggled his eyebrows, sneezed, then smirked once again.

"Id's goidg to badke YOU sdeeze." He had a point there. Like most strong smells, vapor rub would send me into fits.

"Let's get it over with, then." I opened the jar, and my nose instantly started itching. "Eh...heh...ishiee! Ishiew! God!" I hadn't even touched the stuff yet! Castle grinned as I rubbed it beneath his nose and on his chest.

"Thad was quidck."

"Shut...huh...uh...shut...heh...ishiew! Ishie! Hish! Shut up! Ishiew!..." Through watery eyes, I saw Castle's nose twitch as the congestion loosened. God, I hated allergies.

"HEASGH! HRASHOO! HEAHOO! HRASHOO!!..." Castle rubbed his nose on my sleeve like a little kid.

"Ishiew! Oh god...CastleSHIEW! HUSHIEW!" He'd seen how quickly my allergies could escalate, so he quickly took the pot of allergy attack inducing scent and capped it. I washed my hands, then blew my nose.

Sorry it's short. I'll have more of Beckett's sneezes in another story shortly.

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Thanks, Kaida Lake. Here's the next installment!

Castle was right-it did get worse. Right as I was going to bed, in fact. I sat up in bed, and put my hand on his back.

"Castle? Can I get you something?" He shook his head.

"Do. HEASGSHUH! HRSHOO! HURASHOO! So...heh...sorry Kade...HYISHOO! Diddt bead to...huhSHUH! SHOO! Diddt bead to wadke you."

I frowned at him, which he couldn't see through his watery, swollen lids even if he was facing me.

"Here, lie down." He complied, still sneezing harshly into a tissue. I grabbed a bottle of eye drops. "Please don't sneeze while I do this, Kay?" He nodded.

"Hurry ub, thed-ISHOOOO! HEASGHSHUH!"

"And go!" I grabbed the dropper in one hand and forced Castle's eye open with the other. His hot breath tickled my hand in uneven rhythms as his eyes tried to slide shut."keep it up, Castle."

"Uh...huh...hih....Kade...cad't hol-huh-huh-HUH!" I jammed my finger under his nose.

"Come on Castle, let me do the other eye." I finished, and he exploded, first trying to stifle them.

"MMP! HMPMP! HMP! HRSHOO! HASHOO! HRASHOO!..." It just went on and on! I forced him back down on the bed and grabbed the cold washcloth, which I rubbed against his nose, and then got a clean one to put over his eyes. When the fit finished, he laid gasping and winded.

"God, Castle. You sure you're gonna live?" He cracked a smile, then sniffled.

"Yeb. I'll be fide id a few days, odce I ged to the allergisdHRSHOOad ged the shod. Ib callidg I'd sidck toborrow, though-do way ab I stadkig oud a field." I laughed, and kissed him quickly.

"Yeah, you'd blow the cover anyway. You know, I just happened to call the allergist while you were in the shower, and she said to bring you in."

"Whad aboud theSHOOstadke oud?"

That brought another smile to my face. The antihistamine I slipped him was kicking in.

"That doesn't matter. All that matters is us."

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