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SPN: Curse of the mommy (lame title I know, but at least I got your attention)

Lace Butterfly

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Kind of a sequel to 'Just a cold.' and I meant to spell the title like it is, 'cause I'm cool like that. twitchsmile.gif

The Winchester's sat in the Impala in silence, the only sounds coming from Baby's engine and Sam, who was sniffling from the damn cold he'd caught from Dean.

Ahh HahhChooo!” His head snapped forward with the force of the sneeze.

“Bless y' Sammy.” Dean grinned. “How you feeling? Need more meds?” Dean passed Sam a crumpled Kleenex from the back seat.

“Unghh..Ndo. Thagnks.” Sam said, bring the facial tissue up to his nose and blowing heavily. “How far to Boston?” Sam sniffed, feeling a lot better after clearing some of his congestion.

“About.... three hours.” Dean glanced at his watch. “Lets just get a motel it's like four in the morning and Baby's running on fumes. Literally.” Sam looked at the fuel gauge and saw that the Impala was almost out of gas.

“But what about the case in Boston, people are dying and, if we don't find out what It'll disappear just like in the Georgia museum.” Sam said with a strained voice.

“Yeah but c'mon man, you come before some random tourists getting ganked.” Dean said, flicking on the indicator and turning into a motel just off the highway. “I'm actually surprised you're still vertical with that on and off fever you've been having.”

“Ugh, who needs a mom when I've got you around.” Sam laughed throatily and coughed, the cold had definitely hit him harder than his big brother.

“Shut up. I'm just saying you should rest it's been a week and you still look like crap, in stead of getting better.” Dean stopped the car and opened the heavy door with a squeaky clunk and closed it again with a similar sound. Sam got out too and stretched his legs.

“Get us a room and lay down, I'm getting some supplies, you look like you could use some of John Winchester's cure all; kitchen sink stew.” The older Winchester grinned. Sam shook his tired head lightly, unable to fully comprehend the mouthful Dean had just said in his fogged up mind.

“'Kay.” Sam stumbled into the main entrance, his fever was back. The young woman with black hair and a labret piercing who was manning the desk looked at him with suspicious eyes. Sam realized that he must have looked awful if the girl was staring at him like he was a junkie. Sam coughed into his fist and cleared his throat.

“You chasin' or somethin' man?” The girl asked. Sam felt his nose tickle and his breath hitched uncontrollably.

Hhh.. HeTchhuuhh..Just a bad cold.” Sam replied miserably, bring his arm away from his face. “Can I get a room please, two queens.” The girl nodded.

“Sure, there's a pharmacy half a mile up.” She stated as she swiped Sam's aka Kayne Smithe's, card. Sam laughed a little.

“I think at this point, cold medicine just isn't cutting it, thanks though.” Sam took the card and the key from the girl and headed to number thirty-nine, where he collapsed on a bed as soon as he saw it.


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OMIGOSH YES continue pleeeaaaassseeee? This is so, so awesome. Your characterisation is perfect <3 Please please continue!! wub.png

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More coming after this, tell me what you think so far... :)

Dean drove back the motel and asked the woman which room the 'Big Sasquatch looking guy' had checked into and headed to room thirty-nine. He switched the cold-curing shopping and beer bags to one hand, as he opened the door, he heard the sound of Sam's coughing, cringing at how painful it sounded.

“You okay over there?” He asked as he saw his little brother hunched over the bathroom sink, water dripping from his long slightly pointed chin. Sam nodded as he dabbed his face dry with a motel towel.

Hhh...hhhh...” Sam began to suck in air noisily as he geared up for what sounded like an exhausting sneeze.

“Bless you.” Dean called out pre-emptively.

Hhhh....Hh'EssHuuuhh...uh....Hh'NGht..Heh-Achhhiieeww!” Dean laughed a little at how high pitched the last sneeze had been. “Thanks.” Sam said in the congested tone he'd had all week. The older Winchester took the shopping bags to their small motel kitchen area and pulled out a medium sized pot, he sniffed the Cayenne pepper that he'd just bought.

Hh'Ksshhiew!” He sneezed a small, ticklish sneeze onto his wrist and shook his head with a smile, knowing that if the pepper was spicy enough to make him

sneeze then it'd do wonders for Sam's congestion.

“Bless you. You're not sick again, are you?” Sam popped his head into the kitchenette, desperately not wanting to play a game of catch with cold's and flu's.

“Relax, just making sure the Cayenne's hot enough, 'cause you need something to help you get over this cold.”

“Yeah, wait since when can you cook?” Sam smiled tiredly and sat down on a bed. Dean threw him a bottle of water as he noticed Sam's voice hadn't recovered from his sneezing fit.

“Shut up, I'm a great cook.” Dean poured himself a small glass of scotch as he prepared the ingredients. “Anyway, this case in Boston, you sure you're up for it?”

“Yeah Dean, I just need one more good night's sleep and I'll be fine.” Sam chugged the water and sighed.

“Good, 'cause I'm actually kind of stoked to see what kinda thing we're up against, I mean this thing moves from museum to museum, sucks the life out of tourists and leaves them mummified, it's like something out of The Mummy.” Dean grinned. “Ooh, maybe it's a curse.” His eyes lighting up as if he were a kid in a candy store.

“Well, I've been doing some research over the last couple of days and the.....hhhhhhh...the...hhh..HeTChiiisshh!...'scuse me." He cleared his throat. "The curse seems to move around with this Egyptian exhibit on this eighteenth dynasty Pharaoh Akhenaten Amenhotep the fourth.”

“Uhm, sorry what?” Dean asked confused.

“Akhenaten Amenhotep-” Sam stopped when Dean's expression didn't change. “Never mind, some old Pharaoh.” He rephrased. “So, curse of the mummy might actually be what we're looking at here.”

“Awesome.” Dean grinned again, pouring the stew's ingredients into the pot with a simmering sizzle.

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Your descriptions are so awesome. I love all of the blessings, and Dean sneezing that one time and Sam getting all concerned! And Sam with his wrecked voice and Dean cooking for him!!

And of course, love the casefic... I always love episode-elements being weaved into these stories! Excited for more.

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haha, thanks so much, I always write casefics 'cause as much as I looovveee the boys I also really love the whole premise of supernatural, being in Australia I haven't seen the first ep of season 9 yet so all these SPN fics are to tide me over lol. Anyone is free to let me know if you have any idea's for new SPN fics as I am VERY familiar and enthusiastic about the show and am always writing so please..... let me know :)

Also thanks for all the comments guys and making me feel welcome to the forum. :D

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Next part, hope you guys like :) It's not much but I haven't written much further into the storyline yet.

Sam tossed and turned in his sleep that night. Images of Jessica on the ceiling of that run down, yet homey apartment that it seemed like he'd lived in years ago, although he knew it had only been a few months since he'd been there.

“Why Sam?” Her voice cried out at him, her night gown ripped and bloodied by what had killed her. Who killed you? He asked her in his dream but his only response was the flames protruding from her body and consuming the apartment.

“Why Sam?” She cried again, his name echoing in his head as she asked with such fear, sadness and desperation. He sat up in a sweat as the shock of it all woke him from his fitful slumber, Sam touched his warm clammy forehead, the dreams had become more vivid since he'd been sick, as if the fever was fuel for the nightmare.

“Whoa Sammy, you alright?” Dean asked his little brother, sitting up in his own bed.

“It's Sam.” He grumbled groggily. “I'm fine, just the same old nightmare.” Dean removed his bedding and walked over to the younger Winchester's bed, sliding a hand under his bangs and putting another up to his own forehead. Sam would have normally knocked his big brother's hand away but he was too tired now.

“Like hell you are, you're burning up again.” Dean grabbed a bottle of water from the small table in the middle of the room and handed it to Sam with a couple of Codeine tablets. Sam looked up at Dean with a miserable yet pleading expression, he was sick of taking medicine, sick of this fever, sick of being sick and most of all sick of not being able to get revenge for Jessica.

“Come on dude, take 'em before I shove 'em down your throat.” Dean pushed, Sam took the pills and water, swallowing them both with a certain amount of effort as the hard tablets scraped his sore throat. Sitting up and drinking the water had irritated Sam's sinuses and he shoved his face in the crook of his elbow as his breath hitched for a messy sneeze attack.

HehhhShhhooo HehhKshhhuhhh EhKshhhoooo... uh....Heshhhh HehhhhShhhiiishhKuh!” Sam coughed and didn't move his head from his arm until he'd stopped.

“Geez, bless you.” Dean exclaimed with worried surprise. “You're never gonna get better if you keep this up, you gotta get some sleep man.” He glanced at the tacky clock on the wall, seeing that it was three in the morning. “We both do.” The words were a sorry sigh.

“Yeah I kndow Deand.” Sam coughed dryly, his congestion quite thick in his voice. Dean handed his tired, miserable brother a wad of Kleenex and Sam blew wetly a few times.

“Thanks.” His scratchy voice much clearer now.

“Those should knock you out 'til we're ready to head off, you want some tea?” Sam raised an eyebrow at Dean, since when do we have tea? He asked himself with mild amusement.

“Uh, sure I guess.” He replied and Dean made him some honey and lemon tea as he poured a glass of scotch for himself, Sam noticed that it was a double and began to feel guilty for Dean worrying so much, though he said nothing. Sam took the tea and groaned briefly before another fit overcame him.

Hh'EssHuuuhh, Hh'EssHuuuhh....HahhChooo Huuhh..Acchhhooo... EhKshhhoooo Hhh.. HeTchhuuhh....... hhhh... Seriously?...Heh-Achhhiieeww!” Sam sniffled and lay in his bed.

“Bless y' Sammy.” Dean mumbled tiredly as he went to his single and lay down with his scotch resting in his hand.

“It's Sam.” The younger Winchester replied roughly as he sipped the rest of his tea down and laid back down, preparing himself for the reoccurring nightmare.

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Dean & Sammy are perfection <3 supernatural aobonsahsiiabausus gah . This fic is so well written :D please continue .

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Aw thanks, I love it when people like what I have written, the muse has sorta got me on this one so here's the next part.

When Sam woke up the next morning, he was overcome by a nasty coughing fit, fumbling around on the night stand for his bottle of water through bleary and tired eyes.

“You alright there Captain Cholera?” Dean asked jokingly, though his eyes said he was more worried than he let on.

“Yeah, Dean, this is the last time you get me sick, this is friggin' torture.” Sam didn't mean to sound so whiny and bitchy but with this cold and lack of sleep he was getting grouchy and just wanted to be better.

“Heh, yeah sorry man, tell ya what, we gank this evil son of a bitch in Boston and then we'll take a break.” Dean smiled a half smile at his little brother.

“Yeah, speaking of which...” Sam stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face, relieved to feel he wasn't feverish anymore. “It's past ten, thought you wanted to hit the road before now.”

“Yeah but like I said, you come before the job Sammy.” Sam just rolled his eyes and sighed, Dean was never going to let that nickname go. “Breakfast is on the table.” He said sitting down to a cup of diner style black coffee and his Styrofoam box of bacon-sausage-and-heart-attack-special. Sam made a face of disgust as he smelled the greasy meat, hoping Dean had gotten him something less, well, nauseating was the word for how he felt about it right now. Dean sensed Sam's disgust and looked up from his breakfast.

“Relax, I got you something lame just like you like.” He said with a brief smile and an eye roll. Sam sat down and immediately turned away from Dean to sneeze, his bangs flopping over his eyes each time he snapped forward with a violent eruption.

Hesshhhooo, Ah..huh?...Hesshhhooo....Heh-shhhh Hehhshhhh....hhhh Heshhhh HeTchhuuhh!!....Ugh, crap.” Sam shook his head and looked over at Dean.

“Bless you, hurry up and eat, Boston's still only three hours away but I wanna check out the morgue before lunch, remember last time?” Dean said with a slight shudder, remembering the last time he and Sam had eaten something filling before an autopsy. Sam mimicked Dean's shuddering motion and dug in to his breakfast of spinach and ricotta crepes.

It was close to eleven when the brother's finally got back on the road, only stopping once before getting into Boston for tissues and gas.

“So we are thinking curse right?” Dean double checked as Sam coughed lightly.

“Yeah.” Sam cleared his throat. “It's the only thing that makes sense right now but it could be just a ghost, I mean if it's attatched to it's own remains, they're on display after all.”

“Yeesh, Egyptians, what were they thinking? That's just like inviting someone to become a vengeful spirit.” Dean shook his head at the ignorance of civilians.

“Actually Dean, I'm pretty sure it was western cultures that decided to start displaying bodies.” Sam answered factually. They reached a Boston motel and Dean parked the Impala next to the neon vacancy sign. Sam was relieved, all he wanted was to stretch his long legs and breath some fresh air.

“You seem like your on the mend.” The older Winchester stated, quite relieved, one more day of fever and he was going to haul Sam's ass off to the nearest clinic.

“Yeah, throat's not hurting anymore, fever's gone-” The younger Winchester began.

“Finally.” Dean voiced his relief.

“Yeah..hhh...hhh.....Hetchiieww!” The sneeze was unexpected even to Sam and Dean blessed him with a sly grin.

“Sounds like that's not gonna stop anytime soon.” Sam just sniffed, knowing it was true.

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Next part guys, hope you like it.

It was thee in the afternoon as the Winchester's set up for a few nights stay in their motel room, Dean let himself bask in the heat of the roomy albeit somewhat mouldy shower. He was over the cold that Sam was now suffering with in a little over a day, but Sam.... Dean sighed, worried for his brother. He shook his head of the concern, it was only a cold after all, so why was he so worried? It wasn't Sam's bad case of the sniffles he was worried about, it was Sam in general, the nightmares, the lack of sleep, his obsession with finding their dad. Dean understood it all, he knew that all of it was natural for Sam to feel the way he did but, he still couldn't shake the feeling of protectiveness, as if they were children again, he could hear his father's voice in his head. 'Take care of Sammy.' He would say and then leave for a job, Sam was an adult now but Dean would always be his big brother and that meant making sure Sam was okay, he would always do what he could, even if what Sam needed help with right now, was getting over this cold.

Dean turned off the steamy shower and pulled a motel towel over his bare skin. He heard Sam cough and sighed, will he really be okay to go on this hunt? The older Winchester asked himself, though he received no answer, because, in truth, he didn't know. Sam was a good hunter but he was off his game, making Dean realize that he would have to pick up most of the slack on this one. Dad, why can't you just come back? I need your help on this one, what about Sam? He thought, wishing his father could hear him, wishing he had a god damn clue where he was. Dean always thought that John would know what to do, but it looked like it was just he and Sam for now and he was trying very hard to be okay with that.

“Hey.” Sam glanced up at a mostly naked Dean as the older Winchester picked up a pair of jeans, underwear and a shirt, shuffling back to the bathroom to change.

“Hey, I'll be done in a sec, then the shower's all yours Sammy.” He gave a warm smile as Sam surfed the net for information on the case.

“How many times do I have to tell you Dean, It's Sam, I'm not a little kid anymore and you're not dad.” Sam told his older brother, sick of being patronized.

“I know that Sam.” Dean replied, a little irritated of being compared to his father, never matching up in anyone's eyes. “It's a force of habit so just get used to it.”

“You're so ann- H'Chuhhh... annoyi- HehhhShhhuuhh... annoying, get dressed already I just wanna get though this case as fast as possible.....Hehh...hhh....Heh-Achhhiieeww!

“Bless y' S-” He bit back the urge to call him 'Sammy.' “Bless you.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Sam plucked out a Kleenex from the pocket pack he had bought and set his laptop down on the table, Sam headed to the shower now that Dean was dressed and Dean poured himself a drink and glanced at the clock, four thirty. Close enough, he reasoned and downed the bitter alcohol.

He and Sam were silent in the Impala as they drove to the morgue. Dean squirmed ever so slightly in his new suit, his other one had been ripped last week and he couldn't seem to get used to this fabric, or maybe he was just uncomfortable in his own skin today, worrying would do that to him, in fact, it was a clear sign that he was depressed. He couldn't let that get to him too, he had to think about Sam and this case right now, It went Sam, Dad, hunting, then himself, in exactly that order. The walked into the morgue and showed their well crafted fake ID's.

“I'm Agent Bonham, this is Agent Young, we're here to take a look at your...ahem... mummified corpses.” Dean professionally told the aging male coroner, feeling a little nauseated at the fact that he would very soon have to gaze upon a newly mummified corpse, he didn't know why but the idea half way sickened him.

“Of course agents, right this way.” The coroner said. As they entered the morgue, Sam felt a chill, it was cold, it had to be since the smell of rotting flesh would impede a Medical Examiner's ability to perform an autopsy, but it got to him, or rather his nose, making it twitch and the familiar need to sneeze surfaced.

HehhShuhh..” He couldn't hold it back, but he could stifle, somehow he thought that sneezing in a morgue was definitely frowned upon. “Heh-Ksht Heh-Ksht hhh...Heh-Chmpt...Hehhh'NGht.. 'scuse me, sorry.” Sam held his wrist up to his nose and sniffled experimentally as he apologized.

“Bless you.” Dean and the coroner said in unison. The coroner pulled out the a body from the 'corpse cooler' as Dean had once put it when they were children and there before them was a mummified man, no more than thirty years old, or so it said on the chart.

“You're in luck, I haven't examined this one yet.” The coroner smiled, Dean gave and involuntary groan that sounded more like a whimper to Sam's ears and he

and Dean were both handed protective facial masks.

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Hey guys, sorry this is so short, but more coming real soon.

The coroner gave Sam and Dean a look of excitement as he opened up the dry and dusty man. Just as well he had given Sam a mask because he was sure that all the bone dust from the body would have set off his allergies and he was sneezing enough as it was.

“So as you can see agents, this was clearly not a normal death, in fact if I hadn't known better I'd have thought this was a mummy from ancient Egypt, save for the trinkets they used to place within the bandages.” The coroner smiled, Dean felt like gagging, he wasn't usually a squeamish person when it came to dead bodies; he'd have made a pretty poor hunter if he was, but he was having a hard time dealing with this, though he'd hide it for as long as possible.

“And the other..hhhhuh..victims all looked the same? Organs missing and- and...hhh..mummified?” Sam asked though his mask, sneaking a sniffle in between his words as he tried to hold back the urge to sneeze.

“Yup, embalming fluid was used and everything, obviously the strange thing is that these people couldn't have decayed to this extent in such a short amount of time, it's almost like they had the life sucked right out of them.” That was all the Winchester's needed to hear, they thanked the doctor and discarded their masks on the way out.

As soon as they were out in the open Sam let loose the sneezes that he had started to hold back in the morgue.

Hhh Hh'EtchUH! Hesshhhhuuhh.....ETcHuuhh..ugh.....HepTchhushh!” Sam pulled out a Kleenex from his pocket and blew his nose, glancing sideways at Dean who was looking at his little brother with concerned eyes.

“Bless, are you okay?” Dean had started noticing an unhealthy flush of Sam's cheeks and couldn't tell if it was from the force of the sneezes or if his fever was back.

“I'mb finde Deand.” Sam said blowing his nose once more and throwing it in a near by trash can. “Are you okay? You looked like you were about to start blowing chunks in there, since when do you have a weak stomach?”

“I'm fine, I don't... I don't know man, let's just get to the museum already.” Dean was slightly irritated, he knew that if John had been there he would have told him to 'suck it up dude' or 'don't be a wimp Dean' so he just sucked in a few deep breaths and got into their car, ignoring Sam's watchful eye.

HeP'Tch...Hh'xxxUh!” Sam sniffled. “The museum doesn't close 'til ten, let's get something to eat.” Dean groaned inwardly, there was no way he was hungry, but he still grinned in the was he always did.

“Good idea, I'm starving.” He lied.

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The brother's exited the Impala as they parked at a Biggersons, Dean was craving a coffee, worrying about Sam was exhausting. They were greeted by a typical teenage boy, and Sam ordered a salad while Dean ordered a coffee and the special, though he wasn't intending on eating much of it, picking at the fries while he and Sam spoke about the case.

“Did something about that body seem a little off to you?” Sam asked congestedly, sparking a look from Dean that said; you-sound-like-crap.

“Sure, how about everything.” Dean replied as he sipped his black, sugarless beverage. Sam laughed a little.

“I mean, did it sort of seem like maybe whatever is doing this is just getting started?” Dean glanced up from his barely touched meal.

“What are you thinking Sam?”

“I don't know yet, we need to check out that museum.” Sam walked up to the counter and paid their bill while Dean headed outside for some fresh air.

The museum was practically bustling with Asian high school girls with high socks and fat German families, Dean was more interested in the former as the walked.

“Hey....hhh...exhibit's....thhhh- Heh-AtChhhiieww!....This way.” Sam gave Dean a light whack on the arm before bending over slightly to accommodate the force of the sneeze.

“Bless y' Sam.” Dean offered half heartedly, smiling as a busty Japanese teacher taking his mind away from the slight nausea he had suffered earlier.

Dean and Sam held up their badges to a tour guide and he excused himself for a moment to talk to the ''FBI.''

“What can you tell us about the Akhenaten Amenhotep exhibit?” Dean asked the scrawny male who was the tour guide. Sam gave his brother a look of surprise, impressed that he was able to remember something like that.

“Well, we just got it in about a week ago, transferred in from the Georgia museum.” He answered, his hands intertwined over his abdomen as he spoke, clearly still in museum docent mode.

“That's when the death's started, correct?” Dean asked, though the question was merely a formality.


“So, why is the exhibit still open to the public?” Sam questioned, sounding genuinely like a person of the law, something that had always impressed Dean.

“It is costing the museum a lot of money to have here, we can't just close it down, besides we have taken extra precautions, we've hired twice the security and since the exhibit isn't an actual crime scene you have no right to close it down.” The docent was technically right, the bodies had been found on museum property but the Egyptian exhibit was the only thing that the tourist's had in common.

“Right.” Dean said, holding back the urge to laugh, knowing that extra security would do exactly nothing to stop whatever was going on. “Well you don't mind if we take a look around.” The brother's didn't wait for an answer before passing the guide by stepping into the exhibit. Sam pulled out an EMF detector as Dean searched the area for hex bags.

“You got anything?” Dean asked Sam, who was sniffling.

“Ugh.... No, what about you?” Sam coughed.

“Nada, check that coffin thing, there might be some-” Dean began but Sam finished his sentence for him.

“Spell work?” The brother's both bent down to get a closer look at the sarcophagus.

“Any idea what this says college boy?” The older Winchester asked, Sam gave him a look as if to say as if. “Great well, how are we supposed to reverse the spell if we have no idea what it says?”

“I..hhh...I..uh...” Sam's breath started to hitch. Dean gave Sam a pat on the back as he stood up.

“Bless y' Sammy.” He said with a smile, knowing that Sam couldn't correct him if he was about to succumb to a sneezing fit.

“It's..hhhh... HeKshhhhUH Hetchiieww EhhhTChuUhh..Atchhhooo Atchhhuuuhhh....hhhihh...HehhTChhhuushhh!...Samb..” He finished lamely with a scowl, the stuffiness in his voice taking away any bite away from his correction.

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Back in the Impala Sam was looking through some pictures he had taken of the spell. He had no idea what it meant, he pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Headache?” Dean asked.

“Yeah-” Sam tilted his head back in a daze, he was getting pretty tired of sneezing today and the Tylenol he had taken moments ago hadn't kicked in yet.

Hhhh...HUHTCHOO!..Oh god.” Sam looked over at Dean, who instead of blessing him like he usually would, was wiping his brother's spit off his neck. “Sorry.” Sam apologized.

“Yeah whatever, this case is shaping up to be a handful, maybe you should take a knee on this one.” Sam frowned, he was fine, except for the sneezing, or so he thought. Before he knew it, Dean's palm was resting on his forehead. “What is it with you, I swear every time you get sick you start throwing off heat waves, we should go to the clinic.” Sam almost couldn't believe what he was hearing, Dean was never this overprotective.

“What the hell dude, quit mothering me. I can take care of myself.” Sam knocked Dean's hand away with moderate force.

“Oh you want the hell huh? I'll tell ya the hell Sam. You've been sick all week, running on no sleep, and you won't tell me what's going on.” Dean almost exploded.

“Dean, I don't know what you're talking about-” Sam's obvious lie was cut off.

“The nightmares Sam, now that fever. Stop lying to me, I'm you're brother.”

“Dean, shut up I'm..hhhhh..hihhh...fine.....Huh-Iissshhhooo...lets just concentrate on the case okay?” He sniffled.

“Yeah okay, whatever.” Dean said and then went silent, turning on Baby's engine and began heading back to the motel.

“Okay so I just e-mailed one of my friends studying Egyptian mythology back at Stanford and apparently it's a binding spell, though she thinks I'm nuts for even sending her that photo.” Sam sighed.

“Well that's just great.” The older Winchester said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “That means that there's a person involved, do you think if we kill the dick who's controlling the spirit the killing will stop? Or should we just burn the bones?” Dean's mind was back on the case and Sam, though his fever was creeping up again seemed to be doing okay.

“Burn the bones, are you crazy? How are we supposed to do that? The body's in the friggin' museum.” Sam asked wide eyed, not crazy about the idea of destroying a priceless artefact.

“Well those are our options Sam, we can't just sit the ghost of a god-knows-how-old Pharaoh and reason with it, besides, it's bound it'd never work even if it didn't wanna kill.” Sam sighed he knew that Dean was right, that wasn't the way binding spells worked.

“Hey, one thing I don't get if someone is making this thing kill, how come the only vic's are tourists?” Sam asked before his face went slack and he cupped his hands over his mouth.

“Beats me, bless you by the way.”

“Th...Thanks....Hhhh.....Heshhhuuhh Hh'Esshhhh Hehhh Hehhh Atcchhhuuhhh!


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