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Supernatural Fic - NorthernLady's Prompt!


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Hey! I just finished this fic (as of yet untitled) based on this amazing prompt by NorthernLady: 'Those darn witches do a freaky Friday on Sam and Dean. And Sam is in the midst of an allergy attack... not cool!' which I totally fell in love with. Hope you enjoy it guys! I definitely enjoyed writing it twisted.gif (Also I'm sorry if it gets confusing as to whether I'm talking about Sam or Dean, I tried to make it clear!!)

Only minutes ago, Dean had been sat back with a beer, watching Sam with ill-disguised amusement as he sneezed himself senseless. At intervals he made mocking comments that inflamed his brother’s already explosive temper. Everything was normal: Dean was laughing at Sam whilst he became increasingly irritated by whatever obscure allergen it was this time.

Then suddenly things went from normal to downright strange.

Dean blinked, and found himself stood in the centre of the motel room. Odd – he could have sworn he was sat down a moment ago. His confusion was swiftly forgotten with the emergence of a vicious sensation that started at the crinkling bridge of his nose and crawled it’s way down to his nostrils. Dean raised an arm that felt far too long and snapped forward with a loud-


He furrowed his brows as he wiped at his streaming eyes: they felt puffy beneath his touch, as if he’d been sneezing for hours. And something else was wrong – that sneeze had sounded terrifyingly like – Sam’s?

“Hey Sabby, did you –” Dean paused in shock as he caught sight of himself still lounging with a beer in hand, an equally horrified expression plastered across his face.

“-sdeeze?” he finished lamely and congestedly. Not only that, but it wasn’t his voice anymore when he moved his lips.

It was Sam’s.

“Dean?” asked Sam in Dean’s voice. His now hazel eyes widened at the gravely tone of his words. Dean opened Sam’s mouth to reply, but was caught in the throes of another teasing tickle.

F-fugk-heHhh! eIIHh! EhH-hh-eEHhhh’TCHEEeWWwwhhh! HehIIH’itCHSHEWWWw! hHh-hEeh’ETCHHHHshhhh!”

“B-Bless you” Sam’s soft intonation sounded strange coupled with his brother’s voice.

“Sab, what the hell is g-goig od h-here-h-heihh-eHHht-hHeh’TccCHEeeeWWww!”

“Bless you… it’s a body swap. Must be the witches. There’s a lot of accounts of this kinda thing, but I didn’t know it was actually possible…” he trailed off thoughtfully.

“Dude, would you quit usig bmy body to be such a damb sbartass?” Dean huffed as he watched himself give an irritatingly Sam-like eyebrow raise.

Dean’s grouchy expression crumpled as his head reared back again.

“iHHihhh-hhehhh-ehH’EkkSHCHEEEehwww! epth’TIICHHHhhhh!” He tore a tissue grumpily from the box on Sam’s bed and blew hard, then mopped his watering eyes. A burst if his own gruff laughter echoed the action. Dean growled in response, but Sam’s voice was too high for it to sound threatening.

“So how does it feel to have allergies, Dean?”

“EeHheh’KSHEEEWWWWWwww!” He fell about laughing again. Dean directed a glare at Sam – or should he say himself? – which only served to prompt another display of mirth.

“hEhh’EHEHTSHHHHhhhhhuhh! hehhhh-Ehhih-hihih!!-ept’EHTttttSChhCHEWWWWw!” Dean stumbled on his unfamiliarly lanky legs, the force of the explosions knocking him off balance. Sam was at his side in an instant.

Dean felt his brother’s body being gently guided towards a bed and sat down as his head was still reeling.

“Dean, you okay?” he heard his own voice asking quietly, guilt tingeing the words. Woozily Dean shook his head. No, he wasn’t okay; his head was pounding, his eyes stung, he couldn’t breathe and however many times he sneezed the urge just didn’t alleviate.

Sam tenderly dabbed at his sore running nose.

“Let’s get you cleaned up, then we’ll go hunt some witches”. Dean said nothing, just closed his eyes and let his brother get on with his task.


Dean trod clumsily on the thick carpet of grass, trying to concentrate on co-ordinating his overly long limbs and suppressing a sneeze simultaneously.


“Dean! Keep quiet!” Sam whispered a little more loudly than he’d intended to. The unfamiliar voice was difficult to control. Dean scowled, but nodded and drew a sleeve across his smarting eyes. The sooner he got out of Sam’s allergic mess of a body, the better.

Another tickle bubbled to the surface, and Dean pinched the bridge of Sam’s nose until it passed. Even then he could still feel the sensation lingering.

“Dean”. Dean’s own hand gestured to him to come and look. With an expression of ticklish bemusement he complied, standing next to Sam where he was peering through a gap in the trees. Through his swollen eyes he could just about make out a few figures huddled together, despite the warmth, within what appeared to be a sacred circle.

“EeHhhhh’CHISSssHEWWWWww!” The expulsion caught Dean totally by surprise, giving him no time to stifle. Sam stared at him pointedly. Dean shrugged Sam’s shoulders. When they glanced back into the clearing the group was gone.

Dean suddenly became aware of soft breathing against the side of Sam’s neck.

“Should’ve kept quiet, kid” hissed the voice. Then everything went black, and he was falling into darkness.


“eIhh’TSHHhhEWWWwww!” Dean stirred at the sound.

“hEHhhih-hiIIh-HeHHh’ETCHHhhSHHhhhhh!” He forced himself to sit upright, hands sinking into the mossy forest floor in support. Sam was leaning against a tree, sneezing unrestrainedly – wait, Sam?

Dean glanced down at the leather jacket that was wrapped around him with a grin and stood up, revelling in the blissful feeling of being in his own body again. Then he took a deep breath, which was delightfully clear. He grinned again and walked over to Sam; several bloodied bodies were scattered amongst the greenery.

“You survivin’ there?” Sam glared as well as he could through the fit.

“Heyh’ITCHHhheEEEEeWWWwh! eeeHh-ihh-ehEh!!-eHh’TCHHHHHhehhhh!”

“Bless y’” Dean chuckled, earning another murderous look.

“You’d thig after goig through that-” Sam paused to snuffle, “you’d at least have sobe sybpathy”.

“Nah”. Dean laughed heartily and strode away, leaving a frustrated Sam to follow.

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Hope you enjoy it guys! I definitely enjoyed writing it (Also I'm sorry if it gets confusing as to whether I'm talking about Sam or Dean, I tried to make it clear!!)

OMG Thank you :) I'm really glad to have inspired you :) My craving to see Dean suffer through Sam's allergy have been satisfied (for the moment, teehee)

I really liked the fact that Sam took care of Dean in the midst of the fit but Dean was an asshole about the whole event afterward. So Dean!

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I love it! Love body swap stories so much!

Thank you!! So glad you enjoyed! :)

Hope you enjoy it guys! I definitely enjoyed writing it (Also I'm sorry if it gets confusing as to whether I'm talking about Sam or Dean, I tried to make it clear!!)

OMG Thank you smile.png I'm really glad to have inspired you smile.png My craving to see Dean suffer through Sam's allergy have been satisfied (for the moment, teehee)

I really liked the fact that Sam took care of Dean in the midst of the fit but Dean was an asshole about the whole event afterward. So Dean!

Thank you! <3 I'm really glad you like it, and thanks for writing that amazing prompt!!

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