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The Winchester's Way - SPN/Supernatural sneeze fic.


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Ok SPN fans:) The muse struck me hard yesterday and I've started to write what I intended to be a ficlet, but after 7 pages, I think I can safely say it's more of a short story now

A little forewarning. I've stopped writing at about 7am this morning and I think the lack of sleep screwed up with my brain, I had the hardest time with my tenses and since I don't have a beta, I've tried to correct it after a short 4 hours of sleep (too excited by the premiere to sleep more) I'm not sure I've been successful so pardon me in advance if there is an above average number of mistakes in the story. I'll do better next time!

So, about the story, it was inspired by a drawing I saw on Tumblr. You'll see it at the end since it shows how this story ended. I was all 'Awwwwwwww' when I saw it and my muse was kicking my sides to start writing something to go along with it so...

Hoping it's as good as I think it is... Enjoy!

Your friendly sleep deprived Northernlady

- - -

The Winchester's Way.

It was supposed to be a simple hunt. But life is never simple for the Winchesters, isn't it?

Sam, Dean and Castiel had been hunting a Wendigo in the Appalachians, near the Canadian borders. It's was Cas' first Wendigo but since he had proven a good shot in the previous months, they had brought him along. Never too much muscles and guns when Wendigoes were concerned.

They had been right to bring him too. He was the one who found it's track leading to a small cave near a river. But it was a sneaky little beast. It wasn't in its den when the boys entered it. In fact, it had been laying in wait near the entrance and they were attacked as soon as they found themselves cornered.

Sam was the first to be see the danger and dodged the charging beast. Dean was jumping on it's back a second later and was sent flying against the wall of the cave. Cas was then the only one left standing in front of the snarling creature, holding a sawed-off shotgun as the only barrier between them. Before any of the brothers could recover, the wendigo jumped on the former angel who fell backward in a puddle of stale water, it's teeth and claws gnawing at the air. Cas fired the shotgun and it's head exploded in bits of bones and putrid blood.

Ears rigging but happy nonetheless, The brothers helped Cas push away the limp body of the beast and helped him up.

'Good shot Cas'
Dean said to him picking up his machete and putting it back in his sheath
'Maybe next time you outta use a knife... damn I can't even hear myself speak now...'

'I'm sorry Dean'
Castiel apologised, totally oblivious to the fact that he was soaking wet.

'Well at least you got him good
' Sam patted him on the shoulder. He then said to Dean
'Better burn it now before it wakes up'
Wendigoes were hard to kill sons of bitches and only fire was a sure way to dispose of one.

Nodding, Dean covered te body in fuel, lighted a match and dropped it on the beast. It caught fire and they ran out of the cave before it filled with the thick acrid smoke. They waited outside until the remains stopped burning, checked it then set out for the car as the sun was starting to set in the horizon.

- - -

It took them a few hours to get back to it and by then, Dean had noticed that Castiel wasn't keeping up with them. He was always a few step behind. So he pretended he had to stop to tie his shoelaces until the ex angel caught up with them. That's when he realized that Cas seamed unsteady on his feet, holding on a tree to keep himself upright . It was bizarre but then, maybe he had been hurt by the fall. Then he noticed he was shivering slightly too. Dean reminded himself to ask about it when they reached the car in a few more minutes.

As he started the car, Dean cranked up the heating and Sam looked at him suspiciously but said nothing. In fact, he was kind of glad for a little heat, the temperature was on the cold side tonight. Fall was definitely around the corner.

Half an hour later, when the car was nice and toasty and Sam had drifted to sleep, Dean threw a look at the rear view mirror to check on their 'third wheel'. The ex-angel was awake, looking out at the night sky and holding his coat close to his body. He was still shivering, Dean remarked, and stuck with a perma-frown on his face. The only movement he made was lifting his arm to his face, rubbing insistently at his nose or wiping it on his sleeve. It was Dean's turn to frown.

You okay back there?'
he finally asked him, keeping a close look at his face as he answered.

'I am fine, Dean'
he said softly without looking at him, then sniffed.

Dean said nothing more for a few kilometers but he kept looking back to check on Cas. A few times he caught sight of him when a street lamp was illuminating the inside of the car and realized how pale and sickly he looked. His eyes harbored deep shadows under them and maybe he was imagining it but he thought he saw a splash of redness on his cheeks.

'That's it!'
Dean thought.They were all exhausted and if Cas was getting sick, the last thing he needed was to sleep in the back of his car, however warm it was, it wasn't as comfy as bed.

Another few kilometers and he saw a neon sign of a Motel named 'Rest Easy' with Vacancy glowing under. This would have to do. Sam woke up as they pulled over.

'We stoppin'?'
He asked.

'Yeah... I'm exhausted... '
Dean explained without adding any more.

Cas didn't bat an eye, still lost in his thoughts. He didn't seem to realize that they had stopped and it worried Dean further. Sam threw a look back then looked at Dean, frowning. Dean got out of the car before Sam questioned him about his other reason for stoping.

- - -

20 minutes later, Dean unlocked the door and the three hunters entered the two beds and a couch room. When the light switch was flicked on, Dean took in the ex-angel-turned-zombie-impersonator's appearance. Pale skin, safe for the definite flush on his cheek, blue eyes lost in shadow and clothes still dripping wet. He winced, half for his baby, half for his ill looking friend. He has been right to stop. 'Fine my ass' he said to himself and nudged Cas to bring him out of his daze.

'Cas, get out of those wet clothes' he ordered then looking at Sam. 'I call dibbs for the shower' Sam nodded, understanding. He too was taken aback by the former angel's appearance.
he asked and when the ex angel slowly lifted his gaze to meet his and he pointed at the bathroom and said

Without a word Cas dragged his feet to the bathroom, undressing as he went. Luckily the door was closed before he got to his boxers.
'Don't hog all the hot water!'
Dean finished but he wasn't sure he could be heard over the sound of running water.

After a few moments, Dean started to pick up the wet clothes and jerked up when he heard a strong sneeze coming from behind the bathroom door.


Quickly followed by a few more of his siblings.

'Eh... TShewww eh... eh.... kashoo... kshewwww... eh.. eh....'

Sam had stopped unpacking and was looking at Dean, leaving his question unsaid but Dean answered it anyway.

'He said he was fine!'
But none of the brothers really believed it now.

This was the Winchester's way. Of course Cas would say he was fine. Everytime Dean or Sam were hurt or sick, they always said they were, too proud to admit defeat, be it to a knife, a bullet or even a bout of the flu. Damn good example they were for an angel turned human who only had them to model himself after.

Of course he would say he was fine. He didn't know better.

Dean put the wet clothes on the back of the chair to let them dry and got clean ones out for Cas and for him later on. Meanwhile Sam reaching the same conclusion than his brother, put a few bottles of meds on the night stand between the two beds. Advils, Nyquil and a few food items for a light digestible snack. Dean took the food to the microwave and warmed some water to make 3 cup a soup, not bothering to ask Sam if he wanted some. He then waited for the ex-angel to finish his shower.

A few more harsh sneezes later, the water stopped running and a definitely still sneezy individual shuffled out. Head and body covered by towels and rubbing at his nose, he let out two more strong sneezes caught in extremis in his hand as soon he was out.

'Ah... kshewww...'
the towel on his head dropped on the ground but he held on the one on his waist.
'eh... ehhhh
...Ipkshoooo... eh.... ehhhhh...'
his hand hovered in front of his mouth a few seconds then he blinked, his eyes watery, the sneeze had obviously retreated. He rubbed at his nose in frustration. By now the rim of his nostrils were getting an angry shade of red.

Dean smirked. 'Bless.... ' he starts before deciding not to finish that sentence. If blessing an angel was ridiculous before, now that Castiel was human, it was plain cruel 'Sorry' He offered, gazing down at the pile of clothes he had laid out for his friend.

Seizing the awkward moment as an opportunity to make a strategic retreat in the bathroom, Sam jumped from the bed he's been sitting on and locked himself in. Dean realized at that moment that he had lost access to the only place where he could have dressed up in all privacy. Dean turned away from Cas and walked toward the window as if he was checking on his car in the parking lot then said.

'You better get dressed before you catch cold'
Dean keep looking out as he heard Cas sniff once more then the ruffling of fabric informed him that his friend was following his advice. He waited until he thought Cas was finished before peaking at the reflection and then turned around, relieved that his friend was no longer at the risk to losing his towel the next time he sneezed. As if on cue, Castiel wrinkled his nose and Dean repressed yet again the urge to bless him before he sneezed.

'Eh... Akshoo... eh....eh... eeeeeeh.... '
he itches once more, nostrils flaring and his whole body jerked forward in a strong.
that seemed to surprise even him. Then he wobbled a little and Dean was fast to support him before he could topple over.

'Woah, Woah... you sure you're okay, man?'

Castiel steady himself then moved to sit on the nearest bed. Dean let him go, a little embarrassed by this sudden overprotectiveness.

'Yes Deand I....ah... ahb.. ohhhk...oKSHOOoo.. -snif- I ahb okay.'

Deciding that confronting Cas was not gonna work, Dean changed his tactic.

'Okay... well I'm ravenous and I'm sure your hungry too... I made us some soup'
He walks to get the two bowls he had prepared for them and put one and a spoon on the night stand for Cas.

Cas looked suspiciously at him and the soup then he nodded.
'Good Cas!'
he thinks to himself. He really didn't want to fight his friend in this state. He take the bowl and starts to eat, Dean sit on the bed opposite,and does the same.

15 minutes later a refreshed Sam exit the bathroom in a puff of steam and Dean leaves his now empty bowl on the night stand to go take his own shower. The hot water turn tepid after less than 10 minutes thou and a grumpy Dean exit the bathroom, intent on scowling his brother but the sight stop him short. Sam is sprawled on one of the bed, reading and Cas tucked in the other, his face almost hidden under the cover. His congested snoring a light background noise.

'I call dibbs on this bed'
Sam whispers with a smile

His germophobic brother be damned. Dean sighed looking at the hump on the left side of the other bed then on the couch, deciding if he should risk sleeping beside his sick friend. Sam interrupt his thoughts.

'I gave him the Advils and Nyquil when you were in the shower'
he whispered
'He was a bit more docile after the soup'

'Oh... Thanks'
Dean whispers back and hesitate a moment before continuing
'The couch doesn't seem really comfortable so I think i
'll just... sleep here'
he paused, unsure if he should say the rest, but then risk it
'It'll be easier to keep an eyes on him'
Sam chuckled but didn't lift is eyes from his book. Dean can guess what Sam thinks at the moment. He also think it's a bit 'Mother Hen' but he doesn't care. As long as Sam doesn't say it out loud.

Dean lift a corner of the comforter and slid under, intending on staying on his side but a cough and a whine made him wince. He inched closer, extending a hand to touch Castiel's forehead.

Sam whispered again and stretched his arm to hand him a thermometer. Dean leaned a bit over Castiel to take it and almost gasped in surprised when his other arm was grabbed by his bedmate. Eyes open wide, Dean stopped moving, then when he realized Cas was still fast asleep, he tried to remove his arm but Cas whined and gripped harder in response. Dean looked at Sam who was looking at him with an amused exp

Admitting defeat, Dean said
'I swear if you tell this to anyone, I will end you!'
Of course, the threat had less impact as a whisper than his usual growl but Sam nodded and Dean relaxed. He then gingerly inserted the thermometer in Castiel's half gaping mouth, stuck it under his tongue and waited for the bip.

the thermometer read. He tried to disengage again from the ex-angel and failed. The sigh he let was quickly followed by a yawn.. Damn he was beat! He rested his eyes for a few seconds but it lasted way longer than that.

- - -

Sam closed his book and checked the clock. It was 3:14AM. He yawned and threw a look at the other bed that stopped the yawn in it's track. Cas and Dean were snuggling so close that it reminded him of something Balthasar had once said to Dean about Castiel.

'You have me confused with the other angel – you know, the one with the dirty trench coat who's in love with you'
He chuckled, took his phone from the nightstand to snap a picture.

He had promised Dean not to tell anyone but he could always use the picture to tease or blackmail him afterward. Setting back his phone on the nightstand, he closed the TV and quickly fell asleep after that The snoring concerto for two coming from the other bed didn't even bothered him.



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This is awesome if you continue I'd love to see dean get sick and cass try to take care of him. I had a lot of fun reading this. Just yay for supernatural <3

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Oh my God. This is awesome wub.png I love the whole concept of Castiel copying Sam & Dean!! And that fanart is adorable <3

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This is awesome if you continue I'd love to see dean get sick and cass try to take care of him. I had a lot of fun reading this. Just yay for supernatural <3

I'd like to but the inspiration for this piece was quite extraordinary. I wrote 8 hours straight. Never been that dedicated to a story:) I don't know If I'll be able to recapture the moment but I'll try.

Oh my God. This is awesome I love the whole concept of Castiel copying Sam & Dean!! And that fanart is adorable <3

I know :) It seemed logical since Cas doesn't have any other role model. You know, the fanart kind of worked as a multi layered prompt for me. So many details to take into consideration. Everything had to be in it's place at the end. I loved the experience so I might try to find other drawings to inspire me further...

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