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Family Ties - Legend of Korra (Tenzin)


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Just a short story about Tenzin and his family, because I'm personally finding them a lot more interesting and fun than Korra in this new season.

Family Ties

The sky was clear and the wind was still as a peaceful night fell over the Southern Air Temple.


The sneeze was followed by the sound of a plate shattering on the floor and a baby wailing.

Well it was a peaceful night if you weren’t Tenzin or Rohan that is.

Tenzin sighed and quickly ducked out of the kitchen before one of the air acolytes came in to clean up the mess. They would take one look at him and his son and insist on helping. Tenzin thought about the ancient head shaver and the bundle of flowers currently leaning against a wall in his and Pema’s room and shuddered. No, that kind of help he really didn’t want right now.

Instead he went out into the garden just off the kitchen, hoping the nighttime serenity would help calm the baby. He rocked Rohan gently and slowly.


He knuckled his hand hard under his nose and managed to get the tickle to back down. Ignoring how doing that made his head hurt. He was supposed to be focused on his son not his own health or lack of it.

When it seemed like Rohan was deep asleep Tenzin tiptoed back inside to put him down for the night.

He managed to make it all the back to his room before his nose began to tickle again.

Hehh…huh! Huh,nngtCHHu!

Even stifling the sneeze still jerked Tenzin’s body hard, and the jostling woke Rohan who started crying again.

Back outside it was then.

He had just started back down the hall when his siblings suddenly came around the corner.

“Kya? Bumi? What are you two doing up?”

Kya shrugged. “I always like to practice my bending when the moon is full.”

“Being in the military you learn to sleep light.” Bumi gestured to Rohan. “He’s a chip off the old block. He cries just as loud as you did, Tenzin.”

“Then I’m sorry for disturbing you two I-heh-hhggntchu! Hh’ITCHu! Ahh’ATTCHhh!


“Yes?” He sniffled, trying not to rub his nose on his sleeve like a child.

Kya reached over and pressed her hand against his forehead. “Well I was going to ask if you were all right but the answer’s obvious.”

“You said it, Sis,” Bumi said, as he gently took Rohan into his arms.

“Bumi, what are you-”

“Hey, if I can rescue an entire platoon of men from a cave in I can handle a crying baby. Isn’t that right, Rohan?” he asked as they walked down the hall. “Now Uncle Bumi is going to tell you about the time he and great uncle Sokka defeated an entire fleet of raiders with just a sword and a boomerang.”

Meanwhile Kya turned her full attention to Tenzin. “And you and I are going to practice healing techniques.”


Kya paid no attention to her brother’s protests as she dragged him by the arm to the kitchen.

When Bumi joined them later, after putting the sleeping Rohan in his crib, he found Tenzin sitting in a chair with a steaming cup of tea in his hands; while Kya worked a halo of water around his head.

“Better?” she asked as she moved the water back into a bowl.

“Yes, thank you, both of you.”

“Hey, you’re our baby brother we have to look out for you,” Bumi said as he draped a blanket he had brought with him over Tenzin’s shoulders.

Normally Tenzin would have complained about their mothering, but instead he merely sighed contently and drank his tea, that Kya refilled the moment the cup was empty.

“You know, Kya, I think I like sick Tenzin even more than I like vacation Tenzin, he doesn’t talk as much,” Bumi teased as he pulled up a chair and sat down next to him.


Kya laughed at the dust kicked up by the sneeze. “Does do a lot more damage though,” she said as she sat down on the arm of Tenzin’s chair.

Tenzin sniffled and gave them a small smile. “It’s been a long time since we’ve been like this, together, just the three of us.”

Kya and Bumi nodded in agreement.

“You know, Tenzin, what you said about riding Koi fish and building sandcastles it sounds like fun and I think we should add those things to this vacation,” Kai said.

Tenzin smiled wide then and squeezed her arm gently. “I think we should too.”

The End

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That is so perfect ! I could just imagine this in my head since it's so well written ! :D . Amazing.

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Amazing fic! I love these three; quite frankly, I'd be fine if the show just ignored Korra completely and focused on them wink.png

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Aw, I haven't watched any of the new season, but I agree. I generally find the adult cast more interesting than the teens. :rolleyes: This was great! I was hurting for an airbender fic the other day, and Tenzin's dad vibes are so sweet. Love the siblings watching out for him <3

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I agree..korra is a let down for me but not Tenzin and his family. If this season was just about this id b more excited for it.

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