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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Trust and Worry SPN

Lace Butterfly

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Hey guys this is set in season 3 and tell me if you like it because then I'll continue, sorry there is no actual sneezing in this part but if I decide to continue then, trust me there will be :)

Chapter One.

It was close to midnight when the Winchester brothers walked in from the thrashing thunder storm, into a dry motel room. Dean wiped the dripping water from his face and sniffled.

“Crappy Portland weather.” He complained. They were looking into a case in Portland in a small town called Ashwood, a fellow hunter named Joe Flanigan had suggested there was a vampire nest that may be turning children in town. Sam flicked back his wet fringe and set his brown laptop bag down on the small table. Dean shivered and removed his soaking leather jacket.

“Chinese food?” Sam asked, holding up a menu from Wong's Noodle Bar. Dean nodded.

“Get me some of those little spring rolls and some beer while your out.” Dean commanded with a smile. “And pie, don't forget pie.”

“'Kay.” Sam replied as he walked back into the harsh night air to the Impala. Dean lay down on his double bed and gazed around the room. It wasn't too bad for eighty dollars a night. His eye caught the TV, he flicked it on and switched it to channel forty four, Dr. Sexy was in the elevator with Dr. Piccolo. Dean watched intently, he was just getting into the episode when he heard the door unlatch and Sam came strolling through bearing beer and spring rolls, Dean switched off the TV quickly and gave a soft sigh, he felt his voice catch painfully and coughed.

“You okay?” Sam asked handing the spring rolls to his brother.

“Yeah, dry throat.” Replied Dean. Sam popped open two beers and gave one to Dean, who drank from it greedily.

“If that nest really is turning kids we better find it soon, Joe said four kids have gone missing already.” Sam said as he flicked through the channels on the TV, resting on the ten o'clock news.

“True, seen vamps turn girls, guys and even there own family, but never kids before, friggin' vamps.” Dean sounded tired as he chewed the crunchy spring rolls. There was silence in the room for a while, the only voices coming from the TV. When Sam finally spoke again, he realized that Dean was asleep. Sam was mildly surprised, Dean hadn't even touched his pie. It wasn't often his big brother slept more than thirty hours a week, but he had driven them all the way from California in record time, it was no wonder that he was beat. Sam had offered to drive but Dean had insisted on logging in all the hours behind the wheel himself. Sam was quite awake as it happened, so he decided to spend some time buried in a book, a book on crossroad demons.


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Uhmmm yes please!!

I'm already starting to get greedy on this story :D

I like where it's going so please go on ;)

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Have I mentioned how much I love casefics? And in Portland??? Oh my god, yes, please continue! You have a really good eye for detail and realism, and aww Sam's concerned "you okay?" when Dean was coughing! So cute! I would loooove to see more.

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The rain was pouring heavily outside and the motel alarm clock beeped at seven sharp. Dean woke up in a cold sweat. As soon as he sat up, he knew he was had a bad cold, maybe a slight case of the flu but with his younger brother worrying himself half crazed about his one-year-to-live deal, Dean was going to hide his illness for as long as possible. Sam had put on a pot of coffee in the kitchenette. Dean sniffled and and tried to smother a cough with the back of his hand, Sam turned to look at him.

“Are you coming down with something?” Sam asked, walking over to his brother and moving his hand toward his forehead, Dean batted it away tiredly and shrugged.

“Nah, it's just cold in here.” Replied Dean pulling the comforter closer around himself, sniffling weakly.

“Okay, well get your clothes on I wanna talk to some of those missing kids families, while you meet up with Joe.” Said Sam, tossing a box of motel tissues at Dean, not being able to tolerate his big brothers annoying sniffles any longer.

WARNING: for this next part, there is a mention of paedophilia but nothing is done to any children in this story nor with there be any graphic writing about the acts of the paedophile. (If you are uncomfortable with this PLEASE DON"T READ) Thank you.

Chapter Two

Dean dropped Sam off at one of the child's houses, and drove up to a Biggersons to meet up with Joe Flanigan. As he drove slowly, looking for a place to park, he noticed the headache that had been creeping up on him had gone full blown.

“Hey Dean, how ya been?” Joe asked, giving Dean a welcoming handshake as he sat down at Joe's table.

“Not too bad. Yourself?” Replied Dean, clearing his throat loudly.

“Good, good.” Smiled Joe.

“So what's the deal with this nest?” Dean asked as he took a brief look at the menu.

“Not sure yet, I know head vamp's Alistair James and kids have been going missing in these parts for weeks. Got some info from the state police that say all the kids parents were members of the church and that there was an incident that involved Alistair getting a little too friendly with them if you know what I mean.” Dean frowned at what Joe had told him, the thought of someone doing those kinds of things to a kid was making his headache worse. “Here's the rest of the articles I've found about the sick son of a bitch, this is him here. See?” Joe said handing a small folio and a photograph to Dean, he looked at it for a minute, taking in the man's appearance. A dark haired waitress made her way to their table, Dean tried to suppress a bad cough and failed miserably. “Since when do you catch cold?” Joe handed a napkin to Dean seeing him sniffle continuously.

“Ha, I don't know man, stressful times I guess.” Dean replied trying to sound cheerful, resting his aching head on his palm. He was at least glad that he didn't have to hide something as mundane as a cold from anyone except Sam, it was exhausting and he felt crappy enough as it was. In the back of his mind the thought came back up that he only had a matter of months to live, till he was sent down under. With a sigh he pushed the thought back down to the deepest, darkest depths of his brain.

“What can I get handsome guys today?” The waitress asked the two men, her perky breasts almost popping out of her red and yellow top. Dean turned away from Joe as his breath hitched and tried to sneeze as quietly as possible into the lapel of his coat.

HehhTchh.” He turned back and the pretty waitress was smiling at him. “Just coffee.” He replied, blowing his nose with the napkin.

“Okie-dokie, that's some cold you got there, maybe you need someone to take care of you.” The dark haired waitress hinted with a cheeky smile.

“Thanks.” Dean's eyes scanned the pretty waitress for a name tag, “Daphne, that's awfully kind of you, but just the coffee thanks.” Dean said politely, although a little scratchy voiced. He Smiled up at the pretty waitress as she took Joe's order of burger and fries, and left.

“Just coffee and shootin' down a pretty girl, wow, you must really be sick.” Joe laughed mockingly.

“Shut up,” Dean smiled. “Nah, just not in the mood, you watch though, she'll still give me her number.” Joe looked at Dean, no matter how hard he tried to pretend he was okay, it was clear as day that he was pretty under the weather.

“You know I can call someone else if you're not feeling up to it, 'cause you don't wanna be hunting vamps if you're anything less than one hundred percent.” Joe's tone serious now. “I can't even get any info on how many there are. I mean I know you have Sam, but are you sure you're okay?”

“Thanks for the concern man, but I'm fine, really.” Replied Dean, making a mental note to get some Asprin before going to pick up Sam.

The waitress returned with their food and slipped a napkin under Dean's coffee with her number cutely scribbled on the edge. He slid the napkin across the table and Joe chuckled as he sank his teeth into the greasy burger, usually Dean would have ordered the same, but the smell of the greasy meat was making him want to vomit. He pushed the feeling away, taking a long swig from his steaming coffee.

“I'll never understand you man, you can get girls even when you look like shit” Joe said grinning and looking at the waitresses scribbles.

“Yeah 'cause snot is such a turn on.” Dean said sarcastically, blowing his nose again. “So any idea where the nest is?” He asked, wanting to get back to the case.

“Well their great at covering their tracks but there's an old abandoned church out on Breckenridge Road. Now Alistair was a devout christian back in the day so it's worth a look.” Joe replied, slurping loudly from his soda.

“You seen any other vamp's hanging around in town?” Dean asked wiping his perspiring forehead.

“No, I'd have ganked them already, it's pretty quiet, last time a vamp was spotted round here a hunter a Jodie Freeman came by... About three years ago maybe, looking for the son of a bitch and never came back. Figure she got killed, she was a good girl too.” Dean's cell phone began to ring, he answered it, knowing it was Sam.

“What have you got?” Dean asked, swishing the last of his black coffee in his mug.

“Not much, looks like all the parent's are a member of theh...hhhh...Ashwood Christian Church....HetChhh... and their kids too.” Sam held the phone away from his ear as he heard Dean half stifle a sneeze loudly. “Thought you said you weren't sick.” He said to his big brother sounding worried. Dean swore inside his own head.

“I'm fine, it's just some old lady's perfume.” Dean lied wearily. “I'm done here, I'm heading to you.” Dean said snapping his phone shut.

“Lying to Sam huh?” Joe smirked.

“Well, we've both got enough to worry about these days without him force feeding me cough syrup and worrying about my stupid cold.” Replied Dean, Joe nodded, the long time friend and hunter wasn't privy to the older Winchester's demon deal but Joe understood, hunters were always on edge and worrying about something. They left the restaurant chain, Dean leaving Daphne's number on the table.

“Thanks for coming man, I'd do this one myself, it's just my kids birthday and all.” Joe said as he smiled at Dean. Dean nodded.

“Hey, happy to help. Say hi to Kara and James for me.” Dean gave Joe a another handshake. He was always happy to help at least one hunter who had something to live for. The thought of going to hell popped up again.

“Sure thing.” Joe smiled as he walked to his old beat up van, halting as he opened the van door with a loud creak. “Hey Dean? Good luck.” Dean knew he wasn't just talking about the case, but about whatever was really on his mind. Dean nodded a thanks to Joe and turned toward his Impala, he hoped Sam couldn't see past his many facades as well as his old friend.

Chapter Three

Sam watched as the Impala stopped in front of him, Dean was slumped in the drivers seat, looking tired as hell. His eyes had dark circles painted under them, he wasn't even singing along to the Black Sabbath playing in the cassette player. Sam opened the door and sat next to Dean, his suit pants pulling up at the crotch, revealing his navy socks. Dean turned off the music and pinched the bridge of his nose with a pained look on his face, an indication that he had a headache.

“Hey so, what did Joe say?” Sam asked. Dean passed the photograph to his brother and Sam took a good long look, noticing the man's sallow gaunt face and his clean cut black hair. Sam almost laughed, he was so typical fake vampire, that if he hadn't been such an evil being it might have been amusing.

“He thinks the vampire nest is in an old abandoned church in town, leader's supposedly a paedophile or something and targeting kids whose parents he was 'friendly' with when he was human, he was thrown out of the church for it. You talked to the kids parents, they didn't mention anything like that?” Dean replied, clearing his throat in an attempt to ward off a threatening cough. Sam noticed Dean was covered in a thin layer of sweat.

“No, but I didn't ask. If that's true then we have to find out who else he was.. involved with.. their kids will be next.” Said Sam, eying his brother carefully. Dean took a little longer to reply to what Sam had said. Before he could stifle it properly a short rough sneeze escaped.

H'Tchhh!” Sam looked at his brother, surprised.

“Bless you, you okay?” Sam asked with wide eyes.

“Yeah, dusty in here.” Dean replied lamely, trying to wipe his watering, glassy eyes discretely. “Alright, lets just swing by the motel so I can change, then we'll head to the church.” Dean said regaining his composure as he put his baby into gear, or at least he thought he had regained his composure. He looked down at himself for a moment feeling dizzy.

“You wanna drive?” He asked Sam, with a gravelly voice.

“Sure, you feeling okay?” Sam, realizing there was something definitely wrong with his big brother. They switched places.

“Yep, I'm just tired Sammy.” Dean replied, his words already becoming fuzzy around the edges with congestion. He tilted his head back and shut his eyes.

Sam and Dean walked into the motel room, Dean sat heavily down on his bed and opened a brown paper bag. He coughed and without meaning to he let loose a groan of pain and frustration. Sam glanced over at him and he could tell Sam knew something was up. He decided he couldn't try to hide being sick any longer, it was just too taxing, he could only hope Sam wouldn't go all mother-hen on him.

“Okay, what's wrong?” Sam asked his older brother, looking concerned.

“I'm not feeling so hot.” Dean replied flatly, and sniffled.

“Meaning? Natural or supernatural?” The younger Winchester asked, his voice think with worry that Dean's worsening condition was the latter, remembering their latest job with a witch coven less than a week ago.

“You can relax, 'cause..hhhh....HeTCshhuuhh.. it's just the common cold.” Dean replied sounding very congested at this point, “Can't get more natural than that.” Sam sighed a sigh of relaxation and his jaw softened from it's tense hold.

“You can sit this one out if you want, get some sleep.” Sam offered, Dean sighed as he ripped open a box of cold medicine and stood up to get a drink of water from the sink.

“Don't be ridiculous Sam, It's not like I'm going to die, well not yet anyway.” Dean said through sips of water and smiling. Sam's face went cold, he hated being painfully aware that Dean was going to be sent to the pit in a matter of months.

“That's not funny, Dean. At least let me take your temperature before we go.” Sam rummaged through one of their bags and pulled out a thermometer.

“No thanks Nurse Sammy.” Dean replied, and smiled at his germaphobe little brother. Dean started to object when Sam slipped the digital gauge into his mouth, but he really wasn't feeling well, so he didn't try to take it out when Sam gave a concerned look. The younger Winchester waited until it beeped.

“Can I take this thing out now?” Mumbled Dean, aiming to sound tough but instead sounding rather pitiful. Sam pulled the thermometer from his big brother's mouth and gave a frustrated sigh as he grimaced at the number.

“101.1, maybe you should stay home.” Sam said, using his lecture voice, Dean smiled internally, he would always be the big brother but Sam wasn't incapable of playing the part. He would never admit it, but sometimes he liked to let Sam take care of him. This, however was not one of those times.

“You're kidding, right?” Dean half laughing, until he saw the seriousness in his little brother's face. “I'm fine, it's just a cold.” Another wave of dizziness crashed over him and he swayed a little where he stood.

“Maybe, but this cold could easily turn into pneumonia” Sam said setting the thermometer down on the counter by his side. “You've been running yourself ragged lately.

“Well I say I'm fine and I'm the oldest which means I'm always right.....Eshhhhhuhh.” Countered Dean finishing his statement with a sneeze, proving himself wrong. He shook his head and sniffled trying to rid himself the tingling that had started up again. Sam muttered a slightly frustrated “bless you,” Dean ignored the formality as he strode to the bathroom to take a hot shower. Sam watched as his brother shut the bathroom door behind him. All Sam could think about was that Dean was just too reckless. If a vampire got the upper hand in a fight, his remaining time would be cut down to a day or so, all because he was too stubborn to take a day off. While Dean was taking a rather lengthy shower Sam was buried in yet another book, if there was a way to get Dean out of his deal that didn't involve demon Ruby, Sam would find it. Dean stepped out of the bathroom in a rush of steam, dressed in his black suit and tie. Sam noticed how pale he looked, and his cheeks were slightly flushed.

“Lets go Sammy.” Dean said brightly, the shower had cleared the congestion a bit, so at least Sam could understand him properly.

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The brothers drove to the Ashwood Christian Church, Dean shivered slightly and went tense when Sam turned to him.

“Did you eat today?” Sam asked in a very concerned parent kind of way.

H'Tchhh.. ugh..Yeah.” Dean lied.

“Okay good, 'cause you need to keep your strength up.” Dean turned to look at Sam, he couldn't believe how mother like he was being about his big brother being

sick, it wasn't like he'd ever really acted this worried about these situations before.

“I'm fine Sam, lets just do our job.” Dean turned back to the road and pulled over across the road from the church. As they walked in they noticed that it was quiet

empty. Sam figured it wasn't busy because it was the beginning of the week. A middle aged nun was setting bibles down on the pews, for coming religious folk.

“Good afternoon Sister.” Sam said as he approached the middle aged nun and held up his FBI badge. Dean mirrored his actions. The nun bowed her head in sadness, she knew why the FBI were there.

“You must be here because of the missing children.” She said. “I am Sister Josephine Constant, How can I help?”

“We'd like some information about a man who was extradited from you're church about twenty years ago, a Mr. Alistair James?” Sam asked. The nun nodded. Sam and Dean followed the nun into a room that was marked 'Sunday School'.

“I had just become a nun when he was found out, you think he could be responsible for these disappearances?” Asked the nun.

“We don't know yet, Sister, but we still need any information you might remember.” Dean said, speaking for the first time and trying to ignore his own fuzzy pronunciation.

“Well like I said I had just started here at the time, but he was very unwell that man. Demons had a hold of him and they wouldn't let go, he even killed one of the children.” She replied. The brother's had been doing this long enough now that they could tell when someone was talking about metaphorical demons and not real ones. “He would sweet talk those children into not telling anyone about what he would do to them, but eventually a young girl came forward. Brave little thing she was only six years old.”

“Would we be able to get her name?” Sam asked the nun. She nodded.

“Stacey Riddick, she still lives in town.” The nun said. Sam and Dean thanked her after getting the woman's address.

“Oh one more thing Sister, is this Alistair James?” Sam asked holding out the photograph, Sister Josephine looked taken aback by the photo as it looked so new, but nodded anyway.

The Winchester brothers walked back to the Impala, Sam had convinced Dean that if he wasn't going to stay home and try to sleep off his illness then he would be handing over the keys to his little brother. Dean had begrudgingly agreed. As they drove to the home of Stacey Riddick Dean was feeling worse and worse, the Asprin wasn't helping at all. Sam turned to him with a worried expression.

“How you feeling?” Dean shivered next to him and turned on the heat in the Impala.

“Just pe-peachy..hhh...HeSssHuuushh.” Dean said in a voice that sounded like a cross between a moan and a croak, and hunted for a Kleenex in the glove compartment.

They arrived at a small brick house covered in vines. The brothers walked up to the door and rang the door bell. A blonde woman in her late twenties answered.

“Ms. Riddick?” Dean asked formally, Stacey looked at their badges and invited them in. Sam and Dean sat on her floral sofa and waited for the young blonde woman who was bustling around in her kitchen. Stacey returned to her guests carrying three mugs of tea, giving one each to Sam and Dean she sat down herself on the armchair opposite them.

“We'd like to talk to you about Alistair James.” Said Sam, in a comforting voice. Stacey bowed her head and stayed silent. “We're sorry we know this must be hard for you, we just need to know if there are any others...like yourself, who have children.”

“You mean, you want to know who else was- was....” The woman spat the words like acid though she couldn't finish the sentence. “I'm sure you've been to their houses all their children have gone missing.”

“I'm very sorry Ms. Riddick, but do you happen to know all their names?” Dean asked, he generally felt for the poor woman.

“You mean do I keep a list? No.” She still sounded venomous. Then she sighed. “I'm sorry agents, I know you're just doing your job, I do remember their names, four you have already met. The only other besides me is a man, he was just a year older than me when it happened. Rick Baker, he has a son and lives at the edge of town. Agent's you must understand, my own sister was killed by that monster. I just want to forget.” Dean went red in the face, and broke into a hash coughing fit, turning away from Sam and Stacey. “Are you alright agent Styles?” Stacey asked.

“I'm fine, may I use your restroom?” Dean still coughing, she nodded and pointed in the direction of her bathroom. Dean closed the white bathroom door behind him, he felt as if he was going to be sick. He took a few deep breaths and cursed. He splashed cool water on his face, feeling relief as the water trickled down his angular cheek bones. He walked back to return to Sam and Stacey. As he walked through the hall way he caught a glimpse of a little girls room, with a little girl with caramel hair staring wildly at him. She couldn't have been more than seven, the little girl timidly walked up to the Dean.

“Hi, what's your name?” He asked crouching down to be closer to the same height as the little girl.

“My name's Charlotte, you have to hurry, the scary man is coming for Jonathan.” Charlotte said.

“Hi Charlotte, I'm Dean and don't worry cause I'm here to help. How do you know this?” He asked.

“The man, he stares at me through my window at night, he told me who he was going to take, told me to tell my mommy but she wouldn't listen.” Charlotte replied.

“Charlotte, don't worry me and my brother who's downstairs with your mom are gonna get the scary man” Dean said trying to reassure the little girl, she smiled and went back to her bedroom, Dean headed back down to Sam. When he returned, Stacey was out in the kitchen fixing Sam another cup of tea, that she had insisted on bringing him.

“Sam, this psycho has been visiting Stacey's daughter, she said that, that Rick baker's kid is next. Sam nodded. Stacey came back into the living room and joined Sam and Dean, setting the tea on the coffee table. Having acquired new information the brothers were now anxious to leave. Dean burst out into a messy sneezing fit, Sam took advantage of the situation.

H'Chhhhshh Heshhhooo...H'Chhhiiihhh...HepTchooo! 'Scuse me, I can't seem to shake this cold.” Dean said apologetically. Stacey nodded with a sympathetic expression.

“I'm sorry Ms. Riddick, as you can see my partner isn't feeling all that well. Thank you for you're time, we'll be in touch.” Sam said, handing her a number to call if she needed anything and pushing Dean out of the door.

“So do you really think that kid is next or is he after Charlotte maybe he's just trying to throw us off the trail?” Sam asked. The brother's walked away from the house covered in vines.

“What by using a little girl he couldn't possibly know we would talk to? Nah I think he's after that Baker guys son for sure. We gotta go protect him.” Dean opened the passenger door to the Impala.

“We? You're not going anywhere except to bed, Dean.” Replied Sam, Dean thought he sounded annoyed.

“What, why?” Demanded Dean. Sam gave him an are-you-kidding-me kind of look.

“Because you're sick, what if a vamp gets the jump on you?” As Sam drove to the motel, the brothers began to fight.

“So? It's not like being sick has ever stopped us before.” Dean pointed out.

“Yeah but that was before-.” Sam began.

“Before what? Before I sold my soul? I'm dead soon anyway Sam! What does it matter if I go out sick if I'm already dead?” Dean said angrily.

“It matters because- because I have had it up to here with your crap Dean! I'm tired of you acting like there's no way out and you don't even care!” Sam yelled, too angry to look at his damned brother, staring viciously at the road in front of them.

“You know what? I am not having this argument again, you know that if I don't go to hell you drop dead!” Dean yelled back, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

“We can find a way, Ruby said she can help.” Sam said, trying to be rational.

“Oh Ruby, right, 'cause demons are always so helpful. She's using you Sam! She knows that you'll do what ever she wants if you think she can get me out of my deal.” Dean cried, desperately trying to get his point across.

“Using me for what Dean? She hasn't asked for anything.” Sam pointed out.

“Yeah, not yet.” Dean said, he fell silent, tired of arguing, all the yelling was making his throat hurt.

Chapter Five

Dean unlocked the motel room door, throwing the room keys down on the counter, and grabbed a beer from the fridge. The clock that sat upon the wall read five PM. Despite Dean, trying to make Sam drop the subject, Sam was still insisting that Dean stay in the motel and get some sleep.

“Fine, you can come.” Dean's was stricken with surprise. “If you can go five minutes without sneezing.” No sooner had Sam set the trap up for Dean, he fell into a fit.

“Heh'Mpch..H'NGhht...Hetchhh Hetchhh Hesshhhhahh....Ugh. Screw you.” He coughed out congestedly. Sam smiled smugly.

“See, you'll only get worse and we can't afford for you to give us away. So stay here, I'll call if I really need back up, just watch some porn or something.” Sam said, gearing up with machetes and dead man's blood, ready to leave.

“Sam, can you shut up? I'm coming, that's final. I just gotta hit the head and we'll go.” Dean sniffled. He turned around and entered the bathroom Sam saw his chance to ditch his stubborn big brother. Dean washed his hands and wiped them on his jeans, he heard the slam of a door and the familiar screech of the Impala.

“Oh no, Sam you didn't?” He said to himself, his voice harsh with fury, he opened the door to find the motel room empty. He immediately found his cell phone in his pocket and hit the contact for Sam.

The phone rang a crackly ring, the cell phone reception was terrible.

“You son of a bitch.” Dean said into the receiver as soon as Sam picked up.

“Sorry Dean, you could have compromised the job.” Sam reasoned, the rumble of Dean's precious Impala in the background.

“Shut up, this isn't about me sneezing my brains out every ten minutes, this is about you wanting to keep me out of danger until you break my deal. Well I got news for it ain't gonna happen, there is no way, so just drop it.” Dean replied angrily.

“Well maybe it is, but you can't deny that you look awful and feel worse, I wouldn't send you up against a soccer mom right now let alone a vamp.” Dean sighed, he understood Sam's point of view, he really did but that didn't make him any less angry about the lack of faith his little brother had in his hunting abilities.

“Doesn't matter, hunting is our job, my job.” Dean's voice was hoarse “You had no right to take off with out me.” He coughed again, this time it came from deep in his lungs, and thought maybe Sam did have a valid point, he really wasn't in great shape. With that last cough he finally gave in. “Just be careful okay, check in, and for god's sake take care of Baby.”

“I promise, get some sleep man.” Sam said, his voice beginning to break up as he hung up the phone.

Sam rolled up to a small house at the edge of town, the Impala rumbling noisily in the eerily quiet street. Sam stopped in front of the metal mailbox marked 'Baker', it had taken him almost an hour to get there and it would be dark soon. Prime time for vamps. Sam walked up to the front door and knocked on it loudly. A man in glasses and a maroon sweater vest opened the door. It was then that Sam realized he hadn't thought about what to say to the man. He wished he had left his suit on.

“Can I help you?” Asked the man.

“Rick Baker?” The man nodded. “My name is Sam, I'm sorry but your son is in danger.” Sam replied, he thought it best to just tell him the truth, or most of it anyway.

“What are you talking about?” Asked Rick, fear in his voice.

“Look there's someone coming to take him.” Sam said, trying to keep his voice calm so as not to scare the man into slamming the door in his face.

“How do you know my kid's in danger?” Rick asked, the fear replaced by skepticism. Sam's brow furrowed, this was always the hardest part of the job, explaining how they knew what they knew.

“I'm sorry Mr. Baker but you're just going to have to trust me.” Sam said, barging into the mans home. Sam walked into Rick's living room, despite the his protests. He was glad Dean wasn't with him his older brother's approach was a little too intimidating.

“Look you better tell me what this is about, or I'm calling the cops.” Rick threatened.

“Okay, so I'm sure you know about those kids going missing in town, well I know who's taking them and your son is next.” Rick stared at Sam, not saying a word. “I know this is hard to believe but there is someone coming. Alistair James.”

“How is that possible, he's dead.” Rick said in a small voice, Sam hesitated for a minute before deciding to tell Rick the truth.

“He..is...a vampire.” Sam realizing how crazy he must sound.

“You're nuts!” Rick exclaimed. And there it was. Just what Sam had been waiting for. It didn't matter what the man thought Sam was going to protect his kid no matter what.

“Look I can prove it to you,” Sam said to Rick, holding out the photo Alistair.

“That can't be..” Rick whispered, staring intently at the picture. For a second Sam thought he saw a flicker of a smile in Rick's face, but it was gone so quickly, Sam wasn't sure it was even there at all.

Sam walked around Rick's house, checking out all the doors and windows. Rick had called his son down from his bedroom. The boy walked down the stairs and met them in the living room. The boy was pale with blonde hair.

“Jonathan you need to stay near this man for a while, okay?” Rick said to his son. Jonathan looked up at his dad and then to Sam.

“Dad, what's this about?” Asked Jonathan. Sam thought he could only be about seven but sounded mature for his age.

“Look, son.” Rick took Jonathan into the kitchen, he could here the father awkwardly explaining what was taking place here in his home and Sam felt slightly guilty as he always did when a child had to learn about what really goes bump in the night. He was lost in thought, thinking about that boy Michael who had lost his innocence because of a Striga and the damage it had inflicted on his little brother, still one could argue knowing about evil is better than not knowing what killed your family. Sam sure knew what that feeling was like, it was times like this he knew Dean would miss their mother dearly. He was pulled back to reality when he heard Jonathan's sudden shocked voice.

“They're real?” He said almost as a shout. Jonathan and his father returned to Sam in the living room.

“That's right son, but don't worry because this man here, his name is Sam and he can protect you.” Rick finished with a fatherly smile.

“Okay, look, in situations like this I don't like to use anyone as bait but the vampire will have to think that we don't know about him to be drawn here so I can kill it, When is your usual bed time?” He asked and turned to Jonathan.

“Eight thirty.” He replied and Sam suggested that he sleep downstairs tonight where he could get to him when the vampire came. Sam took his position in the house as a look out for the coming vampire. He glanced at the digital clock on the small table beside the sofa, he watched the digits flick from six thirty-nine to six forty. Jonathan was sitting in the kitchen drinking a glass of milk, Sam heard the father and son talking, he felt it was rude to eavesdrop but he couldn't help but over hear part of their conversation. Their voices were hushed but Sam's trained ears could pick up worry in Rick's tone.

“Have you taken your medicine?” The loving father asked.

“Yeah dad, I feel fine today.” Jonathan seemed to sound patronized by his father's worrying.

“Good, after tonight you'll feel much better I promise.” Rick sighed, Sam wondered if he was talking about more than a common childhood ailment.

“Dad....please-” Jonathan coughed lightly, and Sam heard Rick give a lengthy sigh.

“I promise.” He told his son reassuringly.

Rick walked back into the living room where Sam was staring out of the window, looking for anything that could indicate the vampire was closing in for the taking of Jonathan. Sam was curious by what he had just heard and couldn't help but ask.

“Is Jonathan okay?” Rick gave a low short sarcastic laugh. “Sorry, it's non of my business.” Sam said quickly, feeling as though he'd over stepped his boundaries.

“No, that's okay, he has cancer, they can't operate.” Sam felt a pang of empathy, he knew what it was like to know that you were losing someone you loved in a short amount of time and feeling powerless to do anything about it. That's how he felt about Dean, but for some reason he didn't get the same sense from Rick. He seemed sure that is son would be okay, perhaps he was just trying to be brave for Jonathan, just as he was trying to be for his big brother.

“I'm sorry, I know how you feel, my brother... He is in a similar situation.” Sam tried to sympathize with the father, help pass the time until he had something to do besides think.

“Well, Jonathan isn't going to die, I have made sure of that.” Rick's voice seemed to take a sinister note and Sam turned around just in time to see the lamp hit the side of his head. He heard a faint apology from Rick before it all went dark.

Chapter Six

It was definitely dark and Sam should have checked in with some kind of news by seven. Dean was beginning to get worried and despite how much he wanted to sleep, he just couldn't.

HehhhhShuhh... Ugh..this sucks.” He complained out loud. He decided to call Sam, he thought maybe hearing from his brother, knowing he was safe, might help. The phone rang multiple times but the only answer he got was from Sam's voice mail.

It's Sam, leave me a message.

“Sam what's going on? You promised that you'd check in, I swear if you're avoiding me 'cause you screwed up my car....” Dean told his voice message. He was more worried about Sam being hurt or in trouble, but just in case he was fine and just missed the call he didn't want to sound like too much of mom. Another twenty minutes had gone by and he wasn't taking any chances, he geared up ready to go. He bent down to pick the lock that Sam had so conveniently managed to lock from the outside when another wave of dizziness crashed over him, leaving him seeing spots of purple and green. He waited to it passed and grabbed the box of Aspirin, only to set it down again when he realized he'd been taking it all day and it hadn't helped the slightest. He went back to picking the lock and decided he would definitely have to stop at the drug store on the way to Rick Baker's house to prevent him from passing out with fever. He entered the street he took a good look at the range of cars to steal, finally settling on a grey Mustang. He pushed the candy wrappers off the drivers seat and sighed.

“I miss my baby.” He said to himself, looking around at the interior of the crappy unclean car. He tried Sam's cell again only to be greeted by the voice message once more, he didn't bother leaving a message this time knowing full well that something must be wrong. Dean pulled up to the small drug store and walked in looking for anything that might help, unfortunately for him, he didn't get a cold this bad often and neither did Sam, he had no idea what he was looking for. Not wanting to waste time looking for something that would help his temperature he asked the pharmacist, a nice looking woman in her thirties.

“Hey.” Dean began and smothered a cough with the back of his hand. “I need something for a bad cold, non-drowsy. I gotta drive” He asked her impatiently. She looked like she was going to ask a question but he cut her off before she had a chance. “Just anything that will stop coughing, sneezing and dizziness.” His voice was urgent, the pharmacist seemed to respond to it quickly. She handed him a box of non-drowsy cold and flu medicine tablets and a pocket pack of Kleenex.

“This is the strongest we have, hope you feel better.” She said in a light chiming voice. Dean nodded his thanks and paid, he noticed a picture on the wall that said

Me and Rick 2001.

“Is that you and Rick Baker?” He asked her suddenly. She looked back at the picture and smiled.

“Yeah do you know him?” She asked, still smiling.

“Yeah, we're great friends, I'd love to visit while I'm here, but I can't remember where he lives since the move, you don't happen to have the address do you?” He asked putting on his Dean Winchester charm, hoping it still worked the same with his voice sounding so stuffy. She nodded as she wrote it down on a paper bag. He took it from her and smiled, at least now he wouldn't have to look it up in the phone book. He got back in his stolen Mustang and shoved the pills in his mouth, washing them down with a sip of whiskey from his flask. He sniffled and was glad to actually have tissues for once. The drive was taking longer than he would have liked but he could only go so far over the speed limit without getting pulled over. All the while he was driving he kept trying Sam's cell, he only hoped it wouldn't be picked up by the hospital, but neither hospital, nor Sam picked up, instead on the last ring before voice mail, a voice did indeed come to greet him over the other end.

“Hello Dean.” The voice said, laughing in a freakishly stereotypical vampire like way.

“What have you done with my brother?” Dean yelled. “I swear if you hurt him!”

“Not to worry, you're brother is just fine, for now, but if I were you I'd hurry to the abandoned church.”

“How do I even know he's alive?” Dean asked, his words burning like something corrosive. There was a crackle of the wind hitting the speaker and Dean heard Sam's voice loud and clear.


“Sammy! Yo okay?” Dean cried.

“Yeah, Dean, I'm sorry. It's a-” Sam's voice was cut off. He was about to tell Dean that it was a trap for him, but of course he already knew that.

“Be here by midnight or you're brother will become one of the family.” Sam's phone went dead. Dean swore loudly. Why can't we ever have an easy case? He thought angrily. He sped in the opposite direction toward Breckenridge Road, he let loose a chesty cough an hoped that he was strong enough to take down the vampire now that the situation had become more dangerous. Dean's angst was only causing his headache to become more painful, he touched a hand to his sweaty face and sighed a sigh of mild relief as he realized he wasn't burning up anymore. The older Winchester was so set on getting to the church that he almost didn't hear his cell phone ring.

“Sam?” He asked hopefully. “Hhhh...HetCheiw!

“No, Bobby, Where's Sam?” Bobby asked in his gruff tone with a hint of worry. “Bless you by the way.”

“Thanks, he's been kidnapped by the freak vamp we're hunting for god's sake.” Dean looked at the time, he still had a good five hours, before Sam was in real danger.

“Damn it, can't you idgits do a single hunt without one of you getting in trouble? You need help? Where are you?”

“Yeah I could use it, I'm not really at the top of my game today. Are you far from Portland? I'm in Ashwood.” Dean wiped sweat from his brow as Bobby answered.

“Well as it happens, I'm just about to pass thorough there, guess you and I had the same hunt in mind. I'll call when I'm there.” Bobby hung up his old cell phone and Dean slowed the car to close to the speed limit, calming down knowing Bobby would be there to help soon.

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Chapter Eight

Sam struggled in his metal bindings as he was tied down to a chair, all his limbs were strapped behind him and he was losing circulation with each move, he couldn't believe that he'd fallen for Rick's I'm-a-scared-parent routine he had played when they first met, his son was dying and for some reason Rick thought vampire-ism would fix it all, except for the fact that the kid would stay seven forever. Alistair sat at a table in the middle of the room, four other adult vampires stood around him. Alistair had welcomed Rick into his coven when they had arrived, not only did he want his son to be a monster but himself too, he was currently caged and drinking some poor local dry till he got his hunger under control. Sam didn't have a clue where Jonathan was or if he had been turned yet. The ground was dusty and Sam was finding it hard to breathe, he gave a short groan as he continued to struggle.

“Give it up, those chains tighten each time you move, you'll be dead soon anyway, along with that handsome sounding brother of yours.” Alistair said, not looking at Sam but rather through him, like he was picturing something in his mind.

“Screw you! kill me. My brother won't come.” Sam lied viciously.

“Oh but he will.” Alistair sounded quite sure of that, and sadly Sam knew it was true. “Too bad you guys are so anti-vampire, I'd have really liked to keep you, especially him, he sounds positively sexy.” Sam made a face of disgust, staying quiet and wishing that Rick hadn't taken his weapons after he had knocked him unconscious. How could I be so stupid! He thought again of Rick's little act. It was one thing to be held captive by a vamp but this sex crazed vampire was really something.

“What's you're deal anyway, if you have all this man power, why did you even take me? To lure my brother here? What do you want?” Sam asked, for no other reason that he was curious, vampire's in general were only looking out for survival, not killing hunters for the fun of it.

“More and more hunters have been showing up over the years, I killed most of them, but hunters make the best vampires, such anger... I offer people a choice, they can die or become one of the family, it's survival in numbers Sam, and I turn anyone who wants to live.” Alistair purred, finally looking at one of his comrades.

“Jodie say hello to the big bad hunter.” Jodie walked forward, and crouched down next to Sam.

“Hi, Sam, is it? I used to be a hunter like you, even went after Alistair here. He killed my partner and then gave me a choice. I said no, but he was going to kill me, It's all about life Sam, you and your brother should join us.” Jodie offered, he eyes twinkling as she fluffed her long blonde hair. “We are always happy to have new additions to the family.” She perched seductively on top of him and he cringed away from her blood reeking breath. “You can think of me as your sister, or lover, whatever you want if you become one with the family.” Jodie licked his neck with a soft moan.

“Well that's a very nice offer Jodie but I think I'd rather cut all your heads off instead.” Sam spat at her. Her seductive smile faltered for a second and it changed to one of hatred. She walked away and stared down at him.

“I guess I'll go watch for that brother of yours then, I'm going to have so much fun.. Ripping his throat out.. Drinking him dry.” She laughed. Sam stared at her with pure hatred and fury, powerless to stop the vampires, he struggled some more, only getting himself more stuck. “You can even watch while I bleed him to-”

“Jodie that's enough!” Boomed Alistair, Jodie gave a whimper and fell silent. Then Alistair chuckled. “If anyone is going to kill that handsome hunter it will be me.” Sam could only sit, bound to his chair, anger flaming inside of him.

“Just one more question Alistair, why the kids of those Sunday School children you defiled?” Sam asked. “They don't even know you're alive.” Alistair chuckled again.

“Oh come on Sam, I thought you were smarter than this, it's obvious isn't it?” Sam just stared angrily, and Alistair grinned a mean grin. “Those little bastards ratted me out, their parents left me for dead! If my maker hadn't found me and turned me.. Well, now their children are my children, and they'll stay that way forever.” Right then and there Sam knew that they couldn't save even one single child.

Dean stood outside of the Mustang, leaning on the gray exterior when Bobby pulled up beside him in his rust bucket two door. He stepped out of his car and pulled Dean into a warm hug.

HehIsshhuu HetCheeww H'Essshhh Eshhhh!” Dean pulled away abruptly to sneeze desperately and cough for a good thirty seconds, breathing panicked, ragged breaths trying to get some oxygen back into his damaged lungs. Bobby cringed, he knew Dean well enough to know when he had a bad cold o flu, after all he had nursed the Winchester boys through more injuries, colds, flu's and even a couple cases of mono, more times than the could count.

“Geez boy, that's a mother of a bug you got there, Sam let you work like this?” Bobby asked the older Winchester, concerned for his health.

“Actually no. He made this big speech about how I was too sick and made me stay in the motel, then went and got himself kidnapped.” Dean sniffled and blew his nose, the cold night air going deep into his body, one thing was for sure, he was definitely going to sleep after they got Sam back from that twisted vampire. Bobby looked at him with worried eyes, he knew that getting Sam back was a priority but he still wanted to scold Dean for going out in this weather as sick as he was. Dean could sense what Bobby was thinking, he played tough but Dean knew he was a worrying old grandma deep down. He gave an eye roll as he turned to the old hunter.

“I'll..hhhh....be fine Bobby, but right now we have to figure out a ga- game plan for...hhh...saving Sam....Hetchuuhh.” Dean gave a reassuring look, even if he was feeling like crap.

“All right... Well, do you have any Intel on this freak?” Dean nodded and gave the old hunter a summary of the information the brothers had received.

After hearing the whole mess Bobby just shook his head.

“How many do you think there are?” Asked Bobby, a little confused to how Sam could have let himself be taken in the first place.

“I don't know, something's not right about this. I can't see Sam getting into this mess, maybe there's more to this vamp than just turning kids.” Dean replied. “Joe said a hunter came down here a few years back, but why would she? There's nothing about this vamp leaving a trail of bodies, so how did she even know about him. The kids going missing is recent.”

“What hunter?” Bobby's face was serious, he knew many hunters chances were that he knew this woman.

“Jodie Freeman I think.” Dean paused to sniffle. “Did you know her?”

“Balls!” That was an obvious yes to Dean's ears. “She was a great hunter, we gotta put this guy down.” Dean nodded, but he couldn't shake the feeling that this vampire's motives went a lot deeper than revenge and hoped that his true intentions wouldn't cause too much trouble for them.

Dean and Bobby drove down to the abandoned church, Dean was grateful that they still had a couple of hours till midnight. Armed with the usual vampire killing weapons the hunters approached the church, crouching so that they would still have the element of surprise. The storm from the night before had returned with a vengeance and Dean was frozen to the bone. The church was abandoned for a reason, it was old and made of wood, Bobby thought by rights the church should have been condemned a long time ago, maybe then they wouldn't have to skulk around in the rain because some vampire was using it as a share house. There were two vampires by the door, it seemed they were waiting for Dean to show. Bobby decided the best way to take them out was to draw them both away from the door, he volunteered himself as the bait. No sooner had they chased him around the corner Dean was there slicing their heads off and letting their bodies drop with a small thud as they hit the wet, muddy ground.

“That's two down, where do you think they've got Sam?” Bobby whispered and wiped the vampire blood splatter from his face.

“I don't know, lets check round back.” Dean and Bobby crouched low again, in case their were any more of Alistair's 'guards' by the windows. Dean took point as the hunters walked low and swift around the edges of the churches wall, only stopping when Dean spotted a blonde vampire laying in wait by the rear entrance.

“She's on her own and the doors are shut, on three?” Dean proposed, anxious to get inside the church and wondering how many other vampires there could be.

“Wait, that's Jodie. Damn it she's a vamp?” Bobby looked both devastated and angry. Jodie had been a friend of his, and the fact that she chosen to become what she had once hunted, made Bobby ashamed that he had once thought of her as a smart and noble hunter. He and another self respecting hunter would have chosen death over monster-ism any day.

“I'll do it, she used to know me, maybe she'll hesitate to kill me long enough for me to get the jump on her.” Dean nodded at Bobby's suggestion, he only hoped that the hunter Bobby once knew was still in there somewhere. Bobby walked out slowly, machete behind his back and a hypodermic full of dead man's blood up his sleeve. Jodie turned to him, her retractable vampire fangs bared, but as her bloodthirsty gaze moved up to Bobby's face her fangs slipped back into her gums.

“Bobby?” She whispered almost sadly.

“Oh Jodie, why?” As Dean watched from the corner of the church, he couldn't tell if the old hunter was being genuine or not, whatever he was really thinking he could tell that vampire Jodie was buying his words.

“I didn't have a choice, he killed Darren, he was going to kill me.” Bobby could tell she was letting her guard down so he moved in closer.

“You could have chose to die with dignity Jodie, not become this.” He motioned to her, and she looked close to tears, if she could shed tears, Dean had certainly never seen a vampire cry before.

“I chose life Bobby, I-I was scared.” There was a noise from inside the church and she went quiet, when the noises ceased she turned back to Bobby. “You have to go, I don't want you to get killed and since you don't want to be part of our family I suggest you leave.” Her guard was completely down now and Bobby saw his chance. With a swift movement that Dean had never thought possible for the old hunter, Bobby stuck the hypodermic into Jodie's neck and pushed the blood into her, it looked as if she was paralysed for a moment then she fell to the ground. With no further hesitation the blade had cut her head clean off her shoulders and rolled away. Dean hurried to Bobby's side and they moved the head and body away from the door.

HehhKshhuuhhh...Ugh..That was awesome Bobby.” Dean complemented as they dragged Jodie's dead body through the mud. Dean coughed painfully and the grin fell from his face.

“Yeah, well, lets just get Sam outta there already, it's freezing out here.” Bobby eyed Dean carefully, hoping their next stop after this wasn't the hospital. There was light in the church although it had no electricity, the light was coming from old fashioned oil lamps. Dean looked through the windows but could see only shapes as the glass was icy from the freezing weather, amongst the shapes we're two figures sitting at a table. They didn't look like they were expecting company. The hunters opened the church doors and the two vampires moved so quickly Bobby and Dean hardly had time to react. Next thing Dean realized was that he was being held against the wall by his throat with his machete knocked from his grip. He struggled to breathe as he reached for his own syringe full of poisonous dead man's blood. As he struggled he could see that Bobby was going head to head with a burly lumber jack type vampire who had his teeth so close to the old hunter's neck the tips of them were grazing the skin. Lucky for the hunter's need for quiet, vampires were quite silent creatures, fast and soft footed. Dean finally retrieved the syringe from his back pocket and stabbed it into his attacker, the vampire went down and before he could call for help, his head was removed from the rest of him. Dean groaned as he got some of his breath back and ran to Bobby's aid who was still struggling with the over grown vampire. Bobby was pushing with all his might as the vampire was close to ripping out his jugular when the big vampire's hold loosened and a thin red line appeared and his head slid to the floor with a thump.

“Thanks.” He breathed as Dean held out a hand to pull him of the cold concrete. The older Winchester looked like he was unable to speak and had red marks around his throat, he wheezed and coughed into his arm, an action most likely caused by a combination on illness and being nearly choked out by the red haired male vampire that had attacked him.

“No.... Problem.” He choked out between wheezy coughs and laboured breathing. Bobby opened a door that led to a dark hallway with Dean trailing behind him still wheezing slightly.

“This place is a damn maze, how are we ever supposed to find that idgit brother of yours?”

“Dunno, but we're gonna have to split up, this joint is bigger than I thought it would be.” Bobby nodded and the two went in opposite directions.

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sorry that it looks like it just jumps from chapter 6 to chapter 8, i just didn't paste the title of the last one. Enjoy. :)

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Final part.

Sam had completely given up on trying to free himself. Alistair paced impatiently in the room, checking the watch on his wrist.

“Told you, my brother won't come, so I guess you're just going to have to either kill me or let me go.” Sam told the head vampire with a snarl. The other vampire in the room was a dark haired girl, only sixteen by the look of her, she snarled right back at Sam and caressed Alistair's shoulder in a way that made Sam feel disgusted. There was a faint cry from just outside of the dusty room and Alistair's face became serious and dangerous.

“Ah... It looks as if he is here. Violet bring our guest inside to see his brother.” He commanded. The dark haired vampire complied and left the room with a evil grin on her undead face. As she shut the door behind her Alistair walked up to Sam and laughed.

“Last chance.” He singsonged. “You could live if you became part of the family, you me and Dean could all be brothers. Think about it, you could still be a hunter only better, faster, stronger.”

“No chance, I'd rather die than become one of you, you make me sick.” Sam glared at Alistair.

“Oh come on Sam, Rick knew the right choice, that's why he's here.. Poor little Jonathan dying because he's a feeble human, he'll be strong again soon.” Alistair smiled teasingly and released his fangs, he bent down to Sam's throat and he could feel his breath on his skin, making goosebumps rise in a way that just felt wrong. Sam screamed inside his own head, this vampire was infuriating, like a teenager trying to pressure another into taking drugs.

“For the last time. No!” He screamed. Alistair's eyes flashed dangerously and he struck Sam viciously in the temple three times in succession. His hands moved to the young hunter's neck, ready to twist and snap in a vicious motion any second.

“No! Get away from me!” He screamed as Alistair went kill him. With a loud bang the door of the dusty room burst open and Alistair whipped around to see Dean, covered in Violet's blood. Alistair was as quick as lightning and launched himself at Dean, pinning him to the floor, weapons flying out of hand.

“Dean!” Sam helplessly struggled in his bindings while Dean was battling with Alistair.

“You are as delicious as you sounded on the phone.” Alistair's face twisted, forming a feral grin. Dean only looked confused and disgusted as he fought him away, his machete just out of reach. Sam looked at the entrance and Bobby came sprinting in, his clothes smeared with blood that was not his own.

“Bobby! get me out of here, find a bolt cutter or something.” Sam pleaded, feeling the desperate need to help his brother. Bobby rushed to what looked like a supply closet and rummaged through a pile of metal junk. He found a pair of heavy duty pliers and rushed to Sam. He cut the metal chains and Sam began to shrug free. Dean had gotten his machete back now and seemed to be holding his own against Alistair. Bobby came up behind the vampire and held him in a tight grip. Dean was panting heavily and with one final motion Alistair choked and his head was no longer a part of his body. Sam had finally released himself of the chains, his face bloody and bruised. Dean made his way to Sam smiling although he looked like he might pass out at any moment. Sam spat blood and the brothers held onto each other for support.

“Sammy, you okay? Hhhh HeIishhh.. hetchhuhh.” Dean panted shakily through the congestion. Sam looked at his older brother, he looked terrible, sweaty and so pale that the blood on his face was uncomfortably bright in comparison.

“Yeah.. You look awful Dean.” Sam said through a mouthful of his own blood. Dean groaned as they walked out of the door, Bobby taking point in case they'd missed any vampires on the way in.

“Ugh.. Right back at ya.” Dean laughed, happy to have his brother safe from the freak vampire. As they walked out of the old church Sam had gotten most of his circulation back, he held onto his big brother, worried that if he let go Dean wouldn't be able to hold himself up.

“You had us worried there Sam, what happened?” Bobby asked the younger Winchester as the gray Mustang and Bobby's old rusted car came into view. Sam remembered Rick, with all the commotion he had pretty much forgotten.

“The guy's kid who we thought was gonna be next was dying so he made a deal for them to become vampires, did you see them? they were being held in cages I think.” Bobby nodded.

“Yeah Dean and I split up, I found 'em locked up... To think there were all those kids... vamps..” Bobby trailed off for a second, letting the silence between the three men linger in the frigid air.

“Dean you okay?” Sam asked his big brother, Dean groaned, he felt like dropping to the floor right then and there.

“Yeah,” he croaked. “Tell ya what, next time I decide to get sick, don't decide to get kidnapped.” Sam laughed a weary laugh. Dean pulled away from Sam so they were no longer leaning on each other for support. Bobby looked back at the Winchesters.

Next time you better be trusting each other more, I might not be around to save your asses.” The three crammed into Bobby's car not trusting themselves to drive back the motel.

As they walked through the motel door, leaving Bobby to rummage through his trunk for more medical supplies, the brother were silent as Dean assessed Sam's wounds.

“Dean I can do it, just get some sleep, you look awful.”

“Sam will you stop worrying, I saved your ass tonight, I wouldn't have had to if you'd listened to me from the get-go.”

“Yeah but I wish you would learn to take it easy when you're sick.”

“Hunting is taking it easy for me.” Dean paused sneeze into his shoulder. “Huh-Tchhh! But I do feel like crap, so here.” He passed the iodine to Sam and went to lay on his bed. Sam smiled, and Bobby walked through the door setting down the extra bandages and a bottle on whiskey. Bobby poured two and gave one to Sam.

“Where's mine.” Dean asked as cleared his throat.

“Oh I'm sorry, here.” Replied Bobby with a smirk and threw a bottle of water to Dean. Dean couldn't help but crack a smile of his own, should have seen that one coming. He thought to himself, he turned to Bobby who sat down at the table looking extremely exhausted himself.

“Thanks for all your help Bobby.” Bobby shook his head as if to say don't-worry-about-it. Dean sat up on his bed, feeling less weak now that he had been re-hydrated.

“Yeah, thanks, me and Sam would be... well I don't even wanna think about what might have happened tonight if you hadn't been there.” Bobby smiled, showing that he'd be there any time. Dean turned to his younger brother and grinned, “Oh crap! I almost forgot, my baby, I better go get her.” He coughed harshly with a pained look on his face and made a move to get up, but Bobby turned to him with a stern look in his eyes.

“Dean Winchester sit your fluey ass back down.” He scolded, Dean's eyes widened.

“Geez, okay, I'm sitting.” He said quietly. Sam tried to stifle a smile, but the old hunter rounded on him too.

“You too Sam, sit. You look like you got beat up by a block of cement.” Sam started to protest. “Now!” Bobby said almost as a yell. Sam wasn't feeling very much in pain but obeyed anyway. “Now you two need supplies and since you both look like you'd fall flat on your asses if you tried to get up again, I'll be back soon.... Idjits.” The old hunter stated, walking out of the boys motel room to his car.

The door closed with a low bang and Sam and Dean were alone together again. Sam was the first one to speak.

“Hey Dean, I'm sorry man I should have listened to you in the first place.”

“It's okay Sam, I would have done the same... I just don't wanna have my deal hovering over my head all the time, I just wanna enjoy the time I have left, and kill some evil son's of bitches once in a while.” Dean sniffled and sighed. Sam went to the bed next to Dean's and lay quietly for a second before continuing their conversation.

“I'm not gonna give up on you Dean.” Sam said flatly.

“Yeah I know you won't.” Dean sighed feeling the gentle pull of sleep. Before long Sam could hear his brother's soft snores. Sam touched his throbbing head and winced. I won't let you die Dean. He thought with a pang of anger and desperation, he picked up one of the brother's many cell phones and dialed a number he never wanted Dean to know he knew. The phone rang for what seemed like too long and Sam felt a breath of relief release itself from his body as the black eyed woman's voice came through the other end.

“Ruby, I need your help.” Sam whispered, glancing over nervously at his sound asleep big brother.

“Then we have work to do.”

The End.

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Aww, cute! I enjoyed this fic very much, with a classic twist of "the one who at first seemed innocent is actually the culprit!" I liked the brothers concern for each other too...but one question, what happened to the kids?

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I didn't want to put too much emphasis on the fact that Bobby had to kill them because they were vampires and at this point they didn't know about the cure. So it's kinda sad. that's why it's all sad in the car when Sam knows that he 'Couldn't save a single child' and when Bobby says 'To think all those kids.....vamps...' :'( But I'm working on a new one where Sam is sick and Dean is over protective so that one will be a little bit happier.

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  • 3 weeks later...

*squeals* I enjoyed this so much!!! You're an excellent writer!!! <333

Oh wow, thank you. :) I'm very glad you enjoyed it.

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This. Omg I love this so, so much <3 And I'm in love with your writing, it's brilliant!! wub.png

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