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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Psychic - Supernatural Fic


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Hello! It's me again :) I got this idea in my head during Philosophy today, and I had to write it. I can totally imagine something like this happening since they spend so much time together, you know? It's a bit random, but I hope you enjoy! :D

Dean glanced at Sam, his eyes glued to his laptop and tapping frantically away at the keyboard. He smiled.

“Bless you”. Sam gave his brother a look of utter confusion.

“Dean, wh-wha-heHh-heih-EeEh’TSCHHEWWww!”

“Like I said-bless you, Sammy”. His brother scowled irritably and snuffled.

Dean didn’t know it was possible to make a sniffle sound sulky, but Sam sure as hell could do it.

“So, what’ve you got?” Dean lounged back on his bed, deftly opening a beer. Sam shot an exasperated glance at the bottle, but decided against commenting.

“Well, not much. No deaths in 1960s, none 1980s – no records at all”. He sniffed a little and unconsciously rubbed at his nose.

“It’s odd. Unless-”

“Bless you” Dean cut in with a smirk that only deepened when the younger gave him a vicious glare. The effect was ruined, however, when Sam suddenly ducked his face into the crook of his elbow.


Dean grinned as if to say ‘I told you so!’.


“Hey Dean, I think I found something”.

“Mmm?” he replied indistinctly, tearing his eyes away from the gorgeous librarian he’d been spying on for the last half an hour.

“Suicide. 1959. Maybe we got the dates wrong. I mean, it was only an estimate, right?” Dean grinned widely and mischievously, causing Sam to frown in response.

“Bless y’, Sammy” he said, badly masked amusement slipping into his tone. Sam looked as though he wanted to punch him.

“Would you s-sto-eEhh-stop-hEHhhih! Hehehh-HhiEHh! Hhih’eehHCHhhhh!” He stifled the explosion desperately, and Dean fought the urge to laugh. Sam was always so damn shy about sneezing in public. Though, he thought to himself, a library that was empty apart from three people wasn’t exactly public.

Dean smiled as he caught sight of Sam scrubbing furiously at his still irritated nose.

“Why don’t you go and wait in the Impala? I’ll be out in a minute” he said, eyes trained on the young librarian. Sam shrugged and nodded, clearly glad to get away from his irritating brother.


Dean beat his hand against the steering wheel in time to Metallica. In the passenger seat Sam leant his head against the glass, staring broodingly out into the landscape.

“Hey, Sam?”


“Bless you” shot Dean, fighting the urge to burst into peals of mirth at the murderous glare Sam directed at him.

“HeE-hh’TCHhhhh!” Sam painfully stifled into his sleeve, as quietly as he could.

“I hate you” he mumbled grouchily, sniffling in annoyance. Dean chuckled.

The two sat in silence for a moment, the only sound Metallica reverberating through the Impala. Dean glanced over at his brother and grinned in a mixture of amusement and delight.

“Bless y’ again, Sammy”. Sam clenched his fists frustratedly.

“Dean, would you shut up?! I’m not g-going to-heHih-s-sneeze!!” He scrubbed at his aggravated nose, squeezing his eyes shut against the sensation as if in denial.

“You sure? ‘Cause you sure sound like it”. Sam shook his head violently, dark hair flying about his face, and pinched the bridge of his nose. His brother’s shoulders began to shake with muffled laughter.

“D-Dean! S-stohhhh-hEEeh-hiihH! St-hh!-stop-” He sat frozen for a few seconds as he desperately clamped his nostrils shut. Eventually Sam exhaled and resurfaced.

“See? I didn’t sneeze” Sam said triumphantly.

“Whatever you say, Sammy” Dean agreed with a smirk.

It was quiet for a moment, and then-


Sam dug around in his pockets and eventually retrieved a tissue. He snuffled into the material, keeping his eyes trained on Dean to warn him not to say a word.

“Told you so” Dean laughed childishly.

A crumpled tissue bounced hard off his temple.

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That's so well written ! I love it c:. Nice. Please continue or maybe it's just a one - shot. Either way it's good :)

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Whaaaat. Another one?? Already??? You rock. You're seriously so awesome. How are you doing these so quickly?

I've seriously read this, like, five times already. You're so GOOD! You've got their characters down really well, and the dialogue is amazing, and I love how you spell the sneezes with those desperate buildups, and how he tries to talk through them and everything! And oh my god! I love all of the different scenes, and the kind of, like, no-real-reason sneezes, there's just something so normal about it that I really really love.

And of course the whole concept of Dean knowing Sam so well that he can tell when he's about to sneeze before Sam knows it himself, like, that's super amazing, and always interrupting Sam with blessings and SAM GETTING ALL IRRITATED AND TRYING NOT TO SNEEZE and I also liked how you added that he's shy about sneezing in public, because that's totally my headcanon, especially with the idea that his sneezes are so powerful anyway. And the sulky sniffle and all the defiance is all so distinctly Sam. You're so so so good and I can't wait for more stuff from you! Thank you!

(If you ever have a prompt or anything that you'd like to see written but don't want to write yourself I would totally be more than happy to get all up on that!! Again, welcome to the fandom, you're a natural at this!)

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That's so well written ! I love it c:. Nice. Please continue or maybe it's just a one - shot. Either way it's good smile.png

Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! :)

Whaaaat. Another one?? Already??? You rock. You're seriously so awesome. How are you doing these so quickly?

I've seriously read this, like, five times already. You're so GOOD! You've got their characters down really well, and the dialogue is amazing, and I love how you spell the sneezes with those desperate buildups, and how he tries to talk through them and everything! And oh my god! I love all of the different scenes, and the kind of, like, no-real-reason sneezes, there's just something so normal about it that I really really love.

And of course the whole concept of Dean knowing Sam so well that he can tell when he's about to sneeze before Sam knows it himself, like, that's super amazing, and always interrupting Sam with blessings and SAM GETTING ALL IRRITATED AND TRYING NOT TO SNEEZE and I also liked how you added that he's shy about sneezing in public, because that's totally my headcanon, especially with the idea that his sneezes are so powerful anyway. And the sulky sniffle and all the defiance is all so distinctly Sam. You're so so so good and I can't wait for more stuff from you! Thank you!

(If you ever have a prompt or anything that you'd like to see written but don't want to write yourself I would totally be more than happy to get all up on that!! Again, welcome to the fandom, you're a natural at this!)

This comment made my day, thank you so much! hug.gif I'm really glad you liked it!

(Also, thanks for the offer! I'd be happy to do the same for you if you have any prompts/requests!)

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I love that he tries SO hard not to sneeze because he really doesn't want to prove Dean right! And Sammy's all shy... :D

It's adorable. It almost seems like Dean saying "bless you" makes Sam sneeze, which would be soooo cute if it was a thing. And Sam's all irritated and Dean's enjoying himself, but still looking out for his brother and suggesting he go wait in the car because he's all sniffly and sneezy!!


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