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Izzy's Day Off(phineas and ferb(F))


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Once again got inspired and decided to write this.Once again,TBC or not?

Izzy's Day Off,a phineas and ferb sneezefic

“Hey, where’s Isabella?”

Phineas scanned the backyard for the raven haired girl. Every day, he and Ferb saw her smiling face, but today she was nowhere to be seen. That was just unnatural. “Come on Ferb, let’s go find her.” Phineas and Ferb ventured to Isabella’s house and rang the doorbell. Ferb saw Phineas acting a bit skittish about his girlfriend. When the door creaked opened, both brothers got a stupefying sight. There at the door was Isabella but she did not look at all.

Her hair was frizzy and her eyes were bloodshot. She was very pale and her nose was light pink. She appeared to be shivering with several blankets cocooned around her. Phineas was quite alarmed which made Ferb very pleased for Isabella. He just hoped she could stop him from over pampering her before she goes crazy.

“I-Isabella, are you feeling okay?” Phineas asked fearfully for his friend. “Don’t worry Phineas, I’m fi-i-ia-ah-choo!” Isabella quietly sneezed as her body shuddered rapidly. “Ferb, you can handle the Giant Realistic Flying Zebra ride by yourself, right? Ferb gave a thumbs up and ran back to handle the big project by himself. “Come on, let’s get you back to bed.” Phineas said as he lifted Isabella up bridal style up the stairs while proceeding into her room.


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Absolutely! Isabella sneeze stories are too few around here. Somewhere in the forum there is an Izzy's sick picture, but no sneezefics. Keep writing cakeface

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Thanks guys!We need to get more people on board with the cartoon fics!There aren't many...

Anyway,on with the story!

Part 2

As the two entered the room, Phineas was hit with the strong perfume apparently lingering in Izzy’s room. His nose twitched for quite a bit, but he didn’t budge. Right now, Isabella’s all that matters to me… Phineas thought as he set his faithful friend down on her bed carefully. As he was about to cater to her every whim, he realized that she had probably fallen asleep.

Hmm…It appears she has fallen asleep…as he thought this, she was still shivering. But she’s still cold. Maybe I can warm her up… Phineas gently wrapped himself around his sleeping girlfriend and kissed her on the forehead. Unbeknownst to Phineas, Izzy’s breath started to hitch. Her nose itched and twitched as she tried to stifle. Her eyes started to water as she tried to abort the inevitable. Alas, the tickle became too much for her to bear. She quietly opened her mouth slightly and…


The next part will go sneeze crazy,I promise!Anyway,TBC?

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Continue man. I hate cliffhangers >->. One of the things I hate. Don't do that, just makes me want more. Well written c:

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Thanks again. I'm sorry minor cliffhanger because it was too big of a topic to fit in now.Let's just say if you want to go in depth about this a bit,wait tomorrow. The second part,if you want it,will definetly be a lot more sneezy and we can explore said cliffhanger a lot more.They make sure you read enough adventure everyday.With that,here it is...

Part 3

“Heh……heh….Hipshoo! Uhchoo! Chiew! Ha-chew!” Isabella had quite the fit, which had embarrassed her just as much as you think. Phineas was left a bit startled at his girlfriend’s sudden sneezing fit. He slowly turned his head to look her in the eyes. Before he could say anything, she speared to have one last sneeze stuck… “Ah-CHOOO!” Before he could even realize it, Phineas sneezed squarely into Isabella’s face, spray and all. Needless to say, both Phineas and Isabella were, for lack of a better word, shocked.

“Bless you………Thanks………..here….”They mumbled simultaneously as they blushed heavily at what just happened. They both handed each other tissues and gave each other grateful smiles. Phineas was too much deep into embarrassment to say anything else. He was scanning the multitudes of possibilities of things that could happen. I could just walk out of her room, come back in there carrying Ferb, and proclaim him Izzy’s new boyfriend and protector. She could slap me across the face and walk off into the sunset with Ferb. Maybe she actually had a peculiar interest and fancy for sneezes and we can forget the whole thing…yeah right Phineas! She probably hate me forever! Phineas wistfully thought while making some soup for his sick friend.

Meanwhile, Isabella had only one thing on her mind…Do…do I think that Phineas’ sneezes are hot?!?!?

So,what fo you think? She's one of us! TBC?!?

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