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The Darkness: A Person of Interest FanFic


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So Michael Emerson is quite a bit older, buuuuut… I think he’s just adorable as Finch in Person of Interest (don’t judge)! :D

And it’s really hard finding a sickfic about Harold Finch, so I thought I would write a one about a wintry day in NYC.

I didn't bother setting an exact year, as I think it could be at any point in the plot. Except Bear isn't in it this story…so maybe not ANY time in the plot…

Disclaimer: I do not own and am in no way affiliated with Person of Interest or any of its characters.

Enjoy :)


It was a bitterly cold day in January when John Reese strolled up to the bench in Central Park that Harold Finch had perched himself upon. He took a seat next to his employer, eyes looking straight ahead. “How are you, Finch?”

Harold, slightly turning with his torso, gave John an annoyed sideways glance, though he knew why he had asked. Harold’s complexion was incredibly pale, his cheeks and the tip of his nose tinged pink. His shivering, although subtle, was still noticeable, and John guessed that he might have a fever. “I’m fine, Mr. Reese, but someone isn't,” Harold replied with a shudder.

John internally rolled his eyes. “I don’t know, Finch. The machine hasn't given us any new numbers today. I’m thinking that maybe you should accept that no one is in trouble at the moment, and take advantage of this time to, oh, I don’t know, rest?”

Harold sighed and glared. “I am fine, Mr. Reese. And please don’t ask me agai-ah-heh-heh-ktssshhh!” He pulled a white handkerchief from his coat pocket and dabbed his nose.

“You don’t sound so fine, Finch,” John replied in his usual monotone.

Returning the handkerchief to his pocket, Harold sniffled and cleared his throat. “Let’s focus on the more pressing issues at hand, such as how you knew I would be here—on a Saturday, no less.” The smaller man uncomfortably shifted to his left and raised a suspicious eyebrow at his companion.

The corners of John’s mouth moved gently upwards as he chuckled slightly. “I didn't. I actually just happened to be walking by.”

“Oh,” Harold chirped, obviously taken aback. “Well,” Harold muffled a cough into his handkerchief, which had made its way out of the pocket yet again. “I suppose that—” Harold broke off into a coughing fit, “—that is believable.” Turning to his right, Harold coughed, blew his nose, and then sighed. When Harold turned back towards his friend, John had already placed the back of his hand upon Harold’s warm forehead. “Mr. Reese!” Harold exclaimed. “I am not a very social person, but I do believe that this is not the most appropriate way to treat your employer!”

“I’m sorry Finch,” John replied, “but you’re very warm. Maybe you should see a doctor.”

“I am in no need of a doctor,” Harold stated. And with that, he stood up with a groan. He hadn't taken but two steps when he began to feel dazed. He teetered for a moment and then slumped to the ground, a shivering heap on the frozen pavement. Harold could just barely hear a man shouting for an ambulance, and a strong hand rubbed his back until he all he could feel was the cold darkness.


What do you guys think? Another chapter? :)

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No replies? :( Oh well! Here's Chapter 2! :D

WARNING: I don't know if anyone here has any blood phobias, but there is a teeny tiny mention of blood, I barely go into any detail, but I thought I'd mention it just in case ;)


When Harold awoke, he almost immediately realized where he was; how could he not, when he had spent so much time here after the explosion? Panicked, he untangled himself from the wires of several monitors and tore off the nasal cannula. He was just about to climb out of bead and grab his clothes, which were placed in a bag atop the bedside table, when he saw the IV in his hand.

“Whoa, there, Finch.” A familiar calm voice stopped him in his tracks. “Maybe you should take it easy for a while.”

Harold was still frozen, sitting up in the bed, staring at John, who had just walked in with a bagel. “Why am I here, Mr. Reese?” he asked. John could sense both fear and anger in his companion’s words.

“You’re sick,” was his brief reply before taking a bite out of the bagel.

Harold blinked and slowly lay back down against the pillow. “How sick?”

“You had a fever of 104.7 and passed out in Central Park. So I’d say pretty sick.” John examined Harold. He was definitely in better shape than he was just hours before, but he still looked incredibly frail and a little disoriented. “Doctor said you’d be fine with plenty of rest. But you’re going to have to stay another night for observation,” John explained quietly.

Harold quickly grabbed several tissues from the tissue box to his right and lightly dabbed his running nose. He sniffed wetly and then leaned back against the bed. “I would rather not stay that long,” he remarked.

John nodded, then mentioned, “They’ve got you under the name ‘Harold Ibis’. I figured it would follow suit with your other aliases.” Harold grinned, then grabbed a tissue and faked a few coughs.

Convinced, John said “I’ll get you some water,” and walked out.

Harold leaned forward, watching John leave and disappear behind a corner before attempting to slip the IV out of his hand. He stripped the tape off before gingerly wiggling the IV catheter out as he tried to hold back his whimpers of pain. And then, once the IV was nearly out, he felt a tickle in his nose. With his free left hand, he grabbed a tissue and held it against his nose. “Heh-KTSSCH!,” he sneezed, inadvertently jerking his right arm, freeing it from the IV. A few small streams of blood trickled down his hand, and it was all Harold could do to keep himself from passing out again. He tightly wrapped his hand in some gauze he found in the room, and then slipped out to the nearest public restroom with his bag of clothes.


Meanwhile John had just returned. He saw the empty bed and let the cup of water fall to the floor, then sprinted into the attached bathroom, but to no avail. John left and began to search the rest of the floor.


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Aaaaand...chapter 3! This will probably be the ending :)


Fully clothed, Harold anxiously walked quickly toward an open elevator but stopped before he reached it when he saw who was inside: Grace. He tried to turn and leave, but he had stood staring for too long.

“Harold?!” Grace stood in disbelief. Harold noticed that her arm was in a cast; she appeared to be just leaving. “Oh my god, Harold!” But the elevator doors were already closing, and she didn’t have time to find the “open doors” button. Harold saw a single tear stream down her face before she disappeared behind the reflective elevator doors. He felt his eyes begin to fill with tears, but he took a deep breath and blinked them away. Dashing into an empty elevator, he sneezed twice more into his handkerchief. “Heh-ctchsssh! Heh-KTSSH! Ughhh…” He blew wetly into the soggy cloth, which he tossed into a trash can on his way out of the elevator. Taking a pump of hand sanitizer from an automatic dispenser hung upon the wall, he walked swiftly down the hall towards the main entrance. But from behind he heard Grace’s sweet voice calling his name. He turned and realized that she had not yet seen him. Seeing the door of the janitor’s closet open a crack, he slipped inside and waited in the dark.

“I really though it was him! I’m just so stupid! Of course it wasn’t him; he’s dead,” Grace whimpered hysterically through her tears. Another woman, a friend of Grace’s whom Harold recognized, had an arm around her, comforting her as they walked out of the hospital.

All the while Harold stood silently in the darkness, tears streaming down his pale cheeks.

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  • 1 year later...

I just started watching Person of Interest a week or so ago and was hoping someone had written sneezefic based on it. So sad this didn't get any feedback until now!

You do a great job of keeping Finch (who I ADORE) and John in character. I love Harold playing John in order to make his escape. I LOVE Finch assuming John was following him instead of just passing by and noticing him. The whole scene on the bench was utter perfection. Every word and action--the way Finch looks sideways at him, the little smile of John's, everything--were completely perfect. And I liked that there was a great mix of action and drama and bittersweetness all in one. It could have been just a light little sneezefic, but this whole thing feels like it really could be part of an actual episode.

I love it. Thanks for writing exactly what I wanted to read!! Aw, Finch. All feverish and so sneezy and not wanting anyone to bother with him. Awwwwww. Now I just need him to sit down with a blanket around his shoulders, a cup of herbal tea in one hand and a handkerchief in the other, and Bear resting a head on his thigh and looking up with worried eyes at him.

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  • 8 months later...
On 9/27/2015 at 0:20 PM, tarotgal said:

I just started watching Person of Interest a week or so ago and was hoping someone had written sneezefic based on it. So sad this didn't get any feedback until now!

You do a great job of keeping Finch (who I ADORE) and John in character. I love Harold playing John in order to make his escape. I LOVE Finch assuming John was following him instead of just passing by and noticing him. The whole scene on the bench was utter perfection. Every word and action--the way Finch looks sideways at him, the little smile of John's, everything--were completely perfect. And I liked that there was a great mix of action and drama and bittersweetness all in one. It could have been just a light little sneezefic, but this whole thing feels like it really could be part of an actual episode.

I love it. Thanks for writing exactly what I wanted to read!! Aw, Finch. All feverish and so sneezy and not wanting anyone to bother with him. Awwwwww. Now I just need him to sit down with a blanket around his shoulders, a cup of herbal tea in one hand and a handkerchief in the other, and Bear resting a head on his thigh and looking up with worried eyes at him.


First of all, just wanted to say I'm really sorry for responding soooo late, I totally kept forgetting to write a reply to your comment!!!!

I am so incredibly flattered, I really didn't think my fic was that good to be honest, and I'm super happy you liked it! Also really happy to meet a fellow POI fan! It sucks it's being cancelled, right?! Anyway, thank you for reviewing, I was super excited to see someone replied! :D

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