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Supernatural Ficlet


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I finally got round to watching Supernatural, so I thought I'd post a fic! I'm kinda nervous about posting it, but I thought I'd go for it anyway :) I'm really sorry if this totally sucks sweatdrop.gif

Dean stretched lengthily and yawned. With a considerable amount of effort he rolled over to face Sam’s bed, expecting to find his brother bundled up miserably in bed. He was surprised and distinctly grumpy to find it empty apart from a crumpled mess of sheets, a few scrunched up tissues and a book on folklore.

His face creased into a frown. Reaching for his mobile, Dean quickly dialled Sam’s number. Thankfully he picked up on the second ring.

“Hi Deand”. Sam didn’t sound at all surprised to hear from him.

“Sam, where the hell are you?! I swear, if you don’t get your ass back here in thirty seconds-”

“I’ll be back sood, I’b-hehH-f-fide-” He broke off and gave a stifled “Hheh’EhihCHSShhHh!” sneeze.

“Bless you. What were you thinking, going out in the first place?!”

“I’ll be back sood, Dead”.

“Sam? Dammit!” Dean slammed his phone down irritably.

Sam was back at the motel room within ten minutes, evidently fearing his sibling’s wrath. On entering he was greeted by a distinctly pissed Dean, and had to resist the urge to reach for his knife in self-defence.

“Coffee?” Dean’s death glare didn’t falter.

“I got doughduts too” he tried again, giving a dopey grin. This time it worked. Dean accepted a bag and a coffee with a reluctant smile.

“Thanks. But don’t think I’m not pissed with you!”

Sam laughed hoarsely, but ceased abruptly as the laughter morphed into hitching breaths.

“Hhh-hhehH! Ehhh-Eehh’EtCHHhhh!”

“Bless y’, Sammy”. Dean’s tone was softer this time.

“Did you pick anything up for yourself?”

“Bmyself?” Sam asked bemusedly. Dean rolled his eyes exasperatedly.

“Yeah, you, sneezy”.

“Oh, ub… I didd’t t-thidk a-about-heheh! Hh-heHh-HehHh’EeHTSsHHHhhUHh!” The volume of the unrestrained explosion made Dean jump.

Dean decisively guided his brother over to bed, feeling Sam’s shoulders rising and falling as he anticipated another few expulsions.

“HhEhh! Heh-hhih-EhH’HiCHIShhUUUhh! Heih’EhiihhCHTEWWWwh!” Sam curled up tightly on the bed and closed his eyes with a grimace.

An almost imperceptible sigh escaped Dean’s lips as he watched his brother. Sam looked more like a kid in that moment than he had in years.

“I’ll go n’ pick up some supplies. Girly tissues?” Sam nodded and coughed weakly, giving Dean a spectacular pair of puppy-eyes as he did so.

“’Kay. I’ll be back in five. Hang in there, okay?”

“M’kay” Sam echoed sleepily, pulling the sheets across his lanky form.

“But next time I’m getting the coffee” shot Dean as he opened the door. Soft, snuffly snores were the only answer he received.

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*Inane grin*

I love this. This is totally what I was in the mood for, sick-stubborn Sammy and worried protective Dean. I love the way Dean just has this tired exasperation about him when Sam's trying to head off and do things. And I LOVE the spellings of your sneezes. Sam always had great, big, explosive sneezes in my head.

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Aw, man, I like this so much! Welcome aboard. (I had just started getting into it around this time last year too!) Your spellings are awesome. Seriously, so vivid, even the buildups!! And all the blessings and "yeah, you, sneezy" and aaawww this is really really good. I hope you write more soon!!!!

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Yay more Supernatural Fictions smile.png Welcome aboard and I hope you write many more! biggrin.png

Edited by NorthernLady
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Hee! The only thing I love more than a sneezy!Dean is a bossy, overprotective!Dean :D Lovely! Welcome to the fandom!

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