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New Phineas and Ferb Fic


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Had an idea in my head for a long time.I only gahered enough courage to write this through this site.I noticed only one PAF fic on this entire forum.WTF?!?!?So I made this the best that I could while still sound like me.I's just a two-shot,but whether you see the other half is up to you.Continue or Abort?I want to know your honest opinion of this.With that,here we go...

Nothing to Sneeze At:A Phineas and Ferb Fanfiction

“Ferb, I need our help!” Phineas bellowed as he burst into their room. Ferb looked up from his book and motioned for him to continue. “I’m about to take Izzy to the park. I’m doomed!” Ferb gave a questioning look to his flustered brother. Phin was about to say something when he started blushing mid-sentence. It was only until after Phineas’ nose start to twitch did he start to get a clue.

Two things about this made Ferb chuckle. One was that his brother probably had one, if not the only, greatest girlfriends ever. She has stuck by his side through everything from intergalactic cuteness wars to something as simple as Phineas’ obliviousness. She has an infinite disposal of love. Because of said love, Phineas now goes out of his way to return such feelings, but not the way you’d expect.

Which leads into the second thing. The ideal romantic date in Phineas’ mind includes spending more time with his machines than him. Everything must be perfect, for lack of a better word, in order to return his feelings. There were not many things standing in Phineas’ way anyway. However, there were a few things that would occasionally come sneaking up on him...


Ferb was interrupted from his thoughts when Phineas let out an allergic sneeze, much to his horrified dismay. Ferb passed him a tissue. “Bless You. Pollen count high today?” His brother sniffled and nodded in reply. “Thanks and yes, yes it is. What if a fit starts in front of her? It’ll be the end of romance!” Phineas collapsed on his bed. Ferb rolled his eyes. He’s beginning to sound like Candace he thought a he put a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. “I’ll help you.” Ferb said simply. Phineas glanced up. “How?”

Ferb dashed into the walk-in closet and comes back a few seconds later with a camo suit. “I’ll follow you guys on your date to make sure you stay in control of your allergies. However, I believe it won’t make a huge…” He was interrupted by being pounced on by his ecstatic brother. “Great, thanks Ferb!” Phineas smothered his brother in a bear hug.

Ferb wiggled out of his friend’s embrace and looked past them at a familiar face. “Hey Phineas, watcha doin?” Isabella was giggling in the middle of the doorway. “Well, hello.” Phineas greeted as he embraced his girlfriend. “Ready to do this” Isabella asked. “As ready as I’ll ever be” he said in his confident manner. As the two rushed downstairs, Phineas stopped right as he was almost out of sight from their room.

“Wait! What if she notices you?” He nervously asked Ferb. “Don’t worry, I’m the master of disguise.” Ferb said. Phineas fist bumped Ferb and ran back down to his date. Man, he thought This is gonna be the greatest day ever!

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Continue. Definitely! ;) I love Phineas and Ferb and the idea is really cool! Kind of wish Phineas was sick with a cold though, instead of allergies... :/ But oh well, I'll take what I get! So yeah, please continue and make sure Phineas isn't in control of his nose haha...! Also, I really liked the references to the show. ("yes, yes it is.")

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I'm gonna warn all of you right now.This is more dialogue driven than sneeze driven.This has brotherly fluff than Phinabella fluff.However,the ending I think is quite satisfying. I think the more I write,the better I'll become. I'm up for requests if anyone thought was good.I'm most comfortable with cartoon fandoms like Phineas and Ferb,which is my strongest point. Anyway,before I start,I will thank the people who commented:

Sophie<3:Thanks!I have written those before.I tried to give him as little control as possible.Hope I did it to your likingsweat.gif

EmilyRose:Thanks!Really,I hadn't noticed.There's so much other good stuff here.

Also spot the references!

Now with all that said,here's your part 2 of:

Nothing to Sneeze At Part 2

Ferb was happy to try to help his brother. Alas, fate might’ve been against them this time as Phineas’ allergies were quite difficult to control.

A lot of it was too much for the poor kid to handle. His giant, red, itchy eyes. His stuffy nose was also quite a bother for him. However, there was one thing that made his allergies absolutely insufferable for the triangular-headed 12 year old, which was sneezing.

As far as the brothers were concerned, Phineas only had two types of sneezes, both equally mortifying. One of them was the more destructive kind, aptly named the Sneezes of Doom. The other one was rather hilarious. Phineas and Ferb discovered it one day when Buford had taken Isabella’s amulet. Phineas was determined to find it but Buford just laughed in his face and called him adorable. Phin sort of snapped and said “That’s it! Izzy, you and I are gonna find that amulet. Then we’ll see who’s adorable…huh…huh…chew!” Silence lingered in the air for a few seconds. Suddenly, Isabella giggled and said “Aw, you sneeze like a kitten!” Ever since then, he preferred never to sneeze again.

Despite all of that, he still had allergies that he’d have to try to control. Ferb’s thoughts were broken when he had spotted Phineas and Isabella finally. Well Ferb thought I sure hope this works…

Meanwhile, Phineas actually was doing fine…for the first 15 minutes of their date. He started casually rubbing his eyes, which had luckily gone unnoticed by Isabella. After about twenty more minutes of this, he started to panic as he felt a familiar tickle in his nose. He tried to disarm the inevitable by slowly breathing in and out through his nose, but to no avail. Luckily, he found Ferb hiding out in the bushes and scampered over to him.

“How are you holding up?” Ferb asked as he inspected Phineas. “Not badly actually. They just started acting up a little while ago.” Suddenly, he stopped speaking and gained a scrunched-up pre-sneeze face. As his breath started to hitch, Ferb understood what was happening. He quickly pressed a tissue to his brother’s nose right in time for Phin to sneeze. “HuptCHOO!” Phineas sneezed.

Ferb was starting to worry. What if this just backfires? Ferb saw his poor brother snuffling miserably and was fueled with a fiery passion we have to try! “Are you okay now?” Phineas nodded. “Good, you’ll need these for the rest of the time here.” Ferb had two items in each hand: an eye dropper and a handkerchief. “Flush your eyes out with these eye drops. Also, if you have to sneeze, all you have to do is stifle into this handkerchief, ok?” Phineas nodded understandably. “Thanks bro!” He almost ran back to his girlfriend when “Wait!” Ferb stopped him. Phin looked back to find Ferb holding his left shoe. “Catch!” Ferb said as he passed his shoe off to his sneezy brother. He stumbled back as he was met with a flugelhorn note. Ferb chuckled behind his hand and dissipated into the green shrubbery.

As the Brit in the brushes followed his brother, he realized he might need to help his brother again. He carefully studied his brother’s features. Phineas started to look a bit drained from his valiant effort to conceal his state. His eyes were a pinkish and looked itchy. He paled a bit in contrast to everyone else. He also noticed a steady rise of congestion in his voice. His nose was pink and sort of twitchy. He was sort of falling apart.

Ferb figured that the sooner he loses control, the sooner he can pull Phin out of there. So, Ferb decided to discreetly make his brother slip up so he can get a long deserved rest.

He started with gathering a few bouquets of wild flowers and weeds. Anytime, he came within a ten foot radius of Phineas, he’d wave them about wildly to stir up the air. From what he’d seen, it’d was working quite well. There was literally about a nanosecond of time between Phineas slipping up.

Suddenly, Ferb saw a superficial change. He saw Phineas quietly slip away again to hide behind a tree. Then he brought the handkerchief up to his mouth and nose. “EtCHOO! HiTCHEW! Ah-CHOOO!” Phineas let out an impressive fit that last lasted roughly three minutes. “33, 34, 35…” Ferb eventually counted 104 total sneezes, through 4 fits of 26.At least, not before Isabella found them both.

Isabella took a few seconds to absorb the situation before she sat down next to Phineas and started rubbing his back. When he was finished, he gave off a harsh yet quiet nose blow, reserved for the presence of a lady. Finally he stood up and stretched from his ordeal.

“Whew, that felt good.” Phineas truthfully exclaimed as he sniffed and rubbed a finger under his nose. “Phineas, what happened back there?” Isabella asked calmly. Phineas looked around nervously. “What are you talking about?” Needless to say, she wasn’t impressed. “Phineas, you were sneezing an awful lot back there. What happened?” She repeated. Phin was stammering nervously for an answer. “104 times to be precise.” Ferb added as he finally came out of the bushes. Both saw that Phineas was essentially reduced to just a stammering, sniffing, sneezing mess. There were some closed doors that needed to be opened.

“You know you can tell me is something’s up” Isabella’s hands were intertwined with Phineas’ hands. Finally, Phineas snapped. “Alright, alright!” Phineas shouted as he just wanted his girl to know the terrifyingly embarrassing truth. He solemnly walked away and came back a few seconds with a daisy. He simply brushed the flora over the underside of his nose. As a result, he quickly barked out seven harsh sneezes.

Isabella looked a tad confused. “As you can see, I didn’t want my bad allergies to ruin the date. That’s-Phineas was interrupted by his girlfriend embracing him and stroking his hair. “all.” Isabella giggled at her boyfriend’s silly attempt at the “perfect date”. “Oh Phineas, that wouldn’t ruin anything. All that needs to happen is that I’m spending time with you.” Phineas was dumbfounded because of her answer. “But, you’re not bothered by this at all?” “The only thing that’d make me uncomfortable about it is if you were miserable like today. Trust me we’ll get through this together.” Isabella happily kissed Phineas on the nose. “Besides, you do have a very cute, impressive sneeze.” Isabella complimented. All Phineas could do was blush. “Phineas?” He looked up. “Catch!” she said as she threw her left shoe at him. Ferb laughed as he saw the perfect couple walk back home while he played “Ferb Latin” on his flugelhorn.

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Thanks.I'm so glad you found this!w00t.gif I read your comment on the other story and hoped that you'd find this.Not too shabby for a noob,huh?Anyway,just request and I'll write it.

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Thanks.I'm so glad you found this!w00t.gif I read your comment on the other story and hoped that you'd find this.Not too shabby for a noob,huh?Anyway,just request and I'll write it.

. Well.. There was an episode were all of them had colds ( Baljeet, Burfew(he faked), Phineas, Ferb & Isabella).. Sorry if I got the names wrong havnt watch Phineas & Ferb in a few weeks. But if you were to re-create the episode maybe in your own way xD & something gives them colds.. Idk wut tho.. & uh yeh this is kinda seconding "Sophie<3" 's comment :P but more detail c:. But uh yeh that episode was chill c:. Please do take it into consideration?. Or start from scratch for a cold fic c:.
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Sure thing!thumbup1.gif If I start from scratch,do you have a specific pairing you want to be seen in it? Perhaps more Phinabella?

Actully no,, My favorite all time P&F shipping is "Ferbessa" "Verb" Ferb+Vanessa<3 . Although they never were actully together..much. I'd love to see you try ! Sure start from scratch. Phinebella is perf doe<3

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Love Ferbnessa as much as you.Hope they get together in the end. So,which fic?I'll start from scratch with them. Do you mind if it's another allegy fic?I read drabble and ever since,I've always thought that way since about Ferb.Anyway,Y or N?

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Love Ferbnessa as much as you.Hope they get together in the end. So,which fic?I'll start from scratch with them. Do you mind if it's another allegy fic?I read drabble and ever since,I've always thought that way since about Ferb.Anyway,Y or N?

Sure allergys work ! Ferbnessa for sure.

Yep go for it !:3

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Thanks dude! One last thing,would you mind giving a list of other parings you want in case I can't write it yet?upset.gifWhat can I say?I'm a noob.

. Eh phinabella & ferbbessa. Maybe Canadace + Jeremy ?. Idk man
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I mean I've got the idea.Give me two weeks at the very most to write it.I won't tell you what it's about.Let's just say this might be a bit tame.If you want the continuation,I promise I'll try to make it extra sneezy

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