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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hypocrisy - (Attack on Titan, M, Levi) - 3/3


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Oh my goodness Garnet, that pretty much made my day right there. The interactions between Petra and Levi are so precious. The way Levi is torn between being the stoic captain, and being human is spot on with how I would imagine it! Also, your writing is wonderful, and I love your descriptions. You really have a way with words :). I would quote my favorite lines, but it would take way too long and I would end up with 80% of your writing in my reply ;)

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Oh my god that was so adorable I could die. Rawr.

You have done it again, omgersh you don't understand. Sooooooo cute >w<

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Everyone, I would like to commemorate this day as the revival of yet another Garnet masterpiece~ *round of golf clapping*

I flipped out the moment I saw an update >w<~! I'm simply loving this story~

Levi started to reply, but lost his composure on the first breath, as he felt a little matchstick flame of irritation ignite in the back of his sinuses. Nhnnn not now...


And I would quote everything else I loved too, but that would be nearly everything honestly, so I'll just settle with telling you what an incredible writer you are and offer my gratitude for this lovely fic <3

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Oh you updated, you updated, ohohoho yes

Agh it was very cute! I was not expecting cute, I think?? Okay yes I was, but not in this form. Mainly because I wasn't expecting the dynamic between Levi and Petra, but I appreciated the interaction. And you're insinuating a part 3? I can already hardly wait eeeee. I love all your head canons, and I loved this especially:

Although he should have been used to it, Levi could only count himself lucky that his list of allergens was small, and that he caught cold very rarely. Beyond that, a measure of preemptive cleanliness could go a long way. It was certainly better than putting up with this any more frequently than he had to.

Ahh, the only thing better than this fic would be if we could actually get some sneezing from the show/manga - but until then, I'll have your writing and I'm very excited to see what happens next!

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oh my god. This was amazing. Your my friend are so talented you capture their characters perfectly! U must make a third instalment! :D

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Words cannot describe my love for this.

This is one of the most creative fanfictions I have ever read, you truly have a way with words that is such a gift! I think you portray each character very well, and I love the little part between Levi and Petra. It's absolutely lovely, and I cannot wait for the third part!

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That aside, this second part was really sweet. Levi was just perfect, with all the little details. That reminds me, have you read A Choice With No Regrets?

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Gahhh so lovely!!!! biggrin.png Hahaha I'm grinning like a maniac and drooling all over myself here. Poor thing! aaevil.gif So adorably grumpy and neurotic - probably two of the best fertilizers for a blooming cold. Yes yes yes, you write him so beautifully.

He would be fine by morning.


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  • 4 months later...

You guys are so sweet, I owe everyone individual response. Sssome day. In the mean time, hey, remember how I said this would have three parts and then totally never finished writing or posted the third one?

I found it in my WIP folder and stopped being a bad girl.

So here's a hot mess of Levi torture. M/M at the end, but nothing too wild. I'll save that for the Adult board.


Sleep did not come so easily, after the first interruption. Abandoning consciousness wasn't the problem, he crashed easily enough. Staying out for more than twenty or thirty minutes at a time was another matter. Each time he approached the precipice of deep sleep, ready for the plunge, he would wake himself up with a sneeze. His brain swam with the disorienting patchwork images of hypnagogia, and his sinuses throbbed.


The fourth time it happened, Levi gave up and rolled from the bed, putting himself back together by lanternlight as he contemplated the remainder of the night stretching away before him. It was a space of time that he was familiar with, both before and during his military career. There were plenty of nights, buried up to his elbows in paperwork and tactical reports, where he only managed to catch an hour or two of sleep just before sunrise. Loathe as he was to admit it, that was a habit that had probably contributed to his current predicament.

Hope sprang eternal that he could shake off the funk before the dawn, however, like a bad mood that would fade with enough distractions. He just needed to be on his feet.

Straightening his cravat and plying his pockets with another several clean handkerchiefs, Levi emerged into the halls. He tapped out the first beleaguered cadet he saw on patrol, a young and red-nosed man who was clearly suffering the same plague that was blazing through the rest of the populace. He stiffened and threw a clumsy salute at Levi, but lagged in confusion when the captain jerked a nod towards the barracks.

“Get to bed. I'm taking your shift.”

“...sir?” Suspicion flickered across the cadet's expression, debating whether he was getting a favor or a reprimand.

Levi narrowed his eyes, expression cool and hard enough to brook no argument. “That's an order.”

The cadet needed no further encouragement. He headed for the dorms with shoulders slumped in relief and misery fully admitted.

Patrols were a largely dull affair, barring a titan attack. Levi mused bitterly to himself whether he favored the quiet busywork, because he felt like hell, or if he would have preferred something that got his blood up. To distract him from how miserable the congestion thickening behind his eyes was. They watered weakly as he snatched for a handkerchief.


Now that evening had fallen, and the headquarters had quieted, he made an effort to muffle the persistent impulse of his sneezing.


Easier said than done. Eyes creasing shut, he let his pace drag to a stumble, and put his shoulder to the wall when the frantic, spidery tickling vibrated through his sinuses, undeterred. If he could just get it out in one good... sn... sneeze--


It tore from him as if by otherworldly force, the sneeze of a man three times his size. Levi chased that one with an aching but necessary blow, ushering out the irritation before it took root for another fifteen minute charade. He made a mental note to steer clear of the barracks, where a glut of infected recruits were hopefully sleeping this off more successfully than him.


Levi lowered the handkerchief as Hanji clarified from the gloom of the hall, pacing towards him. He regarded her with groggy impatience.

“What is it?”

“Why are you still awake?” She countered, and slapped an open palm to his forehead so abruptly that his muscles locked up, catching himself a splitsecond before he could lash out defensively. His eyes fluttered in a heavy, disoriented blink.

“I ought to ask the same of you,” he protested, shoving her away by the wrist before she got too familiar. Or before anyone saw them like this. "Stop."

I'm not sick,” Hanji pointed out. She let him redirect her hand just long enough to slip the other into its place, pinning him against the wall with the three inches of contact. Levi simmered, and refused to acknowledge how cool her hand felt. He did not let his head sag forward nor eyes close in relief. He did not think about how exhausted he was. "But you're running a low-grade fever, did you know that?"

"I'll consider myself enlightened," Levi sneered. He ducked away. She made as if to pursue him, but he held up a hand to stay her in place, this time with an urgency born of a sinus-deep irritation. Even at her most pushy and irritating, he wasn't about to sneeze on the other squad leader. His features crumpled and head jogged quickly as he sneezed at the floor.


"Don't be such a stubborn idiot," Hanji sighed, frustration verging into her tone. Was she his fellow soldier or his sister? Levi picked his head up as if to offer a biting retort, but the relentless twitch of both nostrils got the better of him. For fuck's sake...


"Bless-- you really can't stop yourself, can you?" She frowned, folding her arms beneath her breasts as she gazed at him thoughtfully. Levi grimaced. He could put up with her brutish good intentions, but the moment her brow softened with a flicker of real, bare concern, he knotted his shoulders together and made to edge away. He tipped his head back, sinuses tingling, and sneezed into the handkerchief in response.


"I really can't," he growled. He hoped that the frank honesty would be enough to blindside her. It seemed to work, as Hanji hesitated a beat, just long enough for him to put a few paces between them. "Goodnight, Hanji."

Even his iciest tone that made cadets cringe like dogs under the heel was not historically good at deterring her. Just this once, however, it seemed to reach home, and she followed him with her eyes alone, a frown pulling down the corners of her mouth. "Goodnight, Captain," she offered quietly. She wasn't obliged to use the honorific, and employed it only when she meant to arrest his full attention.

Levi hesitated for a moment, the insides of his nose still tickling fiercely, then dipped her a quick nod of acknowledgment and disappeared down the hall.

The night dragged on in bouts of erratic insomnia. He caught himself dozing on his feet here and there, but never for longer than a few seconds. Being on his feet all night, no matter how mundane the task, did his health no favors. When morning finally rolled through in a chorus of stuffy voices and cracking backs, he bypassed the mess and headed instead for the training grounds, where the healthy among them would be herded after breaking bread. As he saddled his mare in the stables, he thought about the dinner still sitting on his bureau from the night before, long grown cold. He stifled a yawn.

After morning exercises, perhaps, he should eat something and try to catch a few minutes of rest. Until then...

"HAKSSSH!" He dipped into the crook of an arm, unbearably irritated by the usually inconsequential little motes of hay and dust and horsehair floating through the air. His own mare was nigh impossible to spook, as were most of the stock bred to run alongside titans. She swiveled her head around and cupped her ears at him with interest.

"Don't," Levi scowled at her, grinding the heel of a palm between her eyes until they weighed half-shut with pleasure. "I've heard it twice over already."

There was no one else awake to see him arguing with a horse, and fortunately no one to see his nose crinkle tightly and hand steady himself on her shoulder for balance as...

"HEKSSHH-ssshu!" The second syllable cracked weakly in his throat, barely a whisper. He stood like that for a moment, eyes closed and nose and mouth quivering widely open as he waited for the next. It was the last time he'd be able to let them out unhindered for a while, he might as well... "HUKSSSH-uu!"

Three, then four, then seven left him in miserable succession like that, until he had to catch his breath and blow his nose strenuously before trusting himself to mount up.

Definitely... definitely some rest after this. He felt worn out enough now, loathe as he was to admit it, that he ought not have trouble submitting to sleep.

Morning drills, at least, proceeded with comparatively little drama. Sparring proceeded into mounted combat exercises, spit polishing and reshaping the skills the newer recruits had spent the last months training hard at. Hanji had rode up twice, ostensibly to ask about borrowing Jaeger but also, he suspected, to check in on his own health. He pulled a solemn face each time, and chased her off with a stiff press to his mouth.

To his relief, the irrepressible urge to sneeze seemed to subside after a while, as if even his body had recognized the futility of its revolt. Bitterly, he wished that really was the case, and that he had the ability to simply intimidate a virus right out of his system, and his ranks as well.

If only.

With a watchful eye, he paced down the lines, keeping vigil on anyone who didn't seem well-suited to seat a horse at the moment. He only had to tap out one member of his own squad, a young woman who was coughing so strenuously that he feared she would topple from the saddle at any moment.

"Back to the barracks."

The recruit's eyes met his hesitantly, and just as quickly ducked away. Now, of course, he felt a faint prickle of irritation in the linings of his own nose, and pressed his tongue hard to suppress it. Levi tried not to wear his hypocrisy right on his sleeves.

"Am... I in trouble, Captain?"

He sighed thinly. "No. But you will be, if I don't see you headed inside within the next five minutes."

The cadet hastily took the hint, much like the one last night had, and turned her horse for the stables with cheeks nearly as red as her nose. Levi uprolled his eyes patiently, until the sneeze left him just as she was out of earshot. Naturally.

An hour or so before noon, an entirely different sort of unrest rippled through the ranks. Not a chorus of sniffling noses, this time, but a murmur of voices. Levi turned on a flank, prepared to shut them up with a sharp word, then fell quiet in surprise himself. Crossing the yard was a smaller mounted entourage of half a dozen men, headed by the Commander's tall and imposing figure.

"Again!" He barked to the soldiers, occupying them with the next exercise as he trotted to join Erwin, features drawn. He wasn't unhappy to see the Commander, but his presence here couldn't spell good things in the future.

"You're supposed to be in the Capitol."

"I was," Erwin acknowledged with a sigh through his nose, his heavy brows drawn tight in a slightly more emphatic echo of Levi's own expression. "There's been a change of plans." His gaze swept over the ranks for a moment, darkly contemplative, before returning at length to Levi.

Levi, who might have been more sharply invested in what the Commander had to say, if his eyes hadn't been blurring with tears of resistance. Now? Really, now?


He smothered it in the fold of a handkerchief to the best of his ability, but could feel at once by the unrelieved tickle that it wouldn't be the last of it. A tug of the reins brought his steed up alongside Erwin's, rather than in its path, as his head wrenched down again. Just once, miraculously.

Someone in the ranks echoed him unintentionally, and when Levi managed to stall the sensation and pull himself hastily, peevishly back together, the Commander wore a different sort of grim expression.

"I see," he said.

Levi grit his teeth. "It's been... a trying week."

"Hanji Zoe?"

"Dissecting something, I'm sure."

Erwin turned to a member of his ensemble. "Go and find Zoe, have her relieve us here." He dipped his head at Levi next, solemn. "You and I need to talk, in private."

Levi, by contrast, did not cringe like a dog under a boot heel, nor lower his gaze. He never had and never would. Something still sat wary in his stomach, however, as the two men rode abreast back across the field, and returned their mounts to the stables.

"Another expedition?" Levi guessed cautiously, as Erwin strode with a purpose towards Levi's own quarters. There were surely better locations to discuss this, but he didn't argue. He hadn't the energy.

"In a fashion. We'll discuss it tonight, with the other squad leaders."

Levi arched a brow as he shut the door behind them, letting them into the bare and sunlit quiet of his own room. At once a familiar and alien territory. "Tonight," he echoed, with a prompting arch of one brow.

"How long have you been ill?" Erwin demanded, with such an abrupt change of pace that the usually impassive Captain went quiet for a moment of surprise.

"... a day or so."

Erwin pulled off his gloves by the fingertips and laid them on the dresser, gazing out the window into the yard below.

"Have you eaten?"




Erwin channeled another long sigh through his nose and pivoted to face him at last. He closed the distance between them with three long strides. Levi held his ground stubbornly, but the uncertain weight in his stomach warmed as Erwin stepped into his personal space with an expression that brooked no arguments.

It had been a long few weeks since he'd seen the Commander.

"Can't, or won't?"

Levi swallowed, ignoring the compulsion to wince at the scratchy rawness in his throat. "Can't."

Erwin considered him for a moment that stretched on and on, dangerously close to discomfort, before finally rumbling, "First, you're going to get into bed, and sleep. Preferably for several hours. I'll bring you something for it if I have to. Then you're going to eat something. Then we'll talk."

This again? Levi darted his gaze away at last, blanching in distaste as he made to step around the Commander. "I'm fine..."

Suddenly, without warning, Erwin picked him clean up off his feet, and tossed him into the bed as if he weighed no more than a ragdoll. Levi didn't even waste time being shocked or offended. He had barely hit the mattress before he shot back to his feet, fangs and claws at the ready.

"Fuck off, old man, you can't--..."

But he could, and he did. With another great sweep of his arm, Erwin planted him firmly back into bed, this time dropping a knee onto his stomach and leaning down to hold him there. Levi was a small man, but not a tame or weak one. He caught the edge of his commanding officer's jacket and hauled him down onto the bed, a gesture sharp enough to unbalance him. The second Erwin's footing failed and he was in descent, Levi sprang up again and made to head for the door.

He got less than a step before Erwin's hand knotted into the back of his own jacket and dragged him back into the bed in a tangle of thrashing limbs, angry as a mongoose. In better health, he might have had his way. At the very least, he would have held his own against a man who outranked and outweighed him by quite a bit.

It wouldn't have been the first time.

As it was, they managed only thirty seconds of knock-down, drag-out scuffling, Levi sweating and spitting curses the entire time and Erwin stoically resolved to put him in lockdown. He didn't have to wait long before Levi burned himself out and laid there panting, straddled. His chest heaved like a bellows.

"Are you out of your goddamned mind?" he snarled at last, exhilarated and annoyed. He'd needed that little outlet for his frustrations more than he expected, but it didn't change the outcome much. He could think of better circumstances to be pinned down under the Commander's weight.

"No, but you might be," Erwin emphasized, giving his shoulders a little shake. Levi lolled his head and struggled to raise his arms, but couldn't free himself from the iron grip. Little by little, anger gave way to grudging submission. Especially as Erwin loosened his shoulders and bent enough that their foreheads touched in a familiar gesture, both still breathing heavily. Levi thought about biting his nose off, but ended up closing his eyes instead and butting his brow gently against the other man. "I trust you to take care of these men and women, and you do. Crudely, sometimes, beautifully at others. Why you can't show yourself the same courtesy is beyond me, and I'm not putting up with it. You're going to rest. That's not an option."

Levi lay there limply for the scolding, too tired to reject it. Now that the adrenaline had bled out of him, he could feel a hot, raw prickle of irritation stir in the back of his nose again. It itched along the very edge of his sinuses, making his lip curl reflexively. He gave his arms another cursory tug.

"Let me up."

"Did you hear I word I said?"

His eyes fluttered weakly, the corners of his mouth turning down. He rotated his wrists and yanked again, more urgently this time, but his reserves of energy were shot. "I heard, I ju--...uh..." He could feel the insides of his nose actually twitching, nostrils curling open into a quivering arch. He had to sneeze terribly, and couldn't even vocalize it. "Huh...!"

Erwin folded an arm and closed the space between them, freeing one of Levi's hands and bringing his face to his shoulder simultaneously. Levi knotted his grip in the back of Erwin's jacket, and buried his face gratefully into the fabric.

He was more than willing to punch this man in the mouth, commanding officer or not, friend or not, but the idea of sneezing all over his face was too much to even consider.

"HMPFFSHHH!" He snatched the smallest of breaths, nostrils flared, and then clutched back into the other man's shoulder. "HFFSSHH-uu! H'MFFSSHH-ssshu!"

Erwin rolled gently onto his side, and then his back, taking Levi with him with a hand braced around his shoulders. Levi went unprotestingly, until he was draped half atop the Commander, sneezing and sneezing into his jacket as if his nose would never stop tickling.

"Huh... hh...!" He didn't even feel like he was making a dent in the irritation. Erwin's hand rubbed in slow, lazy circles in the middle of the back, apparently not the least bit concerned for the state of his coat, or Levi's seemingly endless stream of sneezing.

That wasn't surprising. He'd always been like this, on the rare occasions that he caught cold. There were reasons that the Commander was one of the few people who'd seen him when he was truly struggling through the itchy mire of an upper respiratory infection.


Erwin's hand moved to the back of his head, fingering softly at the freshly shorn undercut, new as of a few days ago. Levi shuddered with pleasure, and sneezed with annoyance.

Fucking hell.

The urge didn't abate all at once, but the tide did slowly recede, until there was enough pause between sneezes for Erwin to pass him a handkerchief, and Levi to blow his nose at length. That helped immeasurably, so that he only had to chase it with a few "HPFSH!"s. When he felt the impulse at last plateau away from the trigger zone of a sneeze, he bent his head and scratched his nostrils indulgently through the soft cloth, rubbing until the itch had stopped perpetuating itself.

"Bless you," Erwin said at last. He sat up and removed his coat, letting it fall in rumpled folds to the floor. Levi tried in rein in his bothered grimace at that. "Though I'm afraid I've lost count of how many times you're owed."

Levi didn't even want to imagine what he looked like, dark and watery eyes, a running nose that must have been flushed a raw and shining pink. He wouldn't be going back outside for a while even if he wanted to.


Levi waited a token moment, less to be rebellious and more from exhaustion, before he slowly worked out of his own jacket, belts, bracers and trappings. Erwin watched in satisfaction.

"You despise being sick."

"No one likes being sick," Levi croaked, as he folded the outer layers of his uniform and cravat, and set them aside. Winded, feverish and logy, he settled back into bed without argument.

"Some handle it better than others," Erwin observed, as Levi made himself comfortable.

"Chalk me up to handling it poorly, then," he groused, and let his body wrack with a chill, despite how hot and dizzy his head felt. "Sorry for sneezing on you, by the way."

"In your case, I believe it may be justified. Apology unnecessary, but accepted."

He waited for Erwin to get back to his feet and leave him to his misery and intermittent insomnia. Instead, he felt that dull pang of heat in his gut again as the Commander folded an arm around his middle and hitched him up against his chest, forming him into the little spoon. Levi swallowed dryly against the well of emotions, before it bubbled up into anything verbal, anything tangible. That was definitely the fever talking.

"Alright?" Erwin rumbled.

"I'm ... thinking about how to ask you to stay until I fall asleep, without sounding ridiculous," Levi admitted roughly.

"I'll take it."

It took not long at all for his eyes to sag shut and breath to even out, timing it with the deep rise and fall of the Commander's chest against his spine. The ache in his head slowly faded, and Levi slept.

Edited by Garnet
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Well, fuck. That was nothing less than spectacular. To me, colds are usually more cute than they are hot, but this story literally had me squirming. Jeezus. :dribble:

Hnngh. Levi. You write him so well. I'm going to have to go lie down somewhere... :stretcher:

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You are far and away one of the best writers on the forum. Thank you for posting the last part (and I hope to see a continuation on the adult board). Breathtaking story, as all of yours are :)

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VoOs - The more I write fetish fic, the more I don't give a hot damn about how weird or indulgent it is because hell, I'm basically writing pornography for myself anyway. Might as well go whole hog. Thank you much, dear, I always appreciate you reading :heart:

fang815 - Ahhh thank you! I super appreciate that :D

kendaahhll - You flatter the hell out of me! But I will eat it all up happily, thank you so much! I find Attack on Titan a slightly difficult fandom to insert fics into, since it follows such a linear progression in the show and manga. So I want to write much more of it than I actually do, because canon. But clearly other authors don't have this problem with it, so I just need to get over it and write a bunch of porn :x Yis.

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I am so aroused.


Jesus woman, this is one of hottest things I have read ever and all sorts of awwwwwwgasmic while at it, and for me those two things are like bloody catalysts for another, and uhhhh there's little I can say except THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

Dear god....

Oh, and

It tore from him as if by otherworldly force, the sneeze of a man three times his size.

Levi was a small man, but not a tame or weak one.

For someone who apparently has almost something like a side-fetish for men with small bodies and big tempers, this is simply obscene. I consider my tiny-buttons pushed over and over again by this fic.

Sweet jesus, must go and uh.....go.

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I really wasn't expecting this work of art to show up finished all of a sudden~

Garnet, ahhh~ You will always be one of my favorite writers~ FANTASTIC fic, and lovely, lovely fit at the end <33

Thank you so much for finishing this~!

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Catching up with these quick before I forget for months.

pig - My work here is done! Haha no but seriously, I was hoping you would enjoy, and I am super glad that it delivered. Thank you thank you for the feedback!

I think the tiny dog syndrome is a newfound weakness of mine as well. Something about vicious little assholes, especially when they come equipped with inversely proportionate sneezes.

BlackScatter - Like the shadows, I strike! I've been trying to clean up my WIP's a bit lately, and also undecided what to write, so Levi got put to bed. Thank you so much for reading, you flatter me!

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Very well written. I love the descriptions, I just started though. Can't wait for more. :3

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Wow. Part three. Oh my God. You deserve a Nobel Prize, are you aware of that? Your writing is just, are you a professional writer?? Damn. Where can I buy your novel? This has me begging you to update more. I have never in my life read a fanfiction so well described and created. Please, keep writing this!!

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Wow. Part three. Oh my God. You deserve a Nobel Prize, are you aware of that? Your writing is just, are you a professional writer?? Damn. Where can I buy your novel? This has me begging you to update more. I have never in my life read a fanfiction so well described and created. Please, keep writing this!!

Ehem. In the adult section, that is.

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Oh man it’s here. It’s here it’s here it’s here. I never thought I’d see the day, not that I doubted you so much that I was extremely eager and now the wish has come true and

I was like so excited I couldn’t even get myself to read at first I was just like AHHH. Okay. I’m really gonna chill out now. *hand swipe over face to reveal a most serious expression*

Ah man, not being able to sleep because sneezing is one of my favorite… little… fetish fiction things, so I appreciate that you incorporated it. AND THEN HANJI IN THE HALL I'm sorry I’m writing this as I’m reading so the review scattered, oh help everything is perfect

“I ought to ask the same of you,” he protested, shoving her away by the wrist before she got too familiar. Or before anyone saw them like this.

silently screams

"I'll consider myself enlightened," Levi sneered. He ducked away. She made as if to pursue him, but he held up a hand to stay her in place, this time with an urgency born of a sinus-deep irritation. Even at her most pushy and irritating, he wasn't about to sneeze on the other squad leader. His features crumpled and head jogged quickly as he sneezed at the floor.


"Don't be such a stubborn idiot," Hanji sighed, frustration verging into her tone. Was she his fellow soldier or his sister? Levi picked his head up as if to offer a biting retort, but the relentless twitch of both nostrils got the better of him. For fuck's sake...


"Bless-- you really can't stop yourself, can you?" She frowned, folding her arms beneath her breasts as she gazed at him thoughtfully. Levi grimaced. He could put up with her brutish good intentions, but the moment her brow softened with a flicker of real, bare concern, he knotted his shoulders together and made to edge away. He tipped his head back, sinuses tingling, and sneezed into the handkerchief in response.


"I really can't," he growled.

beautiful (there was a befitting emoji reaction here too but I guess this website doesn't like that so hmph)

It was the last time he'd be able to let them out unhindered for a while, he might as well... "HUKSSSH-uu!”

oh boyyy

Crossing the yard was a smaller mounted entourage of half a dozen men, headed by the Commander's tall and imposing figure.


Suddenly, without warning, Erwin picked him clean up off his feet, and tossed him into the bed as if he weighed no more than a ragdoll. Levi didn't even waste time being shocked or offended. He had barely hit the mattress before he shot back to his feet, fangs and claws at the ready.


Levi thought about biting his nose off, but ended up closing his eyes instead and butting his brow gently against the other man.

YES you ship it too, at least it is implied hooha

"Huh... hh...!" He didn't even feel like he was making a dent in the irritation. Erwin's hand rubbed in slow, lazy circles in the middle of the back, apparently not the least bit concerned for the state of his coat, or Levi's seemingly endless stream of sneezing.

That wasn't surprising. He'd always been like this, on the rare occasions that he caught cold. There were reasons that the Commander was one of the few people who'd seen him when he was truly struggling through the itchy mire of an upper respiratory infection.


Erwin's hand moved to the back of his head, fingering softly at the freshly shorn undercut, new as of a few days ago. Levi shuddered with pleasure, and sneezed with annoyance.

Fucking hell.


"You despise being sick."

"No one likes being sick," Levi croaked, as he folded the outer layers of his uniform and cravat, and set them aside. Winded, feverish and logy, he settled back into bed without argument.

"Some handle it better than others," Erwin observed, as Levi made himself comfortable.

"Chalk me up to handling it poorly, then," he groused, and let his body wrack with a chill, despite how hot and dizzy his head felt. "Sorry for sneezing on you, by the way.”

"In your case, I believe it may be justified. Apology unnecessary, but accepted."

wubsmiley.gifworshippy.gif Beautiful. I may die happy rip.gif (except smiling)

Ohmigod, I swear every time you write you slay me. It’s so good. You have such great word control and each piece is written directly knowing its audience and just wow. So glad we have authors like you on this website, it brings joy to my little author/fangirl heart. Gah. Will reread five-ever

Edited by a red nine
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