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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Use a Tissue, Brat. (Naruto, male sneeze)


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So I'm new and I wanted to write a quick little sample, that just might become a story. The one who sneezes is Deidara from Naruto. I hope you all enjoy.

A certain red headed puppet master was working on his Third Kazekage puppet. His temporary work space was small and making it hard to not to make noise when he would accidently knock his tools on to the ground. And if that didn't irritate him enough, the snoring, blond haired fool in the bed on the other side of the room made it worse. All day the dumbass had been causing problems, first by underestimating their target, again, then got the wings of his clay bird sliced off and crashed landed into a lake with both himself and Sasori on it. After they captured the target and handed him in, they then headed to an inn so Deidara could eat and get some rest. Deidara complained the whole way to the inn about being cold.

Sasori reached for a screw driver and knocked about the five others onto the ground with a loud clatter. He mentally cursed and bent down starting to pick them up.

"S....Sasori no Danna....what was that.....hmmm?" A sleepy groan came from across the room. Sasori mentally beat him self this time for waking that annoyance up. He simply ignored Deidara and went back to work, hoping that he would go back to sleep. Sasori tightened a few screws in the puppets right knee joint, slowly and slowly focusing back on the puppet.

A little sound from Deidara caught Sasori's attention. It was a sniffle. He turned to face Deidara's way, and for a split second Sasori could have swore that Deidara might be crying. He was trembling under his blanket and every other few breaths he would sniffle. Sasori got up and walked over to him. He stared at the trembling form of the pyro, not sure of what to do.

"Deidara?..." Sasori shook his shoulder slightly only to receive a grunt. "Deidara. Wake up." He shook the blond's shoulder harder that time.

"Wha...." Deidara turned slightly towards Sasori. His voice held a hint of congestion.

"You were shaking or shivering in you're sleep. Just thought you might want to know...." Sasori noted the congestion in Deidara's voice.

"Whate-hhh...whatever, hmph..." Sasori raised an eyebrow when Deidara jumbled with his words a little. But just as Sasori was about to walk away Deidara's breathing fell into a weird pattern. "Hhh..hih.....hh-hhh..." Deidara scrubbed his nose with his knuckles and sighed slightly as the small tickle in is nose disappeared. His muscles visually tightened suddenly. "Hih-hhh-hh....." He tilted his head back lightly, his face scrunched up and his nostrils flared with each desperate gasp. "Huh’kktschew!" His upper body snapped forward. The tickle had come back and it didn't stop after one. "Hh-hhptschhoo!Huh-EHH-tshchshuhh! Huptschhh! Hh-hh-hh-HHPTSCHH!" The last one made hi throat fee raw and his nostrils burned in sharp pain. When Deidara opened his watering eyes he sensed Sasori's eyes staring at the back of his head. He sniffled, and turned around to look a the older Akatsuki.

Sasori made a face of disgust and picked up the box of tissues on the nightstand and Tossed them to Deidara.

"Use a tissue brat. And get that checked, nothing should be that discolored." Sasori walked back over to his puppet. Deidara blushed from embarrassment, pulled out a tissue and quickly cleaned his face blew his nose.



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That . That. That's so perfect oh my god I love this <3. Please please please continue. I love the tittle aha ! :D

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That . That. That's so perfect oh my god I love this <3. Please please please continue. I love the tittle aha ! biggrin.png

Awe~ Of course~!

Wow...that was...sexy. Great job!


Oh Deidara...*cuddle* Yes please continue c:

Hehe ok!!

Part 2: PG-13 rated content: Swearing.

This will be longer than the first one, and here will be more sneezing.

POV: Deidara


I crumpled up the tissue and tossed it to the waste bin by Sasori no Danna, not really caring if I missed or not. Closing my eyes, I cuddled close to my nice, warm blanket and tried to fall back asleep. It seemed to be a harder task than I expected. Although I just blew my nose it was very clogged and itchy, my head was pounding, and I had a fierce tickle form in the back of my throat. The tickle only got increasingly worse, so I pulled the blanket over my mouth coughed wetly into it. You could just tell it was very congested. I cleared my throat after and re-opened my eyes.

"Deidara? Is there something wrong that you should inform me of?" Sasori looked up from his puppet over at me. I pulled the blanket up past my nose while trying to hide my face.

"No, except maybe that I would like to sleeb in peace with out be disturbed because I took in some air wrong." I bit my tongue slightly, he already knows I'm getting sick, I can tell by the look in his wooden, emotionless, deep brown eyes. I, once again, closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. And now, this is when my nose wanted to prevent me. I tilted my head back as my breath started hitching quietly. "Hhh...hhh-h-hh..." My muscles tightened and my chest expanded and fell in an odd pattern. my slightly reddened nostrils quivered as I scrunched up my face. I brought up my left hand and pinched my nose in between my index finger and thumb and snapped forward with a stifled "Hh-ghnxxts!" I barely had time to open my eyes before I caught three more painful stifles. "Hhh-h-gtxxsh! Hu-ghxxtts! Hh-ghhxxts!" I gave a shaky breath and placed my hand by my side.

"Brat. I need to go get some herbs for my poison, stay in the room and don't let anyone in unless its me and I say the code word and knock." There was shuffling and clicking noises, probably Sasori getting into his fugly puppet. Then I heard the door open and close. I sighed slightly. Pulling the covers off me, I sat up and got up off the bed. I stumbled a little over to the bathroom and went straight over to the sink. I turned on the cold water and splashed some on my face to wake myself up a little more. I sniffled and dried off my face with a little hand towel. Suddenly a familiar little itch appeared in my nose again. I set the towel down and held on to the sink. My eyes watered a little and I tilted my head back slightly. "H-hh-hhh! Hhh-hh-hh...." My head moved back a little more from the intense gasping. My nostrils flared and quivered. "HH-EH-...." It was stuck. "Heh-HEH!" The hitching got louder and more intense, my brow was twitching, and my chest clenched in anticipation.

The build up kept going for a minute or so, my breaths were desperate now. Then a wet, violent, and loud "IESHUHH!!" erupted out of me with force making me double over. I sniffled wetly and coughed into the crock of my shoulder.

"God damn, hmph....." I pressed my forehead to the cold counter of the sink panting lightly. I closed my eyes and took a moment to catch my breath. Every so often a small cough escaped my lips. My runny nose made me open my eyes.

(Sasori's POV, an Hour Later)

Deidara would probably be sleeping, so I unlocked the door with chakra strings and just walked right in. I opened Hiruko's back and stepped out. To my surprise, Deidara's bed was empty. He left? "Damnit all." I started towards the door but stopped instantly when I heard a soft groan come from the bathroom. I turned and walked over to the bathroom door, looked in to see the idiot leaning against the sink looking absolutely miserable.

"Deidara?" I slowly walked over to him. He didn't respond. I got closer and gently placed my hand on his back. Still didn't give a response, except he swayed slightly then his knees buckled and he fell to the ground. I caught him just in time, though it would have been amusing if I let him hit the ground. I slowly sat on the ground and made him sit in front of me, I needed to get a response before I did anything else. I got close to his face while holding his shoulders up. "Brat!" Deidara's eyes snapped open and looked directly into mine. "Good, now that you are back to the real world, I need for you to go lay in you bed and just relax, got it?"

"Y...Yeah..." He shrugged off my hands and walked out to his bed, doing exactly as I said. I guess that means I have to be his nurse until he is better....wonderful. I stood up and left as well but back to the table to finish working on The Third Kazekage. I started pondering what could have gotten him sick......


tbc? I hope you like it~!!

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