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Karaoke Night (Glee Quintana F/F)-- for PurpleNinja! (Part 4 added 10/2)


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Hey guys! Hope everyone had a great summer. Here is a new Quintana story that I promised to PurpleNinja, who loves Quinn and Santana the most! only a teeny bit of sneezing in part 1, mainly set up. Just to keep you coming back for more, my dears! Enjoy. winkiss.gif



Karaoke Night

A Quintana fic for SFF

Part 1


Santana climbed the steps from the subway station out into the cool fall twilight. The leaves hadn't started to change yet; but the air had sharpened, the sunsets were brilliantly colored, and the nights had become noticeably chilly, making it suddenly long sleeve and jacket weather for the first time in months. On the one hand, this was a drag, because Santana always enjoyed showing off as much skin as possible; but on the other hand, chilly nights meant more excuses to cuddle up with Quinn. It was hard to stay annoyed about anything once she started thinking about that.

They'd only been dating a couple of months—since the disaster that was Mr. Schue and Ms. Pillsbury's attempted wedding—but they'd been best friends for so many years before that, it made everything after that first amazing night together in the hotel seem to go faster, and deeper, than was normal for a new relationship. In truth, they'd both felt a little overwhelmed by the intensity. It was scary for both of them; Santana had never been great at emotional intimacy, and Quinn had practically earned an olympic gold medal in intimacy avoidance with all the train wrecks she left behind in high school. In fact, Santana was starting to think that was a big reason why the blonde girl had never explored her sexuality before now; it was so much easier for her to keep boys at a distance, keep the relationship controlled and safe, because the truth was she just didn't have any feelings for them at all.

But somehow, despite all the emotional baggage they both carried, even after all the years of frenemy catfights and vying for alpha bitch, once they actually hooked up it was effortless. Santana couldn't explain it; but sex was the magic key that had opened up Quinn's heart and shown her everything the blonde girl was, every vulnerability she masked, everything beautiful and broken she held inside. She'd never felt this close to anyone before; not even Brittany. She was pretty sure Quinn felt the same way about her, but she hadn't quite worked up the nerve to ask yet. What if she freaked the blonde girl out and triggered all her defense mechanisms? God only knew, Santana had seen her pull that routine on plenty of boys, usually long before they got anywhere near home base. She couldn't bear the idea of Quinn pushing her away like that, not now that she'd seen everything the blonde girl usually kept locked away behind those intense, smoky hazel eyes.

So, Santana kept her mouth shut. Instead of asking Quinn about her feelings, or their relationship, she just gave the blonde girl a key to her apartment. She presented it as casually as possible, like it was a purely practical concern and nothing emotional at all. She was just making their weekends easier by allowing Quinn to drive down from Yale as soon as her friday classes were over, thereby beating rush hour traffic, and not have to wait for Santana to get home from work to let her in. And it certainly was incentive for her, too, to get all her work done and punch out on time, knowing that her blonde angel was back at the apartment waiting for her, possibly without any clothes on.

Today, however, Santana didn't find her favorite blondie lounging naked in her bed when she got home from work. Instead, Quinn was fast asleep on the living room sofa, with an open book across her stomach. God, she's so beautiful...I could just stare at her forever and die happy, the dark-haired girl thought with a goofy smile, sitting lightly on the edge of the couch and gently removing the heavy textbook from her sleeping angel's lap. Then she trailed her fingers lightly through long blonde hair, savoring the cool feel of the silky strands between her fingers, the sweet smell of honey and lilacs that always seemed to cling to Quinn's skin. It was heaven.

But it was not, apparently, enough to wake her up. Santana decided to upgrade her approach slightly, leaning down and dropping a few gentle kisses across the blonde girl's face; on her forehead, her temple, the sensitive spot just below her ear. “Hmmm,” Quinn sighed softly, shifting slightly in her sleep; but she still didn't wake up.

“Sleepy girl,” Santana chuckled, stretching out fully on the couch beside her girlfriend now, slipping one hand up her shirt to stroke teasing circles around her bellybutton, and nibbling lightly on the smooth skin of her throat, just above her pulse point.

“Ohhhh,” Quinn sighed, arching her back and stretching languidly as she finally woke up, in a daze of warmth and arousal. “That feels soooo good...but you better stop, my girlfriend will be home soon.”

“Oh really?” Santana snorted, raising her head to look into the sleepy sparkle of the hazel eyes she loved so wildly, it almost hurt. “Well in that case I'd better be going...” She moved as if to get up from the couch, and Quinn squealed indignantly, grabbing onto the fabric of her shirt and pulling her back down again.

“Don't even think about it,” Quinn mumbled drowsily, wrapping an arm around the taller girl as she dropped back down against the couch, giggling unselfconsciously. “I can't wake up without some sugar...” With a sigh of contentment, Santana leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Quinn's smiling lips, grazing the tip of her tongue across perfect teeth and swirling teasingly into her mouth. Quinn kissed her back, wrapping one gentle hand into her dark hair and holding her there while they got lost in each other for a few long moments, trading gentle kisses and moving lazily against each other.

“Mmm...now why can't I wake up that way every day,” Quinn sighed when she finally released her grip on Santana's hair, a huge, dopey smile plastered across her face.

“You could, querida. If you'd just drop out of Yale and move to Brooklyn, all our troubles would be over,” Santana teased, curled up on her side with her head in her hand as she played absently with her girlfriend's sleep-mussed blonde hair.

“Very funny,” Quinn yawned, snuggling up closer to Santana with her head still resting on the pillow. “What...uhh...what time is it...” Santana felt a little shiver run up the length of the blonde girl's spine as her breath hitched softly; and she instinctively cupped a hand to the back of Quinn's head as she buried her face against Santana's collarbone.

“Aah'tschh!! *Snfl.*” Quinn raised a hand belatedly to her face to cover her sleepy sneeze; but Santana still felt the damp mist settling against her skin as she kissed the top of the sniffling girl's blonde head.

“Bless you, babe,” She chuckled, swiping the back of her forearm against her damp skin as Quinn pulled back with a groan, rubbing her nose on the back of her hand.

“Ughh, sorry Santi. That was gross. I didn't mean to...*snfl*...to sneeze on you.” Quinn sniffled again, and Santana rolled over and grabbed the tissues off the coffee table, passing one back to her girlfriend with a gentle kiss.

“It's okay Q. I don't mind,” she hummed happily against Quinn's lips. “Now blow your nose, we gotta get ready for karaoke night.”

“Uh-huh,” Quinn nodded, scrunching up her face as she blew her nose vigorously into the crumpled tissue. “Do I have time to make some tea? Are you gonna get in the shower?”

“Yeah, of course. Go ahead,” Santana nodded, raising an eyebrow at the drowsy blonde girl as they both sat up. “Does your throat hurt, querida? Are you feeling okay? We can always blow off karaoke night and stay in, if you want.”

“No, it's fine,” Quinn smiled, waving a hand dismissively. “I'm okay, my throat's just a little dry. It's just 'cause the weather's changed so much this week. I wanna go do karaoke night with the gang.”

“Whatever you say, Mamí,” Santana grinned, leaning in and stealing one more kiss from the blonde girl's sweet lips before she stood up and stretched. “I'm gonna hop in the shower, so go make your tea and chillax a little. I'll be ready to go in, like, half an hour. Cool?”

“Cool,” Quinn agreed, smiling shyly back. The I love you was right on the tip of her tongue, but she bit it back, just like she always did; positive it was much too soon for such declarations, and that she'd just end up freaking Santana out and messing everything up. Instead, she settled for a peck on the lips and a little wink. “Have a nice shower.”

...to be continued!

Edited by wannablessedbe
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How is it that I fall in love with everything you write? This is adorable. I love Quinntana! Continue it please!

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Oh, I wish there was a way I could accurately describe to you just how much I absolutely adore your writing! No matter how stressed/angry/sad/irritable I am, finding a gift from you (*especially* Quintana!) makes everything better!

Thank you!!!!! Now I have a little treat to read to calm myself down when I get stressed!

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hey gang! thanks as always for your enthusiasm. here is your reward, in the form of an update! enjoy.


Karaoke Night

Part 2


“So what do you feel like singing?” Santana flipped through the karaoke binder, perusing the vast selection and sipping her cosmo. “I really wanna belt something tonight. Make every idiot in here forget who they came with.” Quinn raised an eyebrow expectantly; and Santana looked up sheepishly from the book, as if she'd felt her girlfriend's eyes on her, and backpedaled hastily. “I mean, just to make them all drool with jealousy when I go home with you, mamí. Remind these prissy NYADA bitches that you don't have to drop a hundred grand on a fancy college degree to be top dog in the real world.”

“Mm-hmm. Nice save,” Quinn smirked; but she didn't resist when Santana leaned in a little closer, and hooked a finger under her chin to tilt her face up for a soft kiss. One kiss turned into another, and soon they were starting to forget about the fact that they were in a public place all together, when Kurt and Rachel returned from the bar with fresh drinks and jostled them rather deliberately.

“Let's keep it PG-13, shall we ladies? We want to be known as the group who wowed the New York theater scene with our vocal prowess, not our slutty exhibitionist bar shows.” Kurt announced primly as he passed around the fresh drinks, pushing the empty glasses from their first round aside; all except Quinn's, which was still more than half-full, so he just left the new one beside it.

“Take it easy, Hummelina,” Santana smirked, looking very self-satisfied as she pulled herself away from Quinn's soft lips. “We're just generating a little inspiration over here. Q would never let me do anything in public that she wouldn't want to see posted on YouTube later. Right, mamí chula?”

“That's riiii-iiight,” Quinn hummed teasingly, leaning in and giving the taller girl one last, quick kiss on the lips. “Now pick your song and show these NYADA kids who's boss, babe.”

“But I don't wanna sing by myself tonight. I wanna sing with you,” Santana pouted, pushing the book back towards Quinn, who was rubbing her right temple again; something the Latina girl had noticed her doing on and off ever since they'd left the house. “Are you okay, baby Q? Does your head hurt?”

“Just a little,” Quinn sighed, waving it off as she pulled the karaoke book back in front of her. “It's nothing, I already took an Advil before we left. Now let's pick a song already.”

“Okay,” Santana shrugged; but she kept one eye on the blonde girl now, watching her rub her temple and the bridge of her nose when she thought no one was watching her. “How about, Give Your Heart a Break?”

“Uhhh...yeah, maybe,” Quinn nodded distractedly, a hazy, out-of-focus expression on her face as she yanked one of the little square cocktail napkins out from under a drink on their table, and held it expectantly an inch or two in front of her face. “Hhhuh...hht'chxshew!! *Snfl.*” Quinn sneezed dazedly into the napkin, pitching forward with a tiny shiver as the rough paper napkin rubbed up against her delicate little nose.

“Bless you,” said Kurt, Rachel and Santana all at once, while Quinn pinched her damp nose in the now-soggy napkin.

“Thadks,” she mumbled meekly, with another soft sniffle. She really wanted to blow her nose, but the soggy little cocktail napkin was already all used up from her sneeze; so she shoved it hastily in her pocket and grabbed a fresh one off the table, unfolding it once and cupping it to her nose with both hands for a gentle, hesitant blow, still worried about the thin paper standing up to the job.

“Poor baby Q, you sound all sniffly,” Santana cooed, reaching out and tucking a lock of blonde hair back behind Quinn's ear while she sniffled wetly, and wiped the bottom of her nose on the damp napkin. “You've got a headache and a sore throat, and a runny nose. I think maybe you're catching a little bit of a cold, querida. Do you wanna get out of here and just call it a night? We can school these cocky bitches any time.” She gestured to Kurt and Rachel across the table, who rolled their eyes but did not argue the point.

“Santi, I'm fine,” Quinn groaned, shoving the second snotty napkin in her pocket with one final, cranky sniffle. “Will you stop asking me if I want to leave? I don't want to leave. If I wanted to leave, I would say, let's leave. So just chill out and pick a goddam song, okay?”

“Okay, sorry,” Santana sighed, holding up her hands in submission. She'd known Quinn long enough to remember how cranky and defensive the blonde girl could get when she wasn't feeling good; and the dark-haired girl also knew that if she made a fuss she'd probably just end up causing a fight, which wouldn't make either of them feel any better. So she just pulled the karaoke book back towards her and resumed her search for a good song, trying to ignore the impulse to offer her girlfriend a fresh napkin the next time Quinn sniffled softly and rubbed her nose against the back of her wrist.

The bar was packed—it was friday night in New York City, after all—and it was another forty-five minutes before Quinn and Santana's names were called (Kurt and Rachel had already performed a solo number each, plus a duet—but they'd arrived the moment the karaoke sign-up sheet went out, as usual, and not a moment later). The Latina girl flushed pleasurably when she heard her name called, the way she always did when she was about to perform in front of a crowd—and turned to Quinn to take her hand and lead her to the microphones. But the blonde girl had that distracted, checked-out look on her face again; and she didn't seem to have noticed their names being called.

“Q?” Santana asked tentatively, one eyebrow raised. Quinn nodded, though her hazel eyes stared blankly into space, and held up a finger, the silent gesture for wait a sec. Her eyes narrowed woozily, and she turned her head to the side, pinching her nose in a fresh bar napkin as her breath hitched sharply in her chest.

“Hht'chxshh!! *Snfl*...ughh, egscuse be,” she sighed dazedly, massaging the bottom of her nose through the soggy napkin with a soft, congested sniffle.

“Bless you, querida,” Santana sighed, laying a gentle hand on her girlfriend's back. “Don't yell at me again, but are you sure you're still in the mood to sing?”

“Yes. I'mb fine,” Quinn huffed, giving her runny nose one final pinch-and-sniffle in the rough napkin before shoving it in her pocket, and grabbing Santana's hand to lead her to the front of the room.

“What's up, bitches,” Santana grinned fiendishly into the mic, wiggling her eyebrows teasingly around at the roomful of bar patrons as she adjusted the height of her mic pole, which had been left a bit too high for her by the last fellow who'd just left the stage. “We're gonna show y'all Manhattan snobs how we get it done in Brooklyn. Ready, babe?”

But Quinn was shaking her head again, with that same distracted, out-of-focus look on her pale face; and now, under the harsh glare of the stage lights, Santana could see how pink her baby's poor little nose had become after more than an hour of being wiped and rubbed on cheap, rough paper bar napkins. She raised another little square napkin to her face and held it in midair, eyes fluttering softly, obviously fighting to hold in another itchy sneeze.

“Aww, querida,” Santana sighed, turning away from the audience and laying a protective hand on Quinn's back again.

“S-sorry...*snfl*...aah'tchshiew!!” Quinn hastily turned her back to the crowd as she doubled over and sneezed, her long blonde hair spilling messily over her shoulders. She straightened up wiping her nose on the wadded remains of her napkin, a thin, clear trickle of snot just beginning to leak from one pink nostril before she sniffled it back sharply. It kind of broke Santana's heart.

“You don't have to be sorry, Q. It's okay,” The taller girl murmured, very low in the blonde girl's ear. She was still lightly rubbing Quinn's back with one hand. “Do you need a minute? We can take a pass and let someone else go ahead of us.”

“No! I'm...hhuh...I'mb okay...” Quinn whined miserably, even as her eyes welled up all over again; and she pressed the crumpled remains of her last napkin back to her glistening nostrils as they flared wide open in anticipation. “Hhh...hhuh'chhxsh!!! *Snnnfl.*”

“Bless you, honey,” Santana hummed softly. She glanced up apologetically at the karaoke DJ, but he just shrugged and raised an eyebrow—like, are we doing this or not? But the dark-haired girl didn't know what to say. Every time she tried to take charge this evening and make Quinn's life a little easier, the blonde girl just snapped at her and got more cranky. It seemed crazy to think they were still going to sing at this point; but Santana was hesitant to say so without Quinn's consent. Uncertainly, she leaned in and smoothed a lock of blonde hair back from her girlfriend's face, planting a soft, undemanding kiss on her forehead—which felt noticeably warm against her lips. Quinn just sighed, looking back up at her with a dejected pout and a runny nose.

“Santi...I don't feel good,” she whined softly, dropping her head heavily against her girlfriend's shoulder. “Can we go home?”

“Sure we can, baby girl,” Santana cooed, hugging her sniffly girl tight and kissing the top of her head. “C'mon, let's get out of here.” She whispered a brief apology to the DJ, and then quickly ran back to the mic at center stage, eyebrows raised impassively at the crowd. “All right, NYADA bitches, all y'all just got a reprieve. I'ma take my girl home and feed her some chicken soup...but next week, you're all getting schooled. Brooklyn-style. I'm out.” She gave the audience a saucy wink and sauntered off stage, wrapping an arm around Quinn's shoulders and kissing her temple as she steered them through the crowd.

“I'm sorry,” Quinn said again, sounding thoroughly miserable as they made their way back to their table to collect their things.

“Shh, I don't wanna hear that. You have nothing to be sorry for, okay? I just want you to feel better, pobrecita. So let's go home and get our cuddle on, hmm?”

“That sounds awe...*snfl*...awesombe,” Quinn nodded weakly, pressing a finger firmly to the underside of her pink nose as it twitched irritably again. “Aah...aahhh...hheh'txshiuh!! *Snfl,*” she snapped forward with another helplessly ticklish sneeze, nose pinched tightly between her fingers in an attempt to keep her snot and germs to herself.

“Bless you, baby girl. C'mon, let's get you out of here.” Santana leaned in and pressed another gentle kiss to Quinn's ivory cheek, making the cranky girl grin shyly despite herself.

“'Kay,” Quinn agreed submissively, allowing her girlfriend to take the lead for once, gathering up both their purses and helping her into her coat, even though she was perfectly capable of doing so herself. “Just take me home, Santi.”

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ok, I am obviously channeling some feelings about this week's glee premiere into this story...trying to forcibly create a world where ryan murphy did NOT board the shortbus and boot quinn fabray from the entire season (let alone, squander the opportunity to build quintana into a real relationship). I mean, WHY? why was she the only one not invited back for the cory monteith tribute, even?? I know ryan murphy & co have had some misogynist issues in the past, but this is just redonkulous.

anyway, enjoy the update :)



Karaoke Night

Part 3


Before they got to the subway, Santana steered Quinn into the nearest bodega and parked her beside the counter, instructing her girlfriend to stay put while she made a few quick purchases. Quinn was annoyed at the delay, but she was also too tired to argue; so she just stood there submissively, sniffling and rubbing her nose on her wrist to hold back the congested tickle that kept welling up. Her head was really starting to pound now, and her throat burned every time she swallowed, like sandpaper scrubbing out the inside of her chest. She just wanted to go home and hide under a blanket. What the hell did Santana need that was so urgent? The latest issue of Rolling Stone?

“Hey. All set, let's get out of here.” The dark-haired girl re-appeared with a plastic shopping bag hanging over her wrist, and wrapped her arm firmly around her girlfriend's shoulders to steer her out the door.

“Whatever you say, warden,” Quinn grumbled, dragging her feet to follow her girlfriend out the door and down the steps to the subway platform. They lucked out and met a train just pulling into the station, and Santana pulled Quinn into the subway car by one arm, as the blonde girl still had that woozy, distracted look on her face that plainly showed she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings.

“Here, sit. We'll be home in twenty minutes, 'kay baby?”

“Uhh...*snfl*...uh-huh,” Quinn nodded, still staring off into space as her eyes narrowed involuntarily, and her delicate pink nostrils began to quiver and flare. She cupped both hands firmly to her face, breath hitching softly in her chest. “Hhih'ishhuh!! Iiishhew!!! *Snfl.*

“Bless you, baby,” Santana cooed softly in her ear, reaching into her shopping bag and pulling out a few tissues, handing them to the sniffling blonde girl with a sweet little smile.

“Thadk you,” Quinn mumbled, surprised and hugely relieved to see the tissues, as her nose was now running freely behind her cupped hands. She hastily pinched them to her wet nose, closing her eyes with a soft, unintentional sigh of relief when the lotion-infused cotton touched her raw skin. It was a huge improvement over the scratchy bar napkins, which had been both too rough and too small to blow her nose in properly, leaving her in a constant state of ticklish, sniffling distraction for the last couple of hours.

“You're welcome,” Santana said simply, dropping a light kiss on the blonde girl's cheek while she blew her stuffy nose. “Now take these.” She held out two orange gelcaps in one hand, and a bottle of water in the other.

“Uhh...'kay,” Quinn nodded dumbly, too surprised to argue once she realized that Santana's bag of bodega goodies were actually meant for her. After she swallowed the pills, the dark-haired girl reached into the bag yet again and pulled out a container of sore throat drops.

“Okay, I know Berry and Hummelina can be bossy and annoying, but they know all the best cold products for singing emergencies. Try one of these stupid herbal cough drops, they'll make your throat feel awesome. Then when we get home, I'll rub you down with some of this.” She held up a jar of Vicks vapo-rub in her other hand, smirking suggestively. “If that doesn't make you feel better, nothing will.” Quinn stared in silence for a moment, surprised and touched to see how much trouble Santana had already gone through to make her feel better; and at the same time, she felt a hot rush of guilt in the pit of her stomach for assuming her girlfriend had dragged her into the corner store just to get herself some candy or gossip magazines.

“Thanks,” she murmured sheepishly, taking the cough drop from Santana's outstretched hand and popping it in her mouth. It did start to soothe her throat almost immediately, and she gave a soft sigh of relief, dropping her head back against the wall behind her.

“You're welcome,” Santana smiled; then she leaned in and dropped a gentle kiss on Quinn's minty lips.

“Santi, don't!” Quinn balked, jerking back from the kiss like she'd just gotten an electric shock. “You'll catch it too...”

“Yeah, don't care,” the taller girl shook her head, grinning smugly as she wrapped a lock of Quinn's blonde hair absently around her finger, preventing her from pulling too far away. “I forgot to tell you about my number one cold remedy...the one where I kiss you 'till you feel better.” She wiggled her eyebrows teasingly, and Quinn giggled despite herself, wiping her nose absently on the crumpled, but still very soft tissue in her hand.

“I think I like your methods, Nurse Lopez,” she sighed, relaxing her shoulders and letting her girlfriend pull her back in for another kiss.

“I figured you would,” Santana murmured against Quinn's lips, grinning from ear-to-ear. “And if I do catch your cooties, then next week you can play nurse, and I'll do whatever you say. Sound good?”

“Uhhh...*snghf*...uh-huh,” Quinn nodded, feeling a warm blush rise in her cheeks as her girlfriend grinned wickedly at her, and handed her a fresh tissue. “Thadks,” she murmured shyly, accepting the offering and wiping her damp nose with a soft sniffle.

“Sure thing, querida. Feeling any better yet?”

“Uh-huh...lots better,” Quinn yawned, dropping her head down on Santana's shoulder and cuddling up a little closer against her in the crowded subway car. “You kind of rock at this. *Snfl.*

“Yeah, I do, don't I? But don't go spreading that around. Gotta protect my rep,” Santana teased gently, her fingers playing absently through Quinn's hair. The blonde girl giggled weakly, then pressed the crumpled tissues back to her wet nostrils as a fresh, ticklish twitch began to well up in the back of her head.

“Hhhuh...*snfl*...” Her first instinct was to sit up and pull away from Santana as she felt the sneeze coming on; but she felt so cozy snuggled up to her girlfriend's warm body like this, and Santana had made it pretty damn clear that she didn't mind getting a dose of Quinn's sniffly germs in exchange for her cuddles and kisses. And, if she was really being honest with herself, she kind of liked the idea of her girlfriend catching her cold...it was such a couple-y kind of thing, after all...especially if she got a chance to play nurse and be the boss, as Santana had just promised.

So, she stayed snuggled up against Santana's shoulder, letting her eyes flutter shut as she sniffled and hitched in anticipation, tissue pinched lightly to her runny nose. “Hhh...*snfl*...hheh, hhehh...” The tickle in Quinn's nose was so intense, it felt like someone was brushing a feather duster across the back of her nose and eyes. Santana reached out and slipped a hand over her knee, tracing light circles with the pad of her thumb. Quinn rubbed her pink nose through the damp tissue.

“Hhet'chshiew!!! *Snfl.*” She sneezed woozily against her girlfriend's shoulder, cupping the tissue harder over her nose and mouth as she shivered and jerked.

“Bless you, baby,” the taller girl cooed soothingly, kissing the top of Quinn's head as she blew her nose.

“Thadks,” Quinn croaked out quietly, accepting a fresh tissue and blowing her stuffy nose again. “You really...*snfl*...really don't care if I get my gross, snotty germs on you?” Santana turned sideways in her seat, forcing Quinn to pick up her head so they could make eye contact.

“I really don't care,” Santana agreed with a soft smile, cupping Quinn's cheek in one hand as she leaned in and stole a runny-nosed kiss. Quinn smiled shyly back; then her eyes welled up again, and she pressed the damp tissue hastily back to the leaky underside of her delicate pink nose.

“Uhht'chxsh!! *Snfl*...” She bobbed forward and gave a congested sneeze into the waiting tissue, massaging her pink nose through the soft cotton even as her breath began to hitch again, soft but insistent.

“Bless you,” Santana murmured, her hand still lightly rubbing Quinn's knee. Quinn sniffled, eyes opened to tiny slits as she rubbed her wet nostrils against the crumpled tissue, breath welling up in her chest.

“Hh...*snfl*...hhuh'tchxiew!!! Heh'iishew!! Iiih...iiishhiuh!!” Quinn sneezed desperately into the soggy remains of her tissue, cringing with embarrassment at the feeling of snot hitting the palms of her hands and dribbling down the inside of her wrists.

“Bless, bless, bless you,” Santana cooed sweetly, pulling a few fresh tissues from her shopping bag and holding them out to her sniffling girlfriend with a sympathetic grin.

“Ughh,” Quinn whined miserably, awkwardly groping for the tissues without taking her hands all the way away from her face. “Thag you,” she mumbled as she wiped her nose and hands, then paused for a long, deep blow, desperate to clear the sniffly itch that still lingered inside her head.

“You're welcome, my adorable little snot monster,” Santana chuckled, leaning in to steal one more kiss as Quinn finished wiping her nose. “Now c'mon, this is our stop.”

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*melts In puddle of cute *. Seriously though it's freaking amazingly written <3 & Perfectly like described sneezes. C: just perf. Awe how could they cut out Quinn of Glee?. C'mon now Quintena foreves?. *sighs*. Yep. Glee. <3.

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SO sorry I haven't had a chance to reply - been super busy - but this is absolutely ADORABLE!! Can't wait for them to get home....

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hey guys, sorry to keep you waiting. here's a new part to enjoy! :)



Karaoke Night

Part 4


“Here we are, home sweet home,” Santana sighed as she unlocked the heavy sliding door to the loft she shared with Rachel and Kurt, and pushed it open with a metallic creak. “Time to get our cuddle on. C'mon, let's get you out of these skimpy party clothes and into something comfy.”

“Okay...if you insist,” Quinn smiled sleepily, taking her girlfriend's outstretched hand and following without complaint to her partitioned bedroom corner of the loft. Quinn's suitcase was already lying open across the bed, so Santana just started digging through it for pajamas while the blonde girl undressed, stumbling a little when she kicked off her high heels and grabbing her girlfriend's arm for support.

“Whoa! Easy there tiger,” Santana teased gently, wrapping both arms firmly around the blonde girl's half-naked body.

“Sorry...I got a little dizzy,” Quinn sighed, dropping her head limply against Santana's shoulder.

“Honey, it's okay,” the taller girl crooned, both arms wrapped tightly around her girlfriend's trembling back. “You're shivering all over, querida. And these PJ's aren't gonna warm you up any, as much as I appreciate the thought,” she smirked slightly, holding up the silky Victoria's Secret sleep shorts and matching lacy tank top Quinn had packed. “Let me lend you something a little cozier, 'kay?”

“Okay,” Quinn agreed easily, whining softly when Santana pulled away to search her own bureau for some more appropriate sleepwear. Left standing alone in just her bra and underwear, Quinn's shivers intensified, and she wrapped her arms around herself with a soft sniffle. “Hhuh...uht'chhew!! *Snfl.*” She bent forward slightly, misting the air in front of her with her uncovered sneeze.

“Bless you,” Santana said sweetly, as Quinn hastily rooted through the bag of goodies and came out with a fresh tissue, pressing it to her runny nose just as it quivered again.

“Aah'txshh!! *Snfl*...thadks,” she sighed dazedly, blowing her nose.

“Mm-hmm. Now put these on,” Santana instructed brusquely, holding out a pair of soft flannel pajamas pattered with little pictures of sushi and chopsticks, and a squishy pair of thermal socks. Quinn accepted them with a shy smile, feeling a warm flush rising in her cheeks that she was pretty sure had nothing to do with her cold. She'd never worn another person's pajamas before...it felt so intimate, so honest and sweet. And they did look awfully cozy.

“Yes, ma'am,” she smirked sleepily, stripping off her underthings and pulling on the warm flannel with a deep sigh of happiness.

“Feel better?” Santana murmured, leaning her chin over Quinn's shoulder and wrapping her arms around the shorter girl's waist.

“Uh-huh,” Quinn sniffled, leaning her weight back contentedly against her girlfriend's body.

“Good. C'mon, let's go get cozy,” the dark-haired girl murmured, pressing a soft kiss to her sniffling baby's cheek and gently leading her out to the couch.

“Cozy sushi, yum yum,” Quinn hummed absently to herself; and Santana giggled and shook her head.

“I think those cold pills are starting to kick in, babe,” the taller girl snickered, rubbing her thumb in little circles across the back of Quinn's hand as she led her over to the couch.

“It's a distinct possibility,” the blonde girl agreed as she flopped down on the couch with a sigh. Then she looked back up at Santana, blinking her tired hazel eyes and grinning sleepily. “Cuddle me, Santi.”

“Oh believe me, I'm gonna,” the dark-haired girl agreed, sitting down on the edge of the couch and leaning down to give her girlfriend a quick kiss. “But first I just wanna make sure you have everything you need to feel better. You gotta have lots of fluids when you're sick, querida. Do you want me to make you some tea?” Santana sifted her hand absently through Quinn's hair, making her smile despite her annoyance with having her cuddle time delayed.

“No, that's okay baby. Just a cold glass of water would be good.”

“Whatever you want, mami.” Santana leaned in and pressed another gentle kiss to Quinn's soft lips.

“Hmm, I think I like being sick,” the blonde girl smiled sleepily. Santana snorted and rolled her eyes affectionately as she went off to fetch a bottle of water.

“Maybe you just like playing doctor,” the taller girl teased, coming back with the requested water, along with the remaining goodies from her bodega bag: a fresh box of tissues, the open bag of herbal cough drops, and the still unopened jar of Vicks vapo-rub. “We could always try a little bit of that in the bedroom, once you're feeling better.” She grinned wickedly, and Quinn's face flushed pink.

“I've never done anything like that before,” the blonde girl admitted shyly, carefully avoiding her girlfriend's eyes.

“Yeah, well you'd never done a lot of things that felt good before we hooked up,” Santana pointed out, dropping all her goodies on the coffee table and curling up on the couch beside her blushing girlfriend, and playing absently with her blonde hair. “Sex isn't just one thing, Q. It's supposed to be fun, and playful, and keep surprising you all the time. So you never get bored, and you're always coming back for more.”

“I don't think I could ever get bored of being with you,” Quinn shook her head shyly, wiping her nose on a fresh tissue with a soft sniffle. “But...that does kind of sound like fun.”

“It is. You'll see,” Santana murmured teasingly, leaning in and kissing the blonde girl lightly below her ear. “It's nice to have something to look forward to, huh?” Quinn giggled and shook her head, her ivory complexion flushed with a combination of embarrassment and arousal, not to mention the low-grade fever that kept her woozy and shivering.

“Uh-huh,” she nodded absently, her head falling back slightly against the couch cushions as her her pink nostrils quivered in irritation, a sluggish trickle of clear snot leaking from their depths. “Hheh'tchOOoo!!! *Snfl,*” Quinn bobbed forward with a desperate sneeze, tissue pressed to the juncture of her nostrils and upper lip. Then she sniffled, and rubbed her wet nose in little circles through the crumpled cotton.

“Bless you, baby,” Santana hummed, smoothing the sniffling girl's hair back and kissing her forehead. “Pobrecita, you're all stuffed up and feverish.”

“It's ndot...s-so bad,” Quinn sniffled, scrunching up her eyes and giving a wet, congested blow into the tissue. “Ehh...ehh'ISHH!! *Snfl*...” The ticklish sniffle she ended with made it sound like another stuffy-nosed sneeze was inevitable; but then she doubled over with a raspy cough instead.

“Oh yeah, you're sounding better already,” Santana tutted sarcastically, her hand rubbing soothing circles over the blonde girl's shaking back.

“Shut up,” Quinn grumbled, leaning back limply against the couch cushions with a soft groan.

“Whatever you say, Q,” the dark-haired girl smiled blithely, reaching for the jar of vapo-rub and unscrewing the cap. “Now just sit still for a minute, okay? This is gonna make you feel awesome.”

“I thought we were...*snfl!*...waiting 'till I'mb better to do sexy role-play games,” Quinn teased weakly, mostly to cover her own shyness as Santana undid the top two buttons of her pajama top. “Hhuh...*snfl*...” She sniffled and hitched softly, squeezing her pink nose through the damp tissue. Cool air hit the exposed part of her chest as Santana opened her partly-unbuttoned top, just enough to apply the minty ointment that would help un-clog her breathing. Her pink nose quivered. “Hhut'CHHEW!!!” Another desperate, sick sneeze into the crumpled tissue.

“Bless you, baby,” Santana hummed again, scooping up a finger-full of the cooling glop and rubbing it into Quinn's soft skin in gentle circles.

“Thadk you,” The blonde girl croaked out miserably behind her tissue, sniffling and pinching her pink nose in the soft cotton. Then she sighed and leaned back against the couch, submitting completely and utterly to her girlfriend's gentle hands rubbing the cooling ointment into her skin. The fumes were strong, cooling the raw burn in her throat when she breathed in. “Ohh...that does feel good. *Snfl.*”

“Told you so,” Santana teased gently, leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to the blonde girl's lips when she dropped the crumpled tissue to her lap. She could still feel the dampness of her girlfriend's cold-filled little nose grazing her skin, but it didn't stop her from wanting all the kisses she could get.

“You also told mbe you'd cuddle,” Quinn whined softly, her lower lip sticking out in a pout.

“Aww, querida. That's the best part of all,” Santana grinned, stretching out on the couch and pulling her girlfriend's warm body down against her, then pulling the afghan up over them both. “How's that, hmm baby?”

“Good,” Quinn agreed contentedly, with a woozy sniffle as she brought a fresh tissue to her pink nose. “Cand we...hhuh...cand we watch Buffy?”

“Oh, twist my arm, why don't you,” the taller girl teased, reaching over Quinn's body to grab the remote off the coffee table. “You wanna pick an episode?”

“Uhh...*snfl*...” Quinn nuzzled the tissue firmly to her wet nostrils as they opened wide, her forehead pressing woozily against Santana's chest. “Aah'ISHHT!!!” Quinn shuddered with a sick sneeze, massaging her pink nose in little circles through the tissue.Aaahh...*snfl*...aah'ishhht!!” She sneezed again, snot issuing from her pink nostrils as they rubbed against the damp cotton.

“Bless you, bless you,” Santana hummed, stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head.

“Sandti? Cad I...*snfl*...cad I still have that tea I said I didend't wadt?”

“You can have anything you want, Q. Anything,” Santana murmured quietly. Quinn lifted her head woozily, and they smiled shyly at each other.

“Good to doe,” the blonde girl smiled. Then she sneezed another stuffed up “uhht'chshh!!” into her damp tissue.

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Heehee, watching Buffy while wearing yummy sushi pajamas? =P I see where your brain is, haha.

Anywho, love this <3 Santana's my favorite, and seeing her taking care of someone is lovely. Would we have to twist your arm too much to convince you to write later parts where Santana catches it? That would just be adorable.

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Heehee, watching Buffy while wearing yummy sushi pajamas? =P I see where your brain is, haha.

Anywho, love this <3 Santana's my favorite, and seeing her taking care of someone is lovely. Would we have to twist your arm too much to convince you to write later parts where Santana catches it? That would just be adorable.

haha, yes, buffy undercurrents are always in there somewhere. thanks for noticing. and as for your request, I do have a couple of other quintana fics here that have contagion; but in this particular instance, I think I am gonna have to end this story here and go running back to my OTP of faberry, because I am deep in emo-processing-hell trying to deal with all these stupid gossip articles that just came out to explain away dianna's absence from the finn tribute by saying that it's because lea and ryan "intensely dislike her" and just didn't want her there. (this from an unnamed but supposedly high-level source at fox).

I mean...what? obviously it's a smokescreen (and kind of a terrible one) for something else, whatever the real reason is. we KNOW that lea and dianna have always been close (even if you don't believe they were ever a couple, there's no question that they have always been very close friends-- there are literally hundreds of photos to confirm this), but it still drives me STARK RAVING MAD to have to see such vile lies in print. and it also makes me wonder all the more what the truth is (about why she didn't get invited back for the stupid finn tribute), what the big scandalous story they're covering up is. my best guess s that ryan murphy just doesn't wanna take the heat himself for standing up and saying that he just "intensely dislikes" one of his core cast members, and simply didn't want to have her in the tribute episode. maybe because she went behind his back with the whole, LIKES GIRLS t-shirt debacle? ...hmm???

but honestly, I don't even need to know the real story. I just don't wanna have to read the bullshit lies. I cannot abide any false aspersions cast upon my beloved dianna, OR her and lea's relationship! not cool, ryan murphy. not cool. so, I am fleeing at top speed back to faberrytown asap.

but please do enjoy my other quintana fics (and thank PurpleNinja for that, because she was the one who asked me to write some quintana in the first place!)

here you go:

friends w/ benefits don't do chicken soup

a very unexpected valentine



Edited by wannablessedbe
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  • 5 months later...

I just got around to reading this one and my friend you have done it again! I totally understand your need to dart back to Faberry haha that whole "lea hates dianna" thing was crazy!!

This was lovely though :) you know how much i too love quinntana

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